Tal Ħandaq Magazine 1977     Sports  House Reports  ATKM    Uganda

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                                                                                                        TAL-HANDAQ SCHOOL MAGAZINE 1977  MALTA G.C.    


A year at Tal Handaq passes very quickly and once more the annual magazine is ready for distribution. I hope you will enjoy this year's effort as much as previous numbers. There is much that is familiar to regular readers: House reports, Sports results and so on, but some features are quite new. Staff and pupils are invited to try the questionnaires - see if you qualify as a Perfect Teacher or as a Perfect Pupil — you may be surprised. Some of the photographs this year are more "candid" than usual, showing pupils at work and play. There are also examples of prose and poetry inspired by the Queen's Silver Jubilee.
My thanks must go to all the people who submitted contributions for this year's magazine, though, unfortunately not all of it could be published, but I hope that those who do not find their work in print will try again next year.
I would also like to thank Miss Shone for her Art contributions and the Sixth Formers who helped in various ways : Paul Egan for rounding up the Sports reports; Joanne Wiggins and Alison Young for collecting material; Bev. Shaw and Sue Maloney who did the bulk of the typing and the following for additional help in typing: Gillian Cleverly, Bev. Smith, Jackie Smith and Elaine Watts.


             MARCH 77

I am pleased to record that since the last report and despite some gloomy forecasts the size and shape of the school population has changed very little. Our numbers throughout the year have stayed at about six hundred with more pupils in the Lower (first three years) than in the Upper School, rather more girls than boys throughout the school and considerably more Royal Air Force than other Services' dependants. During the twelve months from March 1976 there were 208 new arrivals and 255 pupils left. As the British Services' departure from Malta gains momentum we may expect a greater fall 'in numbers between now the school's closure in July 1978.
Although it lacks some of the facilities of glossier and newer schools in England, Tal Handaq's size, at least, gives some advantages. We learn from educational journalists that, for comprehensive schools, Big is no longer Beautiful. As with other smaller establishments we are fortunate in being able to preserve a strong sense of community and communications between teachers and pupils, school and home are easier than in bigger schools. When the time comes for pupils to leave, they often tell me that Tal Handaq's friendly atmosphere is what they will remember about their stay. I trust that the school's reputation in this respect will be maintained over the rest of its life.
If we can also produce examination successes, we shall consider ourselves doubly fortunate. The 1976 results which showed a marked improvement on those for 1975 were as follows:


   display saw samples of boys' Needlework. (Somehow Boys' cookery items, don't survive long enough to be exhibited).
In the Upper School the range of options has been maintained. This list of examination subjects available for study (though it may not please everyone) results in some very small teaching groups, but with obvious benefit to the pupils. Similarly Tal Handaq's Sixth Form may fall short of the numbers currently advocated as necessary for successful subject coverage and economical employment of teachers. However, we have a special responsibility in a Service Children's School to accept pupils from a wide variety of courses and our programmes for Sixth Formers must take account of this.
Those Sixth Formers who have undertaken a one-year course have made good use of their time and have contributed well to school life. Some of them, no doubt, would be happy to stay on for a further period, but I believe that it is not in their best interests to allow them to do so. Education cannot be absorbed simply by remaining at school and after six years of secondary schooling most of these students would do better to seek employment or embark on a vocational course at a College of Further Education. In saying that I do not underrate the difficulties of applying for jobs or courses in UK, from as far away as Malta. These are additional difficulties which Service parents encounter and for which there are no easy solutions.

In the matter of Careers education and guidance we have benefitted from the arrangement introduced by the Service Childrens' Education Authority whereby the task of advising pupils has been taken on by the Hampshire Careers Service. Visits by careers advisers each term during the past year have been very much appreciated by pupils and their careers teachers. The visits have done much to lessen the disadvantages suffered by overseas school leavers.


In September 1976 we welcomed the following new members of staff: Miss McHardy to take over the Geography Department; Miss Patterson, also to teach Geography and Miss Gordon as new Head of Music.
October 1976 saw the departure of Miss Hill and we welcomed Miss Gray to teach Home Economics in her place.
At the time of going to press we are due to lose: Mr. Singleton from the Art Department after many years' teaching at Tal Handaq; Miss Spray, recently become Mrs. Parry Jones, from the French Department; Mr. Hughes from the" Maths. Department; and Miss Gordon and Mrs McGrath from the Music Department.


Headmaster's Report ... ... ... ... ... 4
Staff Changes , ..., ..., ,.. ...             6
Visitors to the School ... ... ..., ...,  11
School Functions ... ... ... ... ... ...  14
S.S. Uganda Cruise ... ... ...  ...  ... 30
C.C.F. Report ... .., ..., ... ... ... .. . .  43
Sports ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ...  50
Staff Photograph ... ..., ... ... ... ...  54
House Reports ... .... ... ... ...... ...   68
Silver Jubilee ... ... ..., ... ... ...  ...   81
Creative Work ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   84
Examination Results ... ... ... ...  100


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LOWER SCHOOL —              FORM PRIZE LIST 1977 UPPER SCHOOL —              FORM PRIZE LIST 1977
1A Mark Judd  Lucy Reynolds
IB William Geddis
1C Lorraine Wood
ID Mark Flattery
IE Jacqueline Edwards
IF Richard Kane
4J Christopher Sampsor
4K Tracey Kenard
4L Susan Brooke
4M Jane Wright

2A Philip Hurley Julie Lewinjgton
2B Mark Warner Jacqueline Merritt
2C Jane Gatenby
2D Jacqueline Glennon
2E Vivian Millar
2F Trevor Lucas
5J Mark Gatenby
Rosangela Mortimer
5K Michael Clark
5L Helen Lewington

3A Louise Latham
3B Stephen Banks
3C Tracey Hall
3D Keith Le Quesne
3E Josette Vernon
3F Christopher Hills
6G Boys Matthew Lane, Gerard Tall
6G Girls Beverley Shaw
L6 Penelope Davis
U6 Anne Dowie
Deborah Helliwell
L6 David North



       1976 -1977

1st April: Rear Admiral J.A. Bell, C.B., B.A., B.Sc., L.L.B. Director Naval Education Service.
15th May: Rev. Basil O'Fenall, M.A. R.C. Chaplain of the Fleet.
23rd May: Captain W.L. Toflis, Royal Navy, Captain, Malta, and Mrs Toflis.
12th June: Wendy Whitebey. Mr. K,N. Wilkins.
20th Oct: Mr. Arthur Wyatt, Acting British High Commissioner, and Mrs. Wyatt.
3rd Dec: Wing Commander G.W.E. Newby, Royal Air Force, Deputy Controller, S.C.E.A.
8th March: Group Captain C.F. Vasey, Royal Air Force, Officer Commanding R.A.F. Station Luqa. Mr. H.R.H. Salmon, British Council Representative, and Mrs. Salmon.
6th June: Dr. Francis Chetcuti, Director of Education, Malta,
22nd April: Lady Lewin. Mrs. O.N.A. Cecil.


Mr. Arthur Wyatt, Acting British High Commissioner with Miss Hill, David Davies and

Deborah Helliwell. Julie Dawson is the waitress.

              OPEN DAY 1976
This year's annual Open Day was held on 26th May and many parents, friends and visitors took this opportunity visit the classrooms, where there were examples of work pi pared by the pupils, as well as displays of text 'books, work kits, wall-charts and all types of visual aids.
The Hall as usual was a great draw, with exhibitions work from the following departments: Woodwork, Metalwork Pottery, Craft and Needlework. Both the RN and the RAF sections of the CCF were also represented in the Hall.
In the Art and Pottery rooms, besides displays of work there were demonstrations, by pupils, of skills in oil painting and of the pottery wheel.
Entertainments in the gymn. included a Judo display and a short concert. The concert consisted of Lower School pupils singing excerpts from the programme of the Junior School Music Festival and a performance of dance. The Senior girls contribution to this was based on medieval movement and Junior girls' on a theme from "Alice in Wonderland".
As always there were welcome refreshments provided by the Home Economics Department.

                                                   The Art Room


In most plays you hear of back-stage laughs and mess-ups, and this year's production of "Scrooge" was no exception. There were occasions when curtains would not open, or squeaked, or when doors got stuck. On one occasion the carol singers forgot to sing", or even sounded like a bunch of drunks (we were banned from singing toy Miss Dickinson for this very reason!) The play itself, in fact went well, except for people occasionally forgetting words or moves. On the whole though, people enjoyed it.
Make-up was the big worry of all the actors. Poor Scrooge, played by Mike Lamb, had to have silver tint, Christmas snow tint and talcum powder put onto his hair. The Portly Gent, (played by Trev. Smith) had large side-burns stuck onto the side of his face, and they were very painful to take off, I can tell you that!

Many other actors suffered at the hands of the make-up girls, headed by Miss Ash (who did a splendid job — Ed.).
Backstage everything seemed to go wrong, although the audience didn't notice! The worst part was when Jacob Marley left Scrooge's office and the door was supposed to close by itself. The trick was done by a hooked wire and a nail in the door. Sometimes the wire just would not hook on and the door closed five minutes late.
We cannot criticise the sound effects as they were always on time and perfect.
The only other thing is to say "Well done!" to all the cast and wonder how many would do it all again?

One final word of thanks to the people who provided and showed us the films while the other play was on. They played some great cartoon films — best of all when they played them backwards!
Trevor Smith and Tim Woods — 3B

The King, Andy Basson, The Queen, Joanne Wiggins, Chillingworth, Tony Clarke Col Massey, Nick Hall. King's Soldiers and Generals Women and Children of Gloucester. Drummer Boy, Peter Graham.


Listen here:

'Chicken!', 'Fairy', 'Poof — these were the -first words we heard as we were sitting in the Music Room going up to the piano in threes.
It was our turn next, Steven, Peter and myself, my voice being the worst of the lot. We were told to sing a song called 'As we all sat gloomily by Gloucester town'. First Steven, then Peter and finally me. Miss Beckett gave up all a look over seeing how tall we were etc. Steve was chosen as a General, Peter as the drummer boy, and myself one of the Colonel Massey's Soldiers.
Then next day at lunch-time we were given our time table. The first few weeks were nicely arranged, but nearer the night we had to go every night after school; this, to many others, was the worst part.
Soon we were on the last two days before the actual performance in front of the open-public. The two times we did it in front of the school( upper and lower) were a form of dress rehearsal. This was a laugh to see everyone in their Cavalier and Roundhead uniforms. The two days went quickly. It was the first night now, all the mucking around back stage had finished, everyone was worried saying:
"Oooh, it's going to be a flop"
"I'm nervous 'coz my mum and dad are out there"
We came on first and were the worst. I was the only one whose voice hadn't broken while all the others' were as deep as the sea, mine was as high as high. It sounded terrible or so we thought.
In my opinion one of the best pieces was where the Queen's Ladies did their bit while the children of Gloucester did their digging.
Although the Drummer Boy's solo finished it off nicely.
Nigel Chapman — 3 B

The Queen, Joanne Wiggins and Her Ladies Sharon Carpenter, Alison Harvey, Isobel Brennan, Sue Woods, Giilian Holt, Andrea Hancox, Gillian Male and Susan Long.




 Tuesday 4th January
The cruise party left Tal Handaq at three o'clock, by coach, for embarkation. On the coach, pocket money was issued for spending on board, and dormitory badges. The party was split into three dormitories — Junior girls in Gates; Senior girls in Nansen and all the boys in Ross. After being shown their dormitories, where the students quickly unpacked, they were shown the way to the muster stations in case of emergency.
Lively music was played as the Uganda began to move away from the quay at about seven o'clock, just as the students were called to the evening meal. At 8.40 there was a talk in the Assembly Hall, where the students were introduced to the Headmaster Mr. J. Reeves; the Senior Mistress Miss M. Breeze; the Matrons and some ship's officers.
Later in the evening there was a Disco on the Dance Space and lights out at 10.15.
Wednesday 5th January
A black day for most people and a very busy day for the medical staff! The ship had began to pitch and toss quite formidably and sick-bags were placed strategically and conveniently every ten yards or so. The hardy few managed to play deck games, but swimming in the pool was out of the question: the water would have lapped straight out of the pool minutes after it had been filled.
At ten o'clock there was an emergency drill; the students went to their muster stations, put on life-jackets and stood in rows to be counted.
For those who were still feeling sick, a welcome injection made them forget their woes for a few hours, to wake 

Friday 7th January
Most people were up early today, and on deck, in the half-light, Alexandria harbour was an impressive sight with dozens of ships awaiting anchorage. As the harbour is a Naval base, photography is forbidden. While Uganda was being moored at the quayside a brass band played a welcome.
By 9.30 the coach procession set off on the long drive to Cairo. The journey however proved entertaining. Not only was there the first camel to spot; the dhows sailing on the narrow tributaries, looking as though they were sailing through the fields themselves; small herds of water buffalo; mud huts by the roadside; but also the excitement of various coach breakdowns, which occurred frequently on route.
At about 1.30, after a "drink break" at Tanta, the party arrived at Cairo museum, where we met our guide, Mohammed. Unfortunately many of the treasures of Tutankhamun were on tour, though many ancient relics and statues remained on view.
The Mohammed Ali mosque was the next place to be visited, where, after discarding shoes, the party were able to see the rich decorations and brilliant lights.
The pyramids came next, after another short drive, and no-one was disappointed. As usual, peddlers besieged the party, pleading with them to buy purses, stuffed camels, whips, etc. Some took camel or horse rides the fairly short distance to the Sphinx.
Then came the coach ride home to Uganda, broken by the inevitable visit to yet another souvenir shop! The long journey back was along the silent desert road, where, fortunately, there were no coach breakdowns. Arriving at the port buildings, there was last minute souvenir buying; some incredible bargains were made especially among the younger members who showed great tenacity which finally wore down the local dealers. At Tanta one young pupil swopped his

Monday 10th January
The first thing that was noticed when stepping ashore in Turkey was the intense cold. This morning there was independent sight-seeing in Mersin; the centre of the town was within walking distance of the ship.
In Egypt sterling had been accepted readily, but in Mersin the students found that they had to change their money at a local bank. Then the shopping began! The Turkish Delight shop was very popular, especially as the goodies could be sampled before buying. Kebabs also were sampled and souvenirs bought in the shape of brightly painted pipes, pottery, leather work -- and more Turkish Delight.
The afternoon was taken up by a coach tour to some of the local places of interest. The guide was an English teacher at a Turkish school — but didn't speak English very well at all! The first stop was to see some ruined Roman pillars and then to Neapolis, a ruined Roman town which had not been ruined by restoration. On along a beautiful coast-line we passed Maiden's Castle, built on a tiny islet, by Crusaders.
Inland we stopped at "Heaven and Hell" - two huge holes in the ground caused by volcanic action. "Heaven", the shallower of the two, was used once as a refuge by Christians, while "Hell" once housed prisoners. Then there was the return journey back to Uganda. Everyone was impressed by the friendliness of the people in Turkey.
In the evening, the entertainment included a feature film "Rooster Cogburn", a bingo session and a disco. We left Mersin at 6.30.

Tuesday llth January
Back to work today. In the classroom Mr. Ritchie gave our even more pocket money; more deck games; finals of deck hockey; and a film on Rhodes — the next port of call.
That evening the film "Australian Moods" was shown and then came the Fancy Dress Parade. Tal Handaq pupils made a fine show — particularly Nigel Chapman as a "mummy" — wrapped in toilet paper; Keith Le Quesne in "drag" as "Ermyntrude" and Angela Stapley as "Night and Day" wearing half day time and half bed-time gear. A prize was won by Carol Machintosh as "The order of the Bath", wearing a nightie, shower cap and bedecked with loofahs, sponges, towels etc.

Wednesday 12th January
Most people were up on deck early this morning to see the ship docked in Rhodes harbour, a few yards away from the walls of the medieval town which has so many associations with Malta. By nine o'clock we were on our way to Lindos, stopping en route to visit a ceramics factory where we were shown girls hand painting plates and vases, and where many of the party stocked up with even more souvenirs.
Lindos proved a favourite spot of the whole cruise, with its attractive white-washed houses winding up to the acropolis containing the remains of the sanctuary of Athena, surrounded by walls built by Knights of St. John and not forgetting the fine views of sea and countryside, including another St. Paul's Bay. Donkey rides were another attraction as transport, either up or down the steep path, to the acropolis.
After the return to the ship and a quick lunch, the group scattered in groups to explore the old town of Rhodes, and Mandraki harbour — some even got as far as the aquarium.

Saturday 15th January
This morning everyone realised, with gloom, just how close we were to the end of the cruise. In the morning there were deck games and a film on pollution. In the afternoon there was the end of cruise concert. Tal Handaq provided some of the comedy with corny sketches by Robert Smith and Steven Hall and a longer sketch entitled: "An Egyptian in London", starring: Keith Le Quesne, Nigel Chapman, Sue Drury, Helen Ransom, Kathleen Fitches, Diane Knight and Carol Mackintosh.
At the Prize-giving later that afternoon, the four members of the quiz team received their awards, and also Penny Davison for her best kept log and Joanne Wiggins for the Special Poetry Prize. After a stupendous effort, Nansen dormitory were short of just one mark for the best kept dormitory prize.
The day's entertainment ended with an even longer, noisier disco that usual, finishing with "Auld Lang Syne". More than a few tears were shed.
Sunday 16th January
There was some delay this morning in entering Grand Harbour, but finally Uganda docked at about 9 o'clock. There were further delays and the party did not get through customs until 12.30, some having to pay duty on various souvenirs. Then on to the buses or home by car and that really was the end of the cruise!

                                       S.S. UGANDA
When I boarded the S.S. Uganda I had grave apprehensions about the ship. What was life going1 to be like on board? Would we be crammed into dormitories like sardines? How would the staff cope with nine hundred and sixty students?
However, I needn't have worried. When we boarded the ship we were taken straight to our dormitory, which, I found to my surprise was very spacious. I selected myself a bunk in a corner of the dormitory, and before I know where I was, a master at arms had whisked us away to show us our muster station.
After being shown our muster station, we unpacked and then wandered up on to the decks to have a look around. I was surprised to find how big everything was, as the ship had not seemed very large from the quay.
Time seemed to drag by very slowly and by tea time we were as hungry as a pack of hounds. When our group was called we bounded along to the cafeteria and it was here that I received yet another surprise.
I had visions of nine hundred and sixty students fighting for seats, of the floor being knee deep in dropped food, and of half vandalised chairs and tables.
To my surprise I found the cafeteria very clean and hygienic; the place was spotless. I found also that it was very efficiently run. The only complaint I had, was that one, on occasions, could not sit with one's friends because a member of the Asian crew ushered you to your seat. I now see the







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                THE EVERLASTING SEA
The sea is the most temperamental thing I know; one minute it can be so calm and the next so angry it's as though it has a life of its own. Often it's so bashful and gay with ripples gently moving along to the shore endlessly dancing home thousands of creatures and protecting them with its blanket. Sometimes it can be as bold as brass with waves thumping onto the shore throwing creatures into small enclosures of water where they hang onto life or die. Or it can be angry with waves so high as though reaching up to the sky, it reaches up to its full extent and bows as though to an audience showing off its light blue foamy back, then topples, running forward trying to regain its balance showing more of its back, it buries its head into the sea or sand or rocks followed by its light blue body. It's gone with a roar and a sizzle only leaving a coating of light blue water, not the magnificent thing it was before. The foamy scum that is left is pulled down under the surface and dissolves into nothing. Some light blue salty water waits for a minute contrasting with the deep blue glorious wave that follows. The wave that is next beckons the remains of that once angry wave and the light blue liquid draws back to become a part of the next magnificent wave.
Angela Stapley — 3 A

Alexandria was the first port we entered, and despite the earliness of our entrance there were a lot of people lining the ship's rails waiting to see the harbour.
As we entered we could see many small cargo ships and trawlers out at sea. The harbour in front of us stretched into the distance and seemed crowded with ships. Our berth was at the head of the harbour; to get to it we had to pass by ships of many nationalities including Japanese, Egyptian, Greek and Russians.
As we passed through the breakwaters outside the harbour we could see a military base on the left, and next to the grey warships was a beautiful palace, the white stone shining in the early morning sunlight.
As the ship entered the harbour the flag at her mast signalled that she needed a pilot, whilst the red ensign, nicknamed "the red duster" by the merchant seamen flew from the rear of the ship.
As the tugs rallied round the ship, goods for export and import could be seen on the quays. Coal and timber were lying loose whilst fruit was stacked in crates.
As the tugs pushed the Uganda into her berth, and wet ropes were hauled ashore, an Egyptian band began to play. The bright and rousing music almost (but not quite) blotted out the cries of the traders who were already on the quayside trying to sell their wares.
We disembarked from the ship, passed through the port buildings and climbed into the coaches which were waiting for us. These seemed rather small and dingy compared with English buses, but as soon as we were on the main roads of Egypt we found that by Egyptian standards they were very clean and luxurious. We passes through the streets of Alexandria staring at strange clothing and the sights of a foreign port. Some of the roads were cobbled, but it was hard to distinguish them because all of the roads had a thick coating of mud. Finally we passes out of the town and onto the long straight road that led to Cairo across the Delta.
Pat Ransom — 6 A

There was a young lady named Gail,

Who on the Uganda did sail,
But she got sea-sick,

So got off very quick, And now always travels by rail.

(First published in the S.S. Uganda Newspaper)

Susan James.


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Once a capital city,

Now a group of whitewashed houses climbing up the hill

And sun-bleached beaches where Saint Paul landed

The quiet bays still used by fishing boats

As they have been since the beginning of tune.

Above the houses stands the citadel,

Walls and towers crowning an outcrop of rock

Approached by steep nights of steps

That once echoed to the tread of armoured feet.

Beyond the battlements rises the Acropolis, Temples and meeting-places of ancient Greece. Now only pillars and pedestals are left, Ruins of a once great civilisation Centuries of history in a few blocks of stone.

Penny Davison — 6 A

Bits of carved white stone,                                                                                                  Living once, eons ago                                                                                                              As tiny creatures of the sea,                                                                                                  Long since crushed and battered,                                                                                   Squeezed and stretched, becoming                                                                               Limestone first, then marble.
Why bother with them now?
The men that carved them
Shaped and moulded them
Gave them form with sweat and strain
For thousands of years have been dust.
We do not even know their names.
Why then dig them up
Drag them from the earth
That long sheltered them from us ?
Why place them with such great care
Here, by themselves,
To be gazed at like the images of saints?
Because, I think, we have need of them.
We wish to prove with these cold, dead stones
That we can, in fact, cheat death.
For in them the sculptors' spirit,
Their intelligence, skill — all the things we prize so highly.
Live on forever.
Joanne Wiggins 6A
Special Poetry Prize


White the Contingent still finds its yearly training characterised to a certain extent toy its annual turnover, this, our third year, must be regarded as the most successful year to date. The Contingent has improved on three fronts — it's bigger, it's better looking, and it's better qualified!
The present total strength of both Sections (RN/RAF) is 88 and recruits are still coming forward.
The RAF Section now has 20 female cadets to add that touch of glamour to the HQ at RAF Hal Far.
For the first time 4 RN cadets have reached Naval Proficiency standard and 10 RAF cadets have scored another ''first' by qualifying for the Award of Proficiency Certificates (this includes a female RAF cadet). 25 RN cadets are rated Able Seaman while 17 RAF cadets have passed Proficiency 1 & 2 (this also includes female cadets).
The cadet rank structure now provides more incentive to the aspiring cadet with 4 Leading Seamen in the RN Section with plans to include a cadet Petty Officer next year. The RAF Section now boasts 3 Junior Corporals, 3 Corporals, and 3 Sergeants (female cadet NCOs are on the way!).
Last year's summer term training took the RN Section to HMS St Angelo for Conning and Steering and practical elementary navigation etc. The RAF Section spent their time in canoe instruction at Kalafrana and weapon training on the open ranges at Pembroke. The RN Section completed the term with a most successful camp at HMS St Angelo run by the Section officers and volunteer instructors.
Once again 41 Commando (RM) provided the professional expertise to mount an exercise at the end of the Autumn term centred on RAF Hal Far. The daylight raid on two strong points (held by female cadets) was hampered by bad weather but the standby plan proved just as valuable and certainly less costly in "losses" to the raiding parties! The 'gentle giants' of Recce Troop generated enthusiasm and energy throughout the exercise in their own inimitable way!
Apart from normal proficiency training cadets from both Sections have taken part in the following activities: visits to ships and RAF detachments and sections; weekend .22 team training; communications and signalling; first aid and fire fighting; boatwork; climbing; orienteering competition (female cadet team); advanced weapon training; A E Flying with Salerno Fit (all female cadets only); field craft; A E Flying with 203 Sqn. etc.

Some 50 cadets from tooth Sections took part in the two Joint Services Easter CCF Camps at RAF Hal Far and thus look part in two more night exercises with 41 Cdo. The Contingent provided officers to assist the HQAC Liaison Team and ran an extensive orienteering competition. Cadets from the Contingent won prizes at both camps.
69 Cadets have been exercised on the .22 ranges at HMS St Angelo and RAF Luqa. 10 Cadets gained their Marksman category; 8 their First Class Shot category; and 7 their Second Class Shot category. The RAF Section Assegai Trophy

    Communicators of the future

Team were placed 70th in the UK national competition this year, out of 106 school corps entered.
The RAF Section HQ and the Contingent HQ were required to vacate the accommodation at RAF Luqa in September 1976 but were fortunate to be offered a site at RAF Hal Far. Redecoration and organization of the new accommodation provided a useful weekend self-help project for the senior cadets of the Section and cadets are now still able to get away from the school environment and enjoy the privilege of parades on RAF property (CCFs in the UK visit an RAF station once per term and some only once per year!). The RN Section refurbished their accommodation at school prior to the last inspection and have since enlarged their accommo

"it's so easy when you know how!" Cdt Graham swinging with 41 Cdo.






          1976/77 saw the 1st XI competing in Division II of the Minor Units league where a creditable position of third place was obtained.
With only four players remaining from the previous season many new players had to be found and the team rebuilt. Initially, this proved to be difficult as thrashings by St. Georges, the eventual champions, showed. Gradually, however, the team found confidence and rhythm and were unbeaten in the league after November, only narrowly missing the runner-up slot.
Although 19 players represented the school this season, the bulk of the games were played by a settled group of 14.
Goalkeeper Andrew Basson played an outstanding role showing excellent handling ability and agility.
The back-four was a settled feature of the side and proved to be a sound well-groomed unit. Ken Williams at right back tackled hard and distributed the ball well. David Davies showed a maturity and coolness denying his "tender" years, while John Russell at No 3 showed decided flair. Paul Egan's strength in the tackle and pace allowed him to cope well with the role of sweeper.
In mid-field we were blessed with extremely able and experienced footballers. Gary Booth, a neat, efficient player operated in the centre, flanked by the talented Paul Bennett and the powerful David North. Paul, who always showed vision and flair, unfortunately left at Christmas, but his replacement, Matthew Lane, slotted in so well that the team was not weakened at all.
Up front Gary Dimeck improved throughout the year and   


BACK ROW: K. Williams; D. Davies; A. Madge; A. Basson; M. Lane; J. Russell;  T. Lambert.
FRONT ROW: S. Whelton; D Bonnar; D North; P. Egan; G. Dimeck.


                  SPORTS RESULTS
Final Positions                    P W D L F A  -Pts

Cunningham                       8  6  1 1 22 1  -13

Alanbrooke                        8 5  2 1 12 5  -12

St. Andrews                       8 3  2 3  8 10  -8

Luqa                                  8 2  2 4 4  7    -6

Tedder                               8 0 1 7 1 24    -1

Soccer Inter-House Championships

  Cunningham                      4 3 1 47 57   -6

  Alanbrooke                       4  2 2 69 38  -4

   Tedder                             4 1 3 36 57  -2


  Seniors: Alanbrooke (37) v Cunningham (2)
                Alanbrooke (18) v Tedder (10)
                Cunningham (13) v Tedder (6)

  Colts:  Alanbrooke (8) v Cunningham (12)

             Alanbrooke (6) v Tedder (14)

             Tedder   (6) v Cunningham (20)                  

Inter House
1st Year P W D L F A Pts
Cunningham 2 2 0 0 24 8 4
Alanbrooke 2 1 0 1 20 16 2
Tedder 2 0 0 2 12 32 0
2nd Year    
Tedder 2 2 0 0 22 4 4
Cunningham 2 0 1 1 12 16 1
Alanbrooke 2 0 1 1 8 12 1
3rd Year    
Alanbrooke 6 3 1 2 66 53 7
Tedder 6 3 0 3 60 75 6
Cunningham 6 2 1 3 60 58 5
Inter-House 7-a-side    
1st Year    
Cunningham 4 3 1 0 20 0 7
Tedder 4 1 1 2 4 14 3
Alanbrooke 4 1 0 3 6 16 2
2nd Year    
Cunningham 4 3 0 1 18 8 6
Tedder 4 2 0 2 12 8 4
Alanbrooke 4 1 0 3 8 22 2
3rd Year    
Tedder 4 2 1 1 18 10 5
Cunningham 4 1 2 1 12 16 4
Alanbrooke 4 1 1 2 10 14 3
4th Year    
Cunningham 2 2 0 0 26 0 4
Alanbrooke 2 1 0 1 26 12 2
Tedder 2 0 0 2 0 40 0
5th/6th Year    
Alanbrooke 2 2 0 0 30 0 4
Tedder 2 1 0 1 6 24 2
Cunningham 2 0 0 2 4 16 0
Overall 7-a-side Positions    
Cunningham 16 9 3 4 80 40 21
Tedder 16 6 2 8 40 96 14
Alanbrooke 16 6 1 9 80 64 13


Thanks must also go to Mr. Victor Mule for his help with the production and especially on the business side in getting advertising for us. I hope readers will support our advertisers in return for their kindness in supporting us.
I hope that next year everyone will try to submit something for publication, whether it be a story, poem, competition or item of interest. After all, next year will see the last Tal Handaq magazine ever in print.
                                                   IMELDA DICKINSON


                 LACHRYMA VITIS WINES


Telephone:  625199


  Candidates Subject   Entries Results
CSE 101   423   401graded Including 54 at Grade 1
GCE 'O'  100 278    195 at Grade C and above
GCE 'A'   18 39     32 passes

Included in these results were our first girls' passes in public examinations in Woodwork and a collection of successes (though no male candidates) in Parentcraft, a recent introduction to the curriculum and an examination subject at Tal Handaq for the first time. In addition results have been very satisfactory in the Royal Society of Arts and Pitmans examinations in commercial subjects held at various times throughout the year.
As well as congratulating the candidates, on their behalf I should like to thank their teachers. Examinations are not the be-all and end-all of education but there is no denying the importance of qualifications in widening the career choices available to school leavers. Parents and pupils I know much appreciate the help given by teachers in obtaining those vital certificates.
During the year there were minor changes to the curriculum. In the Lower School, the combination of banding and streaming was replaced by groups based on English ability, with setting for Mathematics and Modern Languages. This attempt to take account of pupils strengths and weaknesses helps us to move individuals from one teaching group to another without their having to suffer too many changes of teachers. In making these arrangements for our First Year pupils we have much appreciated the help given by the Heads of the Service Primary Schools in Malta. In the First Year, too, the idea of giving both boys and girls some experience of the whole range of craft and creative studies has become an accepted feature and, for the first time, this year's fashion


Outside the classroom sporting and other activities have followed a familiar pattern, an increase in the number of girls in the judo club and the formation of a new girls' section of the CCF being signs of the times. After the departure of Mr Barrie Menhams last summer the school's interest in music-making has continued under Miss Gordon. At Christmas the performance of Richard Rodney Bennett's "All The Kings' Men" introduced many to the delights (and difficulties) of opera. Throughout the year Assemblies have been enlivened - - if that is the right word — by the accompaniment of a staff and pupils' brass and woodwind ensemble whose increasing repertoire of hymns gives the lie to the suggestion that the Devil has all the best tunes. For the second half of the Christmas entertainment bill "Scrooge the Miser" provided more familiar if no less welcome theatrical fare.

On the sporting side the school's teams acquitted themselves well in Malta Amateur Athletics Association Championships, in the Services leagues and against other local sides. It has been particularly pleasing to see the progress made by the netball players who have responded well to extra coaching and a full fixture programme. Sports Day produced a new crop of records, but perhaps the major sporting surprise of the year was when the Swimming Gala was nearly abandoned because of torrential rain.
The various sporting, cultural and recreational activities depend on the direction, instruction, help and encouragement given by teachers. In this respect we are fortunate in having experts on the staff who are able and willing to pass on their enthusiasm and their knowledge.
The school has also been well served over the past year by other employees, industrial and non-industrial, whose loyalty and cheerful performance of the humdrum but essential daily tasks does so much to make life pleasanter and easier for pupils and teachers.
Finally I should again like to record by thanks to all the Service and Civilian departments who have helped Tal Handaq whether in the course of duty or in response to (in every sense) extraordinary requests. Their efforts on our behalf are very much appreciated.




               SCHOOL  OFFICIALS


          HEAD GIRL                     Deborah HELLIWELL

           HEAD BOY                      David DAVIES

           DEPUTY HEAD GIRL     Angela GRIFFITH

           DEPUTY HEAD BOY      David NORTH

Gillian MALE
Karen LAMB
Beverley SHAW
Penelope DAVISON
Karen McKAY
Alison YOUNG
Belinda YOUNG
Michael ORR
Anthony COPSEY
Stephen COX
David COX
Kenneth KIDDLE
Terence CLARKE
Matthew LANE





                           Capt. M.F. Law with the Prizewinners





               Rear Admiral J.R. Bell with Kristian Shroll



                                      The Needlework Room



On the 5th of December, 1976 the school choir put on a wonderful performance.
A lot of hard work went into this production. The songs sung were, 'Away in a Manger', 'Christmas Dance of the Shepherds', 'Patapan', 'Infant Holy', 'Once in Royal David's City', 'Hark the Herald', 'Virgin Mary', 'Torches', 'Gloria in Excelsis Deo', 'Cherry Tree Carol' and 'O Come all ye Faith­ful'.
Among these were different readings. The two carols 'Once in Royal David's City' and 'Virgin Mary' both had solo verses being by Susan Maloney and Susan Long res­pectively. Miss Scott, soon to be Mrs. McGrath played the organ beautifully, while Miss Gordon conducted us.
We were also asked to sing on the 15th December, 1976 at St. Oswald's Church. Only twenty were allowed to go, so names were pulled from hats.
In this service we sang 'O Come all ye Faithful', 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing', 'Good Christian Men Rejoice', 'The First Nowell', 'See Amid the Winter Snow'. For two of these songs we sang descant.
Both services were very enjoyable.
Shelley Pickett — 3B




  BACK ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Colin Millsop; Lindy Oliver; Trevor Smith; Michael Lamb; Eric Cook; Kieran Smyth; Sonya Davies; Tim Woods; Sue Drury; Kevin Jones; Matthew Feeley.
FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Ian Jones; Gary Gregory; Mark Hart; June Murphy Lorraine Coffins; Julie Giles; Graham Dolmen.

             "ALL THE KING'S MEN"
For us, it all began when Miss Beckett came into the Sixth form Common Room looking for "volunteers". For some reason, all the boys disappeared suddenly. However, the boys were soon "persuaded" to take part in a musical extravaganza. Auditions began in September and continued for a fortnight. About 120 people turned up; of these only sixty "lucky" people were chosen.
A few weeks went past and rehearsals and the real hard work began. It started to take shape even though there were some minor problems such as getting the boys to sing as few of them could! Suddenly we realised that there was only three weeks left.
Work on costumes began. Various comments flew back and forth —
"I'm not wearing THAT!"
"Ekk! What colours!"
"I'm not putting lace on my costume" (boy of course!)
"Ringlets! With my hair"
There were some dissenting voices -
"I think they look nice"
"What lovely colours"
Only one week to go — final rehearsals, being recorded for BFBS and performing for the school. The Queen's Ladies discovered one slight problem — it was rather difficult trying to go up and down stairs in a long, full skirt and singing at the same time. As the Queen my problem was made difficult by the fact that I couldn't wear my glasses managed to trip during one of the rehearsals. The problem was soon solved, however, bright white tape was put on steps so we would see them — no more mishaps.
After the dress rehearsals, we felt that it had become a  show — the lighting, costumes and make-up gave us a feeling of professionals.
At last it was the opening night. One hour to go the beginning. Costumes on, make-up on.
"Is my skirt straight?"
"My beard's coming off. Where's the glue?"
"My make-up's smudged."
Signs of nerves were everywhere. The Drummer drummed on the table. The Queen's Ladies fitted here and there.
The lights went down, everyone was quiet, the mi began, the stage lights came up. The performance had begun. The worst bit was was not actually performing but waiting go on. It was too late to go back now.
We had a full house on all the performance nights — Saturday we had to bring in more seats. Afterwards many people commended that the play was very good but said that they didn't enjoy the music. Some just didn't say!
Luckily there were no real mistakes made. After it all finished our hard work seemed worthwhile, both on stage and behind. To quote a member of the cast:
"It was fantastic."
Joanne Wiggins and Alison Young — 6A

                          HOUSEHOLD GOODS
                               AND GIFT WARE
                            (Prop. V. ABELA)
              304, ST. PAUL'S STREET, VALLETTA  Telephone: 27043

                       EST. 1900   Phone: C. 24193
                                FOR BOOKS
            PASS YOUR ORDERS TO:
                     FLORIDIA'S BOOKSHOP
               51, ST. JOHN STREET, VALLETTA


REPORT ON THE FASHION SHOW AND                                                                               EASTER COOKERY DISPLAY

The Fashion show this year was held on Saturday 26th March at Tal Handaq School. As you will probably know, not only were girls taking part in the display of garments, but a few brave boys from the lower school decided to show their talents, much to the appreciation of the numerous males in the audience, who, we are sure, enjoyed it as much as any one else. Much time and effort was put into all the garments that were displayed. Tent dresses seemed to be the most popular garments, with over-dresses and culottes closely following. Susan Maloney and Debbie Gibbons wore superbly made outfits; the first, a cream and brown spotted long halter neck evening dress and the second, a dress with an elegant belt at the waist which matched the brown and white checked chevron cut dress.
These were two of the outstanding models, but we think that the boys deserve a special mention too, as it was the first time that they had ever appeared.
As well as the garments made by pupils of the school there were also decorative pieces of work on display around the hall, consisting of beautiful appliques, soft toys and many other well-made items.
We would like to say thank you to Miss Turner and Miss Nelson whose help was greatly appreciated, and without whom, the Fashion Show wouldn't have been possible.
We must also say thank you to Miss Wilson and Miss Gray who arranged the display of Easter Cookery that was held after the Fashion Show. This consisted of delicious Easter dishes, that were made by the girls of the upper-school. All the items looked mouth-watering and added the final touch to a very pleasant morning out.

Francine Chapman and Louise Latham — 3 A






 — JAN. 4th-16th

up blissfully — cured.
After supper a film — "The Likely Lads" for those well enough to enjoy it. Captain Terry visited the dormitories say "Goodnight".
Thursday 6th January
The inter-dormitory "tidiness" competition began earnest today. After the Captain's inspection, Nansen earned nine points out of ten which made them determined to up the high score. Oats and Ross — defeatists — threw the towel at this stage after both scoring abysmally.
Routine at sea began in earnest, with a classroom period in which pocket money was given out and questions answered about the next day's tour in Egypt. This was followed by an illustrated lecture on the Pyramids at Giza and Cairo, entitle "The Heart of Egypt," by Miss Breeze. Afterwards, it was Tal Handaq's turn to visit the bridge where a cadet showed everyone the charts, the engine-room telegraph, the fire warning systems, the automatic steering system, the compasses etc (plus the more conventional ship's wheel). Most people were impressed by its size.
In the afternoon there were the interdormitory deck hockey championships; Oates, Ross and Nansen were knocked out in the first round, finding the pitch very different to Corradino!
In the evening, entertainments included: a treasure hunt for the younger ones; a cartoon show and a funfair, the proceeds from which paid for the prizes of the various Uganda competitions. Turn-in at 9.45; everyone was excited at the prospect of the tour the next day.

lunch time apple for a ring!
We finally embarked and after dinner the Gully-Gully man (a magician) performed for the students before turn-in.
Saturday 8th January
Uganda sailed for Mersin at 7 o'clock. This day's programme included films on Turkey, deck games and two classroom lessons where more pocket money was given out, postcards were written and logs and reports brought up to date.
In the evening there was a Frog Race Meeting, a game of skill involving a cardboard cut-out, string and chairs. Keith Le Quense was Tal Handaq's frogman.
Sunday 9th January
At 10 o'clock there was an interdenominational Church Service on the open air sports deck. One of the hymns, (fortunately not needed this trip) was "For those who peril on the Sea"! No rest, even on a Sunday, and the day's programme included an illustrated lecture entitled: "The ship," by Mr. Ian Tomkins, the Staff Chief Officer; plus deck games, when the Tal Handaq party had the opportunity to swim; the hardier girls took the plunge, but the boys were less easily persuaded.
In the afternoon the finals of the deck hockey competition were held.
The coast of Cyprus was sighted in the morning, looking very similar to the coast of Malta, but hillier and much greener.
At about 3.30 Uganda entered Mersin harbour, but the ship was unable to berth until midnight due to a military exercise.
In the evening a film was shown: "Antartic Crossing" and later dancing to "Sonny Souto and his Band".


                      In the classroom

Uganda left Rhodes at about 6.30 to everyone's regret; the visit to the island was at the top of most people's lists. That evening the Tal Handaq Senior team qualified for the finals of the Inter-School quiz. Again there was dancing to "Sonny Souto and the Band".
Thursday 13th January
Today the familiar routine of the school ship at sea. Greek islands could be seen on both sides during the morning and at 12.30 we passed Cape Sounion, a landmark to sailors since ancient times, where there is the temple to Poseidon. Uganda saluted the sea god with a few blasts of her siren.
As the ship docked in Piraeus at four o'clock, there was a chance to wander around the shops of the harbour town for an hour or so. After the meal there was a tour of Athens by night to view the lights of the city from two of the hills. The only disappointment was the fact that the Acropolis itself was not lit.
Friday 14th January
This morning's programme was independent sight-seeing in Athens. The Tal Handaq party headed for the flea-market, using the frequent electric train service. The flea-market consists of a narrow street of shops with goods displayed on the street in stalls, varying from silver and gold jewellery, antique brass and copper ware, shoes, leather goods, to modern drapery and household goods.
After lunch we were taken on a tour of Athens, stopping first for an hour's exploration of the Acropolis. Then we went through the centre of Athens, past the Royal Palace, glimpsing the guards in their winter uniforms of dark blue skirts, tasseled caps and pom-pommed shoes. On the return journey we saw the old fishing harbour of Piraeus and the millionaire-class yacht marina.
We arrived back on board at about five o'clock and the ship set sail for Malta at six. During the evening Tal Handaq's team, comprising: Pat Ransom, Ella Chapman, Penny Davison and Joanne Wiggins, won the Inter-school quiz by a very wide margin. Quote from an onlooker: "That looks like a really swotty school"(!) Plus of course the inevitable disco to end the day.


Some of the girls in the ship's pool — too cold for the boys!

Crashing trays, Clanging cutlery, Smiles and greetings, Chomping food, Pulling' faces, Holding stomachs, Feeling sick:
                                                Helen Ransom - 4J

  purpose of this. If these gentlemen did not do this there would be vast over-crowding, and people would not be able to obtain a seat.
After we had eaten our evening meal a group of us decided to find the common room. I found this to be the reverse of what I had expected. I had expected plush seats in luxurious surroundings. When I saw what the common room materialized as, I decided I would not be spending much time there.
One of the things that struck me most when I arrived on board the ship was its crew and staff.
At first we thought the Asian crew were strange. I now find them amusing. They are gentle and are good sailors.
The ship's staff are a credit to the line they work for and the Merchant Navy. They are always explicably turned out and are extremely polite and courteous. One of the master-at-arms in particular I find a pleasure in talking to. He is a very informative and knowledgeable (gentleman and is a credit to the ship's staff.
Another member of the ship's staff worthy of a mention is the staff officer Mr Furlong; he told us he was not a clown, which is in fact just what he is. Seriously though, Mr. Furlong is a hard working gentleman, he strives to keep us entertained on top of his other duties.
The Uganda's crew is complete in itself; it is a good crew therefore the ship is run efficiently and well. Everything is taken care of, even to the extent of having two charming physical training instructors on its staff.
The Uganda materialized to be a great deal different to what I expected. Certainly it is better than I expected.

Gerard Tall — 6 G



    Dorothy Roberts, Susan James, Jackie Hall and Angela Stapley playing Deck Tennis.


               THE SEA
Dark wastelands of nothingness,
With only a few stars dimly shining in the sky,
Mysterious, Frightening, and nothing is there,
Yet it is full of life.
The waves rise and drop as if breathing,
Like ancient civilizations which grew to a climax
And then died.
While another one took its place.
Or just plain people
Being born, meeting others and then dying
But splitting up into more
And carrying' on — for ever.

Sophy Bardie — 3 A

SQUARE DEAL Laundry and Dry Cleaning,
Cross Road, Marsa; 159, St. George's Road, St. Julians; 160, Paola Square, Paola; 1, Prince of Wales Road, Sliema


This morning I woke up to the happy bustle in our dormitory. Everybody was talking about Egypt, Cairo and Alexandria. We were due to arrive in Alexandria at 0800 in the morning and after much skill we arrived on the exact time said. As we approached the harbour many men in small boats came out to meet us saying "You buy" and holding up small souvenirs. After getting off the ship from our disembarkation stations we received a small packed lunch consisting of 1 roll, 1 pork pie, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 pkt biscuits, 1 chocolate bar, 1 pkt peanuts and raisins and finally 2 cans of orange and coke. We boarded the buses, mine was number 4 and started off to the Mosque. On the way we picked up our English speaking guide called Hagi who explained to us all about the Mosque. It was built by Mohammed Ali and is very very old. As we went in Hagi told us that it was a custom to take off our shoes because we could not wear them inside. I am glad I did because it was magnificent. It was carpeted with red and gold carpets that had fancy designs on. On the ceiling chandeliers hung with the total number of 137 lights. Next we saw the tomb of Mohammed Ali under which he was supposed to be buried. The tomb stone was smooth marble and was carefully hand carved in fancy designs. Outside the mosque was a beautiful
church tower which was given to Mohammed Ali by the King of France many many years ago. After taking a few photo¬graphs and putting our shoes on again we set off for the big capital of Egypt Cairo.
One not so nice thing about Cairo is that it is approx 4 hours away from Alexandria (that is by coach). On the way though I took five photographs, 1 of a man in Egyptian dress, 1 of a big sail, 1 of a hut and village and finally 1 of a pine tree arrangement. Soon after Mr Ritchie told us that we could now eat our packed lunch (much to my delight) and have 1 fizzy drink. This lunch was very filling so I went for a little sleep afterwards. When I woke up we were nearing Cairo and on the far horizon I could see the massive well known pyramids.
There are three massive pyramids known as the father and the son and the grandson. The pyramid of Cheops is over 450 ft high, and contains some 6 million tons of stone, of which all had to foe dragged the vast distance from the quarries so these were pretty hard work.
The Sphinx also dates back to c 2620 B.C.; it is built of a yellowish limestone and it stands some 60 feet off the ground. It also represents the local god Huron whose temple is situated some distance away to the east. Together the Sphinx and the Pyramids form the only "wonder of the world" which can still be seen entirely.
Belinda Oliffe —IB

                    MERSIN - TURKEY

Sailing into Mersin, one of Turkey's large ports, one cannot fail to notice the snow capped mountains in the distance, nor the modern appearance of the shops and other buildings in the foreground. After having visited Alexandria just a few days before, this port appeared fairly small and without a great amount of traffic. One of the main attractions for us was the black submarine which slowly manoeuvred past the port side of the Uganda. Most of the passengers on the ship were probably disappointed to hear that we would not be docking until later on that evening as there was no berth available at that time.
Later that night, whilst we were still anchored outside the harbour, the town lights made an impressive sight. Especially those higher up in the mountains, which appeared to be suspended in mid-air, giving an eerie impression. We heard again that we would be delayed further. By this time could some people be having doubts that we would ever set foot on Turkish soil?
When we woke up the following morning we were still not docked. However, shortly afterwards we saw the pilot boat approaching the Uganda, and sighs of relief echoed around the dormitories. Despite the necessary delay, Turkey proved to be a most interesting and enjoyable country. We noticed that there was no real poverty in Mersin itself, although some of the streets were muddy and a few of the houses looked quite poor.
However, where else would one find such friendly people, who took such care and patience in wrapping one tiny parcel ? The Turks found time for us, and cared about the service they gave us. Even in one shop, where the most popular gift from Turkey - - Turkish Delight — was sold, the parcels were patiently wrapped and tied up with pieces of coloured ribbon, which was meticulously curled and tied. Perhaps the fact that most of the people that we met could speak English helped us to appreciate this beautiful country, even so, I think that it surpassed any of the other ports that we have visited on this cruise. I, for one, was very sorry when the Uganda had to leave.
Ella Chapman — 6 A

It was early morning when we entered Rhodes, and the sun gave all the buildings a mellow, orange glow. The light on the point was still flashing, and people were still waking up. Approaching the harbour it was just like seeing the previous day's slide show again. The two deer flanking the entrance to Mandraki Harbour, and the three windmills on the breakwater, but the windmills were without their sails. The Palace of the Grand Masters rose above the town walls, surrounded by trees. The bastions themselves dwarfed the cars and coaches beneath them.
There were some cargo ships moored on the same quay as Uganda, unloading boxes and barrels onto untidy heaps on the concrete. One ship, half loaded, had a severe list to starboard.
Once out of the dock gates, and through the huge gates in the wall, you are in busy, narrow streets. In the shopping streets leather goods and cheesecloth blouses are hung outside. In others are piles and rows of ceramic plates, tiles and vases; most with traditional Greek designs and pictures.
Many of the streets are paved with pebbles, and cars and motorbikes drive along them very fast.
The street of the Knights is a long, narrow cobbled street where the Knights of St. John had their inns; there are carved coats of arms on the fronts of the buildings. Crossing the street are covered bridges, which also act as buttresses to support the walls on either side.
At the top of this street stands the Grand Master's Palace, where the Head of the Order lived. There is a huge courtyard, paved with grey and white stone, and with old Greek statues standing under archways. Inside the rooms are high and bare, with mosaiced floors and wooden ceilings. The few chairs and benches smell of linseed oil and wood polished. 42.

From the windows of the palace can be seen the harbours of Rhodes and, in the distance, the Turkish mountains, and Uganda moored at the end of the quay.
Penny Davison




dation but have yet to gain use of quarters on their parent naval establishment, although the section sailing dinghy is moored there.
1 RAF Cadet gained a place on the Continuous Gliding Course at CGS Halton last summer but has since transferred his newly-found skill to an ATC in Scotland following his posting out! Another course should be available this year to a lucky selected cadet. A suitable course for a senior RN cadet is being investigated.
2IC RN Section. OC RAF Section. 2IC RAF Section. 1C Female RAF Cadets.
The strength of any CCF must rest upon the enthusiasm of its Section Commanders and their officers. This Contingent is indeed fortunate in having the support and loyalty and above all the time of the following officers:— Sub Lt. M.J. Newton RNR(OCF) OC RN Section. Sub Lt. J.A. Hughes RNR(CCF) Fit. Lt. C.M. Laing RAFVR(T) Pilot Offr. I. Hesketh RAFVR(T) Miss L.I. Curtis
Unfortunately, the Contingent loses the services of Sub Lt Hughes in July of this year for waters new, namely the Rhine. Our very great loss is the Kriegsmarine's gain! We wish him well in his new post and thank him for his loyalty. enthusiasm and service to the cadet movement.
Miss L. Curtis made it possible to accept girls into the Contingent and it is mainly due to her determination and interest that the female cadets are the success story they have become. Cadets Beverley Shaw and Sue Maloney are outstanding examples of the value gained by having a female section in the contingent. Their support and time on the administration of the corps has proved invaluable.
The Annual General Inspection this year was carried out by Group Captain C.A. Vasey RAF, Officer Commanding Royal Air Force Luqa. It is understood that the Inspecting Officer enjoyed his afternoon with the Contingent and showed great interest in all that he saw. We await the final published report some weeks ahead.

  H.Q. A.C. Liaison Officer (U.K.) inspecting R.A.F. Section at a termly visit.


While both Sections are in many respects self — reliant in terms of syllabus training, through the officers and cadet NGOs, we would in our particular circumstances be most unwise to ignore the offers of help and advice from the 'professionals' on our two parent establishments. Our sincere thanks are due to the Commanding Officers of HMS St Angelo, 41 Commando (RM), and RAF Luqa and the vast number of personnel who are at some time during the year concerned with providing facilities for the Contingent.
Our regular volunteer instructors during the year, often devoting a great deal of their spare time, have been the following:—
Leading Seaman Sanderson, LMA Williams, Chief Yeoman Long, GPO G.I. Me Connell.
Cpl Ollis RM, Sgt Harvey RM, 2nd Lt Crosby RM, 2nd Lt Gelder RM.
Sgts Brennan & Thomas, Chf Tech Murley, Fit Sgt Cox, Fg Off Me Cormac, Flt Lts Bray, Millar, & Thomson (D/ACLO).
Our thanks are also due to the ACLO, Sqn Ldr Gerrard and his other deputies Flt Lts Buick, Eastment, and May for their advice and help throughout the year.
The cooperation of the Headmaster and the other members of staff of the school is greatly appreciated.
A.P. Allen — Flt Lt RAFVR(T) OC Contingent

Girls in R.A.F. Section "secure" sheerlegs before leaping out with 41 Cdo.

Chief Murley presses the remains of a go-kart into action for the Engines Proficiency exam, instruction



emerged as a ball-playing winger, whilst Simon Whelton's speed on the left gave width to our stacking movement Derek Bonnar ploughed a powerful furrow down the middle where his speed and ferocious shooting were put to good use, At the end of the season we were pleased to welcome Andrew Madge who added much skill to the left side of the field. All in all a good season for all concerned and I must thank all squad members for making it so. At this point I must single out our team captain, David North. David has played for Tal Handaq for three seasons now, two of them as captain. As a player he has much ability and adaptability only rivalled by Paul Madely. This year he has again played in all positions, except goalkeeper, and interestingly emerged as joint leading goal scorer. As a skipper he has led the team well on the field and organised efficiently off. I should like to thank David for his contribution toTal Handaq soccer and wish him luck on the soccer field on his return to U.K,
Full Colours Re-award  David North
                   Award Gary Month; Paul Bennett.

Half Colours  Award Andrew Basson, Kenneth Williams, John Russel, David     Davies, Gary Dimeck, Derek Bonnar, Matthew Lane.



BACK ROW: S. Wheltan; N. Hall. CENTRE: J. Russell; D. North; M. Lane. FRONT ROW: A. Basson; D. Bonnar; D. Davies.




BACK ROW: A. Groves; D. Pickup; D. Bonnar; Mr. Charnley; K. Kiddle; T. Johnson; V. Helliwell.
CENTRE: S. Oliver; J. Russell; S. McKee; N. Hall; P. Kitson. ;             FRONT ROW: S.Whelton, P.Sheppard, A. Basson, A.Jackson, D.North,      K. McCosh; I.Rowbottom.


  SCHOOL STAFF 1976-77        
1st Row: A. McHardy; P. Allen; G. Gordon; S. Singleton; M. Sherwin, Sen. Mistress; Cdr. G.D. Stubbs, Headmaster; Lt. Cdr. D. Meld, Dep. Headmaster; Lt. Cdr. A. Richards; W. Lewington; T. Ricketts.
2nd Row: A. Nelson; N. Ash; Mr. Pawley; M. Caseley; Mr. Bezzina; J. Rae; L. Curtis; D. Gray; S. Beckett; I. Dickinson; M. Spray; H. Wilson; M. Loughran.
3rd Row: Mr. Aquilina; S. Camilleri; B. Charnley; K. Patterson; L. Shone; D. McGrath.
4th Row: H. Ritchie; J. Hughes; I. Kesketh; G. Davey; A. Latham; M. Turner; C. Laing.
5th Row: J. Slide; B. Whewell;K. Winn; L. Finnis; M. Holland; P. Goss.
6th Row: F. Kitson; B. Leonard; B. Woollanas; J. Bonner; D. Walker; C. Christmas.

Feb 8th

Alanbrooke    v Cunningham (SENIOR)               Alan 5-0

Alanbrooke    v Tedder (INTERMEDIATE)                 0-0

Feb 22nd

Cunningham v Tedder (INTERMEDIATE)           Cunn 2-0

Alanbrooke    v Tedder (JUNIOR)                       Ted 2-0

Mar 8th

Alanbrooke    v Tedder (SENIOR)                             4-4

Alanbrooke    v Cunningham (INTERMEDIATE) Cunn 2-0

Mar 15th

Cunningham v Tedder (JUNIOR)                       Ted 3-0

Mar 22nd

Cunningham v Tedder (SENIOR)                       Ted 3-1
Alanbrooke    v Cunningham (JUNIOR)              Cunn 2-1

2 for a win                 1 for a draw             0 for a loss 

Winner: Tedder 8 points; 2nd Cunningham 6: 3rd.Alanbrooke 4 






BACK ROW: N. Hall; Mr. Walker; J. Russell;


CENTRE: S. Hall; A. Copsey; V. Helliwell; P.Davison


FRONT ROW: S. Oliver; D. North; M. Beresford, A.Basson;  S. Dove.


This year's competition took place in the North West of the island; the start and finish being Paradise Bay. As usual each House entered a boys' team and a girls' team from each year group. Each team earned points for the House as well as individual points. Special mention must go to David Bench and Mark Warner, both second years of Alanbrooke House who scored the most points and to Kim Hanns and Rachel Le Quesne of fifth year who scored highest among the girls' teams.

Score Penalties  Total Points  House Points
Final Score
Alanbrooke               525     135          390                45
Cunningham              465     263          202                 40
Tedder                     435       99          336                 42
Individual Team with most Pts: Mark Warner — 2nd year
David Bench — 2nd year

First Year: M. Gallow; S. Johnson     32 (Cunningham)

Second Year: D. Bench; M. Warner  81 (Alanbrooke)

Third Year: M. Lamb; K. Smyth        62 (Alanbrooke)

Fourth Year: C. Norman; S. Triffitt    27 (Alanbrooke)

 Fifth Year: S. Oliver; V. Helliwell       72 (Tedder)

Sixth Year: K. Kiddle; D. Pickup        72 (Cunningham)
K. Williams; D. Cox                          72 (Tedder)
Highest scoring girl's team:

R. Le Quesne           68 (Tedder)
K. Hanns                 68 (Tedder)



Cross country is a sport which needs plenty of stamina if you want to win your race.
This year the cross country championships were held as usual with great excitement. We had to compete a rough course travelling down a small concreted path which led to a valley lane. Once this area had been covered we then had to run up a stony path with a medium gradient. It wasn't too hard running up here but the distance of this agonising hill was too much for some people. Finally when we were at the top of the hilly terrain with all that running behind us we had to complete a final lengthy road-way leading down to school. This bit we had to sprint to get a good placing. I ended up second, two seconds behind Michael Morris, who definitely deserved to win because of his well run race.
Another time I had to run a really long race was around the bastions in Valletta. This was a bit different as we had to run on road.
I was in the Tal Handaq team which was competing among many others including Maltese. Once we had started, myself and Steve Dove had to keep right out in front as we had to keep up with more experienced runners. We were lying about twentieth at the half way stage, so we decided to step up the pace. We managed to reach for the final places with Steve Dove coming fifth and myself seventh.
Although we had not won the race we were very proud of ourselves as we could claim to be among the best in Malta.
Stuart McKee — 4K

Juniors: 1. K. Greenwood (T)
2. S, Hall (C)
3. M. Johnson (T)
Colts: 1. M. Morris (A)
2. S. McKee (C)
3. P. Groves (C)
Seniors: 1. S. Whelton (T)
2. G. Booth (C)
3. K. Williams (T)
Overall: 1. Tedder 155 pts
2. Alanbrooke 177 pts
3. Cunningham 191 pts

                             Right: CROSS-COUNTRY
ACK : A. Basson; S. Whelton; Mr. Ricketts;M.Atrill,M.Madge
CENTRE: N. Hall; S. Dove; C. McKee; S. Oliver; K.Kiddle.
FRONT : K. Williams; N. Madge; K. Greenwood, K.Smyth.



BACK ROW: N. Shipp; F. Buick; A. Gallow; B.Fogarty

 CENTRE: M. Shroll; P. Fairclough; D. Canhan, S.McKee

FRONT ROW: R. Le Quesne; C. Vernon; D. Dawson.


BACK ROW: N. Shipp; D. Canhan; A. Callow.

 FRONT ROW: M. Shroll; D. Dawson; C. Vernon

Some of the Senior Girls prior to the Orienteering Competition


Simon Whelton of Tedder winning the Senior Cross-country.





 BACK ROW: L. Oliver; N. Shipp; D. Gibbons.

FRONT ROW: T. Dryden; I. Collins; C. Church


BACK ROW:  S. Oliver; S. McKee; S. Whelton.

FRONT ROW:  A. Basson; P. Egan; D. North.



The netball league this year got underway in October 1976 with all the matches played on Saturday mornings at Luqa 2 site.
The team consisted of: OS — E. Watts, GA — T. Giles, WA — J. Dawson, C — A. Griffith, WD — J. Holt, GD — N. Shipp, GK — B. Young.
School 'A' did extremely well this year and managed to gain 33 points out of a possible 44, putting them into 3rd position behind Luqa's A and B teams. A total of 22 games were played and 'A' won 16 of them, drew 1, and lost 5. Between the two shooters Elaine Watts and Theresa Giles a total of 368 goals were scored with the goals against them numbering 217.
The girls have worked together well and centre court play from Angie Griffith, Julie Dawson and Jill Holt has greatly improved throughout the games. The defenders Nicky Shipp and Belinda Young have also played very well together and improved considerably even against the more experienced players from Luqa, St. Andrews and Mtarfa. Well done!
During the knockout competition earlier in the year the team received Silver medals after beating all their opponents, but the final against Luqa 'A' proved too much for them and so went on to 2nd position. Congratulations to those girls concerned.
A special mention must surely go to Miss Loughran who encouraged and lifted our spirits even in defeat, and for keeping up the good attendance during the year for practices. So on behalf of the 'A' team I would like to say thank you to her for all the hard work, effort and time she devoted to us throughout the year.

Elaine Watts — Captain


The Subbuteo League started again at the beginning of the new school year. There were two Divisions; division 1 was won by M. Lamb (3A), the runner-up being Frontis Wiggins (3A). J. Jefferson (2C) came third and D. Walker (2A) fourth. Division 2 was won by P. Murley (2A).
The Christmas knockout was won by J. Jefferson who beat P. Murley 4-0. The cup was previously won by M. Lamb and F. Wiggins.
After Christmas the Leagues joined together and split into four groups. F. Wiggins won Group 1; D. Bench won Group 2; B. Whitehead won Group 3 and M. Johnson beat J. Spencer on goal average to win Group 4.
In the Easter knockout, twenty-one teams entered, lack of space forbids me from mentioning everyone's names, but well done to all those who competed and helped make the competition a success. Starting at the quarter-finals, M. Warner (2A) beat B. Whitehead (2E) 1-0; M. Lamb (3A) beat L. Green (2F) 6-0; D. Walker (2A) beat L. Smith (also 2B) 1-0; and in the last quarter-final game P. Murley (2A) beat M. Feeley (2A) 4-0.
In the semi-finals M. Lamb (3A) beat M. Warner (2A) 5-0, and in the other game D. Walker luckily beat P. Murley on penalties after extra-time.
In the final M. Lamb (3A) as Benfica and narrowly won by a second-half goal against D. Walker (2A) as Leeds. D. Bench refereed the first half of the final and F. Wiggins the second.
Thanks to P. Murley (2A) for organising the league and knockout and to Lt. Cmdr. Nield (Deputy Head) for giving up his spare time to do the overall running of the Subbuteo Club.
M Lamb — 3 A

Alanbrooke  464 pts
Cunningham 426 pts
Tedder       355 pts

Trampoline: Maureen Simpson of 5 J


BACK ROW: N. Shipp; Miss Loughran; J. Dawson; B. Young.
FRONT ROW: H. Lewington; T. Gites; E. Watts;; A. Griffiths


Team                            P W D L   Points
LUQA 'A'                    22 22 0 0    44
LUQA 'B'                    22 19 0 3    38
TAL HANDAQ 'A'     22 16 1 5    33
ST. ANDREWS 'A'     22 14: 2 6   30
TAL HANDAQ 'B'      22 14 1 7    29
LUQA 'C'                    22 13 0 9    26
LUQA 'D'                    22 10 0 12  20
MTARFA                    22 8 0 14    16
ST. ANDREWS 'B'     22 7 0 15    14
TAL HANDAQ 'C'     22 3 0 19      6


BACK ROW: F. Buick; S. McKinnon; Miss Loughran; K. Hanns; S. Johnson.
FRONT ROW:  R. Le Quesne; C. Vernon; D. Canhan; A. Morris.


The Swimming Sports were held at Robb Lido  in July. The event will be remembered, in particular as being the only function of this kind at which the spectators wet as the competitors! Half an hour after the clouds appeared and the rain poured in torrents,. The swimming races were continued, however, and it was again a victory for Alanbrooke.


1st Alanbrooke
2nd Tedder
3rd Cunningham.

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               HOUSE REPORTS


Since the publication of the last school magazine, Alanbrooke House has had a very successful sporting season.
The two main events of last year's Summer term were the Athletics and the Swimming Gala; with Alanbrooke taking first place in both competitions.
Traditionally, the Autumn term always sees the start of the first of the Netball tournaments. All the teams played extremely well with the result that the Juniors beat both Cunningham and Tedder by the same score of 15-7, the Intermediates beat Cunningham and Tedder 24-10 and 15-10 respectively and the Seniors beat Tedder 24-9 but unfortunately lost to Cunningham 24-22 after what proved to be a very close but enjoyable match. The Netball teams consisted of the following:
Junior team: F. Draper, S. Burns, Y. Gayle, J. Giles, D. Paul, S. Petrie, C. Corbett and J. Hills.
Intermediate team: D. Jenkins, J. Vernon, K. Vernon, K. Baker, S. Pickett, N. Shipp, G. Evans and J. Hills.
Senior team: T. Giles (capt.), S. McKinnon, K. Poulson, D. Canham, B. Young, S. Johnstone, Z. Baker and A. Dowie.
The overall team positions in the first Netball tournament were:— Juniors 1st, Intermediates 1st and Seniors 2nd.
In the second Netball tournament, held in the Spring term, the teams maintained their good standard of play and the House was placed second overall.
Although we did not do as well in the Girls Hockey tournament, winning one match and drawing one match of the four played, many thanks must go to the team members who gave some of their free time to attend the various practices and matches.


The past year has been a successful one for Alanbrooke Boys. The summer of 1976 saw a clean sweep of the available trophies when we carried off the Cricket Cup, Athletics Cup, Swimming Cup and Champion House Trophy and then to prove our academic ability we also won the House Point Trophy.
The Cricket Trophy was sewn up for us by the power of the Senior XI who with such players as the Churchward twins, Dave Davies, Dave North and Mike Hartley in the team were hardly stretched. The Athletics Trophy victory in May was the result of good teamwork allied with a powerful girls' team. The Swimming Trophy was also easily won which was hardly surprising when the team contained talented swimmers such as Robin Harper, Steve Dove, Steven Gallic and Tony Copsey.
The start of the 1976/77 School year dawned with the inevitable but sad departure of many of our games players.
In the Soccer, however, we got away to a powerful start and were unbeaten in the first half of the season and although a couple of points were lost in the run-in nevertheless the House won the Soccer House Championships by a clear ten points and claimed the Colts Trophy with a 100% record. Pride of place in the Soccer must go to our powerful Senior XI where Dave North, Dave Davies, Derek Bonnar, Andy Bas-son and John Russell had too much strength and flair for the opposition. The Colts did wonderfully well as on paper they did not have the strongest team in the competition but sound goalkeeping from Steve Dove, a defence inspired by Paul Johnson and an attack flanked by Mike Lamb and Mike Morris combined to give an unbeatable combination. The Juniors although second in their section played well with few doing better than David Bench and Lorne Green.

In the minor League Alanbrooke were just pipped at the post toy Cunningham after a fine competition. This team, revolving very much around Mark Judd and Mark Bennett, played keenly but well, to the best of their ability and ought to be congratulated on their efforts.
Rugby, unfortunately, did not prove to be our forte with the result that both competitions went to our opponents.
The Orienteering competition held at Paradise Bay held in store a few surprises. The provisional results issued after the competition indicated that we had taken second place, but after scrutiny it was found that we had won! Well done, Mr. Finnis! No matter what the result it was a splendid competition and all competitors are to be congratulated on their efforts.
After these competitions we have gained a clutch of second places. In Basketball the Seniors were too powerful for the opposition but our Juniors found the opposition too much for them.
In the Cross Country we got off to an abysmal start when the Juniors were crushed by the opposition; were redeemed slightly by the Colts where Mike Morris ran a superb race and then was pulled into a good second place by brilliant packing in the Senior race. My congratulations to all runners in the Competition which demanded courage as well as ability.
On the whole a good year in which the House has benefitted from a strong V and VI form representation. Good leadership has come from Dave North, and Tony Copsey with strong support from the rest of the House.
M.J. New

Cunningham started the term well taking second place in the soccer. The Juniors played exceptionally well with three wins and a draw to their credit, and although all members of this team  proved to be solid players, McGlone, Gallow, Booth & Shipp deserve special mention. Their finest achievement
of the season was the convincing way in which they won the Minor  League, against strong opposition from St. Andrews and Luqa Primary Schools and Tedder and Alanbrooke House.

Teams. The Colts shared the honours in their games, losing to Alanbrooke and beating Tedder. McKee, Stephenson and Tinker were particularly strong in this side. To their credit, the Seniors always played with determination, with Booth, Lane and Dimeck outstanding, but they could not match the strength of the other senior sides. Thanks are due to Mr. Goss, Mr. Davey and Mr. Bonner for organisation and help with the soccer teams.
Cunningham took second place in the Orienteering with Gallow and Johnson of the 1st year and Pickup and Kiddle of the 6th year coming first in their respective (groups. The Cross Country was very close this year, for after two events, Cunningham were in second place only five points behind Tedder, thanks to some excellent running toy Hall, Feeley, Lane and Jones in the Juniors and McKee, Groves and Shaw in the Colts. Unfortunately, only Booth, who broke the existing school record in the Senior event came in the first ten, and we again finished third overall.
The first and fourth years played particularly well in the rugby, placing Cunningham second, and in the seven-a-side we again took first place.
Another first was obtained in the Basketball where the seniors, again captained by Gary Booth, clinched the title by defeating Tedder. Our strength in this sport, however, was in the Colts where McKee and Whelton were outstanding in an unbeaten side.
First again, this time in Squash, which was introduced for the first time this year. The victorious team consisted of Booth, Jackson, Kiddle and Dimeck.
In spite of the efforts of Mr. Walker and Mr. Davey our Hockey Teams finished second, although there was some encouraging play by Hall, A. Jackson, S. Jackson, Elwis and Beresford in the Seniors and1 by Hill, Egan and McKee in the Colts, who won both their matches.

Generally, there has been a considerable improvement in the standard and the determination of all teams this year, and much of the credit for this must go to Garry Booth, our Games Captain, who, unfortunately, left in March. He must take a lot of the responsibility for our encouraging results so far and for the fact that at the end of the Spring Term, Cunningham were narrowly in the lead for the Championship Cup.
Simon Jackson — House Captain

"Mixed" Hockey: A Senior match between Tedder and Cunningham.

Inter House Tournament — Autumn Term 1976
Alanbrooke   1st
Tedder         2nd
Cunningham 3rd

Alanbrooke    1st
Tedder         2nd
Cunningham  3rd

Cunningham    1st
Alanbrooke   2nd
Tedder          3rd

Inter House — 10-Minute Tournament Spring Term
Tedder         1st
Alanbrooke  2nd
Cunningham 3rd

Alanbrooke  1st
Cunningham 2nd
Tedder       3rd

Cunningham  1st
Alanbrooke  2nd
Tedder         3rd

1st Year Netball Tournament
 Cunningham  1st
Tedder         2nd
Alanbrooke  3rd

Junior Schools Netball Tournament
In this tournament, Luqa and St. Andrews each provided
"A"and "B" Netball teams and each of the three Tal Handaq
houses, Alanbrooke, Cunningham and Tedder supplied 'A' and
'B' teams from the first year.

A Teams                                                      'B' Teams
1st Cunningham                                          1st Cunningham
2nd Luqa                                                   2nd Alanbrooke
3rd St. Andrews                                        3rd Luqa

Inter House Hockey Tournament
Juniors  Tedder 1st
            Alanbrooke 2nd
            Cunningham 2nd
Seniors  Cunningham 1st
             Alanbrooke 2nd
              Tedder 3rd

Inter House Mixed Hockey
Juniors    Tedder 1st
               Cunningham 2nd
                Alanbrooke 3rd

Intermediates: Cunningham 1st
                       Alanbrooke 2nd
                       Tedder 3rd

Seniors    Tedder 1st
               Alanbrooke 2nd
                Cunningham 3rd


Members of the Junior team were:— H. Barratt, Y. Gayle, S. Petrie, J. Vernon, A. Harvey, S. Dryden, J. Giles, I. Collins, D. Jenkins, S. Burns, D. Paul, G. Evans and S. Turnbull.
Members of the Senior team were:— G. Knott, P. Spencer, N.Shipp, D. Gibbons, D. Canham, P. Ransom, J. Hills, T. Giles (capt.), S. Johnstone, A. Dowie and H. Hipperson.
Non-sporting activities have included visits to St. Patrick's Orphanage in Sliema, these outings being kindly arranged by Miss Nelson.
November '76 saw the departure of Miss Hill with MJSH Gray taking her place. Miss Spray, our House Mistress, was married during the Easter holidays and is now Mrs. Parry Jones.
The House Points competitions have been going very well this year and hopefully we will be able to retain the cup.
Returning to sport, the Mixed Hockey produced some better results in that the Juniors were placed second overall in their section, the Intermediates were placed second and the Seniors were placed first.
For the second time running Alanbrooke managed to win the Orienteering competition. If this sort of effort can be sustained then there will be a good chance of our keeping the Inter-House Sports Trophy.
Finally, on behalf of all girls in Alanbrooke, I would like to thank Mrs. Parry Jones for all her hard work and encouragement in training and coaching the teams and in the general management of the House. A special thank you must also go to Miss Shone for her part in the House organisation, especially in connection with fund-raising and also to Theresa Giles as Sports Captain.
Finally, the House will be very sad to lose Mrs. Parry Jones at the end of the Summer term so we would like to thank her once again for all her hard work and interest in the House and wish her every success and happiness for the future.

Anne Dowie — House Captain

     Senior Netball: Cunningham vs Alanbrooke


                  CUNNINGHAM GIRLS
At the beginning of another term we welcomed Miss Dickinson as our new House Mistress due to the departure of Miss Lattimer. Miss Patterson was also a newcomer to Cunningham House.
Once again Miss Curtis accompanied parties of girls to visit the orphanage, but unfortunately these had to discontinue, but we would like in say thank you to her effort to make the visits successful.
This year, as ever, there was enthusiastic and keen Net-ballers and teams were chosen from the following:—
JUNIORS — J. Merrit, T. Curtis, M. Scanlan,, S. Proctor, Z. Crabtree, A. Hancox, D.Roberts, M. Fenney, S. Whelton, J. Johnson, C. Jones.
INTERMEDIATES S. Hardie, D. Knight, M. Shroll, H. Ransan, H. Painter, I. Oliver. A. Callow, S. Brooke, T. Loftus.
SENIORS — E. Walls, K. Buick, P. Fairclough, C. Vernon, J. Dawson, S. Fothergill, B. Smith, K. McKay.
1st YEARS — J. Johnson, T.Curtis, S. Spencer, A. Weavill, M. Scanlon, H. Wedlock, K. Stanton.
One round and a 10-minute Tournament was played this year and the Juniors unfortunately lost twice to both Alanbrooke and Tedder, even though they played very well indeed. The intermediates didn't start off too well but improved their position during the lO-minute Tournament losing only one of their two matches and claimed the overall position of 2nd. Well done! Again the Seniors took 1st place in both the first round and 10-minute Tournament, for the second consecutive year and so good luck to all those playing next year -maybe even make it a hat trick. The 1st years also played  very well and fully deserved their winning trophy. Congratulations particularly to the Seniors and 1st years, 'but well done all those who participated in any of the teams and for the good attendance throughout the year in practising.
In the Hockey Tournament this year the invincible Seniors regained the cup yet again, after beating 'both Alanbrooke and Tedder 2-0. The teams that played consisted of:
, Oliver, B. Smith, E. Watts, B. Fogarty, K. McKay, B. Shaw, J. Dawson, L. Murphy, P. Fairclough, C. Vernon,, F. Buick , with reserves D. Knight and D. Maloney.
In the Junior section however, they didn't do so well and lost l to Tedder 2-1, and a 0-0 draw with Alanbrooke gave them  overall position of 2nd. The Athletics and Swimming  competitions have still to be played and we hope to be successful  in both of these.
Thank you to Miss Dickinson for her work and to all members of the House who competed and supported.
E. Watts — House Captain.

To begin with I would like to thank Jackie Le Quesne and Karen Sowerby, last year's House and Games captains, respectively, for all they have done in the past, and to wish them all the best in the future.
We began the year choosing new House and Games captains. The Games captain, Helen Lewington, has done extremely well in coaching all the Netball teams. I'd also like to thank Rachel Le Quesne for all she has done for the Hockey.
This year Tedder seems to have been out to prove itself as the winning House. The boys won the cross-country, and although we didn't win the Orienteering, I know that a lot of effort went into securing the second place.
The Netball matches this term have all been very exciting to watch, with our brilliant, to put it mildly, Juniors, thrashing their way to victory over the other two Houses. The Juniors, captained by Dawn Dawson, have showed themselves to have all the qualities needed to make a good team. Unfortunately, the Intermediates, Seniors and First Years, did not have this
success in the Netball sphere. But, 1 think they'll agree that we did our best, but the other houses just had the edge.
On the Hockey field Tedder have shown themselves to be superior. In previous years the House Hockey matches have been played by the girls, but this year it was decided that the boys would be given a chance to prove their skill on the Hockey pitch, and prove it they did. Both the Seniors and Intermediates were mixed teams, and although the Intermediates were beaten, the Senior team pulled through, drawing with Alanbrooke 4-4, and beating Cunningham 3-1. The team captain, Steven Oliver, proved himself to be a fine player. The Junior team smashed both Cunningham and Alanbrooke in their very exciting matches, again proving that they are a good sporting bunch. This clinched our victory and we ended up two points clear of Cunningham - thus winning the cup.
We hope to do well in the Athletics and Swimming Championships, later on in the year, as I'm sure we will.
The number of House points this term have been higher than in previous terms; I would especially like to mention Julie Lewington of class 2A who has succeeded in gaining the most credits during the past two terms.
My thanks to everyone who has partaken in any way, whether it was playing, supporting or turning up as reserves, it's been a good year so far, so let's hope it carries on that way.
I'd also like to thank Miss Ash, the House Mistress, who along with Miss Rae and Miss McHardy have supported the House through everything.
Kim Hanns — House Captain

Yet again Tedder has proved to be a worthy opponent against the stiff opposition of Cunningham and Alanbrooke Houses in both skill, effort and team spirit. Tedder have al¬ways competed well in both sport and the field of academic work and at last it seems the House's efforts this year is beginning to pay off.
As House Captain I have noted a radical change, for the better as people are now beginning to take pride and enjoyment from both competing and seeing the results of their efforts.

The House Master this year was once again Mr Hughes, and it must be said that the House appreciates both the time and effort he has put in to make this House year a good one for not only Tedder, but the rest of the School as well.
Other masters that should be mentioned are Mr Casely, without whom Tedder could not have achieved such worthy results, and Mr Leonard who led the Junior team in their first taste of Snr School Sports. Another person who excelled himself for the sake of the House was Stephen Oliver, who has represented the House in all sports and has captained most of the teams, most notably being hockey.
The results of this year's Inter-House Sports Competition are as follows:—
A very fine effort was shown in all Tedder teams and players of note are: Kenny Williams, Simon Crickmay, Gary Smyth and Paul Egan.
With Stephen Oliver captaining the Tedder Mixed Hockey team (thank you to all the girls) Tedder was without doubt in a class of their won playing good and sporting hockey.
Squash is a relatively new sport in Tal Handaq, and it was only become a house competition this year. Tedder attained 2nd place and this which was largely due to Mike Orr who displayed a fine effort all round.

It could very easily be said that Tedder came first in this year's "Cross-Country" without much effort whatsoever, but, truthfully we had a fine opposition and it was mainly due to Simon Whelton who not only came first but also captured the school record from his older brother Mark who left the House last year.
As the last competitors reached the home-base and the final score was totalled, everyone was waiting; Tedder were first, that is until Monday, after a recount it was discovered that Alanlbrooke had won by a narrow margin of some two points. Oh, if only our fourth year team had turned up! Persons of note: Ken Williams and David Cox.
Captained by Ian Rowbottom, the Tedder Rugby side played good aggressive organised Rugby and it is only fair to mention the whole team; Ian Rowibottom (capt), Stephen Oliver, Simon Crickmay, Vince Helliwell, Paul Shepperd, David and Steven Cox, Gary Smyth, John Storry and Alex Groves.
I would also like to thank all the House members who have participated in the Inter-House activities; I know that they have enjoyed themselves. I would also like to thank all those countless others, Staff included of course, who have contributed in such outstanding ways to make this a most successful year all round.
Thank you!
Paul Egan — House Captain



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Now it's your turn to find out how you rate as the perfect pupil! Answers must be written neatly on paper (not ripped from an exercise book) with the candidate's name and form and handed to the Headmaster (no action will be taken).
1. A teacher asks you to hand in your homework book
which you have forgotten. Do you:
(a) Burst into tears and beg for mercy?
(b) Apologise and say you'll bring it next day?
(c) Say "Why should I, it's my book"!
2. A prefect gives you detention. Do you:
(a) Forget to go?
(b) Bribe him with a packet of fags?
(c) Arrive, but 10 minutes late?
3. A teacher has promised you a test. Do you:
(a) Learn the work obediently?
(b) Watch T.V. and risk the consequences?
(c) Arrive with your arm in a sling?
4. Your form teacher asks you, for the third time, for the
note you were supposed to bring in. Do you:
(a) Admit you forgot it again?
(b) Say the baby ate it?
(c) Look blank?
5. A teacher makes a mistake on the blackboard. Do you:
(a) Point it out politely?
(b) Not notice?
(c) Do a victory march around the classroom?
6. If there is someone in your form whom you detest, do
(a) Ignore him?
(b) Try to find something in his character you like?
(c) Hang him on the coat pegs?
7. Do you attend school:
(a) always
(b) seldom
(c) never.
8. You are told to learn 50 French words for a test the next
day. Do you:
(a) Spend all evening learning them?
(b) Get your friend to learn half, so that you only have
to learn the other half, and cheat?
(c) Watch T.V.?




__  1

b —



— 0



__  0

b —



— 1



— 2

b —



— 0



— 2

b —



__  1



— 2

b —



— 0



— 1

b —



— 0



— 2

b —



— 0



— 2

b —



— 0


0—5       You should be in a Borstal
5 — 10  
Average, but rather lazy.
10 — 16 
Congratulations to both of you!
Compiled by 3B
Try our specially designed questionnaire to find out. Check your score at the end. (No cheating!)

1, A pupil begins eating his lunch in class. Do you:
(a) Tell him to throw it in the bin?
(to) Ignore him?
(c) Ask if you can have a bite?
2. You are on duty and see two boys having a fight. Do you:
(a) Feel sick at the sight of blood?
(b) Give each of them a detention?
(c) Lay bets on the winner?
3.The visitor at Assembly has been talking for thirty minutes. Do you:
(a) Continue to look interested?
(b) Think of some fiendish homework for 3B?
(c) Doze off and fall off your chair?
4, A pupil walks into your lesson late, playing with a yo-yo. Do you:
(a) Ask him why he is late?
(b) Confiscate it and play with it yourself?
(c) Give him a debit?
5 If you see a boy wearing a denim jacket to school, do you:
(a) Ask where he bought it and how much it costs?
(b) Make him take it -off?
(c) Give him a detention?
6, A girl comes to school wearing six inch platforms. Do you:
(a) Give her a two hour lecture?
(b) Tell her they are out of fashion?
(c) Tell her she is more likely to catch the eyes of the nurse than the eyes of the boys?
7. You catch some girls writing their boyfriends' names on
their desks. Do you:
(a) Correct their spelling?
(b) Tell them to clean up the desk and all the other
desks in the classroom?
(c) Read the names aloud?
8. A pupil tells you he has not done his homework. Do you:
(a) Give him detention, plus twice as much homework?
(b) Sympathise, as there was a good film on T.V. the
night before?
(c) Issue a debit?

1. a — 0  b — 1  c — 2
2. a - 1     b - 0    c — 2
3. a - 1    b - 0    c — 2
4. a — 1  b — 2  c — 0
5. a — 2  b - 1    c — 0
6. a  -. o  b — 2   C - 1
7. a — 2  b - 0    c — 1
8. a - 0    b — 2  C — 1

0 — 5 Ever thought of joining the SS?
5 — 10 Fairly satisfactory.
10 — 16 You may be popular but are you really in the right job?

N.B. Any resemblance to teachers at Tal Handaq is purely deliberate.


The school Library has an appearance of neatness and is simply arranged in carrell style. There is a senior study area at the back but ample room with desks and easy chairs in the other area.
There is a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction. It is possible to find practically any information because of the large collection of encyclopaedias. The senior fiction area has most of the newest novels and a wide choice of authors ranging from George Orwell to Paul Bellow; the subjects never ending from science fiction to historic accounts in novel form.
In the recent year the Library has made a show of current events by having displays around the walls. Last year we had the American Bicentennial and for that there was a great response from the children. They helped Mr. Clemens and Mr Aquilina arrange the display and provided material too.
The school fashion show poster competition showed its winners in a colourful exhibition, and now we have the Queen's Jubilee which is provided a full and informative show. In smaller matters we have the general studies world map showing current affairs and art wall exhibits picturing characters from Shakespeare's plays.
The children play a great part in running the Library by helping with display, providing material, cataloguing and even working behind the counter.
The Library is a vital part of the school, a centre of activities and a quiet place to study. Little wonder it is always full.
Gill Male — U 6 A

      Science: 1 F preparing to launch their air balloons.


On Monday 14th March, the lower school went to St.Andrews barracks to see the dress rehearsal of 'Trooping the Colour by 41 Commando Group. When the buses reached the barracks, we scrambled off and ran to the parade ground where lots of children and teachers were already filling up the seats. There were Maltese children from different schools there as well. Then the crowd was hushed by a voice coming clear & loud  over the loudspeaker, telling everyone what they were just about to see. Then he said that we were expected  to stand when the Inspecting Officer arrived, as the colour  passed, during the March Past and when the Commandos  left the parade.
The first event was the Commando Group marching on to the parade. Then they marched up and down the parade ground. . Then they all stopped and a loud, bellowing voice sounded  across the ground.
"Attention!" he bellowed, although it just sounded like AAAAAHH" to us. Then he kept yelling instructions across the ground and the officers kept moving around in various ways. The Commandos then lined up at one side of the ground and other men came running up to the guns which were not far away from where we were sitting. After a rush of instructions the guns were ready to fire. Then, as the voice of the loudspeaker had suggested, nearly everyone covered their ears. But I don't think that kept the noise out. 19 guns fired one after another and echoed over the whole of St.Andrews I should think!

After the guns fired, the Inspecting Officer mounted the dais and was received with a General Salute.
Next, the band trooped across the parade for a while, and then the Escort for the colour collected the Regimental Colour, and they Trooped the Colour through the Commando in slow time.
Then the Commandos saluted the Colour, and marched past in slow time. When they passed where we were sitting, we had to stand up, and when they marched past in quick time we had to stand up again. After that, the Commando gave a General Salute and marched off the Parade past the Inspecting Officer, led by 8 (Alma) Battery.
Then all heads turned upwards and everyone shielded their eyes from the sun as they watched the Salerno Flight fly by.
Lastly, the Inspecting Officer left the dais, and we all trooped back to the buses.
Lucy Reynolds — 1 A

"I Hereby Command You To Be Present At My Silver Jubilee"
By order from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Immediately without any sign of hesitation the gallant knight mounted his faithful horse Bess and rode into the night.
The sound of horses' hooves clicked and clacked, echoing amongst the immense oak trees situated in the area.
As he rode on, the trees shivered around him as if to protect him from some unearthly gift. Slowly but surely they were enclosing upon him. The wind, which had been incessant now stopped, the sun no longer shone, the twittering and singing of the birds ceased. Everything was peculiarly dead! The world and all its contents had refused to work.
Then, suddenly the trees parted and from a clearing a sinister, baleful creature appeared. Momentarily the handsome knight stood stunned to the ground, paralysed with the ugliness of this inhuman beast-like creature. What was it? The thing humped forward, coming nearer and nearer...
Its few strands of hair were ebony, whilst she was a shrivelled up mass of wrinkles, a tawny yellowish-brown colour. She resembled a witch! Her eyes were astoundingly weird, they cursed weakly, her eye lashes very extraordinary, to say the least, and her lips could not be distinguished. Another peculiar feature about this unearthly creature was that its nails were inhumanly long; they were curled and wicked-looking.
She persevered and produced a galvanic, forced, smile which immediately faded. She turned hastily, almost forgetting her disability and beckoned to the young charming knight. Its hunch-back lay flat upon the small, flabby neck which appeared to be bent. The knight now noticed the small paws instead of feet with strong masculine-like claws at the ends. Apart from her nails she didn't seem to have any other lethal weapon.
The knight was torn between going to the Queen's Silver Jubilee or venturing to find more about this weird creature. At last after much thought, and consideration he decided against venturing and encountering any creature, but to be honourable, loyal and obedient to his Queen.
Obviously he would not give up this task about the creature though, oh no, he would see to it on his return journey.
He gently pulled the reins and the horse obediently began to move on. The creature was now nowhere to be seen. His encounter with the witch-like creature was soon diminished as he neared the great and mighty palace. A most beautiful spotless-white building. It appeared extremely attractive to one's eye.
Once inside this marvellous building inspirations raced through the knight's mind. He was filled with pleasure and love which showed to the full as he wandered aimlessly amongst the rich fearless nobles.
Everybody remained quite still while "God Save The Queen," was played and when she joined her happy companions. Quite soon the champagne began to flow and foods were being served. Prince Charles, 28, the eldest of the Queen's children was there with his sister Princess Ann 26. Unfortunately the two youngest Princes, Prince Andrew, 17, and Prince Edward, 13, were not present.
The Queen, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, wore a splendid, beautiful dress of white, glorious satin. She looked truly magnificent. The great celebration continued and the knight's encounter with the witch-creature was forgotten!
Denise Paul — 2 A


The following pieces of work are from a selection inspired by the Silver Jubilee, on various aspects of the Monarchy.
On April 21st 1947, Princess Elizabeth made a historic broadcast from South Africa: "A solemn act of dedication", as she called it, "with a whole Empire listening". She vowed that "my life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and to the service of the great Imperial family I which we all belong."
The Princess was speaking on that day to five Dominions and a vast Colonial Empire that included India. Her father, who was with her on the tour, was then King of South Africa.
Yet, just over 100 days later, on August 15th, an event took place that marked the end of the Empire and the beginning of the Commonwealth. India was divided into the independent states of India and Pakistan, and the King, just seventy years  after his grandmother, Queen Victoria had been proclaimed  Empress, ceased to be Emperor of India.
The Queen had been at the centre throughout this extraordinary  period of history when, after building an Empire for 400  years, Britain demolished and transformed it, more by  accident than design, into a Commonwealth of 36 independent countries that remains today a much more important international association.
                                                                                                                            The Queen is now celebrating 25 years as Head of the Commonwealth, as well as being the British Sovereign. Today she is Queen of only eleven of the Commonwealth countries, and it would be wrong to conclude that she is any less interested in the 25 others which are mainly Republics (two or three, like Malaysia, have their own monarch) or that she does not fully understand the reasons why it is more appropriate for them to have their own heads of state.
Last year, Trinidad 'became a Republic and the Seychelles decided on independence. Jamaica may become a Republic soon and from time to time there are stirrings towards Republicanism in Australia and Canada.
A surprise move in the other direction came in 1975 when Papua New Guinea which had never been a British colony, chose to adopt the Queen as its Head of State at independence.
This year is a new Commonwealth Day — March 14th (Commonwealth countries have agreed that from now on it will be the second Monday in March everywhere) and the Queen will be away on one of her Jubilee Year tours of the Commonwealth countries.
The Queen has fulfilled her role as Head of the Commonwealth ; leaders have come to see her as an internationalist of wide experience and knowledge of the world that reaches far beyond the line of duty as Queen of the United Kingdom.
She has most faithfully carried out the pledge she made as a girl thirty years ago.
Mark Collins — 3 A

I was in the second year of a primary school when I heard that the Queen was coming to visit our school or rather our RAF camp which was called Brize Norton, where
my father was stationed five years ago. We were told that we would wait at the runway for the Queen to land and walk down to her car. We were all given big flags with Union Jacks on them and driven out to the Airport.
When we arrived it was packed, but the RAF had reserved a space for our school, but of course I still did not get a good view as  not everyone would fit in the space so twenty-five of us  had to go and find our own place along the runway and that we did.
           I found a place just in time to see the Queen get out of the VC10 and walk down the runway, amidst loads of photographers who were ushered away afterwards by the Military Police, who were all over the place.
Then the Queen walked along until she came alongside the place where my mum was standing and amazingly enough shook  hands with her and proceeded to hold up my sister who at the time was only 3 months old. She even spoke to my mother  as well but not to me as I was ten yards away where I had found a vacant space.
She then walked up to a Rolls Royce and that is all I saw of her as a big fat woman pushed her way in with a camera and proceeded to take pictures until the Queen had
After that I was told by the School that we could go home so  I rushed over to my mum who was as excited as I was.
Then I was taken home and put to bed and so forth.
The next day we were told we were to do a project on the Queen's visit. I wrote about the time my mum had with the Queen. But when she read it, the teacher never believed me, so I took something to school that my mum had bought
from the NAAFI; it was a photograph of my mum shaking hands with the Queen and another one showing her with the Queen holding my sister.

Andrew Hague — 2 A


Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is well known for his humour -
To declare a Dental Clinic — "Wide open", The reporters wrote with fevour.
At an H.M. Stationery Office Book Display,
He stood deliberating,
Then turning to the Queen he said:
"I didn't know you were exhibiting."
To deliver milk to Buckingham Palace —
"No stairs!" they shout with glee
"Just remember if the flag's up it's two-eighty-four
And down it's two-eight-three -- bottles."
At British Columbia's Centenary, a lady to be presented -"Your Majesty", to the Queen, she said. To Anne, "Your Highness," she ventured, But Philip laughed as the words tumbled out -To him she said: "Your gorgeous."

So in Jubilee Year, Anti-Royalists beware and from our wrath
do flee For complaining and belittling us, the Royal WE.
Tracy Dryden — 4 J



The haiku is a traditional form of Japanese verse, composed of three lines of five, seven and five syllables respectively; a total of seventeen syllables in all. Here are some modern examples by fourth year poets


Chocolate covered,

White, fluffy, sticky mixture,

Hidden splodge of jam.Tracy Drayden — 4 K


Constricting nuisance, Never enough to be used, As it ticks away.

Kim Branch — 4 K



Microscopic dots,

Blown carelessly, silently,

Floating endlessly.Diane Hipperson — 4 J



Doctor Livingstone Personally exploring The jungle at night.Andrew Copeland — 4 K




Slides through the jungle, Is it a large brown sausage? No! It's spaghetti.Gavin Graham — 4 K



Hurricane coming, Everyone beware of it, Flashing winds destroy.Diane Knight — 4 K



Edinburgh rock

Purple heather on the hills.

Men in tartan kilts.Jane Wright — 4 M



The burning sun scorches the deck,
The melting tar bubbles and expands,
Stays rattling and banging,
And the yachts' reflections can be seen in the still water.
The sound of the motor chugging and coughing,
Making the yacht glide through the water without any wind,
A clear blue sky lies above,
With a couple of small white clouds drifting past.
A grey anvil shape cloud appears over the horizon,
The yacht drifts towards it,
A sudden blanket of lightning covers the sky,
Then a low rumbling sound,
Giant waves attack the bow,
In terror the sails fill and flap,
From the battered boat beneath them.
Andrew Morse — 1 A

Right from the age of one or two, John's mother taught him much. To comb his hair, to wash his hands, To clean his teeth, and such.
As John grew up his mother said, "Now, John it's up to you. I've taught you all you need to know, To last your whole life through.
Remember then to be polite,
To always do what is right,
And don't forget your teeth now, John,
And clean them morn and night.
If you do not clean your teeth They will all go bad and ache, And by the time you're thirty, Your teeth will al be fake."
At first John heeded very well His mother's warning word, His teeth were white and gleaming, Twice a day seemed so absurd.
It wasn't long before this boy,
Didn't ever clean his teeth.
They went first yellow, then almost green,
With cavities underneath.

One night John woke quite suddenly, With a pain he couldn't bear, He held his head, he walked the floor, 'Twas like a live nightmare.
To the dentist he went at the crack of dawn, The dentist was full of doubt, "You've neglected these teeth for far too long They'll all have to come right out!"
Later that day, John went to bed, After calling his mum on the 'phone, She came to see him right away And found him so forlorn.
She looked at him, lying there So pathetic and so white, "I hate to say it, John," she said "But it just serves you right."
John didn't say a word to her, Tho' he was glad she'd come, He daren't open his mouth you see, For there was nothing there but gum.
Now John's a suddenly wiser man, He learned his lesson too late Now all the teeth that are in his head, Are moulded on a plate.

Mark Bilney — 1 A

Who will listen to the dead man? Who will watch his body rot? Who will look at his blood stained face? Who will cry his tears?
I will do these things,
For he was blown-up by a bloody bomb.
In one of the worst wars,
The Irish war.
I look at this poor young man,
He hadn't done anything wrong,
But the hate of men had killed this poor boy.
He hadn't any-time to cry,
He hadn't any-time to tell the world of the war,
What use is he now?
Would you have listened to the dead MAN?
Julie Stagg — 4L

The men were called in order,
to stand in line,
And march, march to war two by two,
not in single file.
They marched to the beat of drums, Left, right, left, right, to the battle ground.
To fight to death,
For country and Queen.
None who went would return.
Wounded would be left to die, upon the battle-field, Loved ones would weep and cry for the men who went to die.
Jacqueline Wardte — 4 M

Look at the old cafe,
With used cups on the table,
The Ash-Trays full of smouldering fags.
Look at the old Tramp, By the side of the road, With a wine bottle in his hand.
Look at the scruffy little boy. With no real home. Look at the lonely old woman, Waiting for no-body.
NOW, look at yourself.
Julie Stagg — 4L

The cinema's finished
The people have gone My friend got a lift
I should have gone.
The lane that I take
Is deserted and black I hear a footstep
Should I turn back?
It was only a twig
Tumbling down from a tree, I wish that my friend
Was walking with me.
I am now in the middle
Of this lonely dark track There's a sleek dark shadow
Should I turn back?
It was only a tree
Casting shadow on the ground, I wish that I'd taken the
Longer way round.
Once on my doorstep
My mum comes to greet me
As we go in
I speak of my journey.
She gasps and then laughs
As I tell of my fate I wish I had not
Come home so late.
Denise Griffith 3B

There was an old lady from school
Who had a very strict rule,
If you made a mistake
You got chucked in the lake
That mean old lady from school.
Claire Harper — 1C

The Waxworks' guide opened the big, creaking door, to a small, cheeky schoolgirl, chewing gum, and flicking elastic bands at him and at the creepy-crawlies, that ran up and down the wall. It was half aa hour to closing time, and the small, freckled girl, ran immediately to the Chamber of Horrors.
"Don't stay in there too long miss," droned the caretaker, and received a twang on the nose, from the thick rubber band in reply.
The girl entered the Chamber of Horrors, from the only door. The room was large and dark, the only light coming from a small lamp on the wall. Fiendish thoughts of turning on the radiator, which would melt the figures ran through the little horror's head but she decided not to.
She turned, to find gleefully, that the caretaker had disappeared, but undisturbed, proceeded to fire ink pellets at Jack the Ripper, and giggled when it hit him on the nose.
She took surprising interest in Dracula's long nose and proceeded to take out her pencil sharpener, and sharpened one of his teeth.
Suddenly the door slammed, but as the girl had her head through the hanging rope of the executioner at the time, she took no notice. Instead she began to terrorise the waxworks, by practising her judo, and waltzing with the models of the Hunchback of Notre Dame and Frankenstein.

Then the never sensing terror, decided it would be fun to play a joke on the caretaker, pretending, and screaming that Sweeney Todd, the barber, was cutting her throat.
She tried this, and when there was no answer, she went to the door. After much pushing and pulling, kicking and thumping, moaning and groaning, the girl concluded that she

was locked in. She screamed, and shouted threats of dropping spiders down the caretaker's shirt if he didn't let her out, but all this and thumping on the door came to nothing.
By this time, she was a little scared, and so, when ghe saw a bench in the corner, she delighted in the idea of snuggling down and going to sleep. The tiresome child, blew one last raspberry at Mr. Hyde and ran over to the bench, and after throwing a stone at another figure, fell asleep.
At around midnight, strange things began to happen. The figures came to life, and, led by Dracula, made their way to the sleeping girl, for revenge. The Hunchback of Notre Dame, carried her to a large table, with a burning torch at one end.
The figures closed in, with knives and axes, and began to move slowly in a circle, around the girl. Suddenly the girl woke, and screamed loudly, as she saw an executioner in | black, towering above her, with an axe.
At once, as if in a trance, the waxworks returned to their) places, and the girl fell into an untroubled sleep.
Julie Lewingtom — 2 AI


After the Famine and the War,
the prison and the torment I saw the opening of my land
as a flower in blossom.
I saw in the ways of my city
the heart of my people As the bird of Liberty,
when flying down the river.
I saw on the mouths, in the eyes,,
in the open hands; and in the Soldiers' arms
Bunches of red carnations, Free country's roses.
I saw the gates of the prison
open suddenly, I saw the procession pass
of my people singing.
Oren Migdal — 4 M

There was an old woman of Lest
Who owned a most peculiar vest.
It was red, white and blue,
In the shape of a shoe,
She never, ever wore it, would you!
Karen Stanton — 1A

A woman's life is seven ages,
Through the years, split up in stages,
First the babe whose always bawling,
Out of her pram she's often falling,
But still she's cuddly, sweet and happy,
Always needing a clean, new nappy.
Not to mention the second stage,
The little school girl's five in age,
Reluctantly she walks to school,
To her dirty desk and stool.
The third is different, now growing older,
Her childhood's put behind her shoulder,
The childish plays turn to discos and flicks,
Completely in fashion and with boys she will mix,
But this doesn't last for ever and ever,
One needs to study to become fairly clever,
So a University is where most students stay,
A three years' hard work is the only way.
You still have your freedom wherever you go,
But work must come first and that you well know.
After these years a career may await her,
But it's still hard work 'cause a housewife comes later,
Tending the children and cleaning the flat,
She's always so busy, there's no time for chat.
So near the end is the retiring age,
That's six out of seven so there's just one more stage, From retiring in life to become very old, Like a second childhood as you've already been told, It's depending on others that takes up these years, And then comes the darkness that always brings tears!
Stephanie Reid — 3B


The rolling waves were reaching away up the deserted beach, coming up and then falling back down, one after the other, never stopping, never coming any farther.
The yellow moonlight and shining stars were illuminating the dark dreary atmosphere of the night sky.
The cool sand was soft to touch after the blistering heat of the midday sun.
Baked from sunrise to sunset, it cools when the sun's rays are obscured by the clouds. Few people swim and bathe in the glistening waters
of the evening tide.
Yet many stay behind for beach parties and barbecues.
The shining stars, on their dark back-ground,
look as if they're coming nearer, nearer, yet they're not.                                            As people leave, the smouldering fires die out and the while coals turn red and then black until they finally go cold.
Nothing moves except the rolling waves
on a truly deserted beach.
Mark Judd — 1 A

The thunder crashed and bellowed,
The lighting flashed across the pitch, black sky,
It sent sheet and fork to light the gloomy earth.
Then the rain comes, First spitting then pouring, Faster and faster,
Rebounding off the road and hitting poor people caught in the storm.
Then it freezes,
Rain becomes hail.
The hail conies faster,
Hitting" the window with a sharp ping.
It becomes blacker as the heart of the storm passes over,
A flash of lightning shoots down with a destructive destination,
It hits a telegraph wire sending sparks everywhere.
Then it passes,
The thunder dies away,
The lightning passes away and the storm slips away,
To devastate some other city.
Mark Bilney — 1 A

Hanns, a Swiss cowhand woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning. He got out of bed and as he already had his clothes on pulled his cap on and went on outside. When he got outside he whistled to his dog Pierreino and set off up the hill to where the cows were.

He walked steadily until he reached the plateau where the cows were grazing, they milked the cows and put all the I milk in a churn which was in a nearby hut ready to be collected and had his breakfast which was bread, cheese and milk.
After a hard day's work, man and dog set off down the hill home to their little hut to have their meal which was bread, meat and milk.
At about 8 o'clock Hanns went to bed and fell asleep. At 2 o'clock low rumbling noises penetrated the clear, still air I and grew louder and louder every minute. Pierreino the dog woke up. He looked up to where Hanns slept. He had gone. Quickly he ran to the door and jumped up and opened it with his paws. He ran out and went up the hill to where the cows were. There was no sign of them as there had been an avalanche. Quickly the dog ran down the hill to the hut of his master's friend Roderick, the wood-cutter, but half-way there a blizzard blew up and he only found his way with his nose to the cottage. When he got there he scratched on the door and fainted.
Pierreino looked up from in front of the fire. He quickly | got up and went to the door but Roderick came out of his bedroom and whiltled to him. He ran to the door and saw his master who had been saved by a rescue party. All was well.
M. Legget — 1 A


I woke up one chilly morning to see snow flakes floating
my window. I rushed from my bed to see if the pond had "ii over. To my delight it had. I got dressed and looked out of my window once more, but this time there was a girl skating lie pond. I couldn't see clearly because of the snow. But I could see that she was wearing a lovely white skating frock and a lovely white pair of skates.
I made my bed and rushed downstairs to have breakfast.
I then opened the door and ran to the pond, but she wasn't I looked around but I couldn't see her.
I skated about enjoying every minute of it. I was practising for the school's championships even though I wasn't all that good.
Next morning I got up and looked out of my window. She was there just like the day before. This time I just got up, dressed and ran out to the pond and hid behind a tree. She was so graceful with her long flowing hair flying behind her.
She was also wearing a lovely white hat and gloves. I didn't know who she was but she was the greatest skater I've ever 'seen. I heard something moving behind me. I turned round to my sister crouching down behind me. My gaze returned to the pond but she as gone.
I went home. "Silvia, could you go to the village and get me some sugar?"
"Yes Mum."
On the way to the village I met Mr Greenstone who was very kind old gentleman. "Been skating today Silvia?"
"Yes but there's something funny going on."
"What about?" he answered. I told him and then described her to him. "She skates on the pond and then just disappears. Do you know anything about her?" I asked.
"Well yes I do. Her name was Katrina and she used to live in your house many years ago. She loved skating and skated every day. One day in the coming spring she was skating on the pond. She didn't know that the ice was melting. While she was skating the ice cracked and she fell through and drowned. Some people have said to have seen her skating and because she always disappears we have named her the mysterious skater."
"Well thank you very much sir."
I then finished my errand and took the sugar to my mother.
I couldn't sleep that night and kept thinking about what happened to the lovely girl. It made me sad, but what frightened me was the fact that I had seen a ghost and wondered if I would ever see her again.
Lorraine Collins — 1 A

I didn't like Fun City at all. The noise was terrible. Oh! my wife, she hated the sight of it. I used to go to the market everyday to deliver flour from the country mill.
One Saturday night I saw strange lights in the sky, well I didn't know what was going on. Then I fell asleep and when I woke up some crack pot called Noah whisked me away along with my wife into a little wooden boat. I saw all my enemies and some friends going in two by two. Well I didn't know what was happening. First some half wit carries me off, then I'm brought to a boat in the middle of the land and then I see elephants, tigers, moths, (bees, giraffes, frogs, toads, rabbits and all sorts, in fact, as I was informed, two of every species in the world were there, a male and a female.
I was all right being married but some were unlucky and had to tolerate some other male of female.
I got on board in my cramped hot quarters with all the other horses and ponies. It was called "Horses' Married Quarters".
We had straw and oats to eat tout I was cold at night. There was a bad storm that first night. It carried on with uncessant rain, on and on it went, all night. I wondered if it would stop. It never did, it just went on and on. Everyone was peaceful even the elephant; when he saw a mouse he just said "Good day", or something like that.
It began to get uncomfortable after a while. It smelt rather foul where all the animals had left their droppings. Oh! I can tell you it wasn't nice at all. All Noah did was bring a few mouthfuls of oats. He even had the cheek to tie a handkerchief round his nose and mouth. It got no better.
At last it stopped; the rain had actually stopped. The sun rushed to meet us as the windows were opened. The sons of Noah helped tend to the sick while Mamma fed us all.
Then all the people went up on deck and I could hear a steady "Tramp tramp tramp," it sounded like the steady marching of soldiers.
Well it must have been at least forty days and as many nights that it had been raining and now it had stopped. We were at sea now or was it the rain water?
I couldn't think how Noah could have known, what made him build the Ark?
I puzzled over these questions for days and nights on end.

At last we landed; the doors were opened and I stood stunned, where was I? Where was the mill?
It must be the new Earth. I went out with my wife to find a nice cosy home. After a time of six months our first son was born, a lovely black stallion.
Tony Atkiss — 2 A

The Battle of Bosworth Field was fought at the end of the War of the Roses in 1485.
Recently the site where the battle was fought has been made into a Battle Museum with a film on the Battle and a scale model, in fine detail, with a recorded explanation to describe the battle. To show the extend of the Battle-field there is a walk-around which covers the full area of the battle itself and also the surrounding land.
Along the route at various points are maps showing what happened in the immediate area. These maps are numbered and show the direction to take so that the Battle may be followed chronologically.

My father took two of my friends and me to Bosworth to see the battlefield. Earlier in the day my friends and I had been to Leicester and we had come back with a can of Coke and a bottle of Shandy Bass — each!
We managed to save them for the visit to Bosworth where we drank a bottle of shandy in two hours, a swig every hundred steps or so. We arrived at Bosworth and went into the building and saw the model and heard the narration. I was quite sure that we had learned all there was to learn without having to have a marathon hike around and about — but my father had other ideas. Before the walk he said we could go and see the film of the Battle, which incidentally was based on a Shakespeare play, before we did the walk. We found, on arrival, that the next showing of the film extract was in four hour's time. This made no difference to the planned walk but allowances were made and we were able to see another model in the Model Room. That particular model was very good. It showed a panoramic view of the Battlefield with all the different 'troops' clearly named, and a description of the sequence of the battle was written around the base of the model.
We picked up some literature and started our walk!
You will have gathered that I dislike walking, and my agreement to be a member of the walking party was conditional on the co-membership of the Shandy Bass! So there we were, one man, three scruffy kids with a bottle of Shandy Bass each stumping around the beautiful countryside taking a regular swig of powerful Shandy and giving the occasional belch-polluting the ozone layer, so my father said.
Somehow we three boys managed to walk a fairly straight line, and I must admit that the way of the battle became as interesting as the way of the Bass. With the help of the maps en route, and with the memory of the displays we'd seen earlier I found, to my surprise, that I understood what it was all about!
Once the understanding had taken hold I, of course, was anxious to complete the hard part — the walk. We trudged through a small copse, along a farm track, around fields following a circular route from one part of the Museum complex to another. We passed a well at the beginning of the walk, and after passing through yet another gate we came face-to-face with the well again. The walk was finished — and so was my Shandy Bass. Unlike my friends I had rationed my drink out, and hadn't finished it in the first half mile like they had.
It just goes to show:
A sip at a time, You can walk a straight line, AND learn some History At the same time!
Jeff Turner — 3 A

This mysterious story is set in the early 1950'a in a suburb of London. In an old slum with crumbling piaster and damp walls, a student at a nearby university is browsing through the morning paper, when he comes across an advertisement: "Come and spend the night in the waxworks and earn yourself £500". This could be his chance to get out of this dump and into a proper modern flat. The student, or rather, John Hartley rushed to the waxworks and luckily was the first to apply for the dare. Unfortunately he was told off for being late for the lecture by the professor, but at least he knew that £500 was going to come his way, or so he thought.
The following week a letter from the manager of the waxworks arrived asking him to bring a blanket and a box of candles and to come to the waxworks at six o'clock the next evening. When Johnny arrived the place was gloomy and strangely mysterious. The manager showed him to the Chamber of Horrors.
"Hey, just a minute, it said in the ad., spend a night in the waxworks, not at the Chamber of Horrors", said John reluctantly.
"Well, if you don't want the £500," replied the manager.
"Oh no, it's all right," John said, inspired by the thought of £500.
The Chamber of Horrors was made out to look like a dungeon and there was every sort of sinister thing you could think of. There were torture scenes, famous murderers and also famous horrors from films like "Dracula" and "Frankenstein". John had a quick look round the figures until he came across the famous Jack the Ripper, with a scalpel raised above his head ready to strike. A shiver went down his spine as he realised the wax effigy looked exactly like himself; what an awful coincidence.

John was very suddenly left all by himself with only the wax figures for company, if that was a reassuring thought. The next thing he heard was the large fire-proof door being shut with its huge hinges slowly creaking. He lit a candle, wrapped himself up in a blanket and dozed off. He was suddenly awoken by Big Ben striking ten o'clock. Well, he thought, only another ten hours to go. He again dozed off.
At about one o'clock a most terrifying thing happened. Slowly the eyes of Jack the Ripper opened wider and his arm, raised high, fell with a quick swipe, cutting the air. Then his legs moved in a stumbling sort of walk, slowly moving as he walked nearer to John. In a flash the scalpel sliced into the heart and a (blood-curdling scream was let out by John, who died instantly.
"Ah, my twin self, just right for the purpose," said the figure.
The next morning, the bogus John collected the money from the amazed manager and left the waxworks into the busy morning rush hour, leaving his deadly secret behind him in the Chamber of Horrors.
Matthew Feeley — 2 A

January 1976 London 'A' Level

Maths: Robert Burns; Linda Mockford

June 1976 London 'A' Level

Michael Barltrop: Nuffield Physics
Robert Burns: Geography; Maths P & A; Nuffield Physics John Davies: Biology; English Literature; Geography Richard Howarth: Chemistry; Pure Maths; Nuffield Physics Mark Whelton: Art; French
Jill Cartwright: English Literature; History; Home Economics
Nancy Church: Art
Julie Marie Glennon: Geography; Maths P & A
Veronica Haste: History
Deborah Jackson: English Literature; French
Debra King: English Literature
Gillian Male: Art
Linda Mockford: Maths P & A
Kathryn Morse: English Literature
Linda Roberts: English Literature; History
Alison Waghorn: English Literature; History
Christine Williams: English Literature; History; Latin

June 1976 London 'O' Level BOYS:

English Language: D. Beckett; A. Gateniby; G. Lyon; M.
Sheppard; G. Wallington Maths: L. Churchward; D. North; T. Simpson; P. Traynor;
I. Heffey; S, Jackson; H. Landels; J. Taylor; G. Wallington

 English Literature: R. Hancock; J. Taylor; H. Landels; D.
Beckett; C. Churchward; L. Churchward; D. North

 French: R. Hancock; S. Jackson; J. Taylor

Technical Drawing: D. Andrews; T. Hancock; I. Heffey; M.
Kirkham; D. North; J. Taylor; P. Traynor; G. Wallington

 Biology: C. Arbuthrust; C. Churchward; M. Corcoran; S.
Crickmay; R. Hancock; P. Harvey; S. Jackson; J. Taylor

Latin: C. Arbuthnot; R. Hancock; P. Harvey; H. Landels

Physics: C. Arbuthnot; T. Hancock; P. Harvey; S. Jackson; J Taylor; G. Wallington
General Paper: M. Barltrop; R. Burns; J. Davies

Art: D. Beckett; G. Dimeck; R. Edgar; P. Gallagher; R. Hancock; I. Heffey; S. Jackson; M. Kirkham; N. Morse; N. Sillence; S. Whelton

History: D. Beckett; M. Davison; R. Hancock; M. Hartley;
S. Lisicki; M. Sheppard

Commerce: T. Hancock; S. Lisicki; G. Lyon; N. Morse

Chemistry: R. Hancock; I. Heffey; H. Landels; T. Rowland;
J. Taylor; G. Wallington

British Constitution: D. North

June 1976 Oxford 'O" Level

Pottery: G. Booth Eng. Whsp.: K. Shroll Woodwork: M. Sheppard; G. Wallington

December 1976 London O Level

 Latin S.C.P.: Anne Rodgers English Language: C. Arbuthnot; S. Campbell; M. Clark; J.Cohring; L. Davies; A. Groves; K. Harms; S. Jackson; H. Lewington;           L. Mack; R. Mortimer; D. North; F.Rendle; A. Rodgers; D. Ruff; M. Simpson; J. Smith; G. Smyth; G. Spanton

English Literature: B. Shaw

Maths: H. Lewington

Maths Additional: A. Copsey

Religious Studies: G. Male

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June 1976 London 'O' Level

English Language: M. Bannister; J. Dawson; M. Draper; S. Fothergill; E. Graham; L. Harris; J. Healey; C. Heffey; J. Le Quesne; St. Maloney; J. Rennie; B. Smith; J. Whittle

Latin: B. Blackham; G. Spanton; J. Wiggins

Art: E. Chapman; M. Cross; J. Davis; J. Dawson; F. Jefferson; J. Le Quesne; M. McLaren; Z. Mockford; P. Ransom; B. Shaw; K. Sowerby; J. Waghorn

History: E. Chapman; P. Davison; C. Morgan; K. Sowerby; J. Waghorn

French: E. Chapman; D. Collins; P. Davison; P. Ransom; K. Sowerby; J. Wiggins

Geography: E. Chapman; C. Morgan; P. Ransom; K. Sower¬by; J. Waghorn; J. Wiggins; K. Lamb; K. Stagg; L. Stewart

German: E. Chapman; P. Davison; K. Sowerby

Food & Nutrition: D. Collins; J. Dawson; M. Draper; G. Fielding; K. Forwood; C. Heffey; K. McKay; K. Morse; E. Watts

Chemistry: P. Davison; P. Ransom; J. Waghorn

Physics: P. Davison; P. Ransom; B. Shaw; J. Wiggins

Technical Drawing: P. Davison

General Studies: A. Dowie; V. Haste; D. Helliwell; D. King

Needlecraft & Dress: K. Lamb; S. Maloney; L. Stewart; J. Wiggins

Music: C. Morgan

June 1976 Oxford O Level

Pottery: K. Lamb; Z. Mockford; E. Coulston

University of Cambridge
Use of English: A. Griffith; V. Haste; L. Jeram; D. Jackson; D. King; K. Morse; L. Roberts; J.M. Glennon
Pitmans Typewriting June 1976 Elementary: C. Franklin; J. Cartwright; J. Whittle
Pitmanscript June 1976
J. Smith; S. Fothergill; C. Franklin; Z. Baker; E. Gra¬ham; D. Hindle; J. Barnes; B. Smith; J. Whittle
Pitmans Typewriting July 1976
Elementary: J. Dawson; S. Maloney; F. Buick; E. Watts; R.M. Bartram; L. Roberts; D. Johnson; J, Barnes; S. Long
Pitmanscript July 1976
L. Lomas; B. Shaw; B. Smith; J. Rennie
R.S.A. Typewriting Easter 1976
Elementary: B. Shaw; L. Lomas; S. Fothergill; E. Graham; J. Healey; M. Watts
R.S.A. Typewriting Whitson 1976
D. Potts; D. Johnson; E. Watts; D. Hindle; J. Stagg; J. Whittle; K. Stagg; B. Smith
R.S.A. Typewriting Summer 1976
Elementary: J. Cartwright; O. Bannister; J. Whittle; D. Jack¬son; L. Roberts; S. Long Intermediate: M. Watts; B. Shaw

Pitmanscript December 1976
J. Barnes; S. Johnson; S. Mackinnon; T. Giles; J. Dawson; I. Ciantar

December 1976 London O Level

 Latin S.C.P.: Anne Rodgers English Language: C. Arbuthnot; S. Campbell; M. Clark; J.Cohring; L. Davies; A. Groves; K. Harms; S. Jackson; H. Lewington;           L. Mack; R. Mortimer; D. North; F.Rendle; A. Rodgers; D. Ruff; M. Simpson; J. Smith; G. Smyth; G. Spanton

English Literature: B. Shaw

Maths: H. Lewington

Maths Additional: A. Copsey

Religious Studies: G. Male




Fred Quimby

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