Last comments - admin

Aerial view of TH before demolition, taken in 2000 courtesy Keith Poulton130 viewsInto my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those tin remembered roofs?
What bell, what kids are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain.
Hot dusty classrooms where I went
And cannot come again.
(With apologies to A.E.Housman)admin10/06/24 at 10:59admin: Actually you CAN still visit and see the hall, gym...

Pauline Bale & Ray Hart1367 viewsAt Tigne.Prefect02/28/23 at 00:01admin: From 2017 : Roger Knight wrote "Sad to announ...

Royal Visit 1954187 viewsThis film covered the whole of the Queen's 1954 Commonwealth tour in colour. The Malta section is just over 5 mins and includes some great shots of the Mediterranean Fleet escorting Britannia into Malta. The complete film does not seem to be on Youtube in one hit but the Malta shots are HERE - wind forward to 6:40.
Search Youtube for other parts, try Royal Tour 1954 and also The Flight of the White Heron.
See also this onederrick calver11/19/22 at 21:05admin: The clip given is not the one Derrick had in mind ...

Wembley Weather 4318 viewsRAF Luqa 1948
Photo : copyright â’¸ Flt Lt B Sharman (on left) 1929-2004 - see HIS MEMOIRSderrick calver10/08/22 at 18:34admin: Amended - I should have spotted it Derrick, Bebe S...

Farewell to BFBS Malta, 40 years ago385 viewsFarewell to BFBS Malta, March 1979 - open the LINK HERE and click on the small black panel to listen.admin07/28/22 at 13:47admin: Thank you Derrick - I'll leave it to you to w...

Meadowbank Hotel332 viewsHotel before 1960s makeover. We and many other families stayed here on arrival in Malta.derrick calver07/22/22 at 20:41admin: Derrick use the search button for the Star.

HMS Ranpura 1958639 viewsGoing home.Prefect07/03/22 at 17:44admin: Derrick - search on 'whaler' for a few p...

Tower Road Swimming team1424 viewsbernardhoctor 07/02/22 at 16:06admin: Thanks Derrick - I have moved it and sent 100-line...

All The King's Men - 1976515 views The King, Andy Basson, The Queen, Joanne Wiggins, Chillingworth, Tony Clarke, Col Massey, Nick Hall. King's Soldiers and Generals Women and Children of Gloucester. Drummer Boy, Peter Graham.Prefect04/10/22 at 20:36admin: You may be right Frances - info is taken from the...

Stamp cover to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Malta's George Cross244 viewsTo mark the 80th anniversary of Malta's George Cross BFPS has produced, in conjunction with the George Cross Island Association (GCIA), a commemorative cover to be issued on the 15th of April 2022.
The covers can be ordered from the BFPS online shop or by post by sending a cheque to BFPS, The Old Post Office, Links Place, Elie, LEVEN, KY9 1AXadmin03/15/22 at 15:45admin:

Aerial view taken 2000, photo courtesy Keith Poulton467 viewsInto my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those tin remembered roofs?
What bell, what kids are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain.
Hot dusty classrooms where I went
And cannot come again.
(With apologies to A.E.Housman)admin11/26/21 at 13:58admin: Actually you CAN still visit and see the hall, gym...

Memoir - Peter Keddie477 viewsClick here to view
Screen name Pbked, Tal Handaq 1962-65SC-UK07/14/21 at 11:39admin: !!

HMS Silvia 1945372 viewsAlgerine ClassPrefect02/22/21 at 21:46admin: I think Prefect is not far out Alexander as the hu...

Videos from 2005 before demolition587 viewsA reminder to view Bruce Williams' TH website and watch videos donated by Lynn Mentiply.
The blue link should land on Bruce's video page, then scroll down the page. There are five to watch not including the one at the foot of the page which is not playing.
Be sure to check out the rest of his site via the Home button in the photo of Bruce near the top of his page.admin10/02/20 at 09:51admin:

Rugby Team 1965-661025 viewsThe only person I recognise in the picture is Colin Rule, who is standing furthest right on second row.
Prefect says - Barry Clissold, Ken Laurence, Reg Woodcock, Jack Ferrett, Brian Jackson, Nigel Vaughan, David Jeffries, Ronald Squires, Malcolm Smith, David Pittaway, Alfred Tagliaferro, Jon Field, John Moore, Michael Robinson, Steve Bolster, Colin Rule, Richard Knapman, Alistair WildeDugmore09/10/20 at 20:37admin: Thank you SchatziD, caption amended.

5AG Christmas Party 19601306 viewsDavid Graham
Me on the extreme right,with John Melton in front (saw him last week). ? on my right, then Mike Shears, Mike Milne bending over. Susan Masters, Penny Woolcombe, Rosie (Fluff) Andrews in the white on the right. Chris Gibbins on the extreme left, with Mr Gallagher hidden to Chris's left.
Prefect08/02/20 at 17:35admin: Thank you Bernard.

