Tal Ħandaq Magazine 1975     Sports  House Reports   Lady Precious Stream    Uganda   Contributed by  Martin Powell

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Once again a warm welcome to the annual edition of the Tal Handaq School Magazine. Our population of approximately six hundred eleven to nineteen year olds have been given the chance to express themselves. I want to thank those who took this opportunity especially those whose contributions did not eventually find their way into print. There will be much that is familiar to regular readers, our house reports, examination results and the like. I hope there will be enough of the new to give you some pleasure. We have introduced some competitions for those who like that sort of thing, some of a mathematical nature and one which will enable students to find out how much they really know about members of staff. This will be my second and last time as Editor the magazine. I still feel that the ideal way to produce it is to give it entirely over into the hands of a responsible committee of students of the school. I pass it on to older members who will still be here in 1976 that they might like to get together and produce next year's edition. They would thoroughly enjoy the experience and learn a good deal from it. And now some thank yous. To all contributors and specially to Pat Fitton for her signs of the zodiac and other illustrations. To Sylvia Houghton, Deborah Jackson and Christine Williams for their great help. To "Mr Naylor, Mr Ditcham and P.L.O. Section at R.A.F. Luqa for photographs. To various people for their typing especially Miss Sandra Camiilleri, the school's assistant secretary and Mr Charles Aquilina, our librarian.

 Last but not least I must thank Mr Victor Mule for his help with the production and especially on the business side in getting advertising for us. On this point it would be nice to think you will support our advertisers in return for their kindness in supporting us.

And a last word, especially to those of you amongst us who are hiding their light under a bushel. There will soon be a whole new blank 1976 edition waiting to be filled. Stir yourselves. Your magazine needs you, yes YOU.


                                                THE SCHOOL MAGAZINE

0 dear, Oh dear,
We're at it again,
With paper and ink,
And, of course, a pen,
To write a poem

Is what we are asked. Or perhaps a joke, But what a task.

1 really cant' think,
And Oh how I'm tired,
My minds on the blink,
So I'm all blurry-eyed.

I really won't make  My hair's turning green, The reason? You've guessed it The school magazine!

Gary Booth 4K



In the past Prize Day has been the occasion for the presentation of the Headmaster's Annual Report. This year, for a variety of reasons, there has been no Prize Day: by the middle of the Autumn Term many of the possible prize-winners have left Malta; accommodation for the whole school, parents and friends of the school is just not available (even Australia Hall was not big enough); in days of stringent economy and rapidly rising prices it is felt that the prize money might be better spent on the school generally; although virtue need not necessarily be its own reward, success is better recognised as soon as possible after its achievement. While it is a matter of regret that as a result of this year's decision we have not had the pleasure of inviting a number of distinguished guests to an occasion when the pupils would be on public display, I trust that there will be other events in the school calendar to which we shall be able to welcome many visitors.

However, Prize Day or no Prize Day, I believe that a Headmaster has a duty to present to all those interested in the school — the Competent Authority, heads of Service units, senior Civilians, parents of pupils, ex-pupils and friends of the school - an account of the year's activities, particularly as 1973-74 was a year of continuous achievement and marked success. It is a record, I hasten to add, for which I was in no way responsible. I cannot be accused of immodesty, therefore, if I take the opportunity to say publicly what I have been saying in one form or another since I arrived at the start of the Summer Term, but which, as time goes on, even if justifiable, will be more difficult for me to repeat.

First of all I should like to say how pleased I am to be Headmaster here. Tal Handaq has for long enjoyed a fine, though regrettably too little publicised, reputation among Service Children's Schools and I count it an honour and privilege that I, an Instructor Officer, should be appointed to a school which caters for all three Services and Civilians, (particularly I might add when the school population is predominantly light-blue). It was clear to me on arrival that the school was a happy community in which newcomers, staff or pupils were quickly made to feel at home. Pupils seemed open and friendly, parental co-operation appeared to be good and the administrative support most effective. Quite obviously my predecessor, Instructor Commander M.F. Law, had achieved a great deal in re-establishing the school after the Services' withdrawal in 1972 and in restoring it so completely and so quickly to its previous state of efficiency. I should like to stress here the debt which the school and the Services community in Malta owed to him in what was an unusually long and difficult appointment. The good things at which I hinted earlier and which I am now pleased to report are the fruits of his skill and direction.

In September 1973 the term began with nearly 600 pupils in what must now be regarded as a period of uncharacteristic stability, since many Service personnel had begun their tours in the Summer of 1972. Towards the end of the school year the rate of change in the school population increased. This Autumn Term 1974, as well as the pupils from the Malta Primary Schools we have had 124 new entries and 73 pupils have left. These recent figures reflect what should now be regarded as the 'normal' state of turbulence for the school, with an ever-changing pupil population of about 600, over 60% of whom are the children of Royal Air Force personnel.

My predecessor reported that the 1973 examination results in the circumstances were surprisingly good. The 1974 GCE and CSE examinations produced a crop of results which are much above the average for the British system.

Candidates   Subject Entries   Passes     %

                                           A Level          17                38                28       78.7

                                           O Level          88               327              256       71.9

                                           CSE              103              413              376       91.0

The CSE results include 65 passes at Grade 1; these rate with O Level passes. I would remind both pupils and parents, some of whom still view with suspicion the CSE qualification, that if we insist that pupils take CSE rather than GCE, it is likely to produce a better examination result: a Grade 2 or 3 at CSE is probably much more useful than an O Level failure.

It may be undesirable, it is certainly unfashionable these days, to lay too much stress on examination results as a measure , of a school's achievement, but I see no reason why we should  disregard academic excellence or why we should not publicise these results for what they are: outstandingly successful and certainly the best at Tal Handaq in the percentage successes for some years. The candidates and their teachers are to be congratulated. Given the return to the degree of turbulence and change that is taking place in the present academic year, pupils and staff will need to work very hard indeed to achieve comparable results in 1975.

Those are the examination successes. They were accomplished with a few changes to the system and to the curriculum in 1973-74: streaming continued in the first three years with more attention given to less able pupils and with movement between streams as unrestricted as possible so as to allow pupils to work at the level and pace for which they are best suited; teaching for the most part continued to be subject-based but the Scottish Integrated Science syllabus was extended to the second year and the development of the Cambridge Classics Project continued, in the Fourth and Fifth Years a generous programme of options has led to some very small teaching groups, which in other schools would be considered uneconomic. While the ideal option system is virtually unobtainable, nevertheless we much provide as comprehensive a programme as possible so as to meet the needs of pupils moving to and from a wide variety o: schools in Britain and elsewhere.

For the Sixth Form the one-year General Course has been modified wherever possible so as to place greater emphasis on 'education for living' while preserving the opportunities for people to add to or improve upon their Fifth Year examination results. Local Studies and the Humanities project have been introduced and a notable development this term has been a new course in Parentcraft for Sixth Form girls. The syllabus is an experimental one; the response from students so far has been very favourable.

Aesthetic, sporting and extra-mural activities have not been neglected. A production of 'The King and I' was successfully staged at the end of the Autumn Term 1973. As the outstanding performances of 'OLIVER!' took place only in the previous February the presentation of a second, even larger-scale musical in the same calendar year was a considerable achievement and ample evidence of the talents, skill and sheer creative energy of the Tal Handaq teachers. Inevitably, such productions can be staged only at some cost to subject-teaching and school resources, even I would add at some expense in what might be regarded as the boundless energy of the pupils. For that reason it was decided this year to put on a more modest entertainment, but one which would allow some 200 performers to take part in a programme of Christmas music, words and movement.

For the Open Day in May there was a most impressive collection of wood and metal work, pottery, art, needlework and handicrafts, when the School Hall took on the appearance of the Haymarket Design Centre. The Easter fashion show had already demonstrated the range of talent of staff and pupils in the Home Economics Department.

In the School's sporting life Inter-House rivalry has played an important part throughout the year. In 1978-74 fourteen sports were included in the competition, which was so keenly contested that the final positions were decided only after the Summer Term Swimming Championships. Outdoor pursuits have also included the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme for which a number of expeditions were arranged and training activities, including canoe-building, took place at the school.

After some delay the School's Combined Cadet Force was established in the Summer Term. Boys from the third form upwards are eligible to join. (No girls' section, although there are some willing volunteers). Since the unit's formation there have been weekly parades during term-time, visits to ships and Service units, as well as other training activities which included a 2-day exercise at the end of the Summer Term. At present there are 25 RAF cadets and 38 Royal Navy. The unit has, of course, benefited greatly from the help given by the Commanding officers of HMS St Angelo, the RAF Station Luqa, 41 Commando, and 234 Signals Squadron.

In the extra-mural activities and in the many clubs and societies run during lunch breaks and after school teachers give generously of their time. I know that their efforts are appreciated by the pupils who take part; I am not always sure that parents are aware of what is available under the guidance of the teachers, from whose range of interests and skills the school derives great benefit.

Careers education is one aspect of the curriculum with special problems. Here in Malta our pupils who are approaching the school leaving age are at some disadvantage when compared with their contemporaries in Britain. There is little opportunity for them to visit factories, shops, offices, and workplaces similar to those in which they are likely to be employed, there are no linked courses with Further Education establishments and there is difficulty in finding apprenticeships for young people who will need accommodation in the United Kingdom if they wish to train for a trade. Careers advice is always available from the Careers teachers and in the last year visits from Careers Specialists have done much to alert pupils and parents to special problems. In the Autumn Term 1975 and again during the past term three Careers Officers from England have conducted interviews and offered advice. It is a pity though that not all parents realise the importance of encouraging their children to make some decisions as early as possible and certainly well in advance for those who seek apprenticeships and training courses.

Last year a party from the school went on an educational cruise in the school ship Uganda and another group will be going on the cruise in January. I am very glad that so many parents encourage their children in these and other activities. Indeed, in my two terms I have been very conscious of the cooperation of parents in the school's endeavours and of the support which the school is given. 'I hope it will always continue to be the case and that (with or without a formal Parents' Association) all parents will feel along with pupils and staff that Tal Handaq is "their" school and will be able to share our interests and take a proper pride in the school's achievements.

Academic success and a full programme of extra-mural activities are two indications of the general health of any school. Over the past year, following the raising of the school leaving age the British national press has presented on numerous occasions a depressing picture of the state of the country's schools. Truancy, delinquency, vandalism, physical violence, drug-taking and drinking might appear from such accounts to be common, particularly in urban areas. Since I cannot believe that the majority of children are vastly different from those at Tal Handaq I cannot accept the sensational stories as representative of the British school system as a whole. If it were so, then we are indeed fortunate. In this school over the past year we have been remarkably free from these much publicised and unpleasant features.

That is not to say that we have been completely without problems. For example, because of the lack of employment there is a tendency for Service children to stay on at school even when it is no longer the right place for them. I found it necessary during the Summer to point out to some pupils and their parents that it was neither in the pupils' interest nor that of the school for them to return for the Autumn Term when they were under no legal obligation to do so. As a result, among the older pupils there is every indication that those who stay on at school have very good reasons for doing so and are keen to take advantage of the educational opportunities here. In view of their generally responsible attitude I have been pleased to extend Sixth Form privileges in matters of dress regulations and supervision outside the class room. So far, I am pleased to say, my confidence in the senior pupils has been justified.

For those who come to Tal Handaq from the purpose-built, glass and concrete edifices beloved of British educational architects it must seem that the school buildings fall short of requirements. For our members and with the present curriculum they are adequate — just. And thanks to the unremitting efforts of the DOE authorities they are kept in. very good order. DOE of course is only one department on whom we rely. The Officer in Charge Schools Malta and Naples and his staff, the Services and other MoD Departments are generous with assistance and should like to take this opportunity to thank them for all that they do for us.

Having reported so many good things over the past year I must now complete this account with reference to less happy events. Firstly during this term there was an accident in the General Laboratory during a science lesson, as a result of which most of the members of one form and their teacher received burns. It was fortunate that the injuries were not as serious as they might have been and that those involved were saved from worse consequences by the prompt and efficient action of the teacher concerned and other members of staff.

A set-back of a much less serious nature though apparently with lasting effects occurred this last half-term when, as a result of high prices and diminishing numbers for school meals, the caterer asked to be released from his contract. At that stage less than thirty pupils daily were buying lunches at 20 cents each. At that price, high though it may seem, no other caterer has been prepared to take on the task. I should point out that we do not enjoy subsidies for school meals as in the United Kingdom where parents pay 12 pence for what actually costs approximately 31 pence. However I have yet to notice any effects of malnutrition on our pupils. Judging by the size of some lunch boxes sandwich making is now a major occupation for mothers.

The Helix Club is an aspect of school life which has been referred to in previous reports. Since last summer it has operated with some difficulty because of the lack of suitable accommodation for its activities. Some dances have been held at the school, but the premises are not ideally suitable and, understandably the committee of senior pupils would prefer to hold their functions away from the classroom atmosphere. I am hopeful that they will shortly be able to make use of accommodation elsewhere and that they may then think about extending their activities. However, I should stress that the running of the club is a matter for the committee members themselves assisted by one of the teachers. My own interest is to ensure that nothing takes place which is in anyway contrary to the interests of the school or of individual pupils.

Finally, changes of staff. Following Commander Law's departure, his deputy, Instructor Lieutenant Commander J. Cottam, and Instructor Lieutenant Commander C. McCafferty, Head of Mathematics, left at the end of the Summer Term. Also departing then were Miss M. Mackay, Head of Commerce, Mr R, Ward, Pottery, Mrs M. Whittle, Girls (PE, Mrs M,. Manley-Harris and Mrs E. Cole. Special mention should be made also of Mr R. Ransom who retired after many years of teaching in Service Children's Schools. He was in the Far East before coming to Malta and declares that he intends to return though I am pleased to say that so far his journeyings have been restricted to visits to England and then back to Malta and we still see something of him. Mrs Sue Lynk assumed responsibilities for Girls PS this term. Mr J. Hughes joined the Mathematics Department, of which Instructor Lieutenant Commander A. Richards became the Head. Instructor Lieutenant Commander D.F. Nield took over as Deputy Headmaster. They are all now very much part of the Tal Handaq team.

To summarise, the school has much to be proud of over the past year in terms of academic success and extra-curricular activities; it is fortunate in having so far avoided many of the difficulties of British schools. However, a constantly changing population of children, most of whom have had to attend too many schools already, provides problems enough. They are unlikely to diminish in the year ahead. Given the abilities and experience of the staff, the energy and resilience of the pupils, the cooperation of parents and the support of the Service and Civilian organisations displayed in the past, I feel confident that the school will successfully meet the challenge.  

Clever men say that time does not really exist. But for most of us this is just a mad idea which would have us eating our Christmas Turkey and Easter Eggs on a hot July morning that never was. We who spend a good deal of our lives in a school environment are ruled, perhaps too much, by the relentless tick of the clock. That mighty man Mr Treeby with one press of his powerful finger on the school bell sends us all scuttling here there and every where around the palaces of culture and art that are Tal Handaq.

This year then we thought it would be an idea to let the coming and going of the lessons days weeks months seasons terms and year be reflected in the school magazine. Not at all time a Maltese year for we are a strange crew that gather here from all corners of the English speaking world. Here today and gone tomorrow. How true the old saying is of the 650 of us who are the Talhanderlot!



Golden and ripe, the year begins to drop

Just to prove how unnatural an institution a school is, we begin our year just as nature is gathering in her harvest. At least that was the case in Britain. Here in Malta, the beginning of our term coincides with the start of the weather man's year. Farmers start to look for clouds on the horizon which might hold the blessing of rain for this little brown smudge in the Mediterranean.

New faces, new white British legs find their way to our little corner of Qormi. Bewildered first years struggle to find their way amongst a maze of buildings to an array of teachers. Second years swagger around with a know-it-all look. Everyone scrapes off the rust accumulated from seven weeks of blue skies and blue waters.

Almost before we know it, we are into the routine of the school year 1974-1975. Planes roar off from Luqa runway, tourists going home. Fans drone out their regular, monotonous, comforting beat. We bless the name of the man who invented Coca-Cola. How far is it to Christmas?


An atom bomb is released in Japan killing a large number of the

A rocket is launched—and men reached the moon, [human race,

 Large computers hammer out mathematical formulas


New sources of life underwater have been discovered, A new discovery into the science of the ice age has been

[focused on,

Great plans of vegetation in the Sorcha have been accomplished

But the greatest emotion of all. Tis the voice of a new born baby.

Linda Roberts


I was on watch. The wind was strong, westerly and cold. Spray and waves were jumping and splashing over our boat.

Our position is twenty miles south of Sicily; the forecast is poor. The time 12.00 G.M.T. I have been on watch for two hours and the wind was blowing us off course. We were heading for our home port of Malta. The engines were pounding at 1,600 revs., giving us a speed of eight knots.

The sharks we had seen earlier that day had gone now. The spray had wet the sun-mats on the foredeck and aftdeck. The dog was at my heels, the cat swinging on the curtains.

They seemed to be cold, as if they knew what was to happen later that night.

On the radio at 1209 G.M.T. came the forecast, "South Sicily wind gale-force westerly, sea rough with high waves. The forecast is valid until 18.00." I got my pop up to take the wheel, put on my wet weather gear and life jacket. I also had a safety chain which I hooked on the rail in case I slipped overboard. I fixed down all the gear on the deck. Aft, on the davits, we had a speed boat. It was swinging madly so I fixed a few cables to hold her steady.

When I arrived back in  the wheel house my brother was being sick in a bowl. I took the wheel again, cut her down to one thousand revs,  and continued at  the slow speed of  four knots. The boat was now tossing and rolling. We were six hours from land any way.

At last my watch was over. My pop took the wheel. Everyone else on board was sick in bed. I got some coffee and sat down by the dog. She looked upset by the boat moving so much, so made her a cup of tea, which calmed her down quickly. The cat had now stopped swinging on the curtains and was in the corner feeling sorry for itself.

The time passed slowly. I got to sleep and the next thing I knew, my pop was waking me up to tell me it was my watch again. I had been sleeping for four hours which seemed like ten minutes. The sea had subsided. We were twenty miles off course. I took the revs, up to two thousand and headed straight for the harbour at eleven knots. At this speed we were in the harbour in two hours. We dropped the huck (sic) (anchor) and left her in the middle creek and then hit the sack.

Mike Clarke 5th year


New life is beginning
A time of love and; laughter;
Spring rain washes away the grime of the year gone by,
Washing with it —- old memories and regrets.
Colour burst out all around
everywhere is -alive with animated movement

Long hazy windless days filled with unactivity.
Lying on sandy beaches 'bathed in soft sunlight
watching the ripple and swish of the water as it
laps onto the shore;
Glistening, dappled and translucent.
Meadows of crisp yellow grass -
dry, thirsty waiting to be cut.
Everywhere aglow with heat and brightness.

The season of dying.
Colour being washed away by the wind —
leaves falling and .floating on the breeze;
like boats, dipping and gliding.
Faded browns and gold lining the ground
like a carpet — crackling underfoot.
new regrets begin — death creeps upon us -
like a drugged sleep.
Death, not of ourselves, tout our laughter and
joyous activity.
Anticipating the Winter.

Panoramic, snow scenes.
White, glittering hillsides
rooftops layered with cushions of snow
Bitter, Weak and bare of leaves and life.
Warm breath causing condensation,
Small clouds of steam.
Warmth and log fires.
A book, a chair, hot crumpets.
Reflection — over the year that has past.
Whether good or bad, the spring will
come again to help us forget and start again.

Carol Hedges L6A


The seasons revolve With time
Change with ourselves Bringing life.
They come, they go
Without altering
Their stride
Heralding the passing on of years,
Symbolising the change
Of life.
We mark time —
"Spring; nearly Summer; now Autumn; Winter's close.
But without noticing Age creeps on, Seasons revolve Bringing death.

Deborah Jackson 6A


A real month of mystery. In Britain we often have the pleasant experience of an Indian summer when the leaves, yellow, red, gold and brown hang on the weary branches of their trees for no other reason than that there is no wind to move them off.  More often we have fogs and the sharp nip of the first frosts. In Malta...well we still have summer uniforms and the sun is still bright and warm but watch out for the thunder's roar and the teeming rain showers.

