RN School Magazine 1958 contributed by  Spike Walton      Italy Trip  Verdala Section  TH Sport  Pirates                                  

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                        R.N. SCHOOL






                            Aerial View of Tal Handak                                                                   and Verdala, RN Schools


                                          Headmaster  -  Instructor Captain B.J. Morgan B.Sc. R.N.

                                                    Deputy Headmaster  -   Instructor Commander E.V.K.Paynter R.N.

                                             SECONDARY SCHOOL - TAL HANDAK

6G   Inst. Lt.-Cdr. R.Hayes BSc   3CM  Miss D. E. Knight
        Miss J. Yule, BA. 3DM   Miss M. J. Bailey (Dom. Sc.)
5G     Mr. T. C. Edgell,  MA., Dip. Ed.  2AM  Mr. R. E. Tomlinson
4AG  Mr. F. H. G. Ruoff, B.Sc., Dip. Ed 2BM Inst. Lt. J. Wiltshire BSc.
4BG  Inst. Lt.-Cdr. H.W. Ogden. MA. 2CM Mr F.J. Stanley
3AG Mr P.J. Watson Liddell MA. 2DM Mr P.Parker (Craft)
3BG  Inst. Lt.-Cdr. A. E. Simmonds 1AM Mr. C. V. Morris, Dip. Ed.
3CG Miss J. Stideford, BA. 1BM Mrs C. Byrne
2AG Miss S.H. Grant MA (Edin) 1CM Miss J. Floyd
2BG Mrs M. Ruddle BA. 1DM Mrs M Cronin
2CG Miss S. C. Henderson, MA (Edin) Dip Ed. 1EM Miss M. Horobin
2DG  Miss M. P. Hunt Miss P. Miles BA.
1AG  Inst. Lt.-Cdr. AS Timberlake BSc. Mrs P. Robertson
1BG  Miss B. Hudson BA. Mrs J. Gough BSc.
1CG  Mrs V.K. Watson Liddell BSc. NW Miss J. Rippin
1DG  Mrs  H.W. Ogden MA. PE  Miss J.Herbert
1EG  Mrs F.J. Partington BA. Music  Miss J. Davies BA.
5AM  Mr. R. F. Tierney Bsc., (Econ.) Dom Sc  Mrs M. Bryden
5BM   Miss P. Bower  (NW) PE  Mr B. Cleaver
4AM   Mr. T. Knight Ww  Mr B. Richards
4BM Mr J. Briskman BA. Ww Mr G.Smith
4CM Mr C. Downs Craft  Mr R.A. Dickerson ATD.
3AM Miss M. M. Flanagan, BSc. Art   Mr H. Bletcher ATD.
3BM   Mr. R. Fuller Secretaries -  Mrs D.M.Gard   Miss J. Ivatt

                                                                        PRIMARY SCHOOL - VERDALA

                                                               Junior Department  -

Miss M.Vasey
4A   Mr W.F. Wilshire 2B  Mr. D. Jenkins
4B1  Mr. J. Ousbey 2C  Mrs P. Male
4B2  Miss S. Horton 2C2 Mrs. L. Farrugia
4B3  Mrs R.Barkaway 2D  Mrs M. Nettleton
4C   Miss D. Butters 1A  Miss J. Watson
4D   Miss E. McMeeking 1B  Miss B. Kernahan
3A1  Mr. P. Ross 1C  Miss N. Roberts
3A2  Miss A. Rowe 1D1 Mrs P. Allen
3B1  Mrs. D. Steele 1D2 Mrs M. Van Dook
3B2  Miss L. Candey         Mrs E Rogers
3B3  Miss G. M. Stideford  
3C   Mrs. R. Richards Secretary — Mrs. S. E. Boyce
2A  Miss G. Stinton  

                                                                    Infants Department -

Miss V. North
I1  Miss A. Batty I6  Miss P Lee
I2  Mrs M. Davies I7  Mrs. P. Beech
I3  Mrs B. Instrell I8  Miss W. Townsend
I4  Mr. M. Birch I9  Mrs I. Keane
I5 Miss K Burke I10 Mrs A. Wicks


Foreword  2 Selected Articles and Poems  21-43

Editorial  3

Sports 44-55
Captain Miles CBE.  4

Drake House Notes   56-57

Secondary School Prize Giving  5 Nelson House Notes  58-61
Headmaster's Report  6- 7 Stevenson House Notes  61-63
G.C.E. Results  8- 9 White House Notes  64

Review — "Pirates of Penzance"  10-11

Junior School Verdala — Report  65-66

Modern School Drama Festival  11-13

Infants Department  67-68
Easter Play. Sketch Club  14 Verdala Sports  68-73
Child Art Exhibition and Embroidery Competition and Exhibition  15-16

R.N. Drama Festival — Review  73

Flower and Insect Collection  17 Drama, Ballet, Music and School Library  74-76
Sea Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and Wolf Cubs  18-19 Book Review  77-78

Duke of Edinburgh's Award  20

Selected Articles and Poems  79-104



This Xllth post war edition of the Magazine is published at a time when great changes are taking place at Tal Handak and Verdala. The school is still growing and approval has now been given for the construction of an extra five classrooms at Verdala, and major extensions at Tal Handak, including an extra Science laboratory, new specialist rooms for Art, Craft, Domestic Science and Woodwork, and a Gymnasium. Many of these new rooms will be ready by September and we are all most grateful to the Flag Officer Malta, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Madden, CB., for these much-needed improvements and additions to the schools.

I would like to congratulate the Editor and his staff on the 'new look' of the magazine, which as usual, contains a varied collection of articles describing the most important events of the past year. It reflects the work and spirit of the school and will, I hope, be a source of pleasure to everyone familiar with and interested in Tal Handak and Verdala.

B. J. MORGAN — Headmaster

Within the world of education, as in the world of fashion, the "new" is often a revival of the old; and so it is in some respects with our school magazine.

This "new-look" edition resembles, in size of page, the magazine of! eight years ago; but changes have been made. And here we must acknowledge the debt we owe, for expert advice and suggestions, to the Staff of the Commander -in-Chief's Printing Office. A new cover, a new page layout, block headings in colour, frontispiece and centre page pictures; these innovations, it is hoped, will provide a more attractive edition.

Many of our pupils see only one issue of the school magazine; few see more than two. Our aim, then, is twofold; we have sought to reflect, in words and pictures, the life of the school, and we hope to provide a souvenir of the "adventure" of school life in Malta.

To those whose contributions have not been printed our condolences, and   thanks for their support.

The publication of this magazine is helped greatly by the firms advertising in its pages. May we recommend them to you?

Royal Naval School, Tal Handak, Malta.

Instructor Captain A. H. Miles, C.B.E.

Captain and Mrs. Miles left Malta on llth May after a long association with the school dating back to 1934.

Captain Miles was on the staff of the school from 1934 to 1940 when the school was concentrated at Verdala. After the war he re-opened the school in two houses at Ta' Xbiex; supervised the move to Tal Handak in 1946; re-started the primary school at Verdala in April, 1949, and remained as Headmaster until January, 1951, by which time the school had grown to over 1,000. Mrs. Miles was Secretary of the school from 1946 to 1952.

As Fleet Instructor Officer, Captain Miles has 'been Chairman of the Malta Sub-Committee for all Services Children's Schools since 1953. No one has done more for the school and we were delighted when recently he was promoted C.B.E. It was most appropriate that Admiralty approval for major extensions to the school for which he has been so largely responsible should be obtained just before his return to England.

We are all most grateful to Captain and Mrs. Miles for all they have done for the school and, in extending to them our best wishes for the future, we hope they will have pleasant memories of Tal Handak and Verdala.



Prize Day at Tal Handak was on 28th November. The Flag Officer Malta, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Madden, Bt., c.b., presided, and Mrs. J. Fleming, wife of the Director Naval Education Service, presented the prizes. The guests included H.E. the Acting Governor and Mrs. Trafford Smith, Instructor Rear-Admiral J. Fleming, d.s.c., m.a., Instructor Captain and Mrs. A. H. Miles, Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs A. Jones, Squadron Leader and Mrs. W. T. Blanchard, and Heads of Malta Schools and Colleges.

The Programme included: —

Song by the Choir The Music Makers    Shaw

An address by the Flag Officer Malta. The Headmaster's Report.

An address by the Director, Naval Education Service.
Songs by the Choir Paul and the Hens     Cockshott

  • Old Mother Hubbard    Hely Hutchinson

  • Presentation of Prizes and Certificates by Mrs. J. Fleming.
    Song by the Choir England   Parry

    The National Anthem.

    The Prizewinners were: —


    IDG — Sylvia Holmes, Susan Parker, Dawn Wright.

    ICG — David Eastlick, Charles Marsh, Robert Townsend.

    1BG — Lyn Walker, David Perks.

    1AG — Christine Tomlinson, Katherine Stormont, Wendy Thornton.

    2CG — Stephanie Whitehouse, Beverly Spencer, Helen Coombs.

    2BG — John Perks, Elizabeth Creighton, Pamela McDonough

    2AG — Kathleen Pilsbury, Malcolm Grant, Janet Angell.

    3BG — Susan Balean, Jillian Loveridge, Alan Mogridge.

    3AG — Elizabeth Allen, Patricia Squire, Terence Currie.

    4G - Gillian Shaw, John Holmes, Andrew Lyne.

    5G - John Knight, Janet Ogden Michael Phillips, A. Down (Progress).

    History — Kathleen Quinn (4G).

    Biology — Alex. Down.

    Chemistry — Kay Skinner.


    1DM — Carol Rimer, Jean McKinnon, Victor Azzopardi.

    1CM — Margaret Thomas, Ronald Hyde, Brett Batchelor.

    IBM — Edward Byrne, Clive Norris, Elizabeth Baker.

    1AM — Roland Lines, Rosemary Scoggins, Henry Moore.

    2DM — Belma Aytek, Carol Hatton, Julian Healey.

    2CM — Michael Vivian. Terry Francis, John Cleeveley.

    2BM — Margaret Hutchmson, Michael Andrews, Hugh Mackintosh.

    2AM — Susan Van der Byl, Colin Symons, Anthony Cadman.

    3DM — Jacqueline Rixon, Alan Yorke (Industry).

    3CM — Thelma Campbell, Russell Smith, Stuart Lang.

    3BM — Kaye Farley, Mary Pace, Roger Mantle.

    3AM — Alan Pinhey, Ronald Fowler, Susan Fisher, Stewart Taylor.

    4CM — Robert Hickman, Patricia Longstaff, Clifford Foreman.

    4BM — Maureen Banham, Lilian Munday, Pat Pacey.

    4AM — Priscilla Spencer, Glenys Hart, Patricia D'Arts.

    5M — Margaret Roberts, Pamela Jeffreys, Michael Cane.

  • Headmaster's Report—Prize Day 1957

    The Headmaster welcomed H.E. the Acting Governor and Mrs. Trafford Smith, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Madden and Instructor Rear-Admiral and Mrs. J. Fleming, and said:—

    "We are always glad to welcome guests to Tal Handak and during the past year have had many distinguished visitors - • including the First Lord of the Admiralty, the late Commander-in-Chief and Lady Edwards and Lady Lambe and to-day, Sir, Admiral Madden, we are particularly glad to see you again. We were hoping to welcome Lady Madden to Tal Handak for the first time and perhaps you will give her our best wishes for a speedy recovery. We are also very pleased to see Admiral Fleming, Director of the Naval Education Service with Mrs. Fleming.

    As you can see we have a very crowded hall even though I have sent home 360 of the youngest children who have been in the school for less than a year. Also, because of lack of space I have again only been able to invite the parents of prizewinners and I know this is a big disappointment to many others who would like to come.

    Contrary to all expectations our numbers are still rising and at the beginning of this term we passed 2,000 for the first time with 941 at Tal Handak and 1,100 at Verdala. These are astonishing figures particularly when we remember that 1,009 have joined since Prize Day last year. When I became Headmaster in 1954 the Secondary School had almost exactly half the present number and for the past three years has been increasing at the rate of 150 a year; and at the moment it seems fairly certain that there will be a further increase next September when I expect the Secondary Department to reach 1,050.

    This brief reference to numbers conceals many difficult problems — serious overcrowding, shortage of classrooms, not enough staff and the constant struggle to obtain sufficient stores, books, stationery and equipment when the emphasis is so much on economy and reductions. Earlier this year we had high hopes that Stage I of the extension of the Secondary School including four new blocks of classrooms and specialists rooms, and a large Gymnasium with changing rooms would now be well under way but unfortunately we have only been allowed to build one block of four classrooms. This however is an excellent addition to the school and I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you Sir and the Dockyard for taking such an interest in our problems and seeing that the new rooms were ready at the beginning of term.

    Since 1954 we have now added or taken over 34 extra rooms (13 at Verdala and 21 at Tal Handak) but unfortunately we have never yet been able to do more than just keep pace with increasing numbers and overcrowding is now relatively worse than ever. We hope that we shall shortly be allowed to proceed with at least two more blocks of classrooms and the Gymnasium, for without this extra space we cannot cope with increasing numbers; nor can we hope to keep up with and match developments in English schools, particularly in Craft, Commercial and Engineering subjects. A separate room for a Library is still one of our most urgent requirements.

    In these conditions the work of the staff is greatly restricted. The coincidence of overcrowding, shortage of staff, sickness and exceptionally heavy rainfall have made this term particularly difficult; and I am most grateful to all the staff for the willing help they have given me during the past year — not forgetting the Padres who continue to visit the schools twice a week to help with Religious Instruction.

    The Juniors have now all gone to Verdala. In the 4th Year of the Grammar School we have been able to widen the choice of subjects and it is now possible to take Latin in addition to Chemistry and Physics, whereas in previous years Latin could only be taken as an alternative to Chemistry. This improvement will extend to the 5th Year in September.

    Arrangements for craftwork have also been greatly improved.

    Last Summer a number of boys and girls took G.C.E. in a few subjects at the end of their 4th Year instead of after 5 years and this arrangement will continue. It has several advantages:—

    (a) It provides an incentive to work in the 4th Years for pupils who might

    otherwise coast along without working hard.

    1. It reduces for others the burden of too many subjects in their 5th Year.
    2. It enables outstanding pupils to get on more quickly and in special cases

    to go straight to the 6th Form and have three years for Advanced and Scholarship level studies.

    For the Modern School we have adopted the Royal Society of Arts Technical Certificates as an examination to be taken at the end of the 4th Year. Two boys tried the examination last year and both obtained certificates. Suitable 5th Year candidates can as before go on to take G.C.E. This year for the first time we shall have some candidates taking Craft at Ordinary and Advanced Level and as always there is no bar to the transfer from the Modern Department to the Grammar School at any time and at any age provided a boy or girl is good enough and is prepared to work.

    For External Examinations we have had more candidates than ever before, and altogether 72 boys and girls obtained G.C.E. certificates — 3 at Advanced Level and 69 at Ordinary Level - - and I am glad to say that the standards reached were a good deal above the average for English schools. Ten Modern School pupils obtained certificates and the high standards reached by some boys and girls in the Modern School are very encouraging.