Filming The Malta Story 19521009 viewsHagar Qim or Mnajdra?
More about it here.Prefect01/13/20 at 11:29admin:

Merry Christmas from Valletta 2019255 viewsThis is a large Christmas "tree" of illuminated Mdina-glass baubles on display in Valletta.admin12/26/19 at 11:12admin: Thank you Ivan.

From the archives - 50 years on.588 viewsThe name of the school was changed from RNS TH to SCS TH in 1969 (Service Children's School), though it continued to be administered by the Royal Navy. All other service schools in Malta then came under the remit of the RN, Captain HC Malkin (Headmaster 1966 - 1970) being appointed the first OiC Service Schools, Malta & Naples.
Photo : Evan Potts
admin12/12/19 at 11:16admin: Appalling indeed Ivan. I can hear Prefect spinning...

All the best from Farsons 281 views1960s ad. Reads "Simonds Farsons Cisk is the largest and most up to date industry on the island" !!admin12/06/19 at 13:00admin: Prices varied - you clearly went to the best water...

Enterprises at MGSC, games afternoon 1967645 viewsNote the yacht moored to the buoy on the right - the Lucette. Read her famous story HERE and watch the film (names changed) HERE
Photo : Jill Thackrayadmin11/28/19 at 22:58admin: Thanks Liz. Makes you stop and appreciate those da...

Aerial view mid-60s727 viewsCompare with the layout plan HERE
The corrugated-roofs were Romney huts (not Nissen huts except no.3 on the coloured plan, bottom left, which was).admin11/24/19 at 10:02admin: Thank you Ivan. By the time I got to the 6th (1968...

Filming The Malta Story 19521009 viewsHagar Qim or Mnajdra?
More about it here.Prefect11/06/19 at 17:57admin: Shame no-one has made another film in all this tim...

Filming The Malta Story 19521009 viewsHagar Qim or Mnajdra?
More about it here.Prefect11/05/19 at 17:49admin: Agreed Ivan. I was never happy with Muriel Pavlov ...

Triton Fountain 1960s335 viewsAfter Kingsgate became Citygate (1964).admin11/03/19 at 16:27admin: Thanks Ivan, I do actually own that postcard. Pref...

The Pit, entrance tunnel1360 viewsAfter attempts in 2013 and 2017 and again last week (October 2019) I still can’t get full access to The Pit. Nice people running the military bookshop, but won’t allow me to go down as they have lots of artefacts stored there pending refurbishment to make a museum. However at least I got further than last time. The sloping tunnel remains very familiar, although the steps and smooth concrete sidewalks were not there when we opened the place in summer 1965.Ivan10/26/19 at 17:27admin: Thanks very much for posting that Ivan. Been tryin...

Fancy Dress '57 ?1542 viewsTop left,Gail Taench, unknown male, Sheila Grimwood, Graham 'Jack' Stubbs, Geoff Day, Craig Love, Liz Wilkinson, Gordon Campbell.
Front row, Jill Wicken, Bob Trott, Val Bevins, Robin Palmer, unknown girl, and Viv Paynter.
Thanks to Spike Walton for providing names of party goers. jane banks09/12/19 at 23:59admin: Gordon (Wrymouth) and Geoff, very sad to report th...

Roller skating at Rocky Vale1051 viewsDiana Dick, John Knight, Alec Downs and Robin Palmerjknight09/08/19 at 21:11admin: Kenneth I have sent you a pm by email - but you ma...

RNH Mtarfa811 viewsAfter the First World War there was a re-organization of the military medical services on the Islands. The Mtarfa Hospital, commissioned in 1912, was opened on the 29th June 1920, even though it had been in use for some time earlier. During the Second World War, the Mtarfa Hospital and barracks were reorganized as the 90th General Hospital and built up to a maximum of 1200 beds. An underground hospital was excavated under the military hospital. After the war the 90th General was reformed as the David Bruce Military Hospital. This continued to serve the military, complementing Bighi Naval Hospital, until 1970. For the next eight years, the Mtarfa Hospital served the needs of British military and naval personnel until its closure in 1978.Prefect08/04/19 at 09:33admin: The last British hospital outpost was a hospital c...

The Common Room website....(reunion association run by Viv, Tim, Bernard & Rog)698 views....is archived HERE (2006)
...and HERE (2013)
...and the links still work (mostly) !!admin02/25/19 at 00:48admin: The Reunion Gang of Four - Tim Daly, Bernard Hocto...

Carol Papworth & Sandy Nicholas650 viewsPrefect02/24/19 at 19:45admin: John Nicholas writes : To say regretfully that my ...

Roma McKinley & Sandy Nicholas1000 viewsIn the Alhambra Cafe 1962.Prefect02/24/19 at 19:45admin: John Nicholas writes : To say regretfully that my ...