October the month of the long slog, with the summer holidays no more than a distant memory and Christmas still unimaginable. Careers men come and talk and help a lot of people realise that the world of work is not very far away. Our "competent authority", Rear Admiral David Loram pays a professional but informal and welcome visit. School sports tournaments get under way and children of the first year clear their throats as they begin to sing the first notes of practice for the Christmas concert. And a sad thought — H.M.S. Tal Handaq loses the use of its galley. Charlie and his henchmen serve their last school lunch. Wesker must have had Charlie in mind when he wrote his play "Chips with Everything". And fifty more

of our students have to  bring packed  lunches Fifty more potential litter bugs. But rumour has it that maybe, if we are very good, the galley may open its doors again. Is that a promise or a threat?

From time to time the Domestic Science Department of the school and more especially the cookery teachers Miss Hill and Miss Wilson and their girls throw open their doors and play St Julian to various members of the school and a few fortunate outsiders. Year groups give coffee mornings to invited guests. Many school functions, for example, the School Sports and Open day have a dimension added to them the Misses Hill and Wilson and their merry band.

The supreme award at Tal Handaq is to be invited to one of their occasional lunches. These are prepared by senior girls and are usually reserved for special guests. There have been three such occasions this year. Firstly the careers team from England enjoyed lunch in early October. Later in the same month Rear Admiral David Loram visited us in his capacity as Competent authority. After a fairly extensive tour of the school he was entertained to lunch. On both occasions guests were full of praise for what they described with expressions like "splendid meal; beautifully prepared".

We thought the school might be interested to see just what kind of nosh these lucky people are having set before them so we have set out below the menu. This — the latest — was what what was thoroughly enjoyed toy Group Captain Foale, Captain Stanley, Commander Stubbs and their good ladies in the company of Pat Fitton and David Ansell, the Head Girl and the Head Boy.



                                  Eggs Connaught                                         

               Beef Olives              

Potato Croquettes

Potato Dauphinois

        Salad. Cauliflower au gratin. Glazed carrots

            St Clemen's Cheese Cake.  Pineapple Gateau






 My brothers and I came out to Malta in June, 1951. For me it was a return visit — I had been born on the Island nearly twelve years before.

For the remainder of that summer term, Richard and John went to Tal Handaq Junior and I was placed at Verdala. In the September I was moved across and entered Form 1G. They were in White House with its unexpected yellow stripe on their shorts, and mine was Nelson, with red.

My first Form Teacher was Miss Yule who also took us for English. It was her teaching that eventually led me on to a degree in the subject at University. She wore a signet ring but I could never decipher the inscription, however hard I focused on her hand.

The Head Master at that time was Commander Morgan. (Should be Cdr Miles - Webmaster). It was onto his desk that I once emptied an envelope of some small fragments of my teeth. I am ashamed to report that I had been fighting in the Handicraft Room. At the moment the teacher, Miss Shaw, entered, a fist landed in my mouth. Graham Stubbs received three cuts of a short bamboo cane for that, but he and I became good friends afterwards.

The French teacher was a kindly but imposing lady called Mrs. Colsell. Her hair was swept up into a loose bun on top of her head and she "wore dresses of floating silk and voile. Her small husband taught English in the Secondary School and had a pointed beard. We all believed the improbable rumour that it was to cover a scar inflicted by the Gestapo.

The History Master was a freckled Mr Edgell, the Geography was taught by Mr. Ruoff, a tall man with a military moustache. Young Miss Lepard tried to make artists out of us and Lt. Cdr. Wren gave us 'bicycle rides'. When our attention wandered during Maths he would take hold of the short hair above our ears and twist it painfully round and round.

Other teachers in these early days included a delightfully named Miss Candy who diverted the children from their lessons with faded photographs of her mother wearing a faldetta. And Mr Green, who helped us make useful cigar boxes.

A regular visitor to the school was Edwina, Lady Mountbatten, usually dressed in vivid emerald green. She would squeeze into the desk beside you and keep the official party waiting at the classroom door whilst she chatted with the children.

One year Lord Mountbatten 'presented prizes at Speech Day in the Hall. I still have the complete works of Shakespeare and a cutting from the Times of Malta that shows me receiving it from him. In the background, on the wall beside the stage, is a photograph of a very young-looking Duke of Edinburgh.   (See cutting and photo )

Apart form a few months back in England, my family and I spent six years in Malta, so I saw many people come and go. Commander Bellamy became Head Master. It was he who interrupted our lessons one late February afternoon to announce in a solemn voice that the King had died.

Lt. Blarney arrived to teach Science to find himself worshipped by girls in the sixth form. Mr Bletcher came from Yorkshire to teach Art and sketch portraits of his class that made them late for the next lesson and got them into trouble. The new Maths Master, Lt. Cdr. Simmonds instituted a punishment called 'muster' whereby offenders had to spend break-time picking up sweet papers. And all the time, the School Caretaker was Mr Plant, an Englishman who supervised the lunches of which the most memorable was something called 'fried Spam'... He also sold Cokes from a dingy cave behind the Science block.

Every morning we would line up in the drive before filing in for Assembly. For Games it was often a 'cross country' -along the lane where the rickety old buses used to wait, and up round a farm from which the smell of manure and rotting tomatoes was so powerful that all the boys achieved the impossible feat of running a hundred yards without breathing.

At Christmas we performed an operetta or play. I acted the part of the 'Rev. John Treherne in "The Admirable Crichton' and something obscure in 'HMS. Pinafore'. I have special memories of this because during the excitement of rehearsals I kissed a girl called Rosalind Newman from the Lower Sixth one evening outside the Tuck Shop window where we used to queue for eight aniseed balls a penny. Years later we met again by chance in Berkeley Square, Mayfalr. Now we are married and have a daughter and a son who is as old as I was when first I went to Tal Handaq.

Christopher Beavis


Our environment is controlled by that power under lying all phenomena in the material world. -- Many call it 'Mother Nature'. Mother Nature is the scale which balances the type and number of animals that should live or die and the percentage of oxygen in the air. In general it balances our environment.

Man, however, is I'm sure, a mistake. He should have been killed off by the plague (or some other epidemic). But now he has invented medicines which prolong his life and weapons which kill his predators. Man is tipping the scale and threaten­ing the World's environment.

As man grows in importance so do his industries and build­ings to keep him alive. Therefore more land and animals are lost to make room for them. Basically all threats towards the world's environment are man-made. His population is ever-increasing and so much more food is required to feed him. So what does he do? He uproots trees, digs up the land, covers it with chemicals arid plants areas of monotonous cereal. What of the stupendous view — lost in the cause of progress.

Man must not destroy the beauty of the earth any further. Here and now is the point to make a stand for the world's en­vironment. Not only is the beauty of the earth being blemished, but the air that we breathe is being polluted and even poisoned. At this very moment millions of people are breathing the vile volatile products of combustion in the air by cigarettes, coal fires or industrial works. In Middlesborough the locals rarely see a variation in the smoke-corrupted skies, owing to the six teen square miles of the Id chemical factories and the silicons and nitrate dusts they emit. Meanwhile sulphur dioxide (from power stations) is still increasing in the air especially in Japan which is now tightening its environmental standards. In the big cities, which are often called the "Big smokes" toxic carbon monoxide from car exhausts is constantly being inhaled by pedestrians — often at dangerous levels. On the freeways during rush hours in Los Angeles carbon monoxide reaches 180 parts per million the human body can stand 120!

If this makes you sweat a little, how about a cool swim in the South-West? Where the toxic chemicals are at harmless levels. Why then were hundreds of fish found dead (1970) in the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel? Old age perhaps!

Noise is an irritating feature of our environment. Man produces an awful lot of it when he goes about his business flying across the world in supersonic jets and building roads with pneumatic drills. Half a million people are annoyed by Heathrow Airport's noise. Every person who uses Heathrow Airport responsible for enough noise to subject 16.5 people to a serious nuisance for an entire day. This in turn produces serious physiological reactions.

Apart from the actual problems which face the world's environment (a few of which I have mentioned). There are many potential problems which could become real at any time. Another oil tanker could break-up, like the "Torry Canyon", whose covered the beaches right across the south-coast of England with the help of sea currents. It killed many fish and sea birds What is to stop it happening again? This is 1974 and not 68 are tankers are bigger and more capacious than ever before.

Atom bombs also are bigger with more capacity to destroy in 1975 than in 62 when nuclear war almost broke-cut over the "Cuban incident". New China is equalling the USA and USSR in nuclear weapons and world peace is rather shaky — as China has openly stated that was between Capitalism and Communism in inevitable.

Is this all so wrong? Man has eliminated his predators now nothing can destroy him except himself. May be man's suicide is Mother Nature's second attempt for environmental equilibrium.

John Thompson


Two little boys were paddling in the sea at Margate. "Coo, ain't your feet dirty", said one little boy. "Yes," replied the other, "We didn't come last year."

My wife has had her face lifted  so many times that she has to have her body lowered.

My wife  is so  jealous  and suspicious that  even  her eyes watch  each other.


Languishing moon, faded,withered beneath gorse, Sunk behind the tumuli,
Barrows of the Ancients of remote ages, barbarians  Strangers, like those who steal along the woodland paths, Hrothgar's warriors —         Pillage, attack us, our 'home and
Glory sink and fall, Deaden into nothing. Last moon they came, Pain — we dwelt in darkness,hiding, skulking in the shadows
Till they left, the Ravens, Scavengers, to the longboats
Away into the mist —
Night blankets them, after
Tarnished axes, to sleep, had laid  our battle-young people.

Frosted moon, Star-light shimmered in the Blackness, hiding longships,Slinking, slouching to the sea-spray shore  Knowing nothing the people slept               Till from the ramparts-screams and Cries pierced the star-encrusted night And a terror-raid crept onwards.Dazed with sleep, running, fleeing, Hiding, crying, we fled. Painting, dying, we fell. Unsung, a bright flame lit the village  While unwept we grovelled                                     Til red-stained dawn-light rode  Black glowing ashes, bloodied corpses, smoke billowing,                                                                                                 Ravens flying, fading, red in the dawn, bloody echoes.

Christine Williams L6A         NOSTALGIA

Arcadia is the poets heaven,

the promised land,

which lies only in the mind.

I have seen Arcadia

it exists

in the mind

and in Cornwall.  Ian Simpson

NOVEMBER The lowering sun relents its heat.

The rains should be biting deep into the hard, dry soil by now. There should be a show of new winter green. Wisps of wild flowers should be pushing their way through crannies along Maltese country tracks just there in the shelter of the walls where the thin earth is gathered by strong north westerly winds. All those things are there but weak — the rain is late again as it has been these last three years.

Hal Far is the site of the altar on which we offer up our regular sacrifice to the memory of one Guido Fawkes failed revolutionary of another age. And we have colour and noise and Oo's and Ah's and hot NAAFI sausages. In our school assemblies the body of the hall changes colour from khaki and light brown to grey and navy blue. The gloom of November is complete. Those new to the Mediterranean realise, some for the first time, that It can be a chilly place. If it's like this now what will January be like?

In the classroom November is one of the best months of the year for hard solid work. Parents of the pupils in Forms one and two turn up at the school in scores for a discussion on their children's progress — or the lack of it. It will soon be Christmas.


Clouds gathering, storming leaves falling, frost in the air, chestnuts crackling,

Guy burning, fireworks lighting the sky, wind chasing the shadows,

 people in overcoats, braving the storms; snug behind closed windows, rain pelting, from clouds.



The first dark clouds appear covering the sky from east to west.                    The downward drip, the down-urge.

Pursued in water I sit on top of the wood,My feet are locked upon the rough bark.Forever falling from the sky, the water unnoticeably.  The summer hangs drugged and winter ignites like a spark plug  

Faint flakes of snow trigger off and robins bob with delight.                      The heather in the glen-bottom sways with the sound of the rushing barn.

The white grouse scuttles from under the thicket Fleeing the crex-crex call of the corncrake.     Murray Kirkham 4M  




The early evening clouds of a November day gathered over the shattered city streets throwing the dark shadows between the houses into an even deeper gloom. The sirens wailed out their last dismal all-clear of the day. London breathed a sigh of relief, before the renewed night attacks. Not one light showed, not a glimmer from behind tightly drawn black-out blinds. It as at this hour that the streets came alive, men coming home from work aided by the light of blue paper covered torches, women hurrying to finish their last minute shopping and child­ren appearing from holes in the ground to Play in the dark­ness of the street.

As the night grew into utter dark the sky above the city became alive with the noise of bombers' engines, the call of the siren's voice sending those in the open scurrying beneath the ground to shelter from the bombs. The only illumination now was the fingers of light probing for enemy bombers in the sky. Over to the East along the docks great flashes showed the resting place of the dropped bombs. Tracers dotted the sky and burst into a shower of lethel fireworks. The night life of London was awake. All night explosions and the sharp ack-ack fire and the peculiar rumbling noise that masonry makes as it collapses. While this goes on the people of London sleep in their under­ground hovels called shelters and tube-stations. As the dawn light crept over the city, tired firemen, voluntary workmen and soldiers put down their tools for a brief breakfast before the daylight onslaught. People begin to emerge from their holes and wend their way back to where they had left their homes the night before.

Lynn Mentiply 2A2


The north wind sighed And in a trice What was water Now is ice

It, like a drop of dew, Is clear and cool And like a diamond It's clear and hard.  

 Yvonne Wilson 2A2


Tall and slim, cold and bare With one gleaming eye. That stands to stare The lamp-post shines the welcome In the city's darkest night.
Cats and dogs roam the streets Scrounging for their daily treats
In the dustbins, in the drains
Down the cold and windy lanes

 Oh! my city in which I live Show your warmth and give, give, give.  

Dave Taylor Form 4K


With an awesome sight.
Hills, trees, valleys, dales - all white! Frost on frozen window pane Like sugar on a sugar cane Steaming hot puddings and pies Icicles like transparent knives Robin chirruping on snowy tree What a wonderful sight to see And this is winter so I'm told Beautiful, breath- taking, and jolly cold!

Jane Arbuththnott 2A2


Jim sat at his desk. The worry and strain showed on his face in the form of dark rings under his usually lively eyes.

The bell on his desk rang and a woman's voice crackled through an absolete loudspeaker system.

"Excuse me Mr Gordon, but there's a man asking to see you. He says he's from the "Octogon Council".

"OK you'd better send him in", replied Jim. He stood up as the man entered, accompanied by a robot body guard. It was the first time Jim had ever met anyone from the 'Octogon Council', the most powerful and influential organisation on earth. So he sensed it was something pretty important.

The man introduced himself as Mr Conrya. He wasted no time in getting to the point. "I am here on a matter of the ut­most urgency'', he said "A signal has been received from our early warning station on Ganymede informing us that a squad­ron cf Sirian some bombers has passed Jupiter and is on course i:cr Venus. I think before I go on I should tell you something about Sirius itself. Firstly the name "Sirius" is Greek for scorch­ing and as Sirius is the most powerful source of visible radiation in the sky the name is very suitable. It's diameter is twice that of our sun and it belongs to Spectral class. A.1. It is eight point mine light-years distant. However of more interest to us is the star's companion, known as Sirius B. It is a white dwarf star with a density ninety thousand times greater than our sun. Sirius B has a family of seven planets, 'two of which are inhabited. One by an extremely primitive race. But unfortuntely for us, the other planet is inhabited by incredibly intelligent beings. In fact they are at least five hundred years ahead of us tech­nologically. It is they who are now approaching with just one thought in mind, to destroy our colonies on Venus. I must call upon you Mr Gordon to organise and brief the flight crews. The method of attack I will leave up to you. "Good luck" he ended solemnly. He turned and left the office, leaving Jim star­ing open-mouthed after him.

Jim wasted no time. He couldn't afford to. Unless he was ready within two hours, it would be too late to save Venus from the might of the Sirian bomber force. He contacted base using the modern equivalent of the old holline telephones. It was known as the "telepathic Induction System" Colonel Jennings answered: "Jennings here"  "Hello Bill, it's Jim. Listen we've got an emergency, I want you to send all available fighter ships into lunar orbit" "Something pretty big eh?" "Something very big Bill, 150 get a move on. Tell them to remain there for one hour and then proceed towards Icarus which should intersect the orbit of Venus just after they arrive. Got that?" "Yeah, I've got it, I'll take command of the fighters my­self." "OK Bill, but don't expect any medals for getting your­self killed. Good Luck."

Six hours later the fighter force was waiting hidden by a lump of rock barely ten miles across called Icarus. They were waiting for the Sirian force to cross their path tout they were going to have a long wait. The Sirians had changed course and were no heading towards Earth. The first blow fell devastatingly on Moscow. With all its fighter defences forty-three million miles away, Earth was a doomed planet.

David Cranch 4K


Where I live there is a fish market. One day my Uncle took me down there, because he works there. My Uncle made a funny joke about a fish, but when we came into the market itself the laughing stopped. On the bare wall of the market were fish hooks, where fish were hanging by their gills, Fishes were cut open and then men were ripping their intestines out.

I could have been sick but I carried on. The next thing I saw was a man with an axe which had a long handle and a sharp blade, which was covered in blood. The man was perspir­ing when he lifted the heavy axe up. He raised it high above his head and just let it go chopping the fish's head off. Around the market floor lay remains of unwanted fish.

The cats would come in and scavenge all they could.

Sean Beckett (Form 1H)


"Twas the height of midnight and in the fields to the North of Belfast sit 4 shepherds playing cards and drinking beer. They hear a strange noise and get up, shaky with fright. Then the noise dies down, and a Lightning lands in the field. Out from the cockpit jumps the angel Gabriel.

"Do not be afraid, oh cowardly weeds," he says, scraping a tune on his harp. I bring great news. A Saviour, the baby Philip, is born of the virgin Frontis in a humble stable."

"What's that got to do with us stranger?" asks a shepherd, twirling a six-gun around his finger.

"You must go and praise the baby," says the angel leaping into his Lightning and taking off. The Shepherds leap onto the Jet-propelled camels. "Tally-ho!" cries the leader, "to Bethlehem!"

In a far off romantic land (N. Ireland) three wise men sit in  a  pub  playing  pass the  parcel. -Suddenly,  'phone   rings.   A muscular, handsome, intelligent looking person leaps from the circle and dives  for the 'phone. "Hello, Kieran Smyth here," he says."Hello Kieran, God here," comes the answer. "Could you and your friends go to Bethlehem for me?"

"Yessir! I'll go immediately. Bye for now." He puts down the receiver and gets his presents ready. One of them, David, lifts up a packet labelled "Gelignite", and puts down "jelly". The other, Paul, wraps a mysterious looking parcel in paper. Kieran grabs a box of 6 fresh laid hand-grenades, then climbs into hs Leprachaun Jet-fighter and zooms away. 

In Belfast sits a worried Alison Harvey, cmdr. in chief of the Army. Suddenly in bursts a weary private. "Sir! Kieran Smyth, King of the Underworld has gone to Bethlehem to worship a king."Half an hour later 10 Hercules take off, following three small dots en the radar screen.

In Bethlehem. Frontis is sitting beside the baby, cooing it in a frog-like voice. Jeffrey, her husband, is pacing up and down, when suddenly he hears a great commotion outside. In charge 4 shepherds bearing, great gifts a book on how to knit, 2 needles, a pattern and a ball of -wool. They kneel down in adoration. One pulls a crucifix from his pocket and starts pray­ing."Put that away you erk," says the leader, "he ain't dead yet." The shepherd produces a Christmas Card and uses that.

Then in came the 3 wise men. A small clock on the side of the mysterious parcel reads 5 mins. David is reading the instruc­tions on the packet of jelly. Kieran is just about to say some­thing when 20 soldiers jump in through the window, led by Alison. "Got you now!" she screams. But Paul whips round with the parcel. "Catch!" he shouts, and charges out followed !by David. Kieran grabs the cradle, Jeffrey grab Frontis and they charge out. 2 miles away they hear the explosion.