    But external examinations are not for everyone and there are many here who may never take one. The class you are in doesn't matter too much — the point to remember is that hard work must become fashionable. The habit of working steadily, learnt in school, will help you enormously to master other problems when you leave and give you a pleasant sense of achievement and satisfaction. Also it should never be forgotten that personal qualities, friendliness and good manners are often as important as academic qualifications.

    For Games we continue to use the Stadium and Marsa Tennis Courts, and playing fields at Ta Kali, Safi, Corradino and Manoel Island. Our Athletic Sports this year we held at Ta Kali and Swimming Sports at Ricasoli. The Inter-School Athletics deserve special mention for a first class afternoon's sport and remarkably close finish. Twelve boys went climbing in Sicily at Easter and a party of 40 boys and girls went to Italy — to Rome, Assissi, Perugia, Florence, Pisa, Leghorn and Naples. We had the usual Carol Services and Modern School playlets at Christmas time and the Services' School Music Festival was staged at Tal Handak in June. The "Importance of being Earnest" was produced in February and next week we are presenting the "Pirates of Penzance". Life Saving, Scouts, Guides, Outward Bound activities, Sketch Club, Sailing Instruction at St. Angelo are all popular and these activities fit in very well with the requirements for the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards. I am very glad we are going to have an opportunity of winning these Awards which are being offered to encourage boys to make the best of their leisure by taking part in a number of enjoyable and character building activities. A similar scheme is toeing drafted for girls.

    Finally I would like to say a word to those who will soon be leaving school. The number of leavers is increasing each year. In 1960 it will jump by nearly one-quarter and the competition for jobs has become much keener and will continue to become keener for at least the next five years. Hard work means success and idleness failure, so do try and make sure that while you are here you don't throw away your opportunities through lack of energy and enthusiasm."


    Rosemary Powell — English, Latin, French Art. June Currie — Art. Robert Trott — Chemistry.


    Billie Angus — English Language.  Pat Arnall — English Language.  Marigold Barrett — English Language and Literature, French, Religious Knowledge, Geography.  Ann Beare — English Language. Religious Knowledge, Needlework. Wendy Blancbard — English Language and Literature, Geography, Maths.. Needlework.  Beryl Brierly — English Language, Art. Ann Carr — Art. Roberta Clarke — English Language, History, Religious Knowledge. Pat Dixon — English Language and Literature, French, Art, Biology. Susan Dixon -- English Language and Literature, Religious Knowledge, Diana Dick — English Literature, French, Art, English Language. Judith Gardner — English Language. Sheila Grimwood — English Language Marie Harrison — English Language. Gillian How -- English Language and Literature. History (Foreign), Religious Knowledge, Geography, Maths., Biology, Needlework.   Carole Humphries — English Language and Literature, French, Religious Knowledge, Geography, Art Pamela Jeffreys — English Language, Needlework. Barbara Mantle — History. Pat Noonan — English Language, French. Janet Ogden — English Language and Literature, Latin, French. History (Foreign), Religious Knowledge, Geography, Physics. Anna Palmer — English Language and Literature, History. Religious Knowledge. Margaret Powell — English Language and Literature, French, History, Religious Knowledge, Geography, Maths., Biology, Needlework. Kathleen Quinn — English Language, History, Religious Knowledge, Art.Margaret Roberts — English Language, Art, Needlework. Wendy Scott — English Language, History. Gillian Shaw — English Language. Christine Squire — English Language. Joy Sutton -- English Language and Literature, French, History, Geography. Needlework. Janet Tyndale-Biseoe -- English Language, Geography, Art, Needlework. Eileen Waterworth - - English Language and Literature, Religious Knowledge. Geography, Art. Jill Wicken — English Literature, Geography, Physics. Carol Webster — Needlework. Valerie Wood -- English Language and Literature, Latin, French, History (Foreign), Geography, Maths. Penelope Ord — Biology, Cookery, General Housecraft. Kay Skinner — Chemistry. Peter Alden — English Language. Gregory Bailey — Religious Knowledge. Michael Cane — English Language. Physics, Technical Drawing. Keith Chapman — English Language, Maths., Physics, Chemistry. Christopher Deluchi — English Language.  Alexander Down — English Language and Literature, History (Foreign), Religious Knowledge, Geography, Maths., Chemistry, Biology. Peter Evans — English Language and Literature, History (Foreign), Geography. Malcolm Hill — Chemistry. John Holmes — English Language, History. Jeff Instone — English Language and Literature, History (Foreign), Geography, Art. John Knight - - English Language and Literature, French, History (Foreign), Geography, Maths., Physics, Chemistry. Thomas Maylor — English Language and Literature, Geography, Maths., Physics, Trevor Phillips — English Language and Literature, French, History (Foreign), Geography, Maths., Physics, Chemistry. Peter Pond — English Language, History (Foreign), Geography. Robert Powell — English Language. Donald Priestley—English Language, Geography, Art, Maths., Chemistry, Biology. David Pritchard — English Language, History (Foreign), Religious Knowledge, Geography, Maths., Physics, Chemistry. Robin Riley — English Language, Woodwork. Winston Roddick — English Language. Gordon Smith — English Language. Philip Streeter — English Language, History (Foreign), Geography. Martin Thomas — English Language.


    Rita Mays — Art. Anna Palmer — Physics.  Gillian Shaw — History.  Margaret Roberts — History.  Gail Tainsh — English Language.  Valerie Wood — Art.  Carol Webster — Art.  Peter Alden — Physics.  William Lear — Woodwork, Technical Drawing.Peter Pond -- English Literature, Maths.. Physics.  Martin Thomas — English Literature.  Gerald Whitehouse — German.


    The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty

    The Pirates of Penzance was staged at the end of the Christmas Term. Those who saw it thoroughly enjoyed it and without exception thought it a wonderful production. Those who acted in it and all back stage characters must have felt proud to have been concerned in such an excellent show.

    The curtain rises on a rugged Cornish coast with scores of Pirates getting merry on "sherry" (real sherry on the last night!) to celebrate the end of Frederick's indentures. Young Frederick, apprenticed to a Pirate instead of a Pilot by Ruth, who pleads deafness as an excuse, has now come of age. He expresses deep regret at leaving them but duty dictates that he must join the police in exterminating the crew. Ruth, who says she is beautiful, is just about to leave with him when a bevy of beautiful maidens is heard in the background. Ruth, realizing all is lost flies in despair and Frederick hides.

    Having seen only Ruth since childhood he is amazed at their beauty but cannot show himself for fear of scaring them away. However, when they decide to paddle he feels he ought to warn them of the Pirates. He also asks any one of them to love him but in spite of his being very handsome etiquette does not allow them to accept him Mabel, however, brushes aside all pretence and the two promptly fall in love. As for the sisters, etiquette demands that they stay, but sympathy tells them to go, and in the end they compromise by shutting their eyes and talk about the weather.

    Frederick's warning of Pirates comes too late and these ruffians enter, each to seize a girl, with an eye to matrimony. The Major-General unfortunately comes to intervene and after telling us what a jolly good model of a Major-General he isn't, loudly maintains that he objects to Pirates as sons-in-law.

    After some ridiculous dialogue based on the incorrect pronunciation of "orphan" and "often", the general appeals to a soft spot in the Pirates' make-up by claiming he is an orphan boy. The Pirates, full of sympathy, agree to leave his daughters, "his sole remaining joy", and even elect him an honorary member of their crew. Thus ends Act I.

    Act II opens in a ruined chapel by moonlight, General Stanley lamenting his "abominable falsehood". Frederick tries to cheer him and explains that he is to lead the police against the Pirates that night, whereupon we are introduced to a very shaky lot of police led by an exceedingly nervous Sergeant, complete with a gorgeous copper coloured wig and "sideboards". They are later given a not very cheering send-off by the girls and Fred is left alone, but not for long.

    The King and Ruth appear only too willing to reveal to him a most amusing paradox. Frederick was born on the 29th of February, and therefore the slave of duty is once more a Pirate. So strong, indeed, is this sense of, duty that even Mabel cannot induce him to run away in spite of a very touching appeal: "Ah! leave me not to pine".

    The police again enter to be told that Frederick cannot now lead them and in return tell us that "When Constabularly duty's to be done, a policeman's lot is not a happy one. happy one". Before they can return, the Pirates are heard quietly approaching, so that they are forced to hide. There must have been some very noisy cats in the days of Gilbert and Sullivan judging by the Pirates' entry! After Sam has distributed weapons and burglar tools another fortissmo occurs to hide the Pirates from a fast approaching Major-General who professes to be deaf enough to blame the rustling trees for the lusty shouts of two dozen Pirates and half as many police.

    However, Ruth intervenes to reveal that the pirates are really "noblemen who have gone wrong" and the General, who has skillfully extricated himself from several fathoms of washing line, begs for forgiveness from the ex-Pirate King and bids him and his crew "Resume their ranks and legislative duties, and take my daughters, all of whom are beauties".

    To run briefly through the Dramatis Personae: Major-General Stanley was played by Mr. Richards, who, after some difficulty with memorizing his song at first, gave an excellent showing on "the nights". Janet Ogden seemed to fit superbly into the part of Ruth as did Mr. Tomlinson into the part of Samuel, Jack the One of the Pirate Band. Grahame Stubbs made a wonderful comic Sergeant of Police and Peter Pond played the part of the Pirate King extremely well. For a girl to act and imitate a boy really well is suprisingly difficult; Marylin Sturely, however, certainly succeeded and made a remarkably good Frederick, the Slave of Duty.

    Perhaps the star of the show was Mabel. Joy Button has a charming and very good natural voice and this coupled with former experience of stage work (she-played Cousin Cecily in Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest" last year) which enabled her to understand immediately what was required by the producer, made her ideally suited to the very big part, which she played with true feeling, full of expression and lacking nothing. I know that if the lights had gone up immediately after her plea to Frederick "Ah! leave me not alone to pine, alone and desolate" there would have been many embarrassed red and wet eyes in the audience.

    It was a great pity that we were unable to put the "Pirates" on for the Royal Naval Drama Festival at the end of February but the Headmaster very wisely decided that in view of examinations at that time and the large number of actors involved, this would not be possible or advisable.

    "The Pirates of Penzance" could surely not have been such an excellent show without a lot of help from a great many people. The actors are but a small percentage of all the people concerned and the final shows taut a small 'end product', as it were, of all the work and time involved. It would be impossible to name everybody but praise and thanks must be extended to an outstanding few: Lieutenant-Commander Timberlake our producer, who worked us up to perfection so arduously. Miss Davies, musical director, who did so much to ensure success, and Captain Morgan who played the piano throughout. Scenery artists, scene-shifters, electricians, make-up artists, choreographers, dressmakers and properties man; these are but a few of the many, all too numerous to mention in this short space which I have already over run, who contributed in some way or another to make this production a roaring success. To all we extend our heartfelt thanks and congratulations.

    Modern School Drama Festival

    The Modern School presented nine plays this year, well chosen, with a great deal of variety. Unfortunately, many 'bore the air of being rather sketchily rehearsed, which lost points and caused the one play which had been well read, to stand out in comparison.

    Sets were good, there were some extremely clever actors and actresses, also some interesting new ideas on the production side.

    Taking plays in the order of presentation:— "SIX WHO PASSED BY" — 3CM.

    A good play with excellent characterisation. Props were good, and they were handled confidently. The set was pleasing, although perhaps the cooking pot (a good idea, this) set as it was in dead centre, was apt to mask some of the movements, particularly the entrance of the Jester, which was most effective.

    This play depended on a very long part, that of "The Little Boy", which, incidentally, was played with a fine sense of comedy, by Alan Wilkinson. Unfortunately, it was long, and many of the cast gave him late cues, which caused him to dry up now and again.

    A most excellent performance was given by Irene Keenan as the Ballad • Singer. She had a good appearance, possessed a pleasing voice and a charming personality. Played a good scene with the Boy, but rather apt to turn her back to the audience.

    Prologue was another valuable member of the team. She handled the interruptions well, and gave an air of authority to her part.

    • Tony Fenton carried out his promise of last year, and gave a fine performance as the Jester. In fact, a very strong cast this — they gathered high marks for Acting and Diction.

    Outstanding, Ballad Singer, Headsman, and Queen.


    Costumes excellent, particularly of Bel Narb (surely one of the scruffiest Arabs out of life!), and Lord Saiat's. Grouping was good in the opening and the cast achieved the right atmosphere.

    An intelligent use was made of the Proscenium Arch, carrying the action almost into the audience. The producer is to be congratulated on this.

    The king spoke clearly, but was inclined to shout all his words, so that most of their dramatic content was lost. Outstanding, D. Faulkener as Bel Narb and A. Akehurst as Lord Saiat.

    "A DOG'S LIFE" — 1EM.

    A difficult play this, with most of the action taking place around a centre table, which always restricts ones movements.

    The grouping was poor at times, with the cast apt to turn their heads away from the audience, but the sincerity in which the play was acted gave results.

    The policeman did well, apt to turn away too much, but his voice was clear and could be heard.

    Acting honours go to the girl who played the mother — she was excellent, never over-playing, most matter-of-fact, yet compelling the audience to believe her. An outstanding piece of character acting.


    Very well produced indeed — with confidence, and no fuss or long waits in the rapid changing of props. One sat amazed as the stage was cleared of all the t9ys — good stage management, this.

    The method of using the stage to tell the plot was an innovation, too. Grouping was about the best in the Festival, particularly jn the first and last scenes when the boy and girl were in the room.

    These two were good — never over-acting the child part — they were literally, just two children playing, and this air of youth gave a good contrast to the Father and Mother, who were outstanding in their subdued authority.

    Costumes were good -- again, skilful dressing of the parents contrasted well with the Toys and Children.

    I think the Sandman might have been more visible as he threw the sand over the children — beyond that — a very good effort indeed.


    Rather under-rehearsed -- the plot was good but one waited too long for cues. The planning of the table was good, being across the corner, which gave the actors more scope in centre stage.

    Hammond was nervous, which inclined him to be inaudible — he could have made much more of his second entrance too.

    The Thief, did this very well, making a most confident entrance which moved him across the stage in a dramatic move. A little too much playing with the revolvers, however. This play could have been very good with more care.


    This was an original play, written and produced by James Collins and, I may say, very well produced too.

    There were plenty of good characters in it, all excellently played, all (Praise be!) knowing their words, and obviously, well drilled.

    Diction was good, as was grouping and costumes, which were colourful, and well chosen as regards character.

    The play itself was outstanding because it had been well rehearsed, so that everyone knew exactly what they were doing, and did it to the best of their ability. There was so much lack of this in other plays that 1CM's effort was, in contrast, slick, well acted, and well timed.

    There were three main sets of characters, well drawn, so well acted that it is most difficult to pick out one more outstanding than the other. There were two maiden ladies, too prim for words! Then the Mother with her sweet little daughters, and Mrs. Stubbs — who was a joy — all as good as the next — with a bias, I think, in favour of Mrs. Stubbs.

    Congratulations to the author, who, if he can drill a team as well as this, is worth watching in future.


    How difficult this play is! So much of the acting depends on mime — and any team feels self-conscious about this. Costumes were lovely. Diction too, was good at first, but it fell off at the entrance of the two Weavers, who, of necessity, should give the plot to the audience.

    Unfortunately, our two Weavers, excellent though they were, were inclined to be inaudible at the critical moment.

    The Emperor did well, the Queen too, made a good entrance, and wore a beautiful dress — very good stage colour.

    There was a piece of effective grouping at the end, when the Emperor is in procession through the town. The crowd scene was good — colourful — and well acted. In fact, I think that the boy, who gives the show away about the New Clothes, should have made more of his bit, and the crowd could have put in some quite effective acting. They lent a great deal of sincerity to the play.


    A lovely set, with most effective lighting. The opening group,/ in white, against the dark green of the trees was very good.

    The boys spoke their lines quite beautifully at times, although Bottom rather rushed some of his. A little too much turning up stage occasionally.

    Snag, the Joiner, who had very little to say, stole the show with his outstanding mime and acting. He gave colour to the plot the whole time he was on. A good argument, this, against those who count the importance of their part by the number of lines they have to say.

    Titiana, who looked very lovely, made her first entrance rather too quickly; she should have given us more time to see her.

    The Fairies, too, who flitted on most lightly, needed to speak up more — a pity that they did not — as they were well costumed.

    Thisbe played her part well, as did Bottom when he appeared in the asses head. Grouping at all times was excellent.

    Plays in Order of Merit were:— *

    "Bungalow for Rent"—1CM. "The Toyman"—1EM "6 Who Passed By" 3CM.

    So the Festival is ended. There have been good plays. Historical, original, gangster, imaginative, and the standard of acting was high — much better than former years. But as already noted, too slack in rehearsing — words not learnt.

    &aster Play

    The members of 2AM, 1AM and the school choir presented a religious play at Easter time. This play 'called "The Life of Jesus Christ", which was compiled by 2AM, required a cast of 55 for its five scenes. Easter hymns were chosen to fit in with the story, and these added to the meaning of the occasion.

    The five scenes were: —

    1. The Nativity. 2. Jesus as a Boy in the Temple at Jerusalem. 3. Jesus Returns to the Temple as a Man. 4. Jesus is Tried before Pontius Pilate. 5. The Crucifixion.

    The last scene was made more moving by excellent lighting effects. The humble aim was to try and emphasise the example that Jesus Christ set before us, and the cast worked hard to achieve this, the crowd scenes being particularly lively.

    The whole effort proved to be enjoyable and very worthwhile.



    During the Summer Term we who are interested in Art spend a very pleasant hour or so every week after school at the Sketch Club. With our Art Masters we visit places of interest, being taken and brought back by bus, and sketch whatever appeals to us. Sometimes we visit St. Anton Gardens and choose as our subjects, statues, fountains, trees or flowers. At Mdina, the buildings with their mediaeval architecture and picturesque streets arouse our interest arid at the Marsa Basin we find boats of many kinds all along the waterfront. Our Art Masters are there with suggestions and help and we seem to see our subjects in quite a different light. During the term we do pencil drawings and find perspective, light and shade and composition no longer boring but when combined make our drawings exciting and alive.

    During the Summer holidays our Art Masters give up at least one day each week and take us in their cars to one of the beaches or bays. Here we combine from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. pleasant work with play, drawing or more ^usually painting, swimming and picnicking, as we feel inclined. On these outings we usually paint with poster paint, water colours or even oils, landscapes and sea scenes.

    At the beginning of the term many join the Sketch Club but by the end of Summer the numbers are usually very disappointing. However the few that do continue this activity throughout the Summer get much enjoyment and satisfaction. Parents can see the results of the Club's activities on Parents' Day and will agree that the hours at the Sketch Club are well spent.

    This year it is hoped that more pupils will stay and enjoy the Sketch Club
    outings to the full. Kathleen Pilsbury — 3AG



    An exhibition of children's paintings, organised by the Malta Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, opened on the 22nd of March, 1958, in the Palazzo de la Salle, Kingsway, Valletta. The exhibition proved so popular that the closing date was extended from the 12th to the 30th of April and was afterwards shown in Gozo.

    The school was well represented in all groups, and our children won four first prizes, two seconds and one third prize.

    The pictures were arranged in four groups: 5-7 years, 11 - 13 years and 14 - 16 years.

    The following is a list of children whose pictures were accepted by the exhibition selection committee:

    GROUP I. Age 5-7 years.

    5 Years. Iris CahilChristopher Hotchkiss Stephanie Newbury Lynda Powell

  • 6 Years.  Betty Bakker Margaret Birch Michael Coleman  John Davies Peter Evans Susan Havies Janette Hicks Graham Hopkins Susan Loran Margaret Macdonald John Muttingly Vivienne Smith Hilary Tait
  • 7 Years. Jimmy Bletcher 1st Prize. Susan Cann Samuel Krish Christopher Luff Marion Rainbow Pamela Rose Ann  Southcott David Whitting
  • GROUP II. Age 8-10 years.

    8 Years. Robert Back  P. Burch Julia Campbell Eric Cardwell Elizabeth Forrester Diana Giles John James Julia Knott Lorraine Livingstone Hilary Maslin Susan Thompson 1st Prize (shared)

    9 Years.Nicole Adamson Penelope Cooper Jeffrey Hogg Timothy Kendall Hilsa Laurie David Palmer

    10 Years.Jane Christison Sidney Davies Christopher Deluchi Richard Deluchi Lois Read Miranda Swan J. Waterworth Ian Wedman Ann Wilson

  • GROUP III. 11 - 13 years.

  • 11 Years.D. Bateman Elizabeth Cullen Linda Hastier Jennifer Jenkins N. Macdonald M. Manning Joan Milne W. Mortimer Susan Neillor Helen Preston Susan Thriscott

  • 12 Years.J. Carrol P. Christopher R. Coomber A. Cooper P. Ellis Jean Foley S. Hemdley Joanne Lawson R. Moller Geraldine Mould C. Pauie Sally Price D. Simons S. Smith A. Walker Jacqueline Masters - - 1st Prize (shared) Christine Moore Roger Morgan—3rd Prize (shared) Christine Moore Kathleen Pilsbury K. J. Tainsh — 2nd Prize (shared)

  • 13 Years. E. Baker L. Eaton D. Faulkner — 2nd Prize (shared)

    GROUP IV. 14 - 16 years.

    14 years. Patricia Casey Angela Dennan Kathleen Pilsbury Patricia Southcott

    15 years.Robina Wellard Marilyn Williams

    16 years.Margaret Roberts — 1st Prize

    Embroidery Competition and Exhibition 1957

    An Embroidery Competition followed by an exhibition of the work was held at the end of the Summer Term in July, 1957.

    The standard of the entries was not so good as had been anticipated. However, as it was the first year of the competition, there is an opportunity for improvement.

    The Junior Schools and the lower part of the Secondary School provided the greater part of the entries and some of the work was very good, particularly Kathleen Pilsbury's Assisi Work.

    Entries from the upper part of the Secondary School was low, but Pat Arnall's Jacobean Work was very neatly and tastefully executed. The prizewinners were as follows:— Verdala 4th Year Juniors — Janet Smith. Tal Handak 4th Year Juniors — Pamela Gard. 1st Year — Wendy Thornton, Christine Tomlinson, Sylvia Holmes. 2nd Year — Anne Pace, Kathleen Pilsbury. 3rd Year — Victoria Lowe. 4th Year — Pat Longstaff. 5th Year — Pat Arnall.

    It is hoped to hold another competition and exhibition of work submitted at the end of July this year. Work done at school or at home is eligible, provided it was not shown last year

    There will be several prizes awarded, the number will depend upon the number of entries and the state of the Needlework Funds.

    It is hoped that as many girls as possible (including the 4th Year of the Juniors at Verdala) will give in work.


    Flower and Insect Collection

    A competition was concluded in May for the collection, preservation and display of Wild Flowers and Insects of Malta. Although the number of entrants was not large, particularly for the collection of insects, those that were submitted were of a high standard. It is to be hoped that more will compete next year and now is the time to start building-up collections.

    The pressing of flowers is relatively easy, but it should be done as soon as possible after the flowers are picked. It is suggested that those interested should always have available two pieces of stiff cardboard (or three-ply wood) enclosing a few sheets of newspaper, the whole being bound by strong string. It will only then take a few minutes to put the picked plants, carefully arranged before the actual pressing to show the type of flower, leaf shape, and general plant form, between the sheets of newspaper. It is as well to have also a small notebook in which should be entered the date, place, flower name and general soil situation from which the collection was made. The plants can then be transferred to a more permanent press, again consisting of newspaper on top of which is placed a weight, such as a few books. After a few weeks the dried plants should be transferred to pieces of cardboard or stiff paper and; stuck down with Cellotape and the details entered in ink alongside. Whenever possible specimens of seeds or fruits should be pressed and mounted too.

    Insects can be killed in a variety of ways and a bottle should be available to put them in. The important thing however is to set their wings and legs etc., as soon as possible after killing doing as little damage as possible to them. Details of how to kill and set them can be given by members of the staff.

    It is frequently overheard that Malta is not very interesting. Now nothing can be further from the truth for those who are prepared to take a little trouble in interesting themselves in what is going on around them. Malta has a wonderful flora and insect fauna for those with eyes to look and much can be learned, even in built-up areas, of what the island has, and many hours of really interesting amusement can be obtained by walking about looking for new specimens. Try it and see if you can get more than the next boy or girl.

    The following prizewinners are to be congratulated:—

    Flower Competition. Diane Bray, 4BG. Susan Balean 4AG. Carol West-wood, 2AG.

    Insect Competition. Peter Vassey, IBM.


    The Summer holidays last year saw the departure of most of our members, leaving a small nucleus of about six Scouts to form the troop in the September term. Owing to Skipper's absence in U.K., a Summer camp was not possible but the keener scouts under Patrol Leader Brian Shackleton organised their own camp in the grounds of Scout Headquarters.

    Since September our members have grown and our present strength is twenty-seven scouts.

    The Christmas party, organised by the Parents Committee was well attended and each scout received a beautiful signalling torch as a gift.

    Bob-a-job week produced the usual round of chores and willing scouts to tackle them. The magnificent sum of £34 was earned in one week by the Group. Well done Scouts and Cubs!!

    An Easter camp was held on the Rifle Range at Ricasoli this year.

    In spite of inclement weather a jolly good time was had by all. There was even a Skiffle group to sing the scouts to sleep at night.

    Week end activities are now in full swing with regular instruction in rowing and sailing at H.M.S. "Ricasoli", though this is not quite so popular as the .22 range where the young Davy Crocketts like to show off their prowess by making the tiles fly.

    To all who have helped to make our year a success we say a real Scout's "Thank You!"


    Verdala Cubs continue to flourish. We still have a waiting list, and as soon as a Cub returns to U.K. or U.S.A. an eager recruit takes his place.

    A "Going Up" ceremony took place at 1st Savoy Group H.Q's when Tom Hatrick, Alan Oxford, both "Leaping Wolves" and David Edge went up to Scouts.

    We are very grateful to our G.S.M. Mr. Knight for the "Field Day" we had at Tal Handak, the Sea Scouts did the cooking but the Cubs prepared the vegetables. Many tears were shed peeling and chipping onions.

    The Pack will continue to meet during the summer holidays, in the cool of the evening. Would parents of Cubs please note this; surely it is not too much to expect that all the Cubs will attend.

    Thanks are due once more to the Headmaster and Staff of Verdala School for their co-operation and also to the parents who have been helpful in many ways.

    Good Hunting Cubs,

    A K E L A—Verdala I



    When the schools started the Autumn term, Verdala II Wolf Cubs came into being. We had been meeting some years before this, but we were known as Tal Handak, as we were meeting then at Tal Handak school.

    Since Christmas we have been able to spend two field days with the Sea Scouts when the Cubs had a "smashing" time preparing and helping to cook the meals.

    By the time the summer holidays have finished I shall be back in U.K.

    I would like to thank the teachers and parents for all the help they have given me during the' four years I have organised Cubs.

    Mrs. McKelvie, my assistant, will be taking over and I'm sure she will get the same support that I have had.

    Goodbye; I leave Malta with happy cubbing memories.

    W. E. Allen. A K E L A— Verdala II


    This year has been a full one for the Guide Company with activities ranging from an Inter -Patrol Challenge in the Christmas term to a Concert entitled 'The Open Door' at the end of May. Outdoor meetings have been popular. These have included stalking and tracking, mile pacing, firelighting and sausage sizzles which provided much entertainment and tun. Patrol hides and expeditions have been numerous and these have proved valuable training for the three Guides who have taken their First Class test.

    In the Easter term we met St. Andrew's Guides in an  Inter-Company Challenge. The school team dealt valiantly, if a trifle over exuberantly with consequences ranging from bruises to broken legs, but lost to the better team.

    Numbers have, as usual, fluctuated, but, thanks to the core of stalwarts who bring enthusiasm and vigour to their Guiding, the actual size of the Company has increased and it is hoped that this will continue.

    Our thanks go to the authorities for the freedom allowed us in the school grounds and to the various members of the staff who have so willingly given of their time and energy to coach for and test badges.


    Since September, Mr. Cleaver has taken a number of 4th Year boys, 17 in all, to St. Angelo to receive boat instruction every Thursday games period.

    We started in Mid-September whaler-pulling. The odd four or five, who could not fit in the two whalers had instruction on the diesel launches one week, and pulling the next, so that every one had an experience of pulling and the diesel launches.

    After we became fairly proficient at whaler-pulling, we had instruction on rigging the whaler for sailing. The following week we went sailing, learning the arts of tacking, sailing against, and with the wind. Of course, this took more than a week to learn. When we became used to sailing we began to have races in the Grand Harbour. We often had very exciting moments when strong gusts of wind hit us, laying the boat over at rather steep angles and making them travel very fast.

    The odd boating afternoon when the wind has been rather too strong or has not blown at all, we have been given instruction on bends, hitches and rigging.

    As a number of boys have returned home to England we have now only enough to fill one whaler so racing is out of the question, but we still have some exciting moments.

    When we get enough experience and knowledge of sailing we hope to be able to take out sailing dinghies. In the meantime we thank the Boat Officer of H.M.S. St. Angelo for his co-operation, and with Naval help we hope to become really proficient at boat work.   S. Taylor — 4AM



    Duke of Edinburgh's


    The offer of Awards to young people by the Duke of Edinburgh is an expression of His Royal Highness' belief that all young people should be given the fullest opportunities and encouragement to make the best use of their leisure, by taking part in activities which are both enjoyable and character building.

    This scheme embodies a variety of such activities, to which certain standards of achievement have been attached; these standards provide targets to which boys can aspire, in stages between the ages of 14 and 19.

    The standards are intended to match average abilities; they are not set so as to favour only those who are naturally gifted. They shoulld be within the reach of most boys, provided that the boys make the effort.

    By going in for these activities, boys will be acquiring self-reliance; it is their talents in the service of others.

    How the Scheme Works.

    Boys under 15 prepare for the First Series of tests which can earn a Letter of Commendation and a Bronze Badge.

    If over 15 they can still attempt the First Series. It has been agreed however that boys over 15 may, at the discretion of the Experimenting Authorities, enter directly for the Second Series.

    This Second Series must be successfully completed before an attempt can be made on the Third Series.

    The Conditions.

    In each series, there are four sections, each of a different nature of activity. All sections must be undertaken, and the required standards reached in each, to merit the commendations of the awards.

    These sections are:—

      1. Rescue and Public Service Training.
      2. The Expedition.
      3. Pursuits.
      4. Fitness.

    The standards in these sections vary in difficulty according to the series being undertaken The following boys have entered for the Scheme:—

    Peter Pond, Norman Pletts, Roger Stoney, Bruce Love, Bernard Horton, Olive Wood, Anthony Mullen, Roy Hammond, Gregory Bailey, Robert Walton, Roger Mantle, Alan Ford, Colin Cole, Derek Bishop, Walter Attwood, John Guast, John Holmes, Stewart Taylor and Kevin Dowling.

    These boys have been receiving instruction in map reading, first aid, life-saving, fitness and sailing and it is hoped that most if not all of them will win an award during the Summer Term.



    Preparation for the Invasion of the Italian Mainland 

    The first trip to Ghajn Tuffieha will go down as the wettest, most dismal saga since Napoleon's retreat from Moscow.

    The camp began early in February, when one Friday evening after school, Mr. Cleaver and Mr. Parker, looking like a pair of Pied Pipers, clambered onto a bus closely followed by about 20 boys wearing rucksacks.

    The sky was overcast, and the wind was chilly so most of the boys wore jeans, while a few hardier ones wore shorts.

    As the bus started, we remembered^that it was only going to take us so far and then we were to walk! So as we neared the top of each hill there were murmurs of, 'This is it,' but the bus didn't stop. We neared Rabat, and then passed it, each revolution of the wheels taking us nearer to our goal.

    Suddenly we were standing in a lane, and the bus had gone. Mr. Cleaver pointed us towards Ghajn Tuffieha and said 'Single file', and so, spread across the road in two's and three's, we straggled off.

    On arriving at the camping site, which was on the edge of the assault course, we set about putting up tents, collecting stoves from the N.A.A.F.I. and cooking our evening meals over primuses.

    By about 7.30 it was pitch dark and so the only thing left to do was to go to 'bed'. The three of us in my tent, Greg. Bailey, Bill Sales and myself quickly settled down to sleep, but many of the other boys went to the cinema up in the Army camp. It was at about this time that it first tried to rain. It rained for two or three minutes and then had a rest for about 15, while it gathered strength for another attempt. At what time in the night it really settled down to rain I do not know, but when I awoke in the morning I was the only dry person in the tent. I had slept in the middle and was perfectly dry while Greg who was 'up the slope' acted as blotting paper and sopped up any water making for me. When I looked at Bill I found that he was stretched out gently snoozing, oblivious to the fact that he was 'kipping' in four inches of water. Greg and I managed to wake him up and (after giving him artificial respiration) started to wring his bedding out as it was sopping wet. All this was done in the tent as it was still pouring outside. At about 8 o'clock, Mr. Cleaver gave the order, 'Abandon Camp' and so we packed our rucksacks and beat a hasty retreat through the pouring rain to a barrack hut which had been requisitioned for us, there to dump our kits and return for the tents. Then we had breakfast and some even washed.

    The whole morning was spent in lounging about in bunks and preparing meals. That afternoon, when the rain had stopped, a ball was kicked around by a few sporty types, while I and two or three others went for a walk along the cliffs to return in time for tea.

    After tea, some went outside to play games, but Paul Gurney, myself and a few others stayed inside and swopped lies until we all finally went to bed.

    Next morning saw no great buzz of activity. People got up when they felt like it, cooked their breakfast when they felt like it (we had burnt porridge) send washed if they felt like it.

    After breakfast, we packed our rucksacks and moved out. We were to walk to the Salt Pans and then we could make our own ways home.

    On reaching the Salt Pans we split into two groups, those whose parents came for them and those who walked. I was among those who walked.

    I can vaguely remember walking a bit, and sitting down a bit and then walking a bit more, until at about 3 o'clock I stumbled into the house.

    I had a bath, changed my clothes and had a meal and I was about to leave the house when my mother said "Where are you going?" "Just for a walk".

    The third trip to Ghajn Tuffleha was easily the most strenuous, and the ' weather certainly the warmest. It was 9.30 one Saturday morning, about 10 days before we were due to go to Italy, when 21 boys and five masters set off from Spinola bus terminus to walk to Ghajn Tuffieha. In pairs we marched up the hill out of the bay towards St. Andrews, through St. Patricks and on to Palm Beach where we cut inland, climbed up to the Victoria Lines (with a full pack this is no joke) and followed the lines to Mosta bridge where we sat down to have a 10 minutes breather.

    By this time the sun was well up when we set off to the Chadwick Lakes, those of us (myself included) who were wearing rubbberized wind-cheaters, were wishing that we had left them at home. We arrived at the lakes to find that we had 'mislaid' Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Bletcher, Mr. Ross (from Verdala) and Curtis, Cole and Wood. As we had now covered 9 or 10 miles, the thought of returning to look for them was received with little enthusiasm.

    We started off again, and after staggering up and stumbling down countless small hills, we managed to make our sticky, perspiring way to within two miles of Ghajn Tuffleha where we stopped for an hour in a field by the road, to eat the sandwiches we had brought for lunch.

    We had been there for perhaps half-an-hour when up walked the three missing masters to explain that Curtis had been taken ill and so he and his partners-in-tent had been sent ahead on a bus. Thus it was in a party comprising of 18 boys and five masters that we finally reached Ghajn Tuffieha at 3 o'clock that afternoon.

    Nobody had much energy left, but a few of us wandered down to lie on the beach till tea-time.

    After tea, we, the boys, went down to the restaurant on the beach, where we discovered that we had not left civilization completely, for here was a jukebox, and so we spent- a very pleasant evening playing records.

    By 7 o'clock next morning, everyone was up and about, preparing breakfast, and at about 9 o'clock we moved off to retrace our steps to Spinola.

    The great heat of the day before had caused the island to expand and so
    the distance was greater, as was the heat.

    We stopped at our stopping places of the day before, apart from the fact that we crossed the Mosta Valley instead of climbing Victoria Lines.

    At about 2.30 we reached Palm beach where we split up and set off at intervals to avoid congestion on the coast road.

    On reaching St. Patricks we discovered a bus and about 6 of us boarded it. Thus came to an end my week-end's hiking.

    The Invasion of the Italian Mainland

    Once upon a time (as in the style of all the best fairy tales) 24 boys, of average age 15 and five masters, went to Italy — where it rained. This is the sad, damp tale.

    Tuesday, 1st April.

    I would like it to be known that we left on All Fools' Day. No further comment.

    At 4 o'clock in the evening we were taken from Customs House steps by M.F.V. to the "Citta di Livorno" which was to take us to Sicily.

    The only incident of note which took place on the ship was when the crane, which was unloading the ship dropped several hundred bottles about 40 feet down into the hold of the ship, entertaining the boys greatly.

    23 Wednesday, 2nd April.

    We walked straight through the Customs at Syracuse with no trouble and marched through the town; some of us staggered but mostly we marched through the town to the station where we boarded what was for some, the first train in years. We stayed on this train all through Sicily across the Straits of Messina by train ferry and up the West coast of Italy to Salerno where, at 9 o'clock that night we piled off, shouldered our packs (let it be known that mine was by far the heaviest) and set off to pitch our tents right outside the town.

    At Midnight we were still walking, for one small point was overlooked, there was no where to pitch a tent; all was rock and cliff-face along the road which we were following. To our right, the cliffs came right down to the road, and to our left the road fell away several hundred feet to the sea.

    Thursday, 3rd April.

    At 1 o'clock that morning we located two small areas of rock and foul smelling vegetation where we hurriedly 'threw' the tents up. Paul Gurney, Bob Bruce and I were greatly elated to find that we had put ours up inside-out which meant that all the ropes were inside! However at 1-15 we managed to get to sleep, to be awakened after what seemed about five minutes by Mr. Bletcher, who said that it was 6 o'clock and time to get up.

    Bob Bruce and I walked into the fishing village of Cetara where we obtained fresh water, and on our return we ate what Paul Gurney was pleased to call breakfast. After washing up we broke camp and started marching again.

    Travelling along an Italian coast road is really something to write home about, as the bitter .truth is, for no five minutes do you walk in the same direction! The whole Western sea-board is a series of S-bends and it is not at all surprising to look down over the edge of the road to find yourself walking back along the way you have just come, only several hundred feet higher. The roads wind so much, that after a few days you may find yourself walking sideways.

    We walked on and on, through Maiori, Minor! and Atrani to Amain, where watched by half the population of the town, we pitched camp on the beach.

    The Italian pastime of watching is not at all like the ancient Anglo-Saxon sport of watching workmen dig holes. The Italian spectators stand in silent groups anything up to two feet away and stare at you with blank expression, lustreless eyes and open, drooling mouths and show not the slightest sign of embarrassment if you stare at them.

    That night the camp was divided in two and we took it in turns to look after the tents while the other half went into town.

    Friday, 4th April.

    That morning we broke camp and marched into town where we were again divided into two groups. One was to go by lorry as it had begun to pour with rain (and was destined to do so all day) and the other was to walk the 10 miles to Positano. I managed to secure a place on the lorry and so at about 11 o'clock we arrived in Positano. At about 4 o'clock that afternoon, the other half, soaking wet taut surprisingly cheerful, staggered into the cafe where we were sitting sipping our umpteenth cup of coffee. We soon discovered why they were so cheerful; apparently Mr. Cleaver had said, "Those who ride to-day, walk tomorrow", and so I sincerely believe that, before he went to bed that night, each and everyone of the boys that walked prayed for rain on the following day.

    Obviously we could not put tents up in the pouring rain and so we hired three rooms in a Pensione (nothing to do with old age) and there the 29 of us slept that night.

    You may think that we were bored stiff, but we had plenty of laughs, as for example, when Cole stood up in his sleeping bag and tied the laces round his neck. Someone pushed him and he fell on the place where the two beds, which had been pushed together, met. As he hit the beds, I pulled one away from the other and when he fell between the beds I pushed them together again. This, of course, gave everybody a giggle at the sight of Cole jammed between  the two beds, unable to move because of his sleeping bag, and looking like a sardine between two pieces of bread. All good clean fun.

    Saturday, 5th April.

    Although the rain that morning was not torrential, it was decidedly damp, and so no one walked (much to the disgust of some) but all boarded a hired bus which took us 10 miles over the mountains to Sorrento and, I might add, not once during my stay in Sorrento did I see one single, solitary seagull. We were not going to stop in Sorrento itself, but went three or four miles outside' to a place called Meta (Mate-ah) where we took over an entire billet in a Youth Hostel.

    That night we got a bus which resembled a tram, down to Sorrento, where most of us bought our presents and souvenirs, the most popular of these being, musical boxes and cameo brooches.

    Sunday, 6th April.

    That morning we were due to set off on a day trip to Capri (known to all Lancastrian's as 'Oracle's place') and so at about 10.30 we again caught the bus to Sorrento and at the quay side boarded the ferry which was to take us to Capri. The ferry was about the size of the 'Star of Malta', and it was only a thirty minute voyage, but I don't think I have ever been so ill in my life.

    On reaching the quay at Capri, fourteen of us climbed onto (not into, onto) a five seater car and were driven up the hill to the .town of Capri. As the car was a convertible, three of us sat on the folded-down hood, and I faced backwards for most of the journey, not because I was afraid to look, but because I was holding on the driver's mate, who was balanced on the rear bumper.

    We spent a very pleasant day sight-seeing and then caught the ferry back to Sorrento, to arrive in Meta at about 5.30.

     Monday, 7th April.

    The sky was heavily overcast that morning as we set off to walk the fourteen miles to Castellemmare, and before we had walked many miles it began to pour with rain. We had lunch that day in a barn by the road and when the rain had stopped, set off again. But once more we had not gone far when it started to rain again. Although we had groundsheets on, they did not keep us dry as they were used mostly to keep the packs dry. Many of us wore Jeans, and after a few miles in the pouring rain they became part of our legs, almost a second skin, and when they became too wet to hold any more, the rain ran straight through them (we wore 'drainpipe' jeans) and into our shoes.

    Eventually we made our soggy, saturated way into Castellemare where it was decided that it was too wet to camp, and so we would push on to what was to have been tomorrow's camping site. It was only eight miles to walk, but everyone had had enough and so we fought our way onto a train.

    For the sake of brevity I have merely put 'we fought our way' onto a train. If anyone should want to hear the whole story of that fight, let him ask someone who went on the trip.

    We got off the train in Boscotrecase and marched through the town to our camping site at the bottom of Vesuvius.

    Whenever we passed through a town, the inhabitants came running up and asked 'Deutsch?'. If it was a fairly big town we might be asked if we were German a dozen times before we got into the country again. I longed to march through a town whistling the Horst Wessell Song but at no time during the trip could I remember it, and so I just had to suffer their patter which in every case ran:


    "No English"

    "Are you English?"


    "Do you speak English?"

    Then they usually say something in Italian to which the stock reply, throughout the trip was:


    This usually mystified the Italians but on two occasions I have heard them answer this 'question'. On one occasion the man whom Paul addressed, shook his head and said emphatically:

    "Not good"

    and on another occasion, the man I addressed beamed, rubbed his hands together and said:


    The only strange thing to happen that night was the fact that I went to 'bed' early.

    Tuesday, 8th April.

    That morning, with one rucksack between six containing the six's food we set off to climb Vesuvius.

    From the minute we left camp, we were climbing a slope, very gentle for the first four miles, then the road enters a thickly wooded belt and here the road began to wind. After another three miles we left the woods, and the Italian youths who shouted at us in Italian what might have been anything from 'Got any gum, chum?'" to 'Go home filthy English' and began to walk along a cinder road. A mile or two further on we came to a 'cafe' where the road definitely gave up. Here we 'cooked' cocas and ate our lunch. We were about three thousand feet up and it was very cold, so we were glad when the order came to move off to climb the last 1000 ft. In single file we marched up the track behind the guide and after an hour's climb we reached the mouth of the volcano.

    Here the guide walked a few paces down into the mouth, sat on his heels, cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted something in Italian. A few seconds later back came the echo. He turned to us, smiled and said, 'You try'. Someone counted '1, 2, 3' and for the first time in history Vesuvius re-echoed to the roar of 'Rhubarb'.

    To climb Vesuvius had taken about 6 hours, to descend, perhaps and hour and a half.

    That night everyone slept well.

    Wednesday, 9th April.

    Today we were going to walk >to Pompeii, and so, by 10.30, we had broken camp and were on the move. We reached Pompeii at about 1 o'clock and in those beautiful, historic ruins we set up our primuses and cooked an Irish stew! After wandering around for a few hours, we shouldered our packs and marched to the station where we caught a train to Salerno. We were on our way home.

    The train arrived in Salerno at about 7.30 and so we had four and a half hours to kill before we caught the 12.00 train to Taormina in Sicily. That night I drank seven cups of coffee.

    ,At midnight we boarded the train and stood, sat, crouched, and lay in the crowded corridors as best we could. For myself I did not sleep at all, but yarned with anyone who was willing until, at about 8 o'clock, we left the train at the ferry which crossed the Messina Straits and, crossing as ordinary (if not a little scruffy and travel-worn) passengers to catch another train on the other side for the last hour and a half to Taormina After the time it took for the ferry to be loaded and for the train to shunt around it was noon before we got to Taormina. We had to climb the hill to the camping site and then put up the tents, so it was one o'clock in the afternoon before we got what was for many of us, the first sleep in 28 hours.

    You will have noticed that I have not headed this, Thursday, 10th April, but have run two days into one. That is how it seemed to us.

    We were awakened at four and we prepared our breakfast, cum-dinner-cum-tea, after which we summoned up the energy to go up to town, where we did some sight-seeing (we didn't have enough money for anything else) until 10.30 when we went to 'bed'.

    That night, also, everyone slept well.

    Friday, llth April.

    We spent all next day recuperating, the morning was spent by myself and half a dozen others, lying on the beach, and in the afternoon, the same group of us went to a cinema about the size of a classroom, and I saw Walt Disney's 'Fantasia'. It had always been my ambition to see this film and after talking to the boys, they were almost as enthusiastic about it as myself.

    In the evening the masters went to see it and we boys had a last wander round Taormina before returning to Camp.

    Saturday, 12th April.

    It was late in the morning when we 'sauntered' down the hill to the station, and caught a train to Syracuse where we had an hour to wait for the ship to dock.

    At 9 o'clock we boarded the 'Argentina' which was to take ug back to Malta, and at midnight she sailed.

    At 8 o'clock on the morning of Sunday, 13th April, 24 scruffy looking boys (I was the scruffiest) arrived in Grand Harbour after a 12 day hiking tour of Sicily and Italy (and Capri) and it is on behalf of the other 23 that I would like to say 'Thank you very much' to Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Parker, Mr. Smith, Mr. Bletcher and Mr. Ross for organising and helping us to enjoy the trip to Italy.

    THE PARTY (as I knew them)

    Paul Gurney, Cliff Foreman, Bob Bruce, Colin Cole, Walter Attwood, Bob Lant, Chris Johnson, Henry Cavill. Alan Mogridge. Greg Bailey, Stewart Taylor, Alan Ford, Roger Mantle, Derek Whammond. Terence Whitta, Tony Mullen, Bruce Love, 'Tommy' Steel. Barry Blandon, Pat Kiggell, Clive Wood, Leonard Curtis, Derek Bishop, and of course; yours truly 'SPIKE'.

                              *         *         *          *

        A Dream   .   .  .

    The time is five to ten, snow is falling and it is bitterly cold outside. Soon I must go to catch that bus. I know I have tried every way to miss it or get away early, but I have failed.

    Now I have to go. I put on my coat and hat, my fingers tremble as I do up the buttons.

    Last night I had that dream again. I was on the same bus as I usually catch; there were twelve other passengers on it besides myself. I saw them all so plainly in the dream that as I walked down the road to the bus stop, I was trembling again.

    The night was exactly like this one, the snow lay thick on the ground and was still falling The air was crisp and cold, and there was a frost about. It seemed like an ordinary Winter's night.

    The boy and girl were in the usual seats at the back of the bus, talking to each other and ignoring everybody else. I remember the look of fear on her face as she realized that the bus is going to crash.

    Two seats in front of this couple, sit two women busily gossiping, too late to notice what was happening, until it was too late.

    In front of them was a man. He looked as if he had just come back from the city; he was reading a newspaper and had an attache case on his knee.

    Then down by the door sat another couple; they looked typically country folk. He was puffing away at his pipe, while she was doing some knitting and not speaking much, either of them.


    In the seat across from this couple sat a young girl of about sixteen, her fair hair tied into a pony's tail, and she was talking to a girl about her own age, sitting behind her. The girl was with her mother, who was looking out of the window, as we were about half-way along our route.

    Behind these two sat a clergyman and a young man in R.A.F. uniform. The young man looked as though he was just going home on leave and was obviously very pleased about it. I sat behind these two. The total number of passengers was thirteen. Perhaps I am superstitious, but I remember thinking that this was an unlucky number.

    By this time I had reached the bus stop, and in spite of the cold night, I felt the sweat running down my face. I must have looked pale for the conductor looked at me queerly as I paid for my ticket. Then he asked me if I felt alright.

    I looked about me; everyone was here. Wait! One of the women was missing. My hopes mounted, maybe she would miss the bus. Then the dream wouldn't come true.

    The seconds ticked by and still she didn't come, the driver got in and started up. I was full of confidence, but I looked back and shouted to the conductor that there was somebody running for the bus.

    I shouted, I knew what would happen if she caught the bus.

    She got on, caught sight of her friend and sat down beside her.

    Now we were all complete. I busied myself studying the others, wondering how they would react.

    As we draw nearer and nearer to the spot, I begin to sweat, I feel as though i want to scream, then I see mother look out of the window, my nerves are near breaking point.

    Then suddenly I feel calm, so this is what you feel like near death. Now I am no longer afraid.

    There is a loud report. I think one of the tyres have burst. The bus skids crazily on the icy road and then smashes into a nearby wall.

    Once more I see the girl's frightened face, and then nothing.

    When I returned to consciousness, I tried to tell the nurse that I knew it
    was going to happen. She told me to try and get some sleep and not think
    about it. I realized then that nobody would believe me if I told them. They
    would think that I was mad. Margaret-Anne Read — 4AM

    An Exciting Day

    The morning was bright and clear and as I dressed and thought of breakfast, I wished that something exciting would happen. So imagine my delight when my parents suggested a day at Comino.

    We set out early, with a packed lunch basket and all our bathing gear, and drove along the coast road in high spirits.

    Once on the boat, we made friends with a Naval officer and his family who had diving gear with them. We anchored in the Blue Lagoon.

    I put on the diving gear which was very heavy and climbed into the water which was crystal clear and warm. I gradually went down, getting nearer and nearer to the sandy bottom where I saw all the rainbow fish. Their colours were wonderful; they looked just like rainbows gliding along in the water. There were pretty green coloured shells clinging to the sides of the rocks and lovely green ferns floating on the bottom, with starfish by them of yellow and orange.

    On the other side of me was a plane which had been used for a film, starring Buster Crabbe. I then came up to the surface of the water feeling very excited.

    I climbed aboard the boat and told my parents what I had seen. They then also went down and enjoyed the sights.

    Carol Knight — 2BG



    A trick that everyone abhors

    In little girls is slamming doors.

    A naughty child did this one day.

    Above the door, 'tis sad to say,

    A bust of Shakespeare used to rest.

    Of marble 'twas the very best,

    And as young Marie slammed the door,

    The ornament upon the floor

    Did, fall and on the purple mat

    The wicked child was squashed quite flat!

    The funeral was held next day.

    Those round the preacher heard him say

    To all who stood around the grave,

    That all who to her memory gave

    A sad thought, were Papa and Mother.

    Not a sister or a brother

    Lamented her untimely fate.

    None thought her good, or kind, or great.

    But just a silly noisy child

    On whom their curses should be piled.

    Because of this, the children wail

    When mothers tell the awful tale.

    So let this story be a reminder

    To all who act like this. Be kinder

    To your Papa and to your Mother

    To one and all, and to each other.

    Keep this lesson in your mind

    And throughout your life. Be kind —

    To other people's ears.



    The view from my window just recently has been quite interesting. There have been two new buildings since Summer. One is an Air Force and Shell Service building and the other is a block of flats with shops below which are not yet completed. We live next door to a cinema and when there is a good film on we see the crowds going out or in.

    At night we can see all the lights in Sliema and then we can see the lights in Valletta too.

    In Summer it is quite pleasant looking out of the window. We see the flowers in bloom and the sun in the distance shining on the glass windows and making them dazzle. Another thing is the cars and buses rolling along with all the windows open and the people inside are wearing pretty Summer dresses or shorts and T-shirts.

    In Spring which is Carnival time we have a good view of all the trucks going to line up outside Castile waiting for the Carnival to start. When the Carnival starts we see all the trucks coming in order and we also see the people who are dressed up.

    Nothing really exciting happens outside our window but there will probably
    be something sooner or later. Elinor Muirhead — 1BG

    School Buses

    Buses, especially school ones, play quite a big part in our daily lives. They determine whether you are going to spend the rest of the day in the classroom, the sick room, or in Bighi Hospital. Whether you are going to be late for school or maybe not get there at all. Bumpy, noisy, rattling things, some falling to bits, proudly showing to the world the scars of past wars and crashes as they chug along at 5 m.p.h., and others with flashy, streamlined exteriors and a high horse power. Either kind is guaranteed to give you a headache and eventually land you in some sort of mess-up, however careful the driver.

    There are also two kinds of drivers. The younger one, inclined to be a road hog, wears his check shirt outside his black jeans, and his overgrown crew-cut carefully combed into kiss curls behind his ears. He drives the streamlined bus with a horn like a siren, racing through the villages and narrowly avoiding anything which happens to be in the way. The other sort of driver owns the more ancient bus. He sits like a dummy at the wheel, like a lump of dough, stolidly guiding the vehicle on a reasonably straight course in the middle of the road, overtaking no-one, and allowing no-one to overtake him. He usually has a retinue of horn blowing, exasperated and impatient cars behind him.

    Then there are the conductors. Some 'buses have them and some haven't. Usually they are very young Teddy-boys, who spend their time hanging out of the door.

    And that is all there is to say about school buses. Next time one whizzes past
    your bus stop and forgets that it's supposed to be carrying you too, don't blame
    the driver or the bus prefect. Just think what you're missing, and count your
    blessings. Rosemary Anderson — 3BG


    My bedroom window looks out onto a primitive but interesting Maltese street. Early in the morning you can hear the heavy farm carts rumbling by to the fields outside the village. At dusk I often watch the village people come back again: the old ladies bent under heavy sacks; the children pulling their soap-box cars laden with grass and farm produce; and young girls chasing goats that insist on eating boots and rubbish.

    I can see right down the street and into the village square where a new
    road is being built. Sometimes you can see women sitting on their door steps
    spinning goats' wool or knitting. I like it most when the street is hung with
    lights for a Festa. Auriol Round-Turner — 1AG


    The capital of Greece, which for more than 1,000 years was the unquestioned centre of the western world, is today a modern city of 800,000 inhabitants

    It lies in a valley a few miles inland from its port of Piraeus, itself a city of 500,000. Within the city, and commanding a fine view of it are two high hills. One is mount Lycabettos, topped by a white chapel almost 900 feet high. The other is the Acropolis, not so high (500 feet), but an imposing rock-cliffed plateau, topped by the Temple of Athena (Parthenon). When the temple is floodlighted at night it is not possible to see the supporting hill, and the building appears suspended in mid-air, a small, glowing architectural model which seems at that distance to have suffered no damage at all through the ages. Surrounding Athens are three mountains of grey rock, sparsely wooded.

    They are Hymettos (3,400 feet) to the East, Pentelt (3,700 feet) to the Northeast, source of the Pentellic marble which enabled the builders of ancient Greece to be so prodigal as to build their entire city of solid white marble, and Parnes (4,700 feet) to the Northwest. On top of the Acropolis, besides the Parthenon, are the Erectheion with its famous Caryatides; the Temple of Athena Nike, a miniature Ionic Gem, and the Propylaea, the ancient gateway to the citadel, with its magnincient Doric Columns.

    Near the base of the Acropolis are the Theatre of Dionysos, Hadrian's Arch, the Temple of Jupiter, the Temple of Theseus, and the remains of many ancient buildings from the city of classic times which clustered around the foot of the fortress.

    In addition to ancient monuments, Athens has many old Byzantine churches with beautiful frescoes and mosaics. Best known among these are the Monastery of Daphini, the Kapnicerea and Saint Theodore of Athens.

    There are several excellent museums in Athens — the National Archeological, the Museum of the'Acropolis, the Byzantine Museum and the Benaki Collection of Greek Dresses and Art.

    A short distance from the city there are several Summer resorts, such as
    the islands and the beaches along the coast of the Saronic Gulf, Sounion (with
    the famous Temple of Poseidon) Marathon with its lake and dam, Kiflssia and
    Mount Parnes.  Maria G. Karvelis — 6G

    My Country

    On our trip from Louisiana to Rhode Island in the U.S.A. I covered many historic places of the country's history, from the Pilgrim's home to the Presidents of the Confederate States' house in Baton Rouge. This covered a distance of almost two thousand miles.

    The history of Louisiana begins with the discovery of the Mississippi River in 1669. The settlers took it over from Napoleon in the nineteenth century. There .are many old battle-fields of the Revolution where many Romantic tales, expressing the feelings of the Southeners, are told. In the neighbouring state of Mississippi much cotton is grown to support the needs of the country, and much is exported to many of the European countries.

    Further to the North is the famous state of Tennessee where there is the fabled mountain Old Smokey where many of the Coloured Spirituals were written by the hard pressed slaves of that time. In Tennessee is the city of Memphis where the model park of Cave City is situated. This is the area in which the Maiden Indian Princess is said to have jumped, with her husband, to escape the wrath of her father for marrying him. There are many sights there from wild deer to a cave with stalagtites and stalagmites under the glow of coloured lights.

    After Tennessee we approach Kentucky where horses are bred for racing and where the famous Kentucky Derby is held. This state was settled by the famous American figure Daniel Boone. We raced through Virginia the oldest state in the U.S.A. After Virginia we visited the Capitol, Washington, named after George Washington the liberator and First President of the United States. Here we saw Washington's monument, built in the early twentieth century, and it is very high so that visitors can see all of Washington.

    On through Washington to New England, where many of the early Presidents were born. In Connecticut we saw Washington's Headquarters where he stayed during our war for Independence. When we arrived at our future home. Here we saw many old mansions built by the early settlers, and there were many museums of ages gone by.

    This trip has covered only a quarter of my country but in future years I
    hope to see the rest. Mark Davis — 2AG


    My home Town is Faversham in Kent. By modern standards I suppose it is a dull town. There are no ultra-modern cinemas and no juke-boxes. Yet, it has an attraction which I can't resist. It's a very old town; there was a settlement on the site during the Saxon era.

    The main historical attraction in Faversham is the old abbey where King Stephen is supposed to be buried. During recent years the abbey has been surveyed by architects and I believe it is to be reconstructed. Also of historical interest are the very old houses which are situated along the main streets. Some of these houses date back to the 10th century. Just outside the town, a Saxon burial place has been unearthed and many treasures have been found there. Most of these are either in the British Museum or Canterbury Museum.

    During the last few years Faversham has greatly expanded.

    There are numerous factories on the outskirts of the town, e.g., the world famous "Lady Dane" fruit-packing factory, and "The East Kent Packers Ltd.". With industry, the town has grown in population as well as in size. During the last twelve years, three housing estates have been built and two new industries have been introduced. Faversham has a creek running through it, and there is a thriving fishing trade. Also, by the sides of the creek, there is a brewery, "Shepherd Neame Ltd.". Owing to this there are numerous public houses in Faversham, all of them doing a flourishing trade.

    With all these big industries growing up, Faversham still retains some old craftsmanship in the making of wall plaques. These are superbly made, and the art is a secret. I have never seen any plaques that are as good as the ones made in Faversham.

    Faversham must be, I suppose, similar to other Kentish market towns such as in appearance Ashford. It is just off the London-Dover road. The town is entered through a new housing estate and the buildings get older as one gets further into the town. The surrounding country is softly undulating. Hop fields are spread over this, the skyline being broken here and there by oast-houses. The villages that surround Faversham are really lovely in appearance, perhaps the loveliest being Chilham.

    As you can see from this short description, Faversham is not a very
    fascinating or interesting town, but I like it. A. B. Mullen — 3AG

  • Out in the East

  • Our stay in Singapore proved very interesting. My family and I visited many places. One of them was a quiet seaside resort called Port Dixon. It is about 100 miles away from Johore Bahru where we lived. On this beach are springs of hot water coming from the sand. I used to like swimming in the sea, especially when it was rough. My sister and I would swim under the huge waves when they came. I seemed to be the only one who was affected by minute jellyfish which pricked.

    Nearly every night, my family and I went to the swimming bath at Terror. It was free and I was taught to swim properly by an instructor. I have won 3 certificates and 2 prizes for swimming.

    Although Singapore has a very hot climate all the year round, flowers are in abundance, because of the heavy rain, usually in the afternoon. This dries up in a matter of half an hour. There are some really beautiful gardens called the Botanical Gardens. Here there are tame monkeys which are fed by everyone.

    For a holiday, we went to Hong Kong. Here we went up to the peak, in a tram. From the top we could see a magnificient view of the ships and harbour. After a few days, we returned to Singapore, by the ship "Asturias".

    After 4 years in Singapore we gladly returned to England, but now we wish
    that we were out there again. Rita Phillips 2AG


    MY PET

    My pet Jimmy is a pale blue budgerigar. He was given to me by our maid Jessie when he was only five weeks old. He was a tiny thing and was hardly able to sit on his perch.

    I have now had him just over a year and he is very tame and I have taught him to talk. He can say, "Pretty boy, Where's Joyce?, cup of tea, what do you want, shut up, clever boy, dirty boy, poor boy and hello".

    He can also whistle part of "Pop goes the weasel", and he imitates the time pips on the radio. He also imitates the cat.

    When anyone enters the room where he is he says, "Hello, hello", until you answer him. He loves to come out of his cage. When he comes out of his cage he flies round the room, and he lands on your head or on your shoulder. When he is on your shoulder he pecks your ears. When you are knitting or reading he will peck the book or wool.

    I think budgerigars are lovely pets because you can amuse yourself for hours just by watching them.

     Joyce Bianchi — Form 3A1J


    The day I went to Sicily,

    I was truly filled with awe.

    The thrill of going on a ship,

    I had never felt before.

    We started early in the morn,

    The day was fresh and keen.

    The sea was smooth as velvet,

    And a wonder to be seen.

    We reached Syracuse that evening,

    And Oh what fun we had,

    Seeing the picturesque Sicilians,

    And a ride in quaint old cab.

    Each day was more exciting,

    Than the day before had been.

    And each new town and village,

    We thought the prettiest we had seen.

    Mount Etna was a wondrous sight,

    With its white smoke curling high.

    Four days had nearly passed by now,

    Oh my how the time did fly.

    Once more we went aboard the ship,

    This time for Malta bound.

    I never will forget my trip,

    The new friends that we found.

    Heather Trestrail — Form 3A1J


    I like to see the tramps come in

    And see the tugs go out,

    To hear the cranes make such a din

    And hear the Sailors shout.

    I like to see the barges go

    And see the Liners too,

    To see the water splash and flow

    And flags red, and blue.

    R. Feast — Form 4B1J


    The owl moves in his sleep, then yawns and opens a reluctant eye. But the fiery orb still hangs in the blood-red sky, so he again settles on his bough and drifts away into the fairyland of sleep.

    Gallantly refusing to submit his beloved haunts to another, the naming hero is firmly drawn away by the invisible Power that has supported him all day in his azure kingdom. Realising that he struggles in vain, he sends a promise to the Earth by his messengers, the arrows of light, that he will come again to rule his mighty kingdom.

    Now Darkness comes to rule accompanied by his attendants — the ghosts. Once again the spectacled hunter blinks, stretches his wings and then prepares for his flight of pillage. Deep in the sandy ground, Brock, the striped gentleman, stirs and then lumbers upward to the surface where now abound the sounds and scents of the night.

    And now, like a gliding swan on the dark waters of a bottomless lake comes my Lady Moon to join the vast companies of other worlds set in the great indigo dome that roofs this world. Smiling gently through the branches of the forest trees, she comforts the smaller and weaker creatures that live there.

    But slowly the East is filling with a greater light than hers, before which she bows and sinks slowly away. The sun has come to fulfil his promise.

    Wendy Sturmey — 2CG

    A Winter's Tale

    The sign of the "Red Lion" in the lonely village of Chalderwilton groaned in protest as the roaring, December wind buffeted it and caused the windows next to the swinging board to rattle in unison with their once proud, but now subdued, lion. In the sky a full moon raced the black clouds in an endless chase across the heavens.

    "Fill that punchbowl, landlord", cried Roger Alverney, "and let us be merry, for once, in this god-forsaken spot!"

    "At once, young sir" replied the host, whose face wore a rosy look, and whose body showed a not unhealthy fatness; and so saying, he went off into the kitchen. Roger Alverney, the son of a wealthy landowner, placed his boots on the foot-stool and leant back with an oath. It was a liberty his father had taken in sending him down to Chalderwilton to collect the rent from a miserable farmer who begrudged giving it anyway; thank goodness, tomorrow he would be back in London, free to indulge in social pleasures — unheard of in this sleepy village.

    His meditation was broken by the landlord bringing a steaming bowl of hot punch, and placing it on the table next to the young gentleman who could reach over to fill his glass without rising from his chair. Alverney poured some punch into his glass and held it to the light. Through the glass he had a distorted view of the landlord climbing the stairs to tighten his banging windows, and he could also see a rustic-looking farmer looking at him from the other side of the room. Alverney recognized him as Farmer Benson, the man he had collected the rent from earlier.

    "Benson, come over here and share my punch. I must talk to somebody before I lose my wits. There's not a soul in Chalderwilton who can speak intelligently. Perhaps you have a shade more knowledge than these country bumpkins?"

    Benson came across to Alverney eagerly enough on smelling the sweet smell of the punch, and placed himself on the chair next to the fire which was blazing away merrily, scorning the cold winter's night outside.

    "Well, Benson, how is farming in this part of Wiltshire nowadays?"

    "Speaking respectfully sir, I don't know how I survive with this wretched slump on, and your father has risen the rent, though of course I can't blame him for that. What with the price of corn declining in the markets and the labourers demanding more pay I will be forced to sell-out unless I get some money soon."

    "Never mind, Benson. I am sure something will turn up", said Alverney, and with a laugh he called the landlord.

    "Landlord, how much longer will this stage-coach be? I must get to Salisbury by morning in order to catch the London stage which leaves at 10 o'clock sharp."

    "It won't come this way tonight, sir", said the landlord. "It being a wet and cold evening and mud on the road, the coach will pass by Merton Rise five miles from here."

    "A thousand plagues!" swore Alverney, "I can't wait until tomorrow. I must get back to London. I suppose I will have to walk to this Mereton Rise and meet the stage."

    "I wouldn't do that, sir" said the landlord, "you might meet with old man Farley's ghost stage coach", and he shivered as he spoke.

    "What's this, Benson?" laughed Alverney.

    "A mere superstition my friend. According to local tales this Farley man, a ruthless highwayman who used to impersonate the Salisbury stage-driver, pick up the passengers, and kill them, still takes the old coach-way. He was hanged for his crimes, fifty years ago."

    "Nonsense! you don't believe in this story, do you Benson?"

    "No, no, of course not", hesitated the farmer. He had pretended to sound nonchalant but betrayed himself by hesitating.

    "Well, Benson, I didn't think you would believe in a tale like this, but enough; I must be off if I want to meet my stage."

    "Don't say you weren't warned, Mr. Alverney. Farley needs money as much as I do, so keep tight hold of your money-bag."

    "Poppycock" said Alverney, and he took up his small trunk, paid the landlord and went out into the dark night.

    "Damned cold" muttered Roger, "I hope I meet this Salisbury stage soon. Ah do I see a light?"

    Yes it was a light. A stagecoach came lumbering around the road, was lost from view for a moment, and then pulled up to a halt on seeing Alverney waving his arms.

    "The Salisbury coach?"

    "Yes sir, but only room on top with me, the coach is full inside."

    Alverney clambered aboard and sat next to the driver who then spurred his two black horses on towards Salisbury.

    "It's dark, eh driver? I can't see your face from here even."

    "Yes sir, the darkest night in years. Roll on Salisbury!"

    "Do you know anything about this phantom stage?" enquired Alverney.

    "Ah, yes sir. It seems as how this highwayman used to entrap poor folks

    on their lawful business, rob 'em and then kill 'em. A real shocking to do I

    must say, but he's been dead these last fifty years."

    "But does he still ride on the Salisbury road, driver?"

    "No. Don't believe a word of these ignorant country folks sir. Their minds

    is full of nonsense."

    "To think that these superstitions still persist in these parts", remarked Alverney, "what a laugh for my London friends."

      "Yes, sir", replied the driver.

    "A very cold night," repeated Alverney. "Pass me my trunk. I have a bottle of spirits in it. We will drink to restore our spirits!"

    The driver reached for the trunk, passed it to Alverney, and sat back waiting for the bottle to be opened.

    "Here we are," said Alverney. "Now a toast to you, the sanest man in Wiltshire. Your name, sir?"

    The driver unhooked the lamp, held it to his face, and replied, "Farley sir, Grant Farley."

    Alverney's body was found next day and at the inquest the coroner adjusted his collar, picked up his quill and wrote: "This man, Roger Alverney, was found mutilated and dead at the place locally called "Farley's Gallows." The presumed motive for this murder was robbery. On the deceased's face was the mark of a horsewhip."

    Farmer Benson's labourers got their wage increase.

    R. Youngman — SAM


    The soft raindrops that on the earth's crust fall,

    Sink down deep through the rock and clay,

    Filtered as it goes, drop by drop

    Deep in the earth's caverns cool and clear it waits.

    Then amid the hill's cool sheltered valleys,

    It springs to life again,

    Sparkling and crystal clear it gushes

    From the rocks in sheltered crannies.

    Down the hill side, past the fields

    Dotted with scampering lambs it rushes,

    Then slowly, slowly through the meadows it gurgles

    And flows its placid way.

    Its smiling face decked with green rushes,

    And framed by willows bending low,

    On to the sea and back to the clouds whence it came

    A miracle from eternity, a miracle each day.

    Michael Cullen — 2AG


    In a most capacious arm-chair reigned the portly Mrs. Blump.

    She had brown hair and piercing eyes a large hook-like nose and a double chin. She wore a red striped dress decorated with roses.

    One morning, she received a letter from her uncle in America, whom she had never seen before, that he had invited himself to stay with her for a few days. He also mentioned he would be due that day about two to three o'clock.

    The afternoon arrived and, as Mrs. Blump was sitting in her chair, the doorbell rang. Hurrying to the door she opened it to reveal a man with a bag in his hand. She seized him and took him Inside and seated him in her best chair.

    The man was trying hard to tell Mrs. Blump something, bust Mrs. Blump kept on butting in and talking instead, offering him sandwiches, biscuits and cakes and last of all a cup of tea. The man again tried to speak and again was interrupted by Mrs Blump. At last, after he had eaten this wonderful meal he thanked her very much and asked if he could put the new washer on the tap, as he was the plumber.

    Mrs. Slump's mouth opened in amazement and she fell on the floor in a
    dead faint. Peter Bentley — 1AG

    Teeth of the Wild

    It was the 14th of November, 1865. A door of a cabin, set in the wilds of Canada, opened and a man stepped out. He was a trapper by the name of Ross Parker and he had decided that it was time he inspected his traps. After adjusting his skis he took hold of the ski sticks and set off.

    All around him was quiet and the silence was only broken by the continuous falling of snow from the laden branches. Over-head the sky was a dull leaden grey, typical of a Canadian winter day. Mile after mile went by as Ross skimmed over the smooth, dazzlingly white snow until he came to the first trap.

    There was a female coyote (not more than 5 years old) in the trap, and she had a good fur liable to fetch at least 50 Canadian dollars. Ross quickly finished the job of skinning the animal, and resetting the trap. The rest of the carcase was buried under the snow because the smell of warm blood touched by a human hand would scare the other animals away. Ross slung the fur over his shoulder; then once again his skis were running smoothly over the snow to the next trap.

    Snow was falling thick and fast now and Ross had great difficulty in keeping his balance because of the strong, biting wind. He twisted and turned in his efforts to keep balance and although he was a first rate trapper Ross was beginning to get worried because out in this barren, desolate waste of snow there would be nobody to help him if he became exhausted and the cold over-powered him. How he longed to sink down into that fathomless deep blanket of snow, but he knew that if he did he would never be able to get up again and he would be just another lonely victim of the wild. Every nerve and sinew in his body told him to rest in the snow but his will-power told him go on and on.

    Then, just as he was nearly dropping dead with fatigue and cold, the snow
    stopped, and ahead of him he saw the cabin glistening white like a fairy house
    on a Christmas cake. His steps became lighter and lighter and as he reached
    the cabin door a coyote howled way out in the wilds mourning for his mate
    who had been caught in Ross's trap. Christine Chambers — 2AM

    The Sea

    The sea has a temper, The sea has a frown, And dashes, and crashes, Roars up, then calms down.

    A change so unnatural, A change so absurd, When anger and tossing Stops, then not a word

    I wish I could listen, I wish I could hear The fierce conversation Of breakers, when near.

    But anger diminished, The sea makes no sound But rippling laughter, Then kisses the ground.

    So I am unfavoured, Its laughter I hear, But its wild conversation Is not for my ear.

    K. Ryder — 2BG


    An Average Student's Day

    in Washington, D.C.

    It was suggested that I give a resume of an average day of my life as a student at Hart Junior High school in Washington, D.C. Hart is about as large as a city block and has approximately nine hundred students in it. It is a new school and a very pretty one to attend.

    I awoke bright and early at about seven o'clock, stumbled to the bathroom, and washed for school. After I had gotten dressed and eaten, I was ready to leave for school. Since it was raining, Mother drove me to school for I had to be there at eight fifteen, for a Junior Red Cross meeting. At nine o'clock the bell rang and I hurried to my homeroom for a fifteen minute opening period. My first class of the day was physical education, where we played a game of volley ball. After physical education it was time for algebra class. There we learned how to work distance problems. After algebra we had French where we had a test. In the next class, which was typing, we worked on a new lesson and were given a speed drill. It was at last time for lunch.

    I went to my locker and put away my books. In the cafeteria I bought a hot lunch for thirty-five cents. After eating I went to the dance which was held during lunch period on rainy days. I had to leave the dance a few minutes early in order to go on Hall Monitor duty. My post was in front of the girl's gymnasium.

    The next two classes were my favourites, history and English. After those two classes I reported back to my homeroom. The bell rang at three o'clock and it was time to go home.

    When I got home, I did my homework, ate dinner, and watched television.
    At ten o'clock it was time to go to bed, for I had to get freshened up for another
    day at school. Joyce Wheeler— 3BG

    An Approaching Storm

    I stand on the verandah of my home, and look to the northward where the sky is dark. The quietness of the day is only disturbed by the sound of traffic accelerating to climb Testa Ferrata Hill, and by the distant laughter of little children.

    The sun is shining brightly overhead, and, apart from that ominous darkening of the northern sky, it is a beautiful day. Suddenly I hear it. Almost gently the rumble of thunder (or could it be gunfire from a warship many miles at sea?) intrudes upon my senses. My eyes focus on the black skies, which even now are beginning to break up into patches of Cumulus - Nimbus clouds. The sight is both beautiful and frightening. The clouds before me are suddenly split by a thin streak of lightning, and .some fifteen seconds later I hear once again the sound of thunder, louder this time, like an angry giant beating upon an anvil, and the air around me seems more still. Even the sound of the children's laughter is stilled, as if, they too were awed by the majesty of nature. Another sheet of lightning, brighter than the sun, dazzles my eyes, and almost immediately the heavens resound to another mighty clap of thunder, drowning all the other sounds of the thronging streets below, before the cold of death strikes me like a blow. I close my eyes to shut out the almost continual flashes of lightning, and, deafened by the sound of thunder, I hurry into the house as the heavens open and we are
    engulfed by rain and storm.
    Ronald Fowler 4AM


    Ratty Gets Lost

    One day Mole said to Ratty, "Please may we go to see my old home? It isn't far from here."

    "Why of course old friend; if you want to," answered Ratty, "I should enjoy it very much."

    So they packed the picnic lunch. When they had done this they decided who should carry it. Mole did because he said (as a joke) "You, will probably start dreaming and drop it."

    So they set off. When they reached Mole's old home, they decided to have lunch. Afterwards Ratty asked if he could see the tunnels Mole had told him about on the way.

    "Of course," said Mole, "taut I had better come with you."

    "I don't need any help," answered Ratty very self confidently, "I can find my way all right." And he ran into the hole.

    Mole jumped up and ran in after him shouting to him to come back. But Ratty would not listen to him, and while Mole went one way he went another.

    After a while Mole saw that it was useless to try to find him, so he sat down and he waited, and he waited, and waited, but there was still no sign of Ratty. When evening came he went to look for him again. At last he saw his footprints in the ground and ran down into the tunnel which they led into. Soon he found him; Ratty was very ashamed.

    "I'm so sorry Mole," he said, "I will never do it again."

    "Oh that's all right," said Mole, and together they both went home.

    Phillida Wormington — 1BG


    A bird will never leave its eggs alone in the nest for fear of animals and other birds stealing them. Bird's eggs vary in cololur, shape and size. A heron's egg is oval like a hen's egg but it has a light blue tinge to it; a quail's egg is light brown with darker brown specks on it; a willow wren's egg is very small, white in colour with brown dashes; a mallard's egg is oval shaped and dark green in colour.

    Birds' nesting habits also differ. A nightjar lays its eggs on open ground; a linnet builds a nest of twigs lined with wool and grass; the ringed plover scrapes a hole in the sand or shingle to serve as a nest; and the long-tailed tit builds a dome-shaped nest of moss, covered with lichen and lined with feathers.

    Birds' eggs are placed in the nest with the narrow point inwards to prevent them from breaking when they roll if the nest is shaken in the wind.

    Rosemarie Ball — 1BG

    The Rush Hour

    Work in the busy Town has ceased, And all its workers are released, From offices and shops around Converging on the underground. The old, the young, singles and pairs, Jostle and bustle their way to the stairs. Reaching the platform they all wait, Poised like starters at the gate, All waiting for the screech of brakes, That any homeward-bound train makes.

    Martin Little — 2AM

    Railway Station

    Have you ever thought just how much life a large railway station sees? Behind the noise and the never-ending succession of trains and people, many scenes can hold the interest of an observant watcher.

    In the throng of hurrying people you can usually pick out schoolchildren. They invade the trains, "bag" all the best seats, make sticky messes with all manner of queer-named sweets and add a large quota to the earsplitting noise.

    Similarly, squads of soldiers are easily spotted as they wend their way towards the train, rucksacks and kitbags on their backs, cracking jokes among themselves as they begin their journey for some far, foreign place where they will spend the next few years of their lives — far from their own homes, linked to the family circle only by letters.

    Train-spotters manage to squeeze in by the way of platform tickets and make a general nuisance of themselves. The trains whistle, chuff and add to the tremendous clamour in the station while, for the ninth time, a girl drearily announces over a microphone that train number so and so is leaving such and such a platform In precisely two minutes. On hearing this the person next to you suddenly comes to life and makes a belated dash for that particular platform.

    A businessman is comparatively easy to spot. He buys a paper consults his watch, makes for a certain platform and settles in his seat with at least ten minutes to spare. All this is done with an ease born of long practise as he travels the same route every day.

    Almost inevitably you may find a mother, with a baby and two children, struggling along a platform and trying to find a seat, during which time the baby cries and the two children do their very best to get themselves lost among the milling crowd. Is it any wonder her sharp voice can be heard snapping at her two children?

    The rafters ring, a train shrills a blast on its whistle, the guard's green flag waves and a young girl says goodbye to her anxious parents, while thinking excitedly of the new job awaiting her. She assures her mother that she has everything necessary and that she will write as soon as she arrives. As the train gathers speed and her parents become blurred spots a sense of being forlorn comes over her, but this is soon lost in her excitement.

    Nearly always there are some tender farewells between a young couple who are to be parted. All of these are seen by the station. A crowded and noisy buffet is always a source of delight to an observer. Assistants serve at a dizzy rate — they have to! People demand sandwiches, rolls, pies, cakes, drinks, tea and milk. Somehow the hard-working assistant serves everyone who goes to the buffet.

    There are nearly always bookstalls, telephones (and people who use them for hours), noisy porters trundling -heavy loads of luggage, whining, frightened animals, slot machines, advertisements, waiting rooms, a lost property office, a subway and a million milling people who all push, jostle and shout to be heard.

    It is virtually impossible to write of all that a railway sees, but it must surely see a good deal of life. Humourous things, drama, sadness, anxiety, fright, happy reunions, anger, laughter, joy and often bewilderment are only a few of the things it sees among the surge of people and the noise. But not only the rafters and the weather-beaten glass see all this -- anyone who is interested in life can see it in all its aspects at the nearest large railway station.

    Wanda Munro — 3BG

                                     Mr Patrick

    This gentleman wore a white coat and carried a sign, on which was written "CHILDREN CROSSING". He was like this when I first saw him. His age was about 70 and he had a grey moustache. His face was round and chubby, but was full of wrinkles. He was of medium height and on top of his plentiful hair was always perched a tweed cap. Under his white coat he wore a grey suit and in Winter a grey scarf. He always wore a pair of black shoes, most brilliantly polished, and grey socks. When the weather was very cold he wore brown leather gloves. He was liked by everyone and I think, by the sound of his name and 'by the way he talked, that he was Irish.

    One day when we went to school there was no one to take us across the road; when we came home there was no Mr. Patrick, only a policeman. The
    next day there was a policewoman, and so, as we did not know where Mr. Patrick lived, we could not go and see him. Then we were told that he had died and
    that the school would collect money for a wreath. We missed Patrick and his white coat. A. Cadman — SAM

    Travelling Light for Camping

    The main drawback when packing for travelling is that we always throw things into our rucksack without thinking how much better it would be to avoid being cluttered up and yet carry all the essentials. Here is a brief outline of how to do so:—

    It is best to chose equipment which will serve for several different purposes. A sheath knife with a good handle and a heavy blade can be used for a supplementary tent peg or a tin opener. An air cushion can carry water for cooking or for a shower bath. The best purpose cooking utensil for light weight campaigning is a billy-can which can serve many purposes.

    What sort of pack should you choose?

    It is best to buy a framed rucksack with a light aluminium support. This will carry a lot of bulky items — sheet sleeping bag, blankets or quilt sleeping bag, gym shoes, primus stove and a cooking pan.

    If needed, extra extension may be put on, made out of thick canvas or strong plastic in the shape of a tube with draw strings at each end. This will be excellent for holding oddments — towels, handkerchiefs, emergency rations and spare sweaters and scarves which can be taken out from either end when the weather gets chilly.

    Always have a light plastic mackintosh tied by string to the outside of the pack so that it is always ready when the rain comes.

    It is essential to have a number of large, strong pins. These can always be used for strengthening the rucksack, or put into the rucksack in case of emergency.

    For anyone who intends to go far on foot it is wise to spend a little time adjusting straps from which the pack is slung. It should always ride high on the shoulder blades, and should be fastened so that it will not swing about as you walk. The soft equipment is placed at the back of the pack so that no big lumps will pierce into you as you go along. It is a good idea to use items of clothing as temporary containers. Spare socks, for instance, can be stuffed; one with a packet of tea and a bag of sugar, while the other can hold hanker-chiefs or washing materials in a waterproof container.

    It is best to have a nylon tent so that it can be put just on top of the pack. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to retrieve a much-needed tent from the depths of your kit.

    I hope this short article has given some useful ideas for packing.

    Lesley Leathers — 4AM


    Last Easter I spent my holidays with my aunt in the country when this strange experience happened. Taking a walk one evening I was caught unawares by a fog which descended rapidly on the valley. Retracing my steps I could faintly see a light in the distance. Making my way carefully towards it, to my relief I found it to be a cottage. My knocking on the door was answered by a middle-aged lady, who, upon hearing of my plight invited me in. By the lamplight I could see she was a pleasant-faced lady who quickly made me comfortable. She offered me a cup of tea which I gratefully accepted and as she moved around the room I noticed she walked with a limp. After a while the fog lifted a little so, thanking my hostess for the hospitality, I made my way home.

    My aunt was relieved to see me back, for she had been worried. Upon
    explaining what had happened, and of the kindness that I had received from
    the lady at the cottage, my aunt seemed puzzled and wanted to know the where
    abouts of the cottage. I explained as best as I could, but the only place she
    knew there, was an old derelict cottage which had not been occupied for a long
    time. "Nobody stays there very long" she added, "as it is reputed to be haunted
    by a middle-aged lady who walks with a limp". "Nonsense of course", she
    added. Janet North — 3AM

    My Trip to Italy

    On the 16th August, 1957 a group of children, from our school, looked after by Miss Yule, and Mr. Tomlinson, and Mr. Ousby from Verdala, went on a trip to Italy. Mr. D'Emannuele, a Maltese man was our guide and interpreter.

    After assembling at six o'clock in the evening at Customs House we were taken by st. Angelo boat out to M.V. "Argentina". We left Grand Harbour at seven o'clock and then, after exploring the ship, we tried to go asleep on the deck. There was water pouring down the deck from somewhere, and even though it was the hottest time of the year we were soon shivering. On arriving in Syracuse we waited for about an hour to get off the ship and then we all trooped to a cafe to have breakfast. After this we were taken by cabs to the railway station where we caught the express train, up the coast of Sicily, past Mount Etna, through Catania and Taormina, and up to Messina, where the train was shunted on board a boat and taken over to Reggio in Italy. We then continued our journey up to Rome, where a coach was waiting to take us to the Student Hostel.

    We stayed in Rome for two days visiting many places of interest and then went on a five day coach tour to Assissi, Perugia, Florence, Fiesde, Monticitani, Lucca, Leghorn and Pisa. We stayed at a convent in Assissi where we spent some of our money on Assissi work, such as tray cloths, cushion covers or handkerchiefs made by the nuns. In Florence we again stayed in a convent. Here we spent a good deal of our money on leather goods and other presents for our friends and relations. We stayed in Pisa just long enough to climb to the top of the Leaning Tower, visit the Whispering Gallery and the church, and buy a few odd souvenirs. We then returned to Rome where we stayed for another two days visiting St. Peter's Church, the Coliseum and the Zoo. Also the people who wished to do so could go to the Vatican City to see the Pope. On our last night the people who could afford it could go to see the opera "Aida".

    In Naples we stayed at an hotel which was certainly the worst one I've ever stayed at in my life. There wasn't much to see in Naples, but we did visit the excavations at Pompeii just outside the city. We then caught a train back by the same route to Syracuse, where we passed through the Customs and went on board M/V "Ichnusa".

    After a sleepless night on board this small ship we arrived in Grand Harbour where, after passing through the customs, we were met by our parents.

    Although I knew very few people going on the trip I soon made friends, and even though it was very tiring I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought it a well-worth-while experience. Pamela Cross — 4AM

                                       *         *          *           *          *


    The greatest stroke of good fortune I ever had was the birth of a certain civil servant. I say 'certain civil servant' because I didn't know his name then, and I don't know it now; but he unwittingly saved my life, simply by saying, "We'll have one here".

    The 'one' he was referring to was a lamp-post. The lamp-post which the civil servant ordered to be erected stood about half-way along Portsmouth's East-coast road and on the side nearest the sea.

    About 40 yards back from the road is a high levee, built up along the short-to prevent flooding. The top of the levee is about 20 feet across, and: it was here that we of the 'Tigers Dirt-tracking Club' used to practise on our old stripped-down 'bikes'.

    One afternoon, my friend 'Toff' Holland and myself were practising as usual and, having had enough for one day decided to go home.

    We cycled along the levee till we came to a steep, narrow path, composed of shingle, which ran down to the roadside. 'Toff' freewheeled down it with his back brake half on until he ran to a gentle stop at the kerb. I was just starting to go down when he yelled, "Look out Ginger, here comes a car!"

    This news did not worry me for I knew that I had good brakes and so, gathering speed I shot down the slope.

    About 15 yards from the kerb I gently eased on my back brake - - and nothing happened. I eased on a little more pressure - - and still nothing happened, for the slope was steep and the shingle was loose, and although my

    ( The Author is invited to correct this printer's error. DMG ED.)

    In the middle of the path, right at the kerb-side stood 'the' lamp-post, In the middle of the path, right at the kerb-side stood 'the' lamp-post, and at this I aimed myself. What followed was pretty much a matter of course and I did an old cycle trick which most boys who go dirt-tracking use, in order to avoid riding into a pile-up during a race.

    First I let off both brakes and then, in order to make the 'bike' jerk, I 'threw' on the back brake. The moment the 'bike' jerked, I released the 'back brake, jammed on the front brake and put my weight on the handle-bars. This causes the back wheel to flip round to the right and the machine just lays down between your legs.

    As I let go of the 'bike', it slithered away on its side and wrapped itself around the base of the lamp-post while its owner wrapped himself around the lamp-post a little higher up and hung on for dear life while the car shot past.

    To that civil servant, wherever he may be, I would like to convey my heart
    felt thanks. R. Walton — 5AM



    For many years man has wondered what lies in outer space. He has been studying the heavens with large telescopes, some so big that when we look through them at the moon it appears only 50 miles away.

    To launch a rocket, first one needs to devise some kind of fuel enabling a rocket to get a thrust of 25,000 miles per hour (the speed needed to escape the pull of the Earth). There is of course the possibility of atomic power being used for this purpose but it is too early to make any prophecies about this. If a satellite were launched 200 miles above the Earth's surface there is still a very thin atmosphere, which would have a braking effect on the satellite. This would cause the satellite to lessen speed slowly and drop lower until it would come into denser atmosphere and vaporise like meteorites. Man's first objective in outer space would be most likely the Moon, as it is the nearest planet from the Earth. It is between 220,000 miles to 260,000 miles away. The rnoon would be an ideal "stepping stone" for other planets.

    The Moon has no atmosphere; this would be helpful to astronomers as, on the Earth, one gets a distorted view of the stars and planets because of atmospheric disturbances, but the Moon would be perfect for astronomers. The rugged features of the Moon suggest many underground caverns and tunnels. The temperature of the Moon on the sunny side would probably be about 200 degrees Fahrenheit but on the other side it may be 244 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. It would be hard to construct a loose, light space-suit suitable for the two extremes. If there are inhabitants on the Moon they will not be like man, as man can only live in temperatures rather limited.

    The first and foremost thing man must do before he steps out to explore
    outer space is to make sure that there is complete unity and understanding on
    Earth. J. V. Kaslik — 3BG

    Preparation for going Home by Road

    After you have been in Malta for some time, sooner or latex the family begin to discuss the idea of going home by road rather than flying or sailing.

    My Mater and Pater have decided to do this, and I have been helping to prepare for the journey. It is not nearly so simple as you might think to leave the island by car so, in case any of your families are thinking of going by road and you have to help them, here is a list of the things required.

    First, join either the RA.C. or the A.A. Club. This is very useful as they will register the car in England, tax it, get your "GBY" plate and issue you with a "Garnet de Passage", without which you cannot take your car on the Continent.

    Then you have to go to the police to obtain an Export Licence Certificate of ownership of car and an International Driving Licence. The police may wish to inspect the car before issuing the document so it is as well to have the car ready for this journey.

    In addition to all this it is essential to take out a Marine Insurance for the sea journey, insure your car on the continent, have an up-to-date passport, a Bill of Sale for the car and a certificate proving a change of residence from Malta to the U.K. after a tour of duty.

    All that now remains is to plan your route home, whether starting from Syracuse or Naples. There again the R.A.C. or A.A. can be useful as they will give you a detailed route if you tell them roughly when you want to visit and will tell you the places of interest. They will also supply you with the necessary maps if you should require them.

    Finally book your passage on the steamer, either to Syracuse or Naples. Write to the air or sea ferry companies at home to book a passage across the
    Channel. You are then all ready to begin your "once in a lifetime journey home". Derek Hodge — 2BG

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    Tennis 1957

    The 4th, 5th and 6th Year Tournament was played during the games lessons on Friday afternoons. A first couple was appointed from each House and each first couple played only the first couples from the other three Houses. The same pattern was adopted for the second and third couples.

    Scoring was awarded on the principle of 4 points for a win and 2 for a draw.

    The 3rd Year Tournament was played during their games afternoons, and the same principle as in the Senior Tournament was used. Stevenson ended with a score of 16 points, Nelson had 8, tying with Drake while White failed to win a game.

    In the Final Result Stevenson tied with Drake with 32 points, Nelson was placed 3rd with 22 points and White last with 10. Three people gained their tennis colours, E. Wilkinson, P. Ord and J. Ogden.

    1st XI Soccer 1957-8

    At one stage we began to wonder if we were to go right through the season without a victory. The Maltese teams continued to assert their superiority; mainly because of their better ball control and extreme enthusiasm; but the encouraging results against Service sides gave Tal Handak much-needed confidence.

    The most valuable piece of advice that can be given to this season's team, and indeed to all teams throughout the school, is that all players must learn to keep mentally alert so that they are constantly moving into open spaces to receive a pass from a colleague, or, if the other side has possession, moving to cover their opponents. This advice is best summed up by an F.A. coach who said:

    "Omitting the goalkeepers, there are 20 players on the field. On average, therefore, each man has the ball for l/20th of the game. For 19/20ths of the time he is without the ball and how he plays then makes all the difference between being a good footballer and an ordinary one. When not in possession get in a position, is an old soccer adage."

    If the team takes this advice then most of the faults, including the failure of the defence to move quickly up the field when their forwards are launching an attack, will be put right.

    This seems a good opportunity to point out, to all concerned, how sports colours can be won. It is not sufficient to be an excellent soccer player, cricketer or athlete to gain the coveted award. Such qualities as team spirit, sportsman-ship, full-hearted effort and modesty are just as important. Senior boys, particularly, set the standard of sportsmanship for the rest of the schoel, and actions and words on and off the field of play are immediately noted and repeated 'ay younger children. Therefore it must be understood that colour awards are also awards for good character. Half-heartedness, excessive tongue work and lack of team loyalty, usually exclude the guilty person.

    The following boys represented the school during the season:— Chandler, Youngman, Powell, Holness, Whitehouse, Ware, Stubbs, Palmer, Campbell, Blythe, Robertson, Bruce, Cavill, Graham, Foreman, Harrison. Results

    versus Hamrun Lyceum at Hamrun 0-2

    versus Hamrun Lyceum at Hamrun 4-1

    versus Dockyard Technical College at Manoel 0-2

    versus St. Edward's College at St. Edwards 2-7

    versus Nautical School at Manoel 1-2

    versus R.A.F., San Administration at Manoel 4-1

    versus R.A.F., Safi Administration 1-1

    versus Hamrun Technical at Manoel (Cup) 0-5

    versus Junior Seamen, H.M.S. Forth at Corradino 4-1

    versus H.M.S. Forth "Red" Division at Corradino 1-1

    versus Junior Seamen, H.M.S. Forth at Corradino 4-0

    versus Olympians at Manoel 0-0

    versus H.M.S. Forth Stokers at Corradino 1-1

    Scorers: Robertson 7; Chandler 4; Stubbs 4; Ware 3; Palmer 2; Blyth 1.

    Colour Awards: Soccer Colours have been awarded to Palmer, Foreman, Youngman and Chandler.

    § Colour Award

    Hockey 1957-8

    There has been an increasing interest in hockey during the season, and we have been most grateful for the use of pitches at Safi, Luqa and Corradino for afternoon games, and also at Manoel Island on Saturday mornings.

    House practices have at times been disappointing owing to the lack of support, but House Captains, despite difficulties, selected their teams which on the whole played well in the inter-House matches.

    The School team has had practices each Saturday morning and it was most encouraging to see the progress they made during the Spring term.

    Match results were as follows:—

    Naval Officers' Wives — Won 5 - 1. Staff — Won 3-1. W.R.N.S  (Whitehall) — Lost 1-3.

    The team took part in the Six-a-Side Tournament held on Easter Monday. They gained valuable experience as well as a most enjoyable afternoon of hockey. In the first round they defeated the Manoel Island Wives' VI, but were beaten in the second round by the W.R.N.S.

    1st Eleven: Goal J. Ogden; Left Back J. Button; Right Back W. Scott; Left Half E. Wilkinson; Centre Half G. Shaw (Capt.)§; Right Half M. Barrett; Left Wing D. Stray; Left Inner J. Loveridge; Centre Forward G. Shapcott; Right Inner S. Waterworth; Right Wing W. Blanchard.

    Promising Players: M. Williams, E. Waterworth, J. Ashworth. A. Pace, R. Halford, M. Sanders.

    § Colour award.

    Netball 1958-7

    This year netball developed 'a new look", after the introduction of new rules. At first girls were very sceptical about them, but now they feel the game has benefited and improved.

    The whole school has maintained a keen interest in the game. During the Autumn and Spring Terms the court seemed to be in full use, either for inter-form games or house practices.

    During each term matches were arranged against the Convent of the Sacred Hearts. Each match was keenly contested and many results were very close. The 1st VII won their first match, but lost their second by 17 goals to 16. The 2nd VII lost their first match, but won their second convincingly.

    The Junior teams were most enthusiastic during their practice games, and it proved most difficult to select only 14 players from the dozens of girls who came to the trials. Their match results were good, the under 15 team won their match, the under 14 team lost one match and won the other, and the under 13 team won their only match.

    The Junior and Senior House matches were played as an American Tournament during lunch hours, the results of which will be found in the house reports. House Captains did well in organising and selecting their teams.

    1st Seven: Shooter K. Quinn; Attack P. Wright; Centre Attack S. Waterworth (Capt.)§; Centre W. Scott§; Centre Defence G. Shaw; Defence P. Spencer; Goal Defence W. Blanchard.

    2nd Seven: Shooter J. Laveridge: Attack C. Collins; Centre Attack J. Sutton; Centre P. Jeffries; Centre Defence M. Barrett; Defence B. Mantle; Goal Defence R. Clarke or D. Strang.

    Promising Junior Players: P. Bentley, D. Mantle, M. Pitman, C. Collins, P. Cavell, L. Preston, L. Pinnock, R. Phillips, C. Knight, P. Maclure, P. Weller, P. Glover, R. Halford, J. Wotton, P. Marrack, O. Burns, L. Harwell.

    § Colours 1957/58.

    Life Saving Awards 1957 (Girls)

    Instructors Certificate: B. Harding. Scholar Instructors Certificate: P. Jeffries.

    Bronze Medallion: J. Wicker, P. Ord, G. Shaw, W. Scott, J. Gardener, V. Bevins. V. Paynter, G. Hart, J. Cotterell, H. Gemmell, C. Pitt, B. Little, J. Williams, A. Pinnock, D. Bray, J. Hayes, P. Cross, G. Noller, P. Wright, M. O'Connor, S. Ayling, M. Fairgrieve, P. Spencer, B. Mullen, B. Brierley.

    Intermediate Certificate: S. Angel, J. Angel, B. Martines, D. Starkey, K. Pilsbury, J. Taylor, C. Edmonds.

    Bronze Cross: B. Mantle.


    We again have been most grateful for use of the tennis courts at the Marsa Club, which have enabled us to play a little tennis during the winter months. Most girls have been enthusiastic to learn the basic principles of the game, and definite progress is being made.

    This term we have started practices at Manoel Island on Saturday mornings. House teams are being selected, and it is hoped to select a School VI for whom matches will be arranged.



    Field Events. During the two weeks preceeding the Easter Holidays field events for boys and girls were decided at school.

    Boys report. A high standard was maintained and one record broken. This was by G. Stubbs (5th and 6th years) in the discus. His throw of 126ft 4ins, was very commendable indeed. This athlete also won the Hop, Step and Jump and Putting the Shot. S. Hill (5th and 6th years) jumped very well to win at 5ft lin. without a failure, and R. Blythe (4th year) also jumped well to clear 4ft. Sins. Some of the younger boys turned in good performances particularly M. Sudworth (1st year) at throwing the cricket-ball and A. Mullen (3rd year) in the High Jump.

    Girls report. Results of the jumping events were on the whole disappointing, mainly because a jumping pit was not available for use. However, D. Mantle (1st year) must be commended on her performance in both events. P. Spencer (5th year) also jumped well.

    In the throwing events the junior and middle school forms maintained a good standard in throwing the cricket ball, particularly J. M. Masters (3rd year) with a winning throw of 126ft. lin.

    The senior forms, this year, were a little more ambitious, and attempted discus as well as javelin throwing. G. Shapcott (4th year) threw her javelin 65ft. 9ins. which was the best attempt, and E. Wilkinson's discus throw of 61ft. was creditable. By next year we will hope to have reaped the benefit of more practice.

    Track Events (Boys). Sport's Day itself was ideal for running, warm with very little wind. The various 100 yds. were well run, outstanding being B. Hoctor (3rd year) and G. Stubbs (5th and 6th years).

    In the senior 220 yds. B. Chandler set a new school record of 24.6 sees. A most exciting finish to the senior relay, Stevenson won by inches from Drake.

    G. Stubbs ran a magnificent race to win the 440 yds. (5th and 6th years) in the very good time of 53.4 sees, a new school record. Another athlete who shone was S. Taylor (4th Year) who won the 440 yds. and 880 yds. in convincing style. In the 880 yds. (2nd year) Byrne and Shane dead-heated after a terrific duel.

    The most promising athlete of the day was R. Hammond (3rd year) who returned excellent times in winning the 220 yds. and 440 yds.

    The Boys' House Championship was won by Stevenson, closely followed by Drake, with White third and Nelson last.

    Girls. This year the girl's programme of events on Sports Day was entirely athletic with exception of obstacle races for 1st, 2nd and 3rd years.

    The first sprint races of the afternoon were well run. L. Pinnock (3rd year) and F. Connell (5th year) ran particularly well, each returning the time of 13 sees.

    The 220 yds. races too, showed a fairly good standard. F. Connell again should be commended and also C. Collins (3rd year). By request, 440 yds. races were included for senior forms. Stevenson House gained 1st and 2nd places in both these events which was indeed an achievement. P. Spencer ran in particularly good style.

    In the relay events, Drake House must be commended on having three winning teams, and being placed 2nd in the two remaining relay events.

    Congratulations to Stevenson girls on winning the House Championship Cup. Their frequent practices after school, organised by their House Captain have obviously been very worthwhile.

    Sports Results 1958



    On Sunday llth May the M.A.A.A. held the Annual Championships. These sports are divided into two sections: Open for men over 19 years and Junior for youths 15 - 19 years old.

    The Royal Naval School team competing in the Junior section deserve praise for some magnificent running. The boys won six events and set up five Championship records. G. Stubbs won the 100 yards and 220 yards in 10.3 seconds and 23.8 seconds. In the 220 yards R. Chandler came second and M. Cane fourth. R. Palmer ran an excellent race in the Mile and finished second. M. Hill and R. Campbell were second and third in the High Jump, the former jumping 5 feet 2 inches and the latter 5 feet 1 inch. R. Campbell also won the Hop, Step and Jump, his distance 38 feet 7 inches. R. Robertson won the Discus.

    These individual performances were very, very good indeed, but I think it was the relay teams who thrilled us most.

    R. Chandler, J. Lawrence, M. Cane, G. Stubbs in that order running the 4 x 110 yards relay, by virtue of good change-overs and excellent sprinting, won in 47.2 seconds, a time which would do credit to many a senior team.

    In the Mile Medley Relay the order of running was 220 yards, 220 yards, 440 yards and 880 yards. R. Chandler and M. Cane ran first and second and passed the baton to G. Stubbs three yards in the lead, Stubbs then ran one of the best races of his life and increased this lead to fifty yards. R. Palmer the final runner then ran a very well-judged 880 yards and finished well ahead of the second team.

    To all these boys, the throwers, jumpers and runners I say, "Well done! we are proud of you!"

    CRICKET 1957

    The House Championship was won by Nelson with 60 points, followed by Stevenson and White with 55 and 45 points respectively.

    During the Summer term the school played three matches; one against a Staff XI, another against a Combined Parents and Staff XI and the third against R.A.F., Siggiewi, drawing against the Staff and losing the other two.

    In the Staff game the Staff won the toss and decided to bat. Although the weