
Mr Ricketts to wardrobe please 126 viewsMr (Trev) Ricketts being pinned up for MADC production of The Tempest, San Anton 1968.
Photo : Monica Mazure now Wardmcnallyadmin

In loving memory of Mr (Trev) Ricketts d.3rd February 2024155 viewsRicky Ricketts writes : "I can’t believe I am actually writing this ….. but wanted to let you all know that my amazing dad and role model Trevor Ricketts sadly passed away suddenly at 2:20 am Saturday morning. To say I feel heartbroken is an understatement.
I think the thing I am struggling with most is the suddenness of it all. Last weekend we had a lovely family walk around Port Solent to the pub where of course he beat me in his first ever game of “Guinness line” drinking !!
I know many of you will be wondering “how on earth?” as he was super fit and still walking many miles every day. Without any warning signs he had a massive stroke on Thursday morning and later that day he underwent surgery to remove two large clots from his brain, which appeared to go well. I even got to speak to him for a couple of minutes in recovery and whilst not himself he was looking forward to the test match on Friday !
Unfortunately, in the early hours of Friday, he suffered a catastrophic bleed to the brain and the consultant told us that he wouldn’t recover. We were able to sit with him all day on Friday, and the early hours of Saturday morning, to share our memories, listen to jazz, say good bye and most importantly promise him that we will take care of my incredible mum Gillian Ricketts … something I know I wont be doing alone as they are so loved by many.
Dad, I will miss you more than you will ever know and promise to shout louder at Swindon, clap louder at Lords and make you proud xx "
See photos HERE

Laws at Sea175 viewsLt Cdr Mike Law and Miss Pat Bower, as they were then, racing RN Swordfish in Marsamxett 1958/9. We lost Capt Law in 2015 and Mrs Law a couple of weeks ago, aged 95. Now sailing on a cloud together. Fair winds.admin

Another Bob Dickerson painting for sale, this time on ebay153 viewsSee HERE

Painting 1966 by Mr Dickerson (Robert / Bob) for sale351 viewsAuction date 5 January 2022 details HERE
Sold for a measly £30

Mr Bob Dickerson 1928-2020393 viewsKeith Dickerson writes..."It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Robert (Bob) Dickerson, Art Teacher and later Head of the Art Department at Tal Handaq from 1958-1968, passed away at the age of 92 on 19 December 2020.
Bob returned to the UK on 4 July 2018 after living in Malta, Cyprus, Sardinia and Rome with his 2nd wife Brenda for over 40 years. He moved into sheltered accommodation in Ipswich in August 2018 and continued painting until the end of his life. He moved into a nursing home in October 2020 where unfortunately he caught COVID-19.
I have created a dropbox folder containing over 100 photos of Bob taken during his life HERE
If you have any other photos of Bob please send them to me via Admin and I will upload them.
Best wishes, Keith Dickerson"admin

"Schoolies" - hot off the press413 viewsSelected Stories of the Royal Navy Instructor Officers' Association (RNIOA).
Also contains some jottings by Miss Yule (viewable here on THN too).
Buy your copy HERE
Tell them we sent you !!admin

Congrats to Gillian and Trevor Ricketts. Fifty-five years of wedded bliss.522 viewsGillian writes - Today (3rd July) we are celebrating our EMERALD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY (55 years - I know!!!). Fortunately for Trev I am not a fan of expensive jewellery and I couldn't think of anything of anything green to give him so we have decided that, when Covid 19 departs (and it will), we will take a celebratory trip to the Emerald Isle!! It is strange that, having travelled a lot in our lifetimes, we have never been to Ireland. That will be something to look forward to. In the meantime we will celebrate the day with something alcoholic shared with good friends. Happy anniversary, darling Trev xxxxx Martin Powell

Mr Tom Knight - Staff 1951 - 1963819 viewsWith Mr & Mrs Shepheard and Mrs Joan Knight.Prefect

Mrs DM Gard School Secretary 1958 - 1961696 viewsSummer cruise to Barcelona on RFA Wave Sovereign.
Pam GardPrefect

Staff 1977890 views1st Row: A. McHardy; P. Allen; G. Gordon; S. Singleton; M. Sherwin, Sen. Mistress; Cdr. G.D. Stubbs, Headmaster; Lt. Cdr. D. Neild, Dep. Headmaster; Lt. Cdr. A. Richards; W. Lewington; T. Ricketts.
2nd Row: A. Nelson; N. Ash; Mr. Pawley; M. Caseley; Mr. Bezzina; J. Rae; L. Curtis; D. Gray; S. Beckett; I. Dickinson; M. Spray; H. Wilson; M. Loughran.
3rd Row: Mr. Aquilina; S. Camilleri; B. Charnley; K. Patterson; L. Shone; D. McGrath.
4th Row: H. Ritchie; J. Hughes; I. Kesketh; G. Davey; A. Latham; M. Turner; C. Laing.
5th Row: J. Slide; B. Whewell;K. Winn; L. Finnis; M. Holland; P. Goss.
6th Row: F. Kitson; B. Leonard; B. Woollanas; J. Bonner; D. Walker; C. Christmas.

Staff 19761066 viewsFRONT ROW: Sylvia Beckett; Brian Leonard; Norah Ash; Mavis Turner; Barry Whewell; Stephen Singleton; Margaret Sherwin; Commander Derek Stubbs; Lt. Cdr. David Nield; Lt. Cdr. Tony Richards; Margaret Loughran; Jennifer Rae; Lesley Shone; Trevor Ricketts.
SECOND ROW: Barrie Menhams; Colin Christmas; Frank Kitson; Kenneth Winn; Imelda Dickinson; Moira Clarke; Marjorie Clark; Laurence Bezzina; Michael Caseley; Anne Nelson; Hilary Hill; Michael Newton; Carl Hancock; Brian Charnley; Martin Holland; Helen Wilson; David Taylor; Charles Laing; Ian Hesketh.
BACK ROW: John Clemens; Sandra Camilleri; Jeffrey Bonner; Judith Stansfield; Philip Allen; Linda Curtis; June Lattimer; Gerald Davey; Alan Latham; Lew Finnis; John Hughes; Hugh Ritchie; Paul Goss; Robert Woolams; James Slide.
ABSENT: Marian Spray; Walter Lewington; Diane Scott.Prefect

Miss M. Sherwin582 viewsSenior Mistress 1975 - 1978

Carol Morrison ©1297 viewsTaking photo of Miss Yule's plaque.
See Plaque.abigden

In memory of Miss Jaqueline Yule 1908 – 19881288 viewsShe rests in the cemetery of St Lawrence Parish Church (Vittoriosa/Birgu) which is located in St Edward Street (Cottonera) between Fort Salvatore and St Edward’s College, opposite the rear of De La Salle College.
THN Google Map

Miss Jaqueline Yule692 viewsStaff 1949 – 1971 (Senior Mistress & Head of English)
Photo provided by her nephew Michael Brufal.
Random MemoriesPrefect

Joan Sanderson714 viewsPlayed "Miss Ewell" in Please Sir
(LWT 1968-1972).
Was that just a coincidence?Prefect

Lt Cdr David Nield918 viewsDHM 1974 -1978Prefect

Staff 19751450 viewsFront Row: Hugh Ritchie, Imelda Dickinson, Chloe Singleton, Stephen Slngleton, Lt. Cdr. David Nield, Commander G.D. Stubbs, Pamela Smith, Lt. Cdr. Tony Richards, Sylvia Beckett, James Hobson.
Second Row: Charles Aquilina, Sandra Camilleri, Moira Clarke, Carmel Walsh, Michael Caseley, Joyce Walden, Judith Stansfleld, Sue Lynk. Laurence Bezzina, John Treeby.
Third Row: Kenneth Winn, John Naylor, Barrie Menhams, David Ditcham, Jerry Phillips, Hilary Hill, Norah Ash, Rosemary Leighton. Helen Wilson.
Fourth Row: Philip Allen, Frank Kitson, June Lattimer, Rolbert Woolams, Lew Finnis, Mavis Turner, Marian Spray, Alan Latham.
Back Row: Peter Wright, John Clemens, John Hughes, Carl Hancock Jeffrey Bonner, James Glover, Barrie Jones, Brian Leonard, David Walker, Michael Newton.
Absent: Susan Finnis, David Taylor, Trevor Ricketts.

Mr John Lowe1574 viewsStaff 1961 - 1964
As seen recently on the BBC.Prefect

Mr. A.P. Allen697 viewsAs Sykes in Oliver! 1973.hnritchie

Trevor Ricketts & Rob Ward1960 viewsOliver! 1973.hnritchie

The Band, Oliver! 19731093 viewsJudith Stansfield, Jeff Bonner, Barrie Menhams & Bob Woollams.hnritchie

Mr Trevor Ricketts635 viewsStaff 1968 - 1978Prefect

Lt Cdr Jack Cottam1547 viewsDeputy Head 1969 - 1974Prefect

Commander GD Stubbs808 viewsHeadmaster 1974 - 1978Prefect

Commander Mike Law735 viewsFarewell photo 1974.Prefect

TH Staff675 viewsDining at Aunty Lou's camp at Ghajn Tuffieha.Prefect

Doris632 viewsMiss Lister / Mrs Dewstowe in Rome 1963.
Staff 1958 - 1968Prefect

Mr Ron Fuller705 viewsStaff 1957 -1966
Barbara MillerPrefect

Staff 19741548 viewsFRONT ROW : David Taylor, Mavis Turner, Stephen Singleton,, Lt. Cdr. J. Cottam, Cdr. M.F. Law, Pamela Smith, Lt. Cdr. C. McCafferty, Brian Leonard, Trevor Ricketts.
SECOND ROW : Moira Clarke, Imelda Dickinson, Carmel Walsh, Maureen Whittle, Joyce Walden, Hilary Hill, Michael Caseley, Judith Stansfield, Sylvia Beckett, James' Hobson, Charles Aquilina, John Treeby.
THIRD ROW : Laurence Bezzina, John Naylor, Hugh Ritchie, Norah Ash, Margaret MacKay, Kenneth Winn, Merilyn Manley-Harris, Rosemary Leighton, James Glover, Elizabeth Cole, Carl Hancock.
FOURTH ROW : Jeffrey Bonner, John Clemens, Alan Latham, June Lattimer, Lewis Finnis, David Ditcham, Barrie Menhams, Robert Woolams, Ronald Ransom, Michael Newton.
BACK ROW : Frank Kitson, Robert Ward, Barrie Jones, Philip Allen, David Walker, Peter Wright.
ABSENT : Miss Mary Spray, Miss Helen Wilson, Miss Sandra Camilleri.

Cdr MF Law709 viewsHeadmaster 1970 - 1974Prefect
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