"Merry Christmas,' shouts Alison, as she disappears over the horizon to spend her holidays in Hong King.

Kieran Smyth IB

DECEMBER — Red berries and cheery faces

No chance of a -white Christmas for us this year! We have our seasonal entertainment presented to us ,by the juniors assisted by some of their elders. Cards are exchanged around the school in their hundreds -saves postage at least. But the cry goes up from many "Where's our party? Won't we have a form party?" And there's no answer.

And for those who cherish the idea of the Holy Nativity and do not feel that Jesus Christ has no business to spoil our holiday with his religious ideas Malta is a good place to be for Christmas. Happy weather for the 29th yet again. Full churches. Just that little more celebration, and less commercialisation.

And the year turns on its axis and the shortest day is passed. 1974 dwindles away. 1975 looms up as the year when so many look forward to returning home. Scottish thoughts turn nostalgically northwards to the land of the haggis and the merriment of first-footing and Hogmanay. Here for us church bells ring out at the stroke of midnight and ships sirens boom their greetings round the echoing creeks of Grand Harbour.

Happy New Year!



The venue was the school hall and the dates were Friday the 13th of December (the traditional bad luck associated with this day was shown in the teeming rain which greeted the par­ticipants and audience on their arrival) and Monday the 16th. After a bit of audience participation in "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" we were given a spirited and enthusiastic rendering of "The Cowboy Carol" by the First Year Chorus. Later they gave us the hauntingly beautiful version of "O Little Town of Bethlehem" and then the traditional "As Joseph Was A-Walking"' and finally a lilting Puerto Rican carol "Hasten Now Ye Shepherds".

The Lower School Choir, a smaller group of singers made up from pupils in Forms 1 to 3, sang the well known modern carol "Torches", "When Christ Was Born of Mary Free" and the West Indian song "De Virgin Mary". This group of singers came over well in the informal atmosphere of the concert. They stood in the body of the skilfully arranged hall (Thank you, Mr Leonard) surrounded by their audience. They sang sweetly and with ob­vious enjoyment.

The Recorder Group gave us an old fashioned English Christmas sound with a couple of traditional carols "How far is it to Bethlehem", and "My Dancing Day" followed by the well-loved "Good King Wenceslas". Later the Guitar Club took over the proceeding for a few items under their conductor who was variously described by Commander Stubbs in his elegant introductions as "The James Last of Qormi" and "The Mantovani of Marsaxlokk" alias Mr Woolams. Carol Jewell and Christine Smith provided the vocals in "I Don't Know How to Love Him" and the "Amen Chorus", the latter another audience participation number which "made the joint jump".

We had two other musical items. Firstly there were two carols from the newly formed Upper School Girls and Staff Choir who sang "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "In the Bleak Mid-Winter". There followed a duet for tenor and bass "In the Depths of the Temple" from Bizet's "The Pearlfishers" sung by Mr Taylor and Mr Singleton. This last piece struck a new note in the entertainment and the soloists gave a lot of pleasure with their spirited and finely balanced singing.

The music and dance item put on toy the Dance Drama Group called "The Night of the Toys" was created by the per­formers themselves. This was full of surprises with plenty of changes of mood and pace. Not least of its pleasures was the 24 delightful and  evocative  pieces of  music chosen to back the dancing.

Passing through all this music was a thread of the spoken word, six pieces in all from students in the Upper School. Start­ing with John Betjemann's "Christmas" we were then given a nostalgic view of the great season as written by Dylan Thomas and the amusing "A Visit from St Nicholas"' by C.C. Moore. We had the well-observed nonsense of Ogden Nash's "Children's Party' and the very famous description of Scrooge's reformation from "A Christmas Carol" and 'finishing with the more serious "Joseph and Mary" written by James Elroy Flecker.

Two hundred pupils took part in this splendid evening's entertainment with a dozen or more members of staff in support notably the talented quintet of musicians who provided backing for a number of items. All in all the occasion was a very fitting way of getting into the proper mood for enjoying the Christmas festivities.

DECEMBER 31,  11.59 p.m. 1974

Seconds ticking by, pitchdark night, nearly twelve, watching the lights, shining across the valley.

Tom cat in the alley, hollering loud. What a year we had. Scandals every place. News of the World pushed for space.

Few seconds to go, time drags so slow. Back home bells ring, as choirboys sing. a new year's hymn,

cos 1975, has finally arrived.        Ian Simpson 5th year



The Christmas Cake competition was held at the end of the winter term and the cakes were judged by the staff of the Needlework Department. About thirty-five cakes were entered — from the third years with cakes rough iced and from the fourth, fifth and sixth form cakes with piped designs on smooth icing. Alison Duncan won first prize for her rough-iced cake, the prize for design in the senior section went to Alex .Rowland, and Jill Cartwright came first for piping skill. There was a lovely display of Christmas cakes this year, along with a large book cake for St Patrick's Orphanage, a ginger bread house and many Christmacy decorations as can be seen in the photograph.


JANUARY  -"Winter slumbering in the open air." 

For 65 members of Tal Handaq there was a very early return to school in 1975.

On Thursday the 2nd they were all back in familiar haunts but only to deposit luggage and pick up their buses for the Uganda special.

 Twelve days away from it all in a world of discos, films, pyramids, temples and the every present sea. They even missed the first two days of school. One consolation for the rest of us was the longest Christmas holiday in the history of the school—except for ill-famed one which started in December 1971 and ended in September 1972.

January is the drabbest month in Malta. True we do not have our very dark English mornings with the sun not showing itself before 8 a.m. But it's cold and the houses are built in the belief that temperatures will never drop below 45°. And we should have lots of rain to send brown streams down the sides of the roads, to turn Msida roundabout into a shallow lake. And Christmas is a year way. And we've got to work again. And we have eight bells at the end of  a French lesson. And exams are almost upon us. What a life!


Grey sky wet salt spray majestic day surf roaring  clouds tumble blindly

Blue, grey sea undisputably free flecked with foam free to roam

Winters day January Saturday

I wish I could stay

Sky turning black best get back but it's a different rhyme

in six months time.

Ian Simpson





                                    CIRCLE THE   MED

After much prior preparation, briefing and excitement we finally boarded S.S. Uganda which was to be our home for twelve days as we sailed around the Mediterranean.

Our first port of call was to be Alexandria, at the head of the Nile Delta, in Egypt, and after two long days at sea we arrived. Our first impression of Egypt as being surrounded by what seemed like hundreds of little Arabs trying to sell you anything from huge, fluffy stuffed camels, to green scarab rings. Alexandria was a rather dirty, smelly city, with the majority of the inhabitants living in squalor and bringing their children up in the gutters, teaching them how to beg.

Egypt is known as a land of paradoxes and this is empha­sised in that there is quite a marked contrast between the rather westernised appearance and life in the larger cities, and the way of life in small villages and flat areas around the Nile river. Here life has hardly changed for what seemed like hundreds of years. The people still work on the land using manual and animal labour, irrigating the fields with rather primitive busy main road from Alexandria to Cairo. It is hard to imagine methods and living in mud huts, often along side the long and

Unit, only a few miles away is an industrial and commercial world in progress. Another sight that is very striking and peculiar to Egypt, is people sitting on the top of trains and hanging onto the sides of the buses. A very dangerous, but exciting, way of travelling from one place to another.

Cairo is the capital of Egypt and it is built along the banks of the River Nile. Like all Egyptian cities it is a mixture of squalor and commerce. Whereas the ancient sights of Alexandria no more, Cairo has many places for the tourist to visit. The tomb of Tutankamun can be found in the Egyptian museum in Cairo, but to many of us this exhibition was rather a disappointment, being only a part of the total find and a great comedown after all the publicity it has received in previous years, but it was quite an experience to be guided by our plump Arab friend Moses!                                                            The Citadel and Mehemet Ali Mosque are a magnificent sight in the old part of Cairo. The Citadel, being a fortress city, and the mosque named after a famous Egyptian leader. The mosque is highly decorated in intricate detail with hundreds of lights to show off its magnificent beauty and architecture, and there is an elegant tomb made of pure alabaster stone inside the building.

The highlight of a visit to Egypt, and of many peoples cruise was our sight of the three pyramids, situated just outside

Cairo at Gizeh. We saw the magnificent great pyramid and realised| how huge these monuments are — 480 feet high is the largest. We then went on to see the sandy coloured Sphinx. The pyramids are also made of the huge blocks of sandy rock, and they fit into the desert scenery perfectly. As always during our stay in Egypt we were surrounded by vendors, but this time  there were also camels everywhere!!!! Many people are wrong in their assumption that the pyramids are right in the middle of the  desert. True they  are in  the desert, but only about a quarter of a mile outside Cairo.

Our next port of call was Beirut, in the Lebanon, where we stayed for 16 hours. I was told that when visiting Baalbek the party  drove in coaches up to 5000' feet above sea level and they actually saw snow, which was something different for the Maltese students who never see snow. They visited the temple city at Baalbek where there are temples to Venus and Jupiter, everyone returned to the ship very cold and numb! Unfortunately I was confined to bed all day, but I was also lucky enough to have someone to take me around the cosmopolitan city of Beirut by moonlight. I was very interested in a Lebanese market called a "Stuk", (sic) they are all under cover behind the other very modern stores in the city. It was a rather wet evening and so everywhere was rather muddy. However I am now able to boast that I have actually stepped on Lebanese soil and been to Beirut.

My favourite country of those that we visited was Israel. It is the most peaceful and relaxing place I had ever been to and was not as I had imagined it to be — that is surrounded by a feeling of tension. The scenery of mountains and valleys was beautiful, and in many places it reminded one of Scotland -with green forests and hills. Also, we were told by our guide, Tobias, that 60 per cent of the country was desert but we did not see much of it. Again we travelled in coaches to the east of the country from the coastal city of Haifa. Our first stop was 208 feet below sea level looking down onto the Sea of Galilee. Across the valley we saw the Golan Heights which have featured in the news recently as they are the point where the three coun­tries of Israel, Syria and the Lebanon meet. Our next stop was at the shore of the River Jordan, just where it meets the Sea of Galilee. We collected pebbles and took photographs as sou­venirs of this historic place. At last we reached Tiberias, a small town on the banks of Galilee, and we were taken across the huge lake to Capernaum in a small motor boat. Unfortunately, our Padre on board could not be persuaded to walk on the water! At Capernaum we saw the ruins of an ancient synagogue and the site of St Peter's house. On our way to Nazareth, we stopped to see the site where the 'Feeding of the Five Thousand' took place. Here an early Byzantine church had been built and deco­rated inside with an attractive mosaic floor, and a painting of Christ above the altar. Way up above the road we could see another church on the Mount of the Beatitudes, commemorat­ing Christ's teaching of the disciples after he had chosen the twelve apostles.

The highlight of my visit to Israel, and probably the whole trip, was our arrival in Nazareth, and our visit to the Church of the Annunciation. It is the fifth Roman Catholic Basilica to be built on the traditional site of Mary's home at the time of the Annunciation. The present church was constructed in 1969 after the demolition of the previous one and is built over the cave-like grotto of the Annunciation. It is exquisitely decorated inside with huge mosaics on the walls as examples of Bible stories connected with the birth and workings of Jesus. The mosaics are all characteristically drawn, as they come from countries all over the world.

We also visited two Jewish 'Kibbutzim'. These are commu­nal farms that are one type of agricultural development which forms part of the great effort being made in Israel to support the country's economy. In the Kebbutz there is no personal property allowed, and all the inhabitants, anything from 300-1000, all work for the common good. Inside these centres whole communities have set up their homes and live and work together for each other. Each centre has a main building with a large hall which is used for social events and where souvenirs are sold, a farm and, of course, a synagogue. The commune we visited had a flourishing library and school.

To me Israel was a wonderful country and despite all the trouble and disruption caused by the agitation between Jew and Arab, the people are very friendly and welcoming like the coun­try itself — just as one imagines the Holy Land to be.

Very unexpectedly, we visited the Greek island of Rhodes. We arrived in Rhodes on a very nice, fresh, breezy day and spent the whole day independently touring the old fortress city. The capital of Rhodes bears the same name as the island itself. It is a very attractive little place full of tiny streets, squares and fountains. The old city is composed of old established buildings: the Palace of the Grand Masters, the Hospital, the Street of the Knights of 'St. John. This part of the city was of particular interest to us because the Knights of St John left their mark, architecturally, in Rhodes before they came to Malta. So in this way, Rhodes is very like Malta, especially the first view you see of the fortress walls.

It was in Rhodes, I'm sure, that most souvenirs were purchased. The maze of interesting streets contains bazaars full of exquisite Grecian pottery including beautifully painted plates and vases.

Other views in Rhodes were the attractive entrance to Mandraki harbour where the Buck (symbol of Rhodes) and Doe stand guarding either side of the entrance: three old but very charming windmills with red roofs and still with their wooden sails, and from the quay across the water from Rhodes one can see the snow-capped mountains of Turkey.

Armed with all our souvenirs and frozen fingers we left the attractive island and the friendly people of Rhodes and set off again on our way towards our last port of call, San Torini. San Torini is another Greek island and is situated in the southern Cyclades, 147 miles from Rhodes. It is a volcanic island formed in 1500 BC when a dramatic eruption blew the top off mountain and the sea poured into the crater through the cracks to form the three islands of Thera (San Torini), Therissa and Aspronisi. Uganda docked in the crater and we approached the island of Thera on a chilly morning in the ship's lifeboats To reach the town of Phera we had to ascend a steep stairway which was 587 steps to the top, and I'm told on good authority that it was 600 or more feet up. The majority of us took the plunge and, along with most of the Staff (!) braved the only means of transport -— donkeys and mules! It was quite a hair raising experience but one I'm sure that everyone will remember. Unfortunately (or may be not) we had to walk down to tiny harbour after our visit to the town. In the town we walk up and down narrow cobbled streets lined with small craft shops and cafes. There was a very attractive church — the new Orthodox Cathedral — that was a pleasant sight above the harbour, Really there were no sights as such on San Torini, except lm the beautiful views looking up from the harbour and down from the town on to the volcanic rocks and other islands surrounded by deep blue sea, and the contrast of the white buildings against the deep red rock. We found pumice stone and bought souvenirs before returning to SS Uganda for our trip home to Malta,

So the time came to return home, and home we came loaded down with memories and souvenirs. I must admit it was a nice thought to be peramnently on stable ground again after an often 'bumpy' ride to say the least!!! But it was certainly a contrast to all the interesting and famous places we had visited during our twelve day tour. The trip on SS Uganda and our visits to Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt, Beirut in the Lebanon, the Holy Land, Rhodes and San Torini were certainly very enjoyable, interesting, eventful (!) and worthwhile. All of us who' went will remember this time in years to come as a very memorable experience.


The question I asked myself as I walked up the gang-plank, was what  was  life really  like on board  the UGANDA,?  I had! seen many photographs of the ship, and a film about a similar cruise.

As we came in it didn't seem natural with a school office that had Christmas decorations up. The person we first met was Master at Arms. I thought that these members of the crew would be the sternest, but quite the opposite; he was very friendly and made us relax,

Our first night at sea was very tiring. This was because we didnt get to sleep until 2 a.m. The next morning we got up to the roll of the ship. No one really felt like breakfast but by dinner most people were able to get back on to proper food. That night no one felt like staying awake and everyone was asleep by 10.45.

The next morning the sea had calmed down, and everyone felt much better. That day I was able to really appreciate the ship's lessons. The assembly hall periods were very good and us advance information on the places of our visit. Class periods were a bit boring, but it's all part of the fun. My favourite lesson though was deck games. We could play hockey, tennis, quoits and swimming.

The next day we docked at Alexandria. Soon we were on our I was really impressed by the tour of Cairo and the pyra-Wn came back on board ship laden with souvenirs of all description.

That night we talked about the sights we had seen. The next day we walked around Alexandria. We saw how mm   people live, and it made us realize how lucky we are, in  the afternoon we left Egypt for Beirut It was back to us and work,  but nobody minded because the next day we were docking at Beirut. That evening we had a fun-fair. It was great fun and everyone had  a good time. The next afternoon we had a tug of war competition, which was good fun. Our team had to pull against some 16 years olds. We lost. At 6 p.m. that evening we docked at Beirut. Everyone wanted to go ashore, but had to wait until the next day.

The next day came and we were soon ashore on our tour to Baalbek. As we went right up to the mountains, were we stopped to have a snowball fight. We returned that night tired out from the mountain air.

The next morning we found ourselves docked at Haifa. We were going to Jerusalem but the war made it dangerous, All the same we did have a good time.

The next day we were at an extra port, Rhodes. This was because of the cancellation of the trip to Jerusalem. In the morning we went around the old city of Rhodes. We came back on board fcr lunch and then a few of us went to Lindos, a small village in the south of the island.

Next day we came in to the volcanic island of Santorini. It was great to watch the sun come up over the rocky outline of the island. We had to walk up the steps to the village, all 508 of them. All too soon we had to go back on ship.

The next day was spent in packing and spending the last of our money. After the farewell disco we suddenly realized that it was the end of the cruise.

We had learnt many things during the cruise, but the biggest one was to live with other people, something we all have to do.

Clive Wood 3D


Is this a record? In twenty-four hours during our cruise 1 used up over thirty sick-bags, and to think I paid for this trip. Well, my parents did. Twenty five bags were used in our dormitory.

This is how it went:

(a) Was sick in dorm. Was sick again, and again, and yet again.

(to) Was taken to sick bay..... I will rephrase that, I was taken to matron.

(c)      I was force-fed a roll and a seasickness pill. Was told to go on deck.

(d)     Look out on green mass of undulating water. Brought up pill and roll.

(e)      Went down to dorm. One more bag full.

(f)       Boys in  dorm.   Chant "Greasy bacon!    Three year old mouldy chips!" Was sick again.

(g)      Return to the beginning. The boys in my dorm were  going to have a whip round to buy me a gold plated sick bag, but I was too sick to notice!

Everyone said "It's all in the mind", but it wasn't. It was in my tummy and coming up fast.

Peter Smith 2A1


On the 24th February, a small party of pupils and staff from SCS Tal Handaq, who are also members of the Calypso Subaqua Club, visited the Recompression Chamber at HMS St. Angelo The main purpose of the visit was to familiarise divers to the Recompression Chamber in case of emergency treatment.

At sea-level the pressure on our bodies is fifteen pounds per-square inch, owing to the weight of the earth's atmosphere. If one takes to flying, the pressure on our bodies decreases to about half of this at five thousand metres above sea-level because

there is less air above us to exert a pressure. As one descends into the sea, however, the pressure rapidly increases to twice the normal pressure exerted on our bodies at ten metres depth because of the weight of sea water. The further one descends, the greater the pressure exerted on one.

At ten metres depth the diver will be breathing air at twice atmosphere pressure, and therefore he will be consuming twice as much air as usual. Because he is breathing air at twice the normal pressure, twice as much nitrogen can be dissolved in the blood. (N.B. Nitrogen is harmless to the body, but provides a hazard to divers). This concentration of nitrogen tends to collect around the fatty tissues of the body, especially the spinal cord and the brain. If one stays at this depth, the time will be reached when no more nitrogen can be dissolved into one's blood. This is saturation point.

Now, when one rises to the surface slowly the nitrogen comes back out of solution and is exhaled, but if one rises too quickly the nitrogen in one's blood doesn't have enough time to come out of solution, and consequently starts to form bubbles in the body. For instance, bubbles in the fatty tissues and synovial membranes around the joints lead to the stretching of nerve endings in the tissues. Pain around them gives rise to the condition known as the "bends" or decompression-sickness.

The only way to remove these bubbles, is to force them back into solution, by putting him back to the pressure he was at before, and bringing him back to normal pressure very slowly. If all the nitrogen is removed like this, he should return to normality, but in severe cases, and cases where recompression is not possible, paralysis and death may occur.

The recompression chamber is a very strong chamber on dry land, made of steel in which the air pressure can be in­creased by pumping air in, using a compressor. A diver who is suffering from decompression-sickness is placed into it, and returned to the equivalent pressure corresponding to the depth he was at before. The nitrogen bubbles in the blood are forced back into solution. The pressure is then very slowly reduced so as to let the nitrogen come out of solution in the correct way.

The advantages of the recompression chamber are numerous. The diver does not have to get wet, and a doctor can be in the chamber with him to keep him under close surveillance for the duration of his decompression, which would not be possible deep in the sea. The air-pressure inside the chamber, which is being supplied by the compressor, is also regulated very carefully from the outside by an attendant who is following special tables for decompressing.

On our visit, we were taken down to the equivalent pressure of thirty metres of sea water which is four times the normal pressure exerted on us at sea-level. To those of us who had not been in the chamber before, the sensation was quite strange. As the pressure increased and we were continually "clearing" our ears, the temperature inside became very hot. The attendant who was inside with us had taken precaution of bringing a bucket of water, in case of fire!! When we levelled off at the equivalent pressure of thirty metres, we began to talk; we each sounded like Micky Mouse because at this pressure the voice box is affected.

At this depth, intellectual reasoning becomes extremely difficult and much to our amusement, our Mathematics teacher was unable to do simple addition!!!!

As the pressure decreased the chamber became extremely cold and we could hardly see the other side of the chamber for condensation of our breath. In the end, though we were all glad to return to civilization, we felt happier for our experience.

 Ian Simpson, SCS Tal Handaq Calypso Diving Club 6th year


On Thursday, January 2nd, my dad and I took off in a plane from Luqa bound for Gan. We made an overnight stop in Cyprus where we stopped with some friends. Next morning we were off to the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean. After an eight-hour flight in a V.C.1O we reached Addu Atoll and landed in Gan, the small island which acts as a staging post for R.A.F. aircraft flying to the Far East. After landing the first thing we did was to get some sleep. Sixty-three was our room number. It was situated very near the runway so we heard every plane taking off and landing.

On Sunday morning, the 5th of January, we met members of the diving club and went for a dive with them just in front of the clubhouse on what they called the Club Reef. We dived with Mick Turner. Compared with the water around Malta there were so many fish that it was like diving into an overstocked aquarium. There was coral all over the place. On this dive we stayed down about forty minutes with a maximum depth of about seventy feet.

Because the water was so warm we did not need to use our wet suits; but we did wear T-shirts to protect ourselves from the sun when we were on the surface.

On Sunday afternoon we had a boat dive of Manadu Island near Gan but we could not go too deep because it would have meant us running into decompression time. Graham Abraham was the dive leader and John Sherman and I followed. There was plenty of Stag's Horn coral about the place and I kept on Cutting myself. We saw five or six scorpion fish which can sting Inn are beautiful to look at. Also during this dive we saw a pair of large grouper. When we came out of the water the first thing  I did was to treat my coral cuts with antiseptic because, if you don't. cuts become infected quickly as I found out after One of the dives when I forgot to treat them.

During the evenings of our stay we had our meals in the transit hotel and spent the rest of the night reading and writing letters.

During the rest of the week we had five other dives. Two of them were on the Club Reef but because the underwater scenery off Gan was new to us we were never bored. Another dive We did was in the water between Gan and Fedu the next island to the north. Here we did a drift dive letting the current carry us over different types of coral.

A short but interesting dive was on the Wave Ruler, a ship .... anchored in the lagoon. On the underside of the ship a coral reef

had started to grow and the fish who had orientated themselves to their surroundings and swam upside down! Because the current was so strong we had to abandon this dive after only seven minutes.

Friday the 10th soon came around and we packed all our equipment into our suit-cases. The lead-weights were too heavy to carry back so we left them with the subaqua club. We had a meal about 8 p.m. expecting to take off at ll p.m. but due to a long delay we did not take off until about 4 a.m. The plane touched down in Akrotiri to refuel and from there we wore off not to Luqa but to England. We were unable to get aflight from England until early Tuesday morning.

Our trip had lasted almost exactly the same time as the school cruise. If the people on that enjoyed themselves as much as we did then they were lucky.

Keith Naylor (Form 5K)


A ripple proclaims the disappearance of a fish into the depths, and the trees sway in the breeze.

On my right, the river flows around the legs of a stone heron waiting for its prey.

To the left, lies man. The field rising steeply, blocks out the imposing church tower.

Ian Simpson

FEBRUARY Cold February blows on her thumb ..

The wettest month of the winter so far with the last Thurs­day dark and cold. Eight -bells were rung twice for our protec­tion but we still got wet. Oh for a covered way that really covered! However, the earth repayed her gift of moisture,, with a confusion of wild flowers. At last the poppies shoot up their scarlet and promise that warm days are not far away. Boys sweat across country: girls skip up the yard tossing their pan­cakes as they go.

Meanwhile back in the school hall mock exams prove they are not so funny. No assembly for a fortnight. It's an ill wind... We have Fifth and Sixth Year Parents' inquest. Lower down the school, the Third Form are given a pamphlet with advice on options for their subjects for 1975-76. Scratch your heads and stick your pins in..... the list subjects.

Lady Previous flows on as Miss Beckett's fingers turn blue with the cold of the unheated hall. Notices begin to appear all over the school to tell us about the Fashion Show and display of things Eastereal.


Now here is a story of Auntie May Who thought she had strange powers. She'd  sit in her bedroom,  all alone And meditate for hours.

We usually left her well alone. "Poor soul," we used to .say, For though she was a little 'queer' We loved our Auntie May.

One evening, though, she went too far. For she came down to tea In nothing but her birthday suit For everyone to see.

Her face paled as she wildly screamed "You'll never stop me, never!" Then with one last heart-rending wail She fled from the room for ever.

We often wonder where she went And hope that she will call. For where could Auntie May have gone With nothing on at all?

L. Lauder 4M


Snow and sludge... slipping... sliding... slithering                                                       On ice.
Whiteness — Persil Whiteness. Feather-like flakes floating, Nettling, to form a blanket over frozen gardens.
Buds and birds bring signs of spring,
Awakening the drudge of winter lifelessness.
gamboling lambs, daisy-spotted fields,
And light-heartedness knowing that summer is on its way.
Seaside, sun and shrieks of summer-holiday hysteria.
Band, buckets and spades,
Melting ice-lollies, flipping flip-flops.
Sunglasses, sunshades, Ambre Solaire.
Summer's here.
Green turns to gold,
Summer turns to Autumn. Back to the bind of books and school in September.
Conkers craze, blustering winds cause
Trees to shed carpets of leaves.

Susan Dearlove 6A



The gazelle senses the watching eyes, While traversing the African grass The animal catches her by surprise, Her warning cry is to be her last.
Ripping and tearing at the still twitching flesh, Warm blood from the wound is still very fresh. The scavengers assemble not far away They wait for the leftovers, their meal for today
He leaves this scene of death and carnage,
And slinks away into the foliage
He creeps about very aware,
Detecting other beasts by their scent in the air
Then all at once, he's confronted by,
A huge fierce tiger, one of them has to die.
They both leap together, after a pause.
Flying through the air, while brandishing their claws
Gouging at each other with all their might, Both parties make this a frenzied fight. The grass has changed from green to red, The animal has wen, the tiger is dead.
He crawls away to have a rest,
To recover from this gruelling test.
But he has won, and feels the pride,
Of a superior animal, that stays and fights, and doesn't hide
From sleeping peacefully, he awakes with a start
He has caught the scent of a grazing hart
He jumps up, alert, and begins to prowl
The ever impatient hyenas, sensing food, start to howl.
This time the wild animal feasts,
On the daintiest of all the beasts.
One day the wild animal, too, will be killed,
For the balance of nature to be fulfilled.
Lee Paps 5L.

Spring is the dawn,
the new years morn,
when life will arise,
and rub sleep from its eyes.
Newness will be felt,
heard and smelt,
all around
in the air, on the ground.
And now winter has gone
Life must go on,
Spring is in the air
and everywhere
else about you.
Ian Simpson

MARCH -Green and yellow and blue and red

Our rainfall tops thirteen inches since September. These last two comparatively wet months have helped to bring the island to a peak of lush greenness. Well, it seems lush, if our memories don't bring back pictures of rolling hills of Somerset, Yorkshire dales and rich lake-side vistas of Cumberland.But at least in Britain they are not enjoying our balmy temperaturesand our blue seas. Snow on Good Friday. Brrr! Lady Precious Stream has its three day run in the first half of the month — a great delight to all who go to see it. Final option forms are given out to our Third Years and parents come up to the school to get help in sticking the pins in. A successful poster competition is held to herald the Fashion Show that happens on March 22nd in a hall that still doesn't quite look like the salon of Christian Dior, in spite of decorations, red carpets and a host of pretty girls.

And so another term winds down. Over thirty pupils are leaving us this month. The flood of leavers is gathering force. The number of people left from those who restarted the school after the withdrawal of 1972 is rapidly diminishing. Even now the hot breath of the examiners is felt on the necks of innocent Fifth Formers. Mr Clemens and Miss Dickinson are the gentle inquisitors at their CSE English oral ... And Mrs Singleton leaves again.


Dreams, their doubtless queries subside.
Dreams, murky corridor and leather hide
Dreams, a time when thresholds part
Dreams, of timeless conscience to cart,...
Around your mind in dolful solitude.
Neon lamps cast shadows of the nude
Sentimental, undying hope, .stays in your-thoughts,
When cyclop's single stares,...
A thousand dying cares... wandering cares,...
Yes wandering, always wandering,
Do we ever stop our pondering?
Perhaps the insane ones far away
Will teach us a game we can easily play.
Perhaps love, or fear, or crime
Games of lush, sweat or slime.
Oh Goddess please don't let me awaken
To stand and find it's all 'been taken,
From my dreams
A million screams!
I love my dreams.

Jane Arbuthnott -2A2


Men shouting and children's laughter

A year of dreams and plans

 is reflected by the noises

and happiness on the sand.

On the island an artist

sits with wind blown hair

sketching the beauty

within her stare.

So many people

 Happiness your own way

 and for everybody

 a perfect day.

Ian Simpson


It is in no way a criticism of the first-rate shows presented regularly by Tal Handaq to say what a delightfully refreshing break from tradition this performance gave us. The better the School's products have been — and they have been very good Indeed -- the more obvious was the danger that 'pop' shows, wilh themes and catchy tunes already familiar to audiences, might become the regular practice.

"Lady Precious Stream" was a most welcome change in every way.

For one thing. I suspect that few of us knew much about the play beforehand, and certainly I heard several people ex­pressing pleased surprise that it proved to be so humorous.

Secondly, — and again this is no snide dig at the excellent Principals' of previous shows — the cast consisted entirely of pupils, which, one feels, is as should be in a Comprehensive School.

Not -only did these pupils demonstrate that  they are  well able to carry the leading roles, but we received yet another surprise when we found that all but one were girls. The producer had  decided to make this a predominately female presentation, with nine out of ten males occupying very secondary positions. Or perhaps, under the circumstances, one should say there decidely more  'Yin' than  'Yang'.

The choice of this play produced yet another pleasant variation on the more usual theme in that it brought s a typically Oriental slant on life which was light, deft, and — to use the unavoidable word -- charming.

The English public-school tradition that 'manliness' means taking a daily cold shower and playing rugby is incomprehensible to  many other races,  especially Eastern   ones, among which there is nothing odd about extremely tough, earthy characters pausing to weave a tropical flower into the thatch of the roof above the door. And something of this 'dual nature' attitude comes over in "Lady Precious Stream". Perhaps this is why it is equally possible to make the cast all males, all female, or a mixture of both.  Julie Taylor, as  the Prime Minister, handled  far-from-easy part extremely well. Beginning (at least on the night when I saw the play) by speaking her words rather fast, she quickly settled down, and continued from then on to enunciate with  absolute clarity. The  Prime Minister is responsible for many of the play's most humorous lines and situations, which means that the part is full of difficulties and possible pitfalls. Julie trod this dangerous path with skill and assurance, neither overplaying nor wasting her opportunities.

Debbie King, as the wife of the Prime Minister, also gave us an excellent performance. The basic characterisation comes, of course, from the author, but as someone who has met a number of Chinese wives, I can assure her that she gave a very credible interpretation of the Oriental wife — at least among the educated classes — who may appear to Western eyes to be subservient to her husband, but who knows exactly how to have have her own way in everything that matters!

Veronica Haste, as the Gardener, had the difficult task of flitting, as it were, from one character to another: gardener, poet, king, not to mention husband with a persistent and voracious lover in pursuit! She managed all this with apparent ease, and many of her humorous lines gained by being spoken with an almost 'deadpan' expression. It was an ironic trick of fate, and one which earned the amused sympathy of the audience, that she suffered her only lapse of memory at a time when she was supposed to be reading!

The two Generals (Karen Fretwell and Susan Fitton) both brought just the right touch to their self-important characters, and it was only the emphasis of the author which brought more laughs for the 'paper tiger' Tiger General. Both these un-military military gentlemen were well matched with their wives.

Golden Stream (Susan Burton) made an excellent wife for Su, the Dragon General (Karen Fretwell) and provided the ap­propriate foil to her sisters.i

Special praise must go to Silver Stream ((Ruth Andrews) who was undoubtedly one of the 'stars' of the show. That pert, incorrigible little minx (I refer strictly to her -part in the play) stole the hearts of the audience within a few moments of her first appearance. It would have been easy for her to overplay this 'gift' part, but Ruth never did so, and she remained at the end what she had been in the beginning: irrepressible, ebullient, volatile — and utterly charming.

The title role, played by Lyn Wilkins, not only involves the heroine in a transition from luxury to poverty and back again, but brings with it the need to portray humour, anger, sorrow (both genuine and assumed) and a good deal of 'feminine subtlety'. Lyn handled all this most competently, and maintained an unflagging level in this very demanding part, which keeps the actress on stage for almost every moment of the play. She brought just the right degree of varying emotions at just the right time, and deserves every credit for an excellent performance.

When the Orient meets the Occident in this play, it is the person of H.R.H. The Princess of the Western Regions (Joanne Wiggins), who gave us a convincing portrayal of this self assured, arrogant and sophisticated 'Amazon'. Her diction, too, was admirably clear.

The one principal male part that of the Honourable Reader, who acted as Prologue, Epilogue, and Commentator along the way. David Ansell made a splendid Reader, sharing the amusement and self-criticism of the cast with his audience, and conveying the light, semi-humorous mood in his quiet but clear voice.

It is a pity that the more than twenty other characters cannot, be mentioned individually, since each had his or her own important part to play, but it seems only fair to single out the Property Men (Lee Paps and Wesley Bleakley), who carried out, with humour, efficiency and 'spot-on' timing their tasks, which ranged from providing 'horsehoof' noises to the placing of cushions for those about to kneel! As everyone knows, humour and especially light and subtle humour -- .can depend for success or failure on no more than a word spoken a, fraction of second early or late, and it was one of the marked features of the evening that the 'laugh lines' came at exactly the right moment, and at the right speed. All the Principals earn full marks for this.

Whoever it was first used the optimistic and carefree expression "It'll be all right on the night", it was certainly not a Producer

If a stage performance does go 'all right on the night' it is Invariably the result of tears, toil and sweat (if not actual blood), accompanied by driving, pleading, cursing and encouraging, with hints of suicide on the part of the Producer and instant death everyone else.

The Tal Handaq presentation of "Lady Precious Stream" reflects the greatest credit on its Producer, Sylvia Beckett.

The very method in which the author decided to present his play must raise its own peculiar problems.

Where scenery is shifted with the curtain up, property men are intended to carry out 'repair work' in view of the audience, and the player's criticisms of their own efforts axe an integral part of the performance, there must be a temptation to relax, to overdo the 'leg-pulling', and to feel that unintentional lapses could be disguised among the intentional ones.

That this did not happen, and that there was no slackening of 'discipline' (in the theatre sense) is a tribute to the Producer as much as to the cast.

She and they gave us a most enjoyable, happy and delightful evening.

The inscription on a bronze mirror of the Chou dynasty reads: "Wherever suns shine, there is life".

The Tal Handaq production of "Lady Precious Stream" was full of life, and left us with the sunniest of memories.

Ron Ransom


Auditions are never comfortable occasions and so I was delighted when I was given the part of Hsigh Ping Kuei in our school production this spring. When rehearsals started in the middle of January there seemed only a remote possibility of it ever getting on the stage. 'Perhaps it's always like this with plays. I'm sure our producer felt this more keenly than we did. Thanks to her faith in us we all finally made it (after a few spells of utter frustration and dark gloom). I only hope we did her credit.

Rehearsals must have followed what is a normal pattern — the excitement of getting a part, learning the lines, the challenge of the first time on the stage without a script. Each step has a magnetic fascination of its own. Most early days were carefree and giggly and then one day we saw it in print         FIRST PERFORMANCE MARCH 13TH                                                                                                                                                  (Was it an omen?)      After that the whole atmosphere of things changed — some tension set in, chanting of lines before an entrance, sighs of relief when it went well, moans of despair when all was wrong. Some rehearsals, progress nil, others everything just perfect. So you waves between exhilaration and despair — both emotions sometimes hardly distinguishable.

The whole experience for me at least was really enjoyable. I would not have missed a second of it. All the anxiety disappeared when the lovely audiences actually clapped for us! The cheerful sound of applause was a reward in itself and the dreaded audience were now our best friends! Applause is such sweet music to a group of nervous actors. Thank you, audience! It is sad now that the show is over. The back-stage cameraderie and team work is sadly missed.... but has anyone asked MissBeckett when she is going to choose another play? On with the show!

Veronica Haste L6A

                                   SCHOOL   STAFF

Front Row: Hugh Ritchie, Imelda Dickinson, Chloe Singleton, Stephen Slngleton, Lt. Cdr. David Nield, Commander G.D. Stubbs, Pamela Smith, Lt. Cdr. Tony Richards, Sylvia Beckett, James Hobson.

Second Row: Charles Aquilina, Sandra Camilleri, Moira Clarke, Carmel Walsh, Michael Caseley, Joyce Walden, Judith Stansfleld, Sue Lynk. Laurence Bezzina, John Treeby.

Third Row: Kenneth Winn, John Naylor, Barrie Menhams, David Ditcham, Jerry Phillips, Hilary Hill, Norah Ash, Rosemary Leighton. Helen Wilson.

Fourth Row: Philip Allen, Frank Kitson, June Lattimer, Rolbert Woolams, Lew Finnis, Mavis Turner, Marian Spray, Alan Latham.

Back Row: Peter Wright, John  Clemens,  John Hughes,  Carl  Hancock Jeffrey Bonner, James Glover, Barrie Jones, Brian Leonard, David Walker, Michael Newton.

Absent:  Susan Finnis, David Taylor, Trevor Ricketts.


John was late. The Salvation Army crew had been waiting for him for at least a half an hour before he finally turned up at his usual spot on the Thames embankment. One or two of his mates used to say that he had been a strikingly handsome man in his youth but all that had long worn off. At forty three he could easily have been mistaken tor a man twenty years older. He wore a roughly patched sacking trousers, tied firmly with string to his ankles to keep some of the chill breezes out from his legs. His shoes had come from a Soho rubbish dump. His body was puffed out by layers of carefully arranged newspapers — great protection against the frost and sorely needed to help his thread bare mac keep what little warmth he had where he needed it.

His face was drawn and his cheeks were red and raw. Long lank filthy grey hair reached down to his shoulders. He had not shaved for over two weeks. He clutched his half full bottle of meths. Drink was close to finishing him off. The butt of a cigarette was sucked eagerly by his thin lips.

He had been drinking meths for years now. On the odd occasions he had talked about his early life he had mentioned a lob getting too much for him and a wife going off with some­one else. He had turned to methylated spirits as a solution to life's hardships. They had certainly brought an end to his good health and sanity. He was only the shell of a man going through the motions of existence. He no longer cared for anything or anybody. The Salvation Army Sergeant reckoned that of their customers John was the one who had hit the lowest low in life. He could see that on this bitter starless night with the winds forming ripples on the black waters of the river John was in an even worse state than usual. He limped nip to them leaning on his piece of bamboo, a stray dog sniffing at the kettle which dangled on a piece of cord from a broken pocket. He reeked of alcohol and nicotine and, with his crownless trilby cocked comically on his head, he was an unusual sight, even in a city where tramps were common.

Until the last six months he had played the fiddle to earn a few coppers but now he found difficulty even in talking. He leaned his undernourished body against the crew's van while they dished out the last of the soup. He had a strange smile about his lips.

He could not eat anything that night. He vomited lightly several times. They wrapped a blanket around him. He lay down on a bench while the crew packed up their stuff. Everyone was unusually quiet. They had seen the tell-tale signs before. It was not worth calling a doctor. It would be over soon enough.

They finished on the embankment and they loaded him into the van. He lay on his back, his bloodshot eyes fixed on the root and his heavy breathing .fouling the air with vile fumes. He moaned from time to time but uttered not a word of com­plaint or apprehension.

The next stop was Hyde Park where a big queue had formed. When the needs of their stomachs had been eased they filed lethargically back to their beds on benches and wrapped them­selves up in thick sheets of brown paper. Some blankets were distributed but there was no great rush, to get them. The park, empty except for the tramps seemed like a great rolling prairie stretching into the darkness dotted with numerous unexplored forests and bounded by the endless ocean of the Serpentine.

The van drove off again. John had still not achieved his aim of passing into the next world but he was well on his way to doing so. He shivered and vomited down his clothes. His eyes began to bulge and as the van pulled into its Camden Town headquarters he let out a piercing cry. It was his final prayer and at last his destiny was out of human hands.

R.A.H. 4L


There was no sun There was no light Everything was as dark as night.

Then came the sun Yet nothing was done Then came the moon So very soon.

Then came the teachers Then all those preachers Then all those people who like the beaches.

Debra Carnes (Form 1J)



The Fashion Show was again a success this year to the de­light and surprise of the whole school. Bits of braid, zips and dubious assorted materials vanished from the needlework room to reappear on Saturday March 22, in the form of dresses, trou­sers and other remarkably well-made outfits. (We would like to make it clear that the resemblance between item no. 82 in the show and the recently arrived Marks and Spencer's consignment was entirely coincidental!)

Our thanks must go to the Home Economics Department and Miss Turner in particular without whom the show would never have got off the ground. It was she who urged the fear-stricken girls onto the catwalk with the re-assuring words: "Come along, girls, it's like going to the dentist, it's all over in a few seconds!"

Many of the girls, however, were unconvinced, but few would have believed it judging by their excellent performances. The audience, too, were highly appreciative, encouraging the girls to give of their best.

Julie Davies & Jill Pelan


The Emperor of China, he built a wall Which, as you may guess, was not at all small; One thousand eight hundred miles in length, It really had incredible strength.

For a long time it kept the Moguls out. At last they got through and brought about A great many changes in ancient China Which could have spread to Asia Minor.

The whole of the structure was built toy slaves. It probably sent quite a few to their graves. Then long years of building to make Along its whole length not a single mistake.

There were towers of forty feet in height. It really was a magnificent sight. The rest of the way twenty two feet high

 — The architect was SHI HUANG TI.    Louise Latham IB


APRIL — The wind is calm and the sea a flower     

                                                  The guns are not so insistent this 1975. April dawns have been quieter than for many a year. Cartridges are that much more expensive so that more .birds than usual that landed to use Malta as a stepping stone did not find it changed into a gravestone. No school till the fourteenth — chance for a well-earned lie-in bed of a morning. The de-luxe school bus will not be waiting at the corner for Steven or Jane to stuff the last of their books into their satchels and the last of their toast down their throats.
On returning to school young muscles are stretched and flexed in heats and practice for sports. The voices of First Year are tuned for the music festival with the Junior schools. The highlight here is undoubtedly the saga of "Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", twenty and more minutes non-stop singing something that most of them will probably never experience again in their lives.
This too is the month when that artful dodger returns in great numbers — the fly who still manages to bring one consolation to us — we only find him around when the weather is warm.

The opening of a rose
Imagine peace instead of war
The mushroom cloud of the atom bomb
Imagine richness
A basket of corn overflowing with food
Poor no more
No more slums or hunger
Happiness peace
Sunshine not thunder
Must there be pain and suffering?
Why not joy and laughter?
My thoughts and dreams
On the way the world's -
And could be.
How wonderful to be for ever free
My dream is shattered
By the nightmare I live in
Back to my world of dreams
I once again retreat
To hide from the cruelty
In today's world
To dream forever
Reality — my nightmare.
Deborah Jackson L6A

Years flying, going,
Seasons fading,
People aging, growing,
Youth blossoming, dooping,
Gone for ever, why didn't
we enjoy it more? Too late now, age
creeps on, old already Youth is gone.

C.W. L6A


Traffic. Traffic. Lorries, trucks. It was ten times that day. Ten times almost sent into the next world before my time. Really, I would have to leave Malta. Msida roundabout. That great red beast had forced me up to the pavement. I could not stand it.

But now, thank my lucky stars, bed and a good night's sleep. Blessed silence. Peace Peace... But wait...

The journey from SANTE FE to SAN FRANlISCO was interrupted with a jerk as the IRON HORSE' screeched to a halt, held at gunpoint by the BIG BOY gang, the leader of which JUAN PERON imagined himself as a reincarnation of ROGER MOORE. "O kay, GOLDEN BOY", he snarled at the driver, "NO MORE riding on the WAGON TRAIN for you, Ducky". LITTLE TARZAN, the hero, muttered to himself "NEVER SAY DIE, you RED DEVIL" as he prepared to tackle the gang single handed. Suddenly an authoritative female voice drawled out "LET ME PASS, I want to meet this PRETTY BABY holding us all up like this". GIGI PONTI came into view "What a LULU of a time ah'm havin'; this trip's a real WINNER", she cried. JUAN had his first TASTE OF LOVE as he gazed open mouthed at GIGI. LITTLE EVAN, his second in command and ALWAYS in control of any situation was flabbergasted at his chief's cocker-spaniel expression. Looking as if he were in PARADISE and oblivious of his mission. SUPERMAN, HERCULES and DANNY BOY (THREE BROTHERS) were stuck dumb by this turn in the proceedings. Fancy, their boss, KING of THEM ALL looking as love sick as FRANK SINATRA in the middle of MOON RIVER! A JUMBO JET screeching overhead with a SILVER WHISTLE gave them a chance to find their voices and a B.B.C. broadcast of HAWAII FIVE-O. EVAN moved a LITTLE FINGER and listened to TOM JONES, DEMIS ROUSSOS and ELVIS PRESLEY singing a trio in the RED LION. Just then BRUCE LEE rode in on a CRAZY HORSE "I'm ALWAYS OUT", he said to AUDREY who had just flown back from the ISLE of WIGHT on a BLUE BIRD. "Saw ST. PAUL on my way here" she said, "On his way to see CALYPSO on a FLAMINGO. Just then a HUNTER spotted him and fired. Down he went into a BLUE LAGOON". BRUCE screamed "Send GIOVANNI, the ROAD RUNNER to get JASON KING. He knows his A.B.C. Go by SUPER EAGLE. I believe he's talking to BISMARK in the DUKE of YORK. If you don't hurry he'll be there FOR EVER and EVER. And don't ask the LOTUS EATER. All he believes in is FLOWER POWER...

And suddenly I awoke The FUTURE READER had become TOMORROW'S CHILD.

THE MORNING STAR was rising on the 26th MARCH 1972. GOOD LUCK. ALL IS WELL.

Deborah Jackson L6A


I am frightened now
It is coming here
When, why, who, how?
Is this fear?
Look at that monster there,
All fat . no hair.
All slime all slush,
All ooze squirm and mush.
It's slurping- and sliming
Out of the sink,
It's oozing, not climbing!
It's as messy as ink.
It's leaving a trail of foam
It's frothing and spurting,
It's squeezing and slurping
It' it's coming this way,
 I, shan't see you again today.

Jane Arbuthnott 2A2


I wander listlessly through a wood
Beneath this canopy of greenery the air is
quiet and still.
I watch in a trance as the boughs bend down
and engulf me.
In a green room with no windows or doors — I scream.
The walls shatter and crumble to dust
leaving me alone on a beach
The beach is covered with black shiny crabs
which are slowly crawling towards me.
I sit down and wait.
The crabs stop and stare then head towards the sea.
I try to watch them but the sand is clogging up my eyes
I open my mouth and sand pours out
People arrive to watch this sight then quickly
scurry away.
I am alone
I shiver and goose pimples appear on my arms
A seagull's eerie cry is the only sound
I awake. 

H. Male L6A

MAY — Green meadows sparkle with refreshing dew.

The year is building up to its climax. The harvest of wheat and barley is underway in Maltese fields. The vine leaves spread their cooling shade though their grapes are yet nothing more than clusters of hard green seeds. Dust rises from a running track at Luqa as Tal Handaq sprinters pound towards the tape. Aunty Mary newly arrived on holiday from Wigan turns lobster red from sitting long hours in the hot sun watching young Andrew come in last in the 800 metres.

Parents of Fourth Year students are invited to school on a warm evening to talk about their children's progress. Parents of pupils in the First Year are given the change to follow up their November consultations with teachers. The school is delighted that so many parents take advantage of the offer.

And in May, that merriest of months, CSE examinations frighten a few of our Fifth formers and please a few more. Pens scratch away in the dark Hall: eyes stare blankly out at the bright sunlight. The consolation is that they don't last all that long. But then we must not forget June and its O levels. What a life!

The glorious 12th is the day from which it is all in order for boys to show their knees again in summer uniform and one week later it is obligatory.




15th May:

 Lovely hot sunshine. Walked to Eiffel Tower. It is even more magnificent than I imagined and well worth the 10 francs to go to the top.

16th May: 

 Beautiful hot sunshine. Went to Arc de Triomphe, a fine piece of architecture.

17th May:

Left Paris 1.30 p.m. and passed through four locks,a beautiful stretch of the river.

18th May:

We left the river Seine and into the canals. They are really narrow. To pass a barge is awful. The suction pulls us out from the bank.

19th May:

 Today we seem to be tackling these narrow canals and locks more professionally. In some locks we only have two inches to spare either side.

20th May:

We move on at 5.30 a.m. Got on well — approximately thirty miles.

21st May:

My coat blew overboard at the next lock. I got on my bicycle and cycled back and luckily the coat was close enough to the bank for me to get it.

22nd May:

Good job we brought plenty of flour and long-life milk as there are very few shops.

23rd May:

It has turned wet. This will help to fill the canals as we are nearly scraping the bottom.

24th May:

Wet and cold. Quite surprised the middle of France can be so cold.

25th May: Dry today. We leave Canal Loing and into canal Centre. Last part of Loing very shallow even a barge got stuck.
 26th May: Came to the first fully automatic lock. When the boat passes a ray the gates open.
27th May:

Lock keeper gave Mum a present of flowers and lettuce. The lock keepers are very nice and I try to speak French to them.

28th May:  Big thunder storm. Lightning most spectacular.
29th May:

Left canals through an enormous lock with an eighty foot drop into the river Saone. I am sorry to leave the canals. They were great fun.



Michael McCombe 1W1


Slowly she slunk into the kitchen,
Her eyes were the colour of jade,
Her whiskers were twitching,
Her ears alert,
for some familiar aroma.
Her paw came out as fast as light,
for a mouse was darting toy,
Though quick was she,
Her prey escaped,
And left the cat forlorn
In the flickering light,
Her eyes glowed gold,
And then espied an old familiar sight,
For there beside the chair,
Was a tempting bowl of milk,
She drank with great haste,
Soon it was gone.
She found a nice warm chair,
She licked herself contentedly,
It's then she fell asleep.
Angela Stapley LI

There was an alley called TOM
His fur was ginger his whiskers black.
His eyes were gloss green.
His teeth were small white daggers.
His claws were flashing swords.
And he walks with his head held high.
Mark Westbrook 1J
I have a large and ginger cat Who's beautiful but rather fat His fur is long and smooth and thick                      He's on my lap at one finger's click.
He spends his time washing with his paws
Or scratching himself with his strong sharp claws
He curls in a ball in front of the fire
Not moving a muscle till home comes our sire.
Then slippers are pushed in front of his face And Daddy says "Come on, who's got my place?"                       So lazily stretching from paw to paw He wanders off through the open door.
He lifts his nose and sniffs the night air
And slinks into the darkness without a care
In the morning he's there when we rise
And for gobbling his breakfast he'd win a prize.
He is beautiful He is fat He is mine.
Karen Baker 1J
The cat comes out of the noisy house, Sharp ears, Green eyes, Long whiskers,
His tail ticking like a pendulum.
The thrush sitting on the fence, Looking down eagerly at the ground,

Watches to see if enemies are around, Giving an occasional song.
The cat has seen the thrush,
Slowly she walks, padding all her steps,
But the thrush is too quick and flies to a branch.
So the cat has to look somewhere else.
Rosalind Hancock Form 1J


Have you ever looked carefully at your teachers?
Do you wonder what kind of thoughts and feelings are go| on under those smart, intelligent exteriors?
What is it that makes them tick?
Now is your chance to find out.
On the next pages we have written up the answers given twenty-two members of staff to the series of nine question which we have written out below.
Each set of answers has a letter. Your task is to see if you can work out or guess which of the members of the staff, al listed below, gave what set of answers.
Check your solutions with the answer page in the back of the magazine.
Here are the questions:  

1.       Where were you born?

2.            What is your favourite food?

3.            What is your favourite piece of music?

4.            What is your favourite film or type of film?

5.            What quality do you most admire in the opposite sex?

6.            What ambitions do you have?

7.            How would you sum up happiness in half a dozen words.

8.          If someone gave you  a million pounds, what would be the first thing you would buy with it?

9.            Is there anything you dislike about Malta?

Mr Allen — Miss Beckett — Mr Caseley — Miss Dickinson — Mr Finnis — Mr Hughes — Mr Jones — Miss Lattimer — Miss Leighton — Mr Leonard — Mrs Lynk — Mr Naylor — Mr Newton  --- Lt/Cdr Nield — Lt/Cdr Richards — Mr Ricketts — Commander Stubbs — Miss Turner — Miss Walden — Miss Wilson — Mr Wilson - Mr Woolams.


 On the site of a British Prison Camp (1914-918 war for German Soldiers).
 Indian and Chinese.
 Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture
Taras Bulba.
A simple, honest nature and domesticity.
 None really only to be happy.
Being warm, comfortable and well fed and realising that         you're lucky to be
so                                                                                                     A castle with large estate, probably in Scotland.                            The thought of returning home to England in 1978

 In a coal mine.
 Pupils of Tal Handaq.
The Death March.
Blood and Thunder.
The Usual.
To be a hermit.
Life on a Desert Island.


Co. Durham.
The Godfather Theme.
To work half days all year round.
Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer, Whisky.
A larger Dinghy.
That the sun sometimes goes in



Plymouth, 'Devon.
Liver and Onions.
Anything from Prince Igor.
Any film with a good plot and filming technique.
The ability to talk sensibly.
To retire early.
A winning shot at any ball game — the laugh of my children.
Headache pills and probably a false beard.
Rocky beaches.


Coppenhall, Cheshire,                                            Cheese — Cheese au gratin must be tops.
 Mozart — for flute and harp.
 Any directed by John Ford.                               Intuition.
To be wealthy enough to live the life of leisure for which I was educated and to which I could quickly become accustomed.

 Complete and continuous absence of angst
A Citroen CX.                                                           Having to work indoors.


Preston Jail.
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, beans and spam.
The Music of the Bell (at 3,20).
A Gracie Fields Spectacular.
To bebeome world Yo-Yo champion,
Happiness is retirement day.
Driving on knobbly roads.


West Bromwich, Staffordshire.
Lobsters meuniere; Vichyssoise ; cheese cake (Austrian kind);
Escargots in garlic butter Not ALL AT CiNCE.
0 mench bewein dein Smnde gross — Bach. In questa Reggia
- frcm Turandot sung by Eva Turner.
Foreign classic films e.g. Les Enfants du Paradis; Russian
The xy factor.
I am the most unambitious person in the world, all one needs
is one other to be unambitious with.
A new car with a 25 year guarantee on all parts.                                         (i) The dust and (ii) Scavenger dogs and cats.


North West England.
 Most of it.
The school bell at 1530 or "Those departing with our blessing."
The League of Gentlemen.
Passiveness or softness or both.
Very few when one realizes how super-keen one needs to be to enjoy the results of high ambition.
Being able to do what I want (7 words — sorry!)
A real school of my own! /My freedom.
 The sunshine and the sea



The Far West.                                                        Avocado pear; Lobster.                                      Variations (Enigma Type).
 One with a handsome hero.
To make HIM happy.
HIM (6 times).
HIM. I'm here; he's there.


Bury,Lancs.                                                                                                                  An English breakfast — grapefruit, scrambled egg, toast and
marmalade (home made), coffee (real), served in bed!
The Messiah — I know that my Redeemer Liveth.
Walt Disney — Snow White etc.
Intelligence coupled with sensitivity.
A Georgian house, a handsome husband and a job I'll always
find satisfying.
Health, sufficient wealth to enjoy it and good friends.
Jaguar XK 160 Convertible.



Prawn cocktail, medium rare steak with mushrooms, black
Tubular Bells (at the moment).
Peace of mind and friendship.
A house in Britain — big enough for 2 dogs, 2 budgerigars,
2 cats and 4 bedrooms.
The limited size.



Birmingham — I think.
Steak Alexandra's with mushrooms.
I won't give you up — Barry White.
Walt Disney films.
To be Head of Tal Handaq.
Dim lights, mood music, my man.
Malta.                                                                    Everybody knowing everyone else's business.


 Liverpool, U.K. (a suburb of Dublin).
Fillet of beef; rare en croute, with Bernaise sauce.
Toccata and Fugue in D major (J.S. Bach).
Hairy adventure type, with comedy bits (J. Bond etc.).
Cooking ability. Early retirement.
A pie, a pint and a good worry-free kip.
A Nicholson 54.
The cost of getting off it.



Swindon, Wiltshire, England.
Steak and spinach (followed by celery).
Summertime from Porgy and Bess.
The ability to dress up, make up, sew up, cook up — and shut up!
To and somebody who fits number 5.
Sunshine, fresh air, good health and time to enjoy it.
A safe deposit box.
The thought of having to leave



Gosport, Hampshire.
Beef Stroganoff.
Tschaikowsky's piano 'Concerto in B flat.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
To run a small olde worlde hotel. :
Wine, men and song!
A farmhouse in the Yorkshire Dales.
 No trees or hills!


Under the sign of the Plough.
 Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. "
The Yorkshire National Anthem.
Kodachrome II.
A hole in one.
Playing golf when others are working.
Others playing golf when I'm working!



In a cosy Welsh seaside town.
Laverbread, bacon, egg and chips (for breakfast).
Currently, the Overture to Romeo and Juliet.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (seen it 3 times)
Sexual attractiveness combined with stable temperament and a touch of humour.
To sail the South Pacific, and one day I will.
A state of mind often unrelated to physical surroundings.
A BIG yacht.
TOO barren.



East Langdon, Dover, Kent.
Fish and chips.
Jupiter from the Planets by Hoist.
Good comedy — "Carry On" series etc., (when good).
CUDDLlNESS (and a good sense of humour).
They change frequently.— become a headmaster; become a professor; run a bus company.
To love and be loved.
A house in the country.
Good British beer.


On a Coventry Corporation bus.
ME — singing in the bath.
Retirement next year.
Read the next question.
A cheque book.
The cold summers.


On the Tyke/Geordie Border.
Anything tasty.
Air on a G (String.
"Saucy Sadie Sins Again".
To have free lessons on Friday morning (D.H.M. please note).
Soccer, Cricket, Golf, Bridge, Racquel Welch.
Johann Cruyff for Middlesbrough.
Losing to Tedder or Cunningham.



Roast pork.
Haven't got one but I like "pop" (Georgie Fame)
Spy thriller!
To referee the Cup Final.
Doing something you both like with someone you love!
A nice house with a heated pool --in England!
The driving and the litter.


Rhondda Valley.
Leek soup.
Bob Dylan's Sound track — "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid."
Alvin Purple.
Ten points out of ten.
Black belt in Karate.
Happiness, health, love, kindness and money.
Hopleaf factory.
It's a long way from home.


JUNE — Sweet scent of lawn and flower

And why is it that in this most glorious of months that we have our most serious academic examinations? Longest days mean hardest days. Does it have to be like this? Perhaps one day we will be able to do away with examinations altogether. How did this world survive before O levels, A levels, degrees schools even?

Hedgerows in Britain became luxurious with life. We can enjoy of the smell and colour and touch of a thousand wild growths. Watch the bee in his tireless weaving and bobbing along country lanes: listen to his restful unhurried buzz. Our Maltese countryside loses another shade of green as our delicate spring guests wilt and die in the heat that parches their tender stems. Our northern bodies take on another shade of tan. Mon­day the 16th is the day when we recognise that it is too hot to work after one o'clock. So the cream coloured blocks of Tal Handaq bake and sleep in the peace of long afternoons.

The minds of many begin to turn more firmly to thoughts of moving on. Boxes are nailed together and families sort among their Malta accumulations for things to keep and things to throw away. Excitement builds up at the thought of a journey home overland. It will be good to see tall green hills again and to hear the ancient ripple of rivers rolling over their stony beds.



I wonder if anyone knows

What beauty is?

Is it a sunset?

A bird's flight?

A woman?

Try to describe it

In the most perfect English

It doesn't seem right.

Beauty cannot be described

It has to be seen.

Ian Simpson 5th year


Buddha sat under an old fig tree

And he was hungry and thin.

Said he, "All of you will listen to me,

And let none of you make a din.

I have thought under all through the night,

And since it's the tree of knowledge It has given to me a second sight

Without even going to college.

I am not going against Hinduism.

I will just each you about life.

It is a religion called Buddhism.

Go home and tell that to your wife."

Sophy Hardie IB

JULY — A heat to take your breath away

In so many ways a strange month when looked at in the context of the school. Usually it contains the fog end of our internal examinations. It is the month for tying up all the odds and ends of the school year, books returned, reports completed and for many many of our pupils it contains the last days at Tal Handaq. Fancy, the last ride up that narrow Mdina Road, bumping along between the honey coloured dry stone walls past the increasing bustle of the canning factory. Goodbye Qormi, goodbye Marsa. We'll miss you. And with so many of our pupils will be going eight members of staff (at the time of writng).

July means the long hot sunny dog days. Nobody moves too fast — except for footballing boys who seem so lost in the fascination of the game that they are unaware of the streams of sweat on their foreheads and their shirts soaked with dark patches of effort. But then we have the whole of a glorious Thursday morning at Robb Lido to augment the happy afternoons of swimming and diving. Every window in the school is opened wide. The fans whirl on. Wednesday the 16th. Magic day. ''Lord dismiss us with thy blessing!" The school clears in a flurry of smiles and good humoured excitement. And suddenly we are all a year older.


The lion is a great beast,

All day long he will feast.                     

Chewing with all his might,

 Oh! what a nasty sight!

And when his belly is sore,                  

After eating such a score,        

He roars in ipain with all his might

But that serves him right

The horrible beast,            

 Eating such a gory feast!

Jane Arbuthnoft


The great Black Eagle through the country soared
It's hot fire flared, the engines roared.
And who would dare to stop its flight
As it flew along through the dead of night
Through the fields this giant came,
The great Black Eagle, the giant's name.
The fireman never stopped tossing fuel:
He had to feed this iron mule.
Then suddenly it began to rain
Upon this giant, the beautiful train.
The sweat poured down the driver's back
As he watched in awe the silver track.
Through country wood, forest and dale                                                                       Sunshine, rain, thunder or hail,                                                                                           The Eagle flies without a pause,                                                                                         And through the countryside it soars                                                                                    When she is gone the tracks will pine,                                                                                  For the beauty of the railway line.
Debra Wiles 3D


That day is still very vivid in my memory. It was the twenty-ninth day of a hot cloudless July. All summer we had played our never-ending games in the fields of my grand-father's Gloucestershire farm. We had perspired as we romped through the sweet smelling meadows as we helped in the hay making and laughed and joked with the farm hands as we swigged down our share of the cool refreshing cider.

My brother Jack had awakened me very early that morning because it was my turn to milk the cows. As I crossed the farmyard there was a low mist over the valley and a surprising chill in the air. As I pulled on my filthy rubber boots I had a sudden premonition of something evil. After staring absentmindedly for some moments while the cows filed slowly into the milking parlour, I shook my head and got on with the job in hand. If you have every milked a hundred cows in an hour, even by machine, you will no doubt have discovered that it is exhausting and dirty work. When it was over and I was free for the morning all I wanted to do was to lie down in the sweet grass of some faraway meadow and have a snooze before lunch. It was quite by chance that on that morning I chose the long meadow over against Dappled Hill.

The long meadow was our biggest field, twenty acres or more. It was rectangular in shape sloping from north to south and in the north eastern corner a gap in the hedge commanded a fine view of the Stow on the Wold — Gloucester road. The fact this road was little more than a country lane and from my vantage point in the grass I could see the whole of the wide bend in the lane. Not many cars passed that way.

As I was just dozing off the familiar sound of horses hooves come to my ears. I raised my head from the ground just in time to see Mr Wellard, our neighbour drive out his team of magnificent black shires. Their coats gleamed in the sunlight and there was a gentle rhythmic chinking noise from their tack as they turned down the road towards me.

My ears were surprised to pick uip another sound. A fine red sports car was hurtling towards me from the other direction. I sat up in admiration but then my jaw dropped and my brain went numb as I realised what was about to happen. Before I could even get to my feet there was an ear splitting screech of brakes, the frantic neighing of horses and finally a sickening crash.

Being only twelve at the time, I had little idea about what to do. I just sat there and surveyed the scene. The car had been literally smashed to pieces and bits of debris lay scattered over a wide area. On top of the buckled smoking shell lay a dead horse, a great hole pierced in its side, its entrails spread dark brown on the green grass of the nearby verge. The other horse lay a little to the left of the car, its fore legs askew and foaming at the mouth. The wooden cart they had been towing had been smashed to pulp and one singularly large piece lay not ten feet away from me. Old Tom Wellard lay on the road, hit proud team's reins still gripped tight in his hands. He was perfectly still.

I vomited. Gradually I pulled myself together. All I could think was that I must get to people. I ran madly down towards the house shouting and waving. Before I got to the gate at the bottom of long meadow I was met by my uncle who had come to discover what all the noise was about. Joe Westcott ran back to the house to telephone -while the rest of us raced to a grim, scene just beyond the top hedge. Luckily my uncle had brought his shot gun and the horses were soon put out of their misery, but there was no hope fox the two people who had been in the car. As far as we could make out they had been two young women.

Amazingly Tom Wellard still seemed to have some life in. him. Both his legs were broken and there was a jagged sear across his forehead. It was a sick and horrible hour before the ambulance finally turned up and by that time we had buried the horses and cleared the road.

There had never been so many people at that bend on our quiet country road — police measuring, photographers taking endless pictures and worst of all people who had just come to stare.

I was sick several times during the rest of the day. In my exhaustion I slept the sleep of the dead that night. But I still wake up sometimes unable to bear that dream where black warm flesh is about to be hurtled down by red cold metal.

Richard Hancock 4L


The days of the burning jewel and blissful ease. This is the month that is most holy in the year of the schoolboy. Not one single day of it is spent in school. Every minute can be devoted to what we want to do. At least that is the theory.

The days are monotonously blue now. The sun beats down for fifteen hours every day. We walk the longest way round, as long as we can stay in the shade. Robb Lido, Kalafrana, Golden Bay, Paradise Bay, these are the places to be.

And yet for some all is not bliss for August is the time when examination results come out — O-level, A-level and C.S.E. For many this means the happiness of success earned by hard sun­tanned work, for a few sadness and regrets for misspent time. We hope that everyone from Tal Handaq will get some pleasure from them this year.

By the time this month of August 1975 will have come scores of people who are part and parcel of Tal Handaq now will have passed out of its gates for ever. To them we give our best wishes for the years to come.


In a dreamworld floating on a cloud
Of hazy pink and golden mist
Shining, radiant cherubims
Play their vibrant harps
And I smile amidst their happiness.
Suddenly, lightning streaks across the sky
And its jagged sword cuts into the cloud.
My world explodes and I fall,
Floating like a feather till I wake,
Rocked by the gentle lapping of waves
In a small, green boat.
The water, over-shadowed by willowy green trees
Stretches peacefully away into the distance.
The boat floats along
And I watch the birds and the flowers
Until I become aware of a noise,
And I am swept by a crashing waterfall
Over the edge of the cliff.
Knowing my body must break
On the jutting rocks below
I scream
And wake.

Sylvia Houghton 6A


Morning sounds

An occasional twitter

Barking pup of a litter

Dad's heavy breathing

Banging door as he's leaving

A young bird is flying

Hear neighbours good-bye-ing

A young child is squealing

Lets us all know his feelings

I hear a large yawn

Realize it's my own

Then I go back to sleep:

No more school for a week!

Dianne Lyons 3D




    1974/75 has, so far, been a successful year for Alanbrooke Boys, Things .began to happen in October at the "six-a-side" soccer tournament when Alanbrooke emerged as winners by the proverbial whisker. This victory was earned by the wholehearted efforts of Juniors, Colts and Seniors but it was the unexpected and yet decisive victories by the juniors which were the key factors in this victory. Much credit must go to all players for winning this trophy.

    Towards the end of Autumn Term, the Rugby season in lower and middle school, Alanbrooke swept the board in both the fifteens and seven-a-side competitions. Here again, fine team effort were responsible for these successes but the performances of Nick Morse, Alan Hessell and Andrew Basson were the corner stones of these victories.

    At the start of the Basketball tournament little success was envisaged for the Alanbrooke squads yet the Seniors, inspired by Goliath like performances from diminutive Ian Jump, won their games and the arrival of Mark Fearon into the Colts side resulted in Alanbrooke emerging as easy winners.

    The Orienteering Competitor! was held at Mistra Bay on a splendid January morning. This competition was most enjoyed by all taking part even If it did result in Alanbrooke finishing in third place.

    February 7th brought the Cross Country Championship. Al­though individual success was gained by Alanbrooke competitors poor packing resulted in another third place. Congratulations to Leslie Bartlett on a superb run when winning the Senior race by a comfortable margin and to Philip Pitman who thrashed all opposition in the Colts race. Special mention must be made of Graeme Paxton who ran well to be the first Alanbrooke boy in the Junior Race. Despite the fact that team success was not gained all runners should be congratulated on their willing and keen efforts.

    The House Soccer Championship took place throughout the year and resulted in Alanbrooke gaining a creditable second place. This year the Senior team was not as strong as in previotfs season but showed great spirit and no little skill in finishing in second place. The Colts were outplayed in the first part of the season but the arrival of new blood resulted in their becoming a powerful combination based on the skill and strength of John Russell, Alan Hessell, Philip Kitson and Andrew Basson. This late season revival saw the Colts finished in second place. The Junior team, with the help of John (Goals) Blunden, won their section displaying skill and a refreshing enthusiasm.

    The House Point Competition is still underway but there is a ding dong battle taking place between ourselves and Cun­ningham House. Obviously the level of industry must be main­tained if we are to withstand the artful challenges of Bonner Enterprises.

    Special thanks go to House Captain Paul Darmody and Games Captain Ian Jump for their wholehearted -efforts on and off the field.Thanks must also go to the Alanbrooke House Masters, especially Mr Newton and Mr Kitson, who have given up their sparetime after school and on Saturday mornings to organise and encourage Alanbrooke House Teams. 

                         P. Darmody


    This year we had a good response from all the years when It came to playing netball. The Junior team, consisting of Rona McCallum, Betty Bussel, Andrea Lord (Captain), Jane Arbothnot, Karen Baker, Alison Harvey, Isobel Collins, Jack Elms and Toni Gilson, played exceedingly well winning three of their matches and drawing the fourth. This put them at the top of the Junior section! Playing for the Intermediate team was Suzanne Syrad, Kathy Poison, Nicky Taylor, Jacqui Dearlove (Captain), Denise Collins, Cheryl Brookes, Margot Draper, Yvette Strevens and Helen Bartlett, on goal average they came second in their sec­tion after winning three matches and losing one. The Senior team was made up of Kathy Howarth, Su Harvey (Captain), Veronica Haste, Jill Cartwright, Anne Bowie, Christina Daniels, Julie Hancock and Karen Wither. We did not do as well as the other two teams, we won one match and lost three; consequently we were placed third in our section.

    Congratulations go to everyone who played for Alanbrooke and won us the cup, and also for the fine spirit they played in, even in times of defeat! Well done!


    We could not manage to retain the cup this year, but we had a good turnout of both girls and boys to play hockey. The Juniors all tried hard but were narrowly beaten by the other two houses. The Seniors had a goalless draw against Tedder but were beaten 8-1 by Cunningham; tooth team were placed third in their sections giving Alanbrooke an overall position of third 

    However, we would like to thank Miss Turner for taking practices and wish you all better luck next year.

    Su Harvey, Games Captain

    This year we have kept up our visits to St. Patrick's nage. We regularly supply them with buns and the special c§ at Christmas when we arranged a party for the boys. They had lots to eat, then Father Christmas came with presents for boys. The presents were also from Alanbrooke girls.
    Their next special treat was at Easter. Thanks from the boys go to everyone who gave a few cents to give them Easter e
    Also, a bus load of boys were invited to Lady Precious Stream they all sent their thanks for all their treats and outings, which are always appreciated. Our thanks go to Commander Stubbs for the complimentary tickets. Let us keep up the good work because they are thankful
    for everything that is done for them.                  Su Harvey




    Cunningham boys after a slow start have improved tremendously and now have a good chance of being the 1975 House Champions.

    For the second year running Cunningham won the football championship, and it was won emphatically this year from a possible 24 points Cunningham gained 19. The Seniors, having unlucky lost Ean Smith's services still managed to win all four of their matches, with scores of 8-1 and 4-2 against Alanbrooke and 3-1 and 2-1 against Tedder. Dean Norman, Gary Wallington and Jeremy Taylor were the outstanding players. The Colts were also unbeaten with scores of 4-1 and 4-0 against Tedder and 3-1 and l-l against Alanbrooke. The best players in the Colts team were goalkeeper Andrew MacKay and Nick Hall and Stephen Taylor who led the team so ably. The Seniors were unlucky to lose one match to Alanbrooke but still put up a good per­formance on every occasion. The score lines of 1-1 an l-2 against Alanbrooke and 2-2 and 4-1 against Tedder provided the house with valuable points. Captain Paul Davies and Andrew Guthrie both deserve a mention here. These excellent results produced from 12 matches a total of 2 mins, 3; draws and 1 loss giving Cunnigham a decisive 5 point victory over Alanbrooke.

    The six a side soccer was not so good and we finished 1 point behind Alanbrooke in second place. The Seniors beat Tedder 4-0 but unluckily lost 3-2 on corners to Alanbrooke. The Colts beat Alanbrooke 2-0 but lost to Tedder too and the Seniors beat Tedder 3-1 on Corners but were unfortunately defeated to by Alanbrooke. Once again all players put up a good performance and much good football was seen.

    The orienteering competition was also very close Cunningham finishing in second place only 3 points behind Tedder. Andrew Mackay and Christopher George were first and Ean Smih and Keith Naylor equal third, but apart from these excellent efforts the house as a whole did not do well, no others finishing in the first 10. This was very disappointing for Cunningham.

    The cross country Championships proved to be another good victory though we finished first 12 points ahead of Tedder. The first race was the Juniors in which Guy Whelton was 2nd, Ray Pelan 3rd and Paul Joyce 5th. These good efforts placed Cunningham second behind Tedder at the start of the Colts race. The Colts promptly put Cunningham in front, Gary Wallington gaining 3rd, Steve Lisicki 4th and Nick Boyle 6th places. In the Seniors the performance of Dave Ansell, who was 2nd, Keith Naylor who was 3rd and Joseph Devlin in 6th place raised Cun­ningham's hopes and with the backing they received from the slower runners Cunningham retained the cup. Victory would not have been possible had it not been for the slower runners who rose to the occasion to back up the fast runners.

    Finally the Basketball competition in which were again second. In the first match against Alanbrooke the Seniors were unlucky to lose 10-14 with the Alanbrooke winning in the last minute. The Tedder seniors were beaten decivisely and deserved­ly ,18-11. The good performances of Ean Smith, Dean Norman and the sometimes lucky Lee Pape were responsible for this. Due to unforeseen circumstances the colts could not field a team to play Alanbrooke but they made no mistake against Tedder and won by 16-3. To conclude I would like to thank all the substitutes and reserves who have faithfully turned out when asked, though they were not always able to play.

    Dave Ansell


    Cunningham girls "adopted" St Joseph's Orphanage, Zabbar in October -1973'. Miss Leighton has spent a good deal her time taking girls from the house to visit the orphanage. Both junior and senior girls are involved. We go every second| week on a Thursday after school.

    At Christmas all the girls in the house brought a preset and a card each. When they were all gathered in senior girls sorted them out. There was more than one present for each child. These were set aside for all the different individuals, ti up into little packages, decorated with ribbons and the name of the persons who would receive them. We took them up in boxes and gave them out. The look on the children's faces was a sheer delight! Some of them refused to open their present! because they wanted to keep them for later! One or two of our girls who were visiting for the first time came out almost in tears for the pleasure that showed in the children's eyes. When we returned after Christmas we found that they had been given a puppy by Mother Superior.

    Again at Easter we collected Easter eggs from our girls and took them up on the 20th March. Again the children were thrilledl

    So we thank Miss Leighton and all those who have brought presents or who take them up to Zabbar.

    A Fourth Year Cunningham girl



    The two sports played this year were netball and hockey, both being played with enthusiasm and good sportsmanship There was a good response from all years of the House when they were asked to play, consequently, some of the girls were not chosen for the actual teams that were to represent the House. However, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who volunteered to play.

    The first round of the House Netball: Tournament was played before the Christmas holidays on Thursdays after school. The Junior team came third in the first round and in the second therefore, they finished third in the whole tournament, never­theless the girls, (some who had never played before), did very well. Their scores in the first round were:

    Cunningham   5:          Alanbrooke  6.

    Cunningham   3:          Tedder       12.

    And in the second round:

    Cunningham   8:          Alanbrooke   8.

    Cunningham   4:          Tedder         6.

    The team was chosen from H. Jump, M. King, Y. Wilson, Y. Davidson, C. Eversden, A. Tomes, K. Gray, J. Fisher, M. Schrol and S. Wollaston.

    The Intermediates fared somewhat better in their section. In the first round they came first and in the second they finished second, giving them an overall position of first, on goal average. The scores were as follows:

    1st round

    Cunningham 12:          Alanbrooke 10

    Cunningham 19         Tedder          4

    2nd round

    Cunningham   5          Alanbrooke   9

    Cunningham: 18          Tedder         0

    The girls that played in the Intermediate team were E. Watts, S. Gregson, 6. Evans, C. Vernon, G. Gray, S. Fothergill, J. Waghorn, M. Joyce, B. Shaw and J. Dawson.

    The Seniors came third in the first round of the tournament and second in the second round. They came second in the tour­nament as a whole. The team was made up from the following girls: K. Booth, P. Fitton, A. Rowland, J. Taylor, J. Pelan, S. Ho'ughton, M. Watts, H. Male and M. R'ae. The scores in the first round were Cunningham 12: Alanbrooke 13 and Cunningham 13: Tedder 17. In the second round the scores were                                    Cunningham 12: Alanbrooke 10, Cunningham 8: Tedder 9.

    On the whole the teams played well and deserve creq the good spirit in which they played. Many thanks go girls for attending the many practices that were held.
    Cunningham's hockey went very weJl this year resultJ the winning of the Hockey cup. The Senior team consist! K. Barrow, J. Dawson, S. Fothergill, C. Heffey B. Shaw, J. Tl J. Waghorn, E. Watts and five boys who volunteered to D. Ansell, I. Heffey, M. Hyland, L. Pape and A. MdCallum. scores were:
    Cunningham 2: Tedder 0
    Cunningham 2: AJanbrooke 1
    The Junior Team was C. EVersden, B. Foreman, M. Joyd Jump, S. Loudon, T. Pittkin, Y. iSmith, A. Tomes, C. Verna Wiles and S. Wollaston, and their score were:
    Cunningham lc Tedder 3
    Cunningham 2: Alanbrooke 1
    All the matches were very exciting and all concerned thoroughly enjoyed them. We would like to thank all the girls especially the five boys who turned up for the practices
    played so well, they are all a credit to the house. A special thank you must go to Miss Lattimer who took the Hockey Practices each week and cheered us on at the actual matches.
    This great effort just shows what Cunningham can do we hope to do equally well in every other activity in which we partake!
    Karen Booth (Games Captain)
    Julie Taylor (Captain of the Hockey


    Since the opening of the school last September there have been varied House and Inter-House activities. The House has shown a fine team spirit although our sports achievements have not been as commendable as in previous years. However, enthusiasm remains high and the support given to the House activities was creditable.

    The netball was outstanding. The girls showed great tenacity during all of their matches and more than deserved their second placing. The Senior team in fact, won all their matches. Unfor­tunately, hockey this year has not been as good in the Senior section of the House. The Seniors lost their match against Cunningham and drew with Alanbrooke. However, Tedder Juniors won both their matches and needless to say it is due to their success that Tedder has gained second placing. We have had some success though, as once again Tedder managed to win the Inter-House Orienteering.

    Following last year's tradition, the House gave a Christmas Party for those less fortunate than ourselves from St. Vincent de Paul Hospital. It was a great success thanks to the combined effort of the House and to the guidance and encouragement of our House-Mistress Miss Stansfield.

    Tedder House is now looking forward to the forthcoming events and a chance to make up for the unfortunate past. The girls appear willing to carry on, undaunted by past results.

    Leonora Gallagher, House Captain


    At the time of writing (with still some events to go in the sports' activities) Tedder boys are doing well. Since our last magazine report we have had a number of successes. In May 1974 we won the Athletics competition, 111 pts ahead of Cunningham who were second. Tedder gave a good all round perfor­mance but special mention must be made to Craig Venables and David Franklin who won three events each. Our boys also broke two school records in the Athletics namely the Senior 800 metres and the Colts 1000 metres which were attained by Martin Vernon and Craig Venables respectively.

    Our First Year Soccer Team retained the Services Schools Minor League. They remained unbeaten with eight points out of ten from five games. They conceded only three goals. The team as a whole played well with the captain Guy Hopkins outstanding.

    In spite of good results in diving and relay races we did not manage to pull off a win in the Swimming Gala and we managed only second position.

    The other less successful areas of competition have been in the Basketball and the All-School Soccer. Our basketball 'has gone into a decline and there was little ability evident in the four matches we participated in and lost. We are not going to win any more Soccer trophies this season having gained only three points out of twelve.

    The Mistra area proved a favourable hunting ground for our Orienteering team who won convincingly and maintained Ted­der's superiority in this sport. This was our third consecutive win. Credit must be given to David Jump and Simon Whelton of the Fourth Year who were placed who were placed second only three points behind the winners, to Steve Burton and Andy Dearlove of Form 2A2 who came equal third and to the Fifth Formers Martin Vernon and Stephen Rippon who came in sixth.

    We very nearly won the Cross Country this year being pipped again by Cunningham. Andy Dearlove ran exceptionally well to win the Junior race. In the Colts race Nick Sillence came in second whilst Steve Rippon surprisingly came in fourth in the Senior event.

    I would like to thank Mr Ditcham for all the time and effort he has put in with us this year.

    We have done quite well in House Competition so far and we hope for more success in the summer competitions Athletics, swimming, cricket and volleyball.                          John Thompson 5J 

    Unlike the last two occasions when it was run, this year's school cross-country championship was held on a lovely February afternoon. The sun shone and the air was mild and still. Perhaps the runners themselves would have preferred a little light rain to cool them off in that last hot and sticky mile but the spectators were pleased with things as they were.
    The trouble with cross-country from the spectator's point of view is that there is very little view. He misses all the best action which happens out on the course. It is really an event for those taking part and the heaving lungs, aching thighs and pounding head have to be enjoyed to be believed.
    Both the Juniors (First and Second Years) and colts (Third and Fourth Years) ran a course approximately 2 miles long while the seniors (Fifth and Sixth Years) ran more than twice as far, nearly 5 miles. In each race, positions of the first six runners to finish for each house were added up to give the total number of points for the house in that race. The points scored in all three races were then added up to give an aggregate, the house with the least number of points taking first place. Each house, therefore, relies as much on its slower runners gaining positions in the first 15 to finish as on the fast runners taking the first 3 places.
    In the Juniors race, Andrew Dearlove ran very well to gain first place for Tedder. Guy Whelton and Ray Pelan (both of Cunningham) also put in good performances to come 2nd and 3rd respectively.
    For the Colts Philip Pitman (Alanbrooke) arrived first, closely followed by Nick Sillence (Tedder) and Gary Wallington (Cunningham). Finally, in the Senior Race Leslie Bartlett (Alanbrooke) had an excellent run to finish first to the cheers of the rest of the school who had turned out to watch the end of the race. He was well ahead of Dave Ansell and Keith Naylor, both of Cunningham who were second and third respectively.The final results was:

    1st Cunningham 158 points
    2nd Tedder 170 points
    3rd Alanbrooke 1811 points
    This gave Cunningham their second consecutive victory, although no Cunningham runner won any of the races. Alanbrooke, whose runners won both the Colts' and Seniors' races
    came third, showing how much the houses have to rely on their slower runners. David Ansell

    Keith Naylor  Leslie Bartlett   David Ansell


    The Senior team have had a busy season playing in the Services Netball League. The standard in this league is generally high and the girls managed to win 5 out of their 18 matches but played well on all occasions, considering the experience of their opposition.

    Squad: L. Wilkins (Captain), K. Booth, S. Harvey, P. Pitton, S. Watts, N. Church, J. Pelan, S. Houghton, M. Rae, A Rowland


    Many girls have  completed awards in the last two terms: Award 4 — 63: Award 3 — 51; Award 2 — 22; Award 1 — 3 .The following girls were the ones who have completed Award 1, which is the top award:— Maureen Simpson, Amanda Ryan, and Andrea Lord. These plus girls who are working on their top award have formed the nucleus of a flourishing Gymnastics Club.


    Tal Handaq 'A' team played only three league matches in which they won 1, drew 1 and lost 1. In the services six-a-side Tournament they played extremely well and managed to reach 76 final where they lost 2-4 to the more experienced WRNS side. In the same Tournament the Tal Handaq 'B' team got through to the Semi-Final.

    Squad: L. Gallagher, C. Daniels, D. Johnstone, S. Lovett, J. Taylor, C. Heffey, K. Barrow, L. Taylor, E. Hessell (Captain), C Smith, B. Cartwright, D. Cowan, D. Creasey, N. Fyffe.


    Several of the Seniors have been working on their awards and 10 have successfully completed their Bronze Standard, these are now attempting their Silver standard.

    The following players were members of the 1st XI squad:

    I. Jump, D. Jump, D. Feltham, D. Ansell, D. North, C. Churchward, D. Norman, H. Helliwell, P. Darmody, D. Beckett, N. Sillence, S. Rippon, E. Smith, M. Vernon, L. Churchward, G. Wellington, G. Lyon, G. Lee.

    Leading goalscorers:
    E., Smith 9, P. Darmody 7, N. Sillence 7, M. Vernon 5.  On behalf of the school team, I would like to than Mr Newton, the Brian Clough of Tal Handaq for giving us his time in running the school team, his encouragement and advice on and off the field of play.
    P. Darmody, Captain

    With the complete break up of the previous season's side and the smallness of Vlth form the 1974/75 season was viewed with a little trepidation.
    It is pleasing to report that our fears were without real foundation and that results were very much better than we had even dared to hope. The team played in the Minor Units Div II where they finished in fourth position but perhaps the best result of the season was the 4-3 victory over an Ark Royal Youth side in a match full of skill and competitive play.
    Much credit must go to Paul Darmody who has been a first rate skipper both on and off the Held. In his efforts to help the team, when injuries or service postings hit the side.      Paul has played in virtually in all positions. I should like to thank Paul for his hard work which has made my task in running the side so much easier.
    Only two other players remained from 1974 Dave Ansell who was dominant centre half with a style more reminiscent of Clogger Normanton than Herr Beckenbauer. Ean Smith scored many fine goals and was a constant threat both to opposition defences and the referee.
    Ian Jump, Tal Handaq's Peter Shilton, showed that despite his lack of height he is a talented, courageous goalkeeper. Dave North came to us a forward but after moving into the back four he made tremendous progress and has proved to be a player cf strength and ability. Dean Norman and Derek Feltham were sound, consistent defenders who tackled and covered well.
    In mid-field Howard Helliwell and Paul Darmody combined well and worked hard to make chances for the front players. Up front Martin Vernon was a willing worker whilst Simon Hopkins showed delicate skills. Late arrivals were the Churchward twins, Larry who is a skilful forward with a cultured left foot and Olive who shows promise of developing into an exciting full back. Another hopeful sign the future is the progress of Nick Sillence who is a player of pace, skill and aggression.
    1974/1975 was a season in which players gained valuable experience and with approximately eight of the players available for next year then perhaps 1975/76 could see Tal Handaq emerge as a strong combination.
    M. J. Newton
    Team record:
    Played 21; Won 7; Lost 13; Drawn 1; Goals for 48; Against 67.

    As usual the Inter House Soccer competition was played on a two leg basis, one leg played in each of the first two terms. Cunningham were clear winners being four points ahead of Alanbrooke with Tedder a further ten points behind.
    Seniors                                                              1st round                   2nd round
    Alanbrooke v Cunningham                     1-8                                              2-4

     Alanbrooke v Tedder                               4-2                                              3-1

    Cunningham v Tedder                              3-1                                              2-1

    Alanbrooke v Cunningham                      1-3                                          8-1

    Alanbrooke v Tedder                                    0-2                                       1-1

     Cunningham v Tedder                                 4-1                                         4-0

    Alanbrooke v Cunningham                           1-1                                       2-1

     Alanbrooke v Tedder                                    6-0                                         2-0
    Cunningham v Tedder                                 2-2                                          4-1
    Final Table
    Cunningham 12 8 2 2 37 21 18 ,:
    Alanbrooke 12 6 2 4 31 24 14
    Tedder 12 129 12 35 4
    Some consolation for Tedder was the win of their 1st Year team in the Minor League. Cunningham and Alanbrooke both finished behind all the Primary School teams.
    In the six-a-side Alanbrooke came out on top in a closely fought contest one point ahead of Cunningham.
    Soccer Colours
    FULL: P. Darmody, D. Ansell..
    HALF: D. Norman, M. Vernon, H. Helliwell, D. North, N. Sillence


    Once again Rugby House Matches were played on a year basis. First to Fourth Years were invloved with some very keenly contested and close contests taking place in every group.
    Alanbrooke were clear overall winners of the tournament. The results were as follows:

    1st Year
    Alanbrooke 10   v  Cunningham 0
    Alanbrooke 12  v    Tedder 8
    Cunningham  0   v    Tedder 4

    2nd Year
     Alanbrooke 0  v  Cunningham 3
    Alanbrooke 12   v      Tedder 7

    Cunningham 6     v      Tedder 9

    3rd Year
    Alanbrooke 20      v    Cunningham  12
    Alanbrooke 16      v            Tedder 10
    Cunningham 10     v             Tedder 10
    4th Year
    Alanbrooke 12    v       Cunningham 4
    Alanbrooke 30    v          Tedder 28
    Cunningham 28    v              Tedder 11
    Overall Placings
    1st Alanbrooke   8  6  0  2  112   82  12

    2nd Cunningham    8  3  1 4  73   76   7

    3rd Tedder       8  2  1  5   87   114    5

    Seniors and, Colts games were played in the Spring term to decide the championship on a League basis. Alanbrooke were the top side.
    results were as follows:

    Alanbrooke 16     v      Cunningham14
    Alanbrooke 16    v       Tedder 10
    Cunningham 18      V       Tedder11


    Alanbrooke 2   v   W/O Cunningham 0

    Alanbrooke 18    v         Tedder 14

    Cunningham 14    v         Tedder 3

    Final Positions
    1st Alanbrooke   4  4  0  52  42  8
    2nd Cunningham  4  2  2  46  32  4
      3rd Tedder          4  0 4   38  06 0

    The origin of Karate dates back more than a thousand years. Karate written in Chinese characters means "Chinese hand". The modern master of this, Funakoshi Gichin, who died in 1967 at the age co eighty-eight, changed the characters to mean literally "empty hand"'. To the master, karate was a martial art, bat it was also a means of buliding character. He wrote: "As a mirror's polished surface reflects whatever stands before it and a quiet valley carries even -small sounds, so must the student of karate render his mind empty of selfishness and wickedness in an effort to react appropriately toward anything he might encounter. This is the meaning of kara, or "empty", of karate.
    Karate is gaining great popularity as a competitive sport, one which stresses mental discipline as well as physical prowess. It has changed through the centuries to become not only a highly effective means of unarmed self-defence, but also an exciting, challenging sport.


    J. THOMPSON Zenkutsu-dachi gedan-barai
    (front-stance with a downward block)









    The school is lucky to have such a knowledgeable and dedicated karate teacher as Mr Barrie Jones. One of the problems with this sport is, of course, that one Bruce Lee film and a fourteen year old thinks that what he has just seen on the screen is a skill he can put into practice, almost at once. If he has great dedication and is willing to learn control of mind and body then he can get a good deal of benefit out of the art. The people on the pictures on this page could already verify this even after less than six months doing Karate.




    S. NESBIT and THOMPSON   Hangetsu-dachi
    (half-moon stance)




    JUDITH WAGHORN      Kokutsu-dachi shuto-uke
    (back-stance knife-hand block)



    1. Part of a railway engine (3) 1. Brother of Abel (4)
    2. There are white ones at Dover (6) 2. Skill of a painter (3)
    3. A song from an opera (4) 3. It's sometimes called a buffalo (5)
    8. An impersonal adjective (3) 5. Relative of the camel
    9. A subject of Queen Mab (5) 6. They provide warmth (5)
    10. Most of them have legs (7) 10. The scene of a contest (5)
    14. You press it with your foot (5) 11. Another word of a contest (5)
    15. A famous American general (3.) 12. Popular flowing shrub (5)
    17. Denuded (4) 13. Don't give away (4)
    18. To jump about (5) 16. A period of years (3)
    19. Part of a uniform, perhaps (3)  

    Deborah Frame 1S



    Reconstruct  the following multiplication problem:

           4 X X

              3 X

        36 X X
    XX7 X
    XX3 X X

    A Census taken in a Zoo was given the following information to the question "How many birds and how many beasts?" — There are 36 heads and 100 feet altogether in the two species. Can you find the number of birds and beasts?


    One of the Smith twins borrowed £5 from Mr Jones. Even though Harry Smith always tells the truth and Bill Smith always lies, Jones was able to determine which one had borrowed the money by asking only one question. What Question did he ask?


    In the Cryptarithm ERIN divided by LYRE equals L. is greater than 2 and each letter uniquely represents a particular digit in the decimal scale. What are these digits?



    Three Robbers have decided to hijack a safe from the top of a 3 storey building -. their only means of escape is by a rope passing over a pulley and a basket on each end and so arranged that when a basket is on the ground the other is opposite the top of 3rd floor. If one basket has a heavier load than the other, then the heavier will descend. If the excess on either side were greater than 20 Lbs, the basket would descend at a pace dangerous to a person in the basket (Though the safe would withstand the fall). The rope was in such a position that the robbers could not check it. If the robbers weigh 170 Lbs, 100 Lbs, 80 Lbs respectively and the safe is 80 Lbs, how do they succeed?



    100 players enter a knockout competition, how many matches must be played in order for an overall winner to be determined? (2 players in a match) (loser eliminated) (Byes do not count).


    It takes 852 digits to number the pages of a book. How many pages are there?


    In a recent Maths lesson we were asked to find 6 divided by 0? Answers: Let 6 divided by 0 equals X Therefore 6 equals 0 multiplied by X equals 0 Therefore 6 equals 0 ???


    Start with a square and divide each side into 3 equal parts. Divide the square into 9 equal squares. Block out the 4 corner squares formed. What fraction of the original square remains? Repeat the process with the centre square and continue the process indefinitely. What fraction of the original square is un­shaded?


    A man walks due East from his home for 1 mile. He then walks due North for 1/2 mile, due West for 1/4 mile, due South for 1/8, due East for 1/16 mile etc. If his journey con­tinues indefinitely, then assuming that it can be argued that his journey ends at a particular point, how far from the man's home will this point be and on what bearing?


    I have been in Tal Handaq since September 1974. Before that I did not go to school but did my lessons by correspondence courses. I was in Libya because my father works there and so we went to live with him. We were there for two years.

    The weather in Libya is not all that different from what we get here in Malta, at least on the coast where we lived in a caravan within sight of the sea. The rain falls in the winter and the summers are baking hot. One way that Malta is different is in its size. It is so small compared with the huge valleys and plains of Libya.

    We lived on the edge of the salt-flats. These are large areas of flat ground from which you get salt crystals if you go out a long way on them. It is not advisable to go out on them when it rains because you can easily sink down and disappear for ever.

    I liked Libya especially in the summer because then the farmers are threshing and carting their corn to the salt flats. They let you sit on the top of the loads and you sway around every time a cart wheel goes over a hole in the road.

    The Libyan people are very friendly and always want you to go to their houses to meet their families. I met many Arab children. In fact I have a real lot of friends there — more than I have in Malta. Sometimes I used to go down to the fields with them where they would often attend to the flocks of sheep.

    The beaches are very long and very clean and the water is very clear. You can see to the bottom very easily. The children liked to go for a dip in the sea after working in the fields. Amongst other things they grew tomatoes, potatoes, parsley, peppers, melons, pumpkins, grapes and citrus fruits.

    Jacqueline Ann Hall 1J


    Unforgotten beings linger in my mind, My heart is supressed and tortured, As the broken pieces we sprinkled on the ground: As if the sun has fallen from the heavens, Everything is ending quickly and dramatically, My head is tight with combustion. Having no means to explode. The highness and pressure curve in around me, I am sealed in a vacuum of vapour, I want to be released and set free,

    But my burdens are too immense.                         Anon 6A

    Who comforts me when I am low With cheerful words —• "I told you so. You never listen to what I say. You think you're right in every way!"
    About her cooking enough is said Her airy "Sponge" is more like lead. But I suppose I can't complain There's always aspirins for the Pain.
    An Argument that brings cold food And she exclaims: "Who's in a mood? I'm always cheerful, I never pout. It's you," she says, "You lazy lout!''
    But jokes aside she is the best For nineteen years she's stood the test. Where would I be without me Mum — "Julie, are those dishes done?!"
    Julie Davies U6

    With a pessimistic view of my life
    I sit alone and broad,
    I am surrounded in the deathly silence of my room.
    Faces and visions keep coming into my mind,
    Feelings of unwantedness and fear,
    As I turn to face the future
    Without a sign of hope or joy,
    Only memories of the past
                                                                                    That will soon fade into
                                                                                      A rapture of nothingness.
                                                                            Anon 6A


    First Row: Alex Rowlands, Sharon Watts, Julie-Marie Glennon, Sylvia Houghton, Helen Male, Veronica Haste, Jill Cartwright, Angela Berrington.
    Second Row. Erica Stapley, Debbie Brankin, Christine Williams, Kathleen Laughnan, Alison Waghorn, Richard Howorth.
              Third Row: Sue Fitton, Sue Harvey, Julie Taylor, Julie Davies, Karen Booth, Howard Helliwell, Robert Burns.                                                                                                 Fourth Row: John Allcott, Paul Darmody, Jil Pelan, Dave Simpson, Mike Baltrop




    Cadet Training

    Prior to summer routine timings, we managed to get in six full  contingent  parades during the summer term H974. These were held at RAF Luqa as we felt it would be good for morale to get away from the school environs. However the need to be transported to our HQ at 1530) hrs and then back to school in time to feed into the late bus routine at 1700 hrs cut into the time available for training. During the weeks of summer routine it was impossible to hold normal parades, so we concentrated en giving as many cadets as possible, experience in the handling and firing  of small-bore weapons on the ranges of RAF Luqa and 234 'Signals, Mtarfa. The term ended with a two-day exercise for the contingent, based on Hal Far, but involving orienteering, rock climbing, camping, range-firing and swimming. It seemed therefore that we had got off to a good start, despite the impossibility we had in kitting out cadets in old-style, khaki-drill uniform.

    Unfortunately over the summer holiday period and extend­ing into the autumn term, the contingent suffered  a massive turnover. The magnitude can be best gauged by  reference  to figures and shifts in the strengths of the two sections. Of the RAF Sections current strength of 27 cadets, only 16 remain from the initial intake of 37 in April  1974. The RN Section had an initial intake of 25 cadets, only 10 still remain but recent recruitment has boosted the section strength to 34 cadets. Thus the overall contingent strength is still very close  to the establishment figure. Training during the Autumn term  however, was inevitably a case of "back to basics". To make better use of our time, we decided to switch the parades to Tal Handaq, thereby cutting out travelling time and making use of the resources more readily available at the school. Thus basic training, together with range practices, AEF with 203 Sqdn., for RAF Section cadets, visits to frigates, destroyers and carrier for the RN Section, has been the pattern of cadet activities.

    We are not entirely satisfied with this  pattern.  There is tendency to lay too much stress on the requirements of printed syllabuses. This is understandable if one bears in mind the fact that "proficiency possess" tend to assume a dominant role in assessing the efficiency level of contingents.

    Of our present cadet strength, only 6 RAF and 3 RN cadets have passed all parts of the basic training syllabus. But these figures must be seen in the context of turnover, ability, age and time available. Most of the cadets have had little more than one term in the CCF; the duration of parades is limited to about one and a half hours at the most and on one day per week. We have looked at the possibility of increasing the time allocation, but without success, other evenings and Saturday mornings and lunchtimes being devoted to a wide range of other activities.

    Stores and Uniforms

    The contingent is slowly accumulating stores but our main problem is that of kitting out cadets. At present over 20 cadets have uniform deficiencies, mainly berets on the RN side and Small B/D sizes on the RAF side. Unless our demands for clothing can be met over the next few days, it will not be possible to have a full contingent turnout for the parade and inspection on March 6, 1875.

    Concluding Remarks

    We feel that we must widen our range of activities in order to make the cadet force more relevant to the needs and aptitudes of the majority of cadets. Canoe construction and instruction, model making, first aid and sailing are some things we have in mind. The RN Section would appreciate more assistance from its parenting body and the appointment of a second officer is now a priority matter, with the impending departure of Sub Lt. Ditcham at the end of next term.

    We are most grateful to both RAF Luqa and HMS St. Angelo for the assistance they have already given. Our sincere thanks too, we give to all those individuals, service and civilian, too numerous to mention in this report, but without whose help and guidance the Tal Handaq Contingent, CCF, would hardly be able to function at all.


      LONDON "A" LEVEL — JUNE 1974  
    Boys English Literature: Peter Brankin
      Geography: Peter Brankin, David Phillips.
       History:  Peter Brankin, Jeremy Jackson-Sitner.
      Chemistry:  Peter MacGregor, David Phillips.
      Mathematics:  Peter MacGregor, David Phillips.
      Economics:  Roger Slim.
      Physics:  Peter MacGregor, Michael Smith.
    Girls English Literature:

    Christine Harrison. Christine Johnston, Phillippa Knight, Annette Lyons, Jennifer Mitchell, Elizabeth Partridge.

      Geography: Christine Harrison, Christine Johnston, Philippa Knight, Jennifer Mitchell.
      History: Christine Harrison, Christine Johnston, Philippa Knight, Jennifer Mitchell.
      Chemistry:  Linda Ross.
      Mathematics: Linda Ross.
      Physics:  Linda Ross.
      Religious Studies: Annette Lyons.
      OXFORD "A" LEVEL — JUNE 1974  
    Boys Art:

    Jeremy Jackson-Sitner, Stephen Jones.

    Girls Art: Patricia Pitton, Jill Piper.
      LONDON "O" LEVEL — JUNE 1974  
    Girls Mathematics C:

     Jonquil Beynon, Susan Dearlove, Trudi Donvin, Karen Hepworth, Sylvia Houghton, Ann Langford, Vivien Lowson, Helen Male, Jane Mathews.


      Mathematics D:

     Shannon Branch, Linda Cottam, Julie-Marie Glennon, Joy Marshall, Caroline Smith.

      English Language: Penelope Ashenhurst, Jonquil Beynon, Shannon Branch, Deborah Brankin, Linda Cottam, Susan Dear-love, Trudi Donvin, Gwenda Edgel, Irene Elms, Frances Franklin, Georgina Gall, Julie-Marie Glennon, Sara Harbour, Susan Harris, Card Hedges, Karen Hepworth, Janet Hinde, Sylvia Houghton, Ann Langford, Vivien Lowson, Helen Male, Jane Matthews, Co-rinna Slater, Caroline Smith, Donna Wakefield, Hilary Wareing. Gale Wellman.
      History C: Francis Franklin, Sylvia Houghton, Caroline Smith, Donna Wakefleld.
      Geography: Deborah Brankin, Linda Cottam, Julie-Marie Glennon, Sara Harbour, Karen Hepworth, Sylvia Houghton, Vivien Lowson, Helen Male, Jane Matthews, Donna Wakefleld

    Shannon Branch, Deborah Brankin Linda Cottam, Julie-Marie Glennon, Susan Harris, Karen Hepworth, Sylvia Houghton. Viven Lowson, Helen Male, Jane Matthews.

      English Literature A: Deborah Brankin, Linda Cottam, Susan Dearlove, Irene Elms, Frances Franklin, Julie Marie Glennon, Carol Hedges, Karen Hepworth, Sylvia Houghton, Ann Langford, Vivien Lowson, Jane Matthews, Corinna Slater, Donna Wakefield.
      French:. Penelope Ashenhurst, Jonquil Beynon, Shannon Branch, Susan Dearlove, Frances Franklin, Julie-Marie Glennon, Karen Hepworth, Sylvia Houghton, Vivien Lowson, Helen Male, Corinna Slater. Donna Wakefleld.
      Needlework and Graft:

    Penelope Ashenhurst, Shannon Branch, Deborah Brankin, Linda Cottam, Susan Dearlove, Frances Franklin, Julie-Marie Glennon, Susan Harris, Karen Hepworth, Annette Lyons.

      Physics: Penelope Ashenhurst, Shannon Branch, Karen Hepworth.
      History B & E: Deborah Brankin, Linda Cottam, Card Hedge, Vivien Lowson, Jill Piper.
      Latin SOP: Deborah Brankin, Sylvia Houghton, Vivien Lowson
      Chemistry:  Shannon Branch, Julie-Marie Glennon, Karen Hepworth, Helen Male.
      English Literature B:

     Charmaine Burton, Georgina Gall, Jill Piper, Caroline Smith.

      Food & Nutrition: Susan Dearlove, Irene Elms, Susan Fitton, Gillian Harris, Jane Matthews, Lynda Van Maurik, Donna Wakefleld, Fenny Worseley-Smith.
      Human Biology:  Susan Dearlove, Frances Franklin, Carol Hedges, 'Caroline Smith, Lynda Van Maurik.
      Commerce:  Carol Hedges, Ann Langford.


    British Constitution: 

     Stephen Jones, Timothy Latham.

      English Literature:  David Ansell, Peter Catling, Anthony Davidson, Steven Easton.
      English Language: David Ansell, Peter Catling, Christopher Dillon, Steven Easton, Richard Howorth, Christopher Lawrie, Glen Miller, Mark Norman.

    David Ansel, Peter Catling, Anthony Davidson, Christopher Dillon, Richard Howorth, Ian Jump.

       Biology:  David Ansell, Peter Catling, Anthony Davidson, Steven Easton.
      Human Biology:  John Allcott, Byron Bartlett, Richard Howcrth, Timothy Latham.
      Geography:  David Ansell, Terence Calcott, Peter Catling, Anthony Davidson, Stephen Jones, Marshall Keating, David Stapleford.
      History: David Ansell, Christopher Lawrie.
      Physics:  John Allcott, Peter Catling, Anthony Davidson, Christopher Dillon, Steven Easton, Richard Howarth, Ian Jump, David Stapleford, Peter Whiting.
      Mathematics D:   Kim Maidment, Peter Whiting.
      Mathemaitics C:  Peter, Catling Stewart Chritton, Anthcny Davidson, Richard Howorth, Ian Jump.
      History C:  Kim Maidment, Geoffrey Simister, Peter Whiting.
      Technical Drawing:

     Richard Howorth, Timothy Latham, Kim Maidment. Mark Norman.

      English Literature B: Steven Jones, Kim Maidment, Peter Whiting.
      French:  Christopher Lawrie.
      Music:   Edward Knox.
      Commerce:  Timothy Latham, Christopher Lawrie, Peter Whiting.
      OXFORD "O" LEVEL — JUNE 1974  
    Boys Art:

     Byron Bartlett, Terence Calcott, John George. Selwyn Hopkins, Marshall Keating, Alan McVey, John Mickleborough, Paul Smith, Christopher Ward.

      Pottery:  Robert Coutts, John Duff, Steven Easton, Simon Hopkins, Christopher Lawrie, Mark Lovett, Michael Veitch.
    Girls Art:  Linda Cottam, Christina Darmody, Caroline Gaffney, Leonora Gallagher, Carol Hedges, Sylvia Houghton, Kathleen Loughnan, Vivien Lowson, Helen Male, Louisa Power, Corinna Slater, Gillian Walls, Gale Wellman, Julia Winch.

     Pearl Donvin, Gwenda Edgell, Janet Veitch, Gillian Walls.

      Typewriting -- Elementary: Christina Darmody, Susan Dearlove, Frances Franklin, Julie Hancock, Christine Johnston, Anne Marie Langford, Kathleen Loughnan, Erica Stapley, Donna Wakefleld, Gillian Walls, Gale Wellman.
      JUNE 1974  
      Typewriting Elementary:  Irene Elms Susan Fitton, Janet Hinde, Jacqueline Morris, Alexandra Rowland, Janet Welch, Julia Winch.
      Typewriting -- Intermediate: Jean Boomer, Pearl Donvin (1st Class), Gwenda Edgell (1st Class), Carol Wilkins (1st Class).
      Pitmanscript: Janet Veitch 60 w.p.m.
      LONDON "O" LEVEL — JANUARY 1975  
      Maths Syllabus C:

    Ian Jump.

      Maths Syllabus D: Paul Darmody.
      Technical Drawing: Mark Hyland.

    C.S.E. 1974



    Stephen Allan, John Allcott, Nigel Angel, David Ansell, Michael Barltrop, Byron Bartlett, Michael Beaumont, Terence Calcott, Jacques Callens, Peter Catling, Chris Church, Robert Coutts, Anthony Davidson, Chris Dillon, John Duff, David Gibson, Ronald H'indle, Simon Hopkins, Selwyn Hopkins, Richard Ho-worth, Paul Hyland, 'Stephen Jones, Ian Jump, Marshall Keat­ing, Edward Knox, Timothy Latham, Christopher Lawrie, Mark Lovett, Arnold Magill, Gary Martin, Alan McVey, John Mickleborough, Glen Miller, Mark Norman, Olive Pentecost, Peter Robinson, Geoffrey Robinson, Geoffrey Simister, Paul Smith, David Stapleford, Colin Stapley, Michael Veitch, Christopher Ward, Peter Whiting, Kevin Yull.





    Penelope Ashenhurst, Lynn Barman, Jonquil Beynon, Jean Boomer, Karen Booth, Shannon Branch, Deborah Brankin, Char-maine Burton, Linda Cottam, Deborah Creasy, Christina Darmody, Susan Dearlove, Pearl Donvin, Trudi Donvin, Gwenda Edgell, Irene Elms, Susan Fitton, Linda Fletcher, Frances Franklin, Caroline Gaffney, Georgina Gall, Leonora Gallagher, Marcia Gilscn, Julie-Marie Glennon, Julie Hancock, Sara Harbour, Gil­lian Harris, Carol Hedges, Karen Hepworth, Janet Hinde, Sylvia Houghton, Anne Langford, Kathleen Loughnan Vivien Lowson, Annette Lyons, Caroline Magill, Helen Male, Jane Matthews, Jaqueline Morris, Jill Piper, Louisa Power, Corinna Slater, Carolyn Smith, Erica Stapley, Lynda Van Maurik, Janet Veitch, Donna Wakefield, Gillian Walls, Hilary Wareing, Christine Johnston, Gale Wellman, Carol Wilkins, Julia Winch, Lorraine Woodfin, Penny Worseley-Smith.



    And she's got a marvellous old mother. She's 79 and hasn't one grey hair. She's completely bald.

    I wouldn't say my wife pushed dirt under the carpet — but I have to walk uphill to the fireplace.

    Candles make light meals.


    Williamsburg Junior High School is in Arlington County, Virginia. It is an average sized Junior High of about 1000 students. It is a school for 7th, 8th and 9th graders, that is, in Tal Handaq terms, 2nd 3rd and 4th formers. This was my school before we came to Malta and I would like to tell you briefly about some of the differences between it and Tal Handaq.

    The kind of sounds you hear there through out the day is different for a start. Instead of the crash of desk lids being dropped, there is the clang of metal lockers being slammed shut. Instad of hearing feet crunching over gravel and slapping on concrete, you can hear them clattering on the linoleum of the halls. Instead of the ringing of telephones you can hear announcements made on the Public Address system. You never hear the noise of children playing because there is no time for them to. At Williamsburg there is no break and most of the half-hour lunch period is spent indoors. Everyone has one lesson of PE per day, but it is a lesson and not a recreation.

    The things you see are different too. There is no school uniform and everybody wears something different. Within reason you can wear what you want to: bathing suits and Halloween costumes are forbidden. You never see prefects patrolling the halls because there aren't any in American schools. Discipline is main­tained by the teachers, the two assistant principals and the guidance counsellors. These latter also give students advice about what options to take and help them to solve any problems they may have at home or at school.

    As far as sports are concerned there seems to be more enthusiasm than at Tal Handaq mainly because of the rivalry between the various junior high schools in the county. There are five of them in Arlington and the competition between them is keen. At sporting events there is usually a large turn out to cheer the team on to victory. Last year Williamsburg was county champion in football, basketball, swimming and tennis. Wrestling, soccer and track teams also had outstanding seasons.

    Williamsburg is a good school in many respects. The quality of the teaching is high and the behaviour of the students is generaly good. In many ways it is much like Tal Handaq.

    Joanne Wiggins 4L


    A  Mr Hughes M  Mrs Lynk
    B  Lt/Cdr Richards N  Mr Woolams
    C  Mr Winn O  Mr Ricketts
    D  Mr Caseley  P  Miss Wilson
    E  Commander Stubbs Q  Mr 'Leonard
    F  Miss Dickinson R  Mr Naylor
    G  Miss Leighton S  Mr Finnis
    H  Mr Allen  T  Miss Walden
    J  Miss Beckett U  Mr Newton
    K  Miss Turner V  Lt/Cdr Nield
    L  Miss Lattimer W  Mr Jones

    Maths Fun I — Answers:




    B. 22 Birds; 14 Beasts.

    C. Jones said "If I were to ask you if you borrowed £5 from me.
    would you say yes?"

    D. Restate the problem as (LYRE) multiplied by L equals ERIN
    Step 1. L greater than 2, therefore L equals 3 since L multiplied
    by L equals E and we are not allowed to carry a digit

    Step 2. If L equals 3. E equals 9.

    Step 3. Now L multiplied by E equals 3 multiplied by 9 eqvals 27.
    Therefore N equals 27.

    Step 4. By trial and error we now find R equals 8, I equals 6.
    Y equals 2.

    Final answer: 9867 divided by 3289 equals 3.

    Maths Fun II Answers:

    KNOCKOUT: Each match eliminates one person, 99 losers hence 99 matches.
    PAGES: 320 Pages.
    FRACTIONS: Fraction unshaded equals 1/2
    ILL-LOGIC: Division by zero is impossible, so original statement 6 divided by 0 equals X is incorrect since it assumes there is an answer X.
    DISTANCE: If D represents the distance travelled East
    D equals 1 minus 1/4 plus 1/16 minus 1/64. plus 1/256
    equals 1 minus 1/4 plus 1/16 (1 minus 1/4 plus 1/16 )
    equals 1 minus 1/4 plus 1/16D

     15/16D equals 3/4    D equals 4/5 mile.
    Similarly distance travelled North equals 2/5 mile Hence distance from (0,0) to (4/5, 2/35) equals 2 square root 5 over 5 miles.

    (No I don't understand it either and I'm a navigator! DMG)




    It was on a cold, windy January morning that I first heard of Tal Handaq. I was sitting in my centrally heated office at R.N.A.S. Yeovilton in deepest Somerset (where I was the Education Officer) when the phone rang and a mysterious voice enquired "How do you fancy being the Deputy at Tal Handaq?"

    Various possibilities flashed through my mind. Was I being offered the chance of fame as a second Matt Dillon at some frontier town deep in Indian infested territory or was it as a James Bond style assistant to the British Ambassador in some newly formed oil rich eastern state? The voice continued, "I'd like you to take the Deputy Headmaster's job at our Comprehensive school in Malta!"

    By this time I'd noticed that it was snowing outside and on my various Mediterranean cruises with the grey funnel line I'd never actually visited Malta — so I accepted. Some six months later complete with family and duty free car we'd settled in Malta and so far I'm pleased to say are enjoying the country and Tal Handaq.

    The job of DHM I've found to be very varied and covers every aspect of school life, from discipline to day-to-day time­tabling problems. If you're still not clear, then the DHM is the person who arranges for you to have French, Maths and Latin period 6, 7 and 8 on a Friday afternoon and always makes sure that Physics follows Woodwork (just to keep you fit getting there on time).

    Seriously though, I'm very happy to be a member of the Tal Handaq staff and will I'm sure, like so many pupils, be sorry when my time comes to depart.




    After four eventful years as Senior Mistress and Head of Lower School it is now time for me to say 'Farewell'. My term of office has been short compared to that of my predecessor, Miss Jacqueline Yule, who is still a good friend of the school and a person to whom I wish to pay a special tribute for the friendship and help she has extended to me during my stay in Malta.

    I use the word 'eventful' advisedly for in this short space of time I have seen a flourishing school close down, re-open and flourish again. It says much for the spirit of both staff and pupils that newcomers find it hard to appreciate the school has suffered this interruption. Of all the aspects of the school the one which has impressed me most is the ability of the Service child to adapt to new situations. New pupils are so quickly assimilated that 'Turbulence' is not an apparent problem. It is always a surprise to me to note that our turn-over is so high because I have not been conscious of the continual movement of pupils. Perhaps July of this year will prove the exception for we are due to lose over one hundred children in one week!

    There are so many happy memories I shall carry away with me and I hope you will forgive my mentioning a few: the excitement of a new set of First Years on their first day in secondary school; Prize Day 1973; the many sporting events; the successful productions of 'Oliver', 'The King and I', 'Lady Precious Stream" and the Christmas Concerts; the Fashion Shows and the splendid cookery displays; and finally the island itself with its incredible blue skies, glorious sunsets and friendly people.

    It is with real regret that I say 'Good-bye' as it has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with you all. Although I am returning to a civilian school I am pleased to say that I shall not be severing completely my ties with the Services as my next appointment is at Burford School, Oxfordshire, where one-third of the students come from R.A.F. Brize Norton. I, therefore, look forward to seeing some of you again.

    My best wishes to you all.

    Pamela Smith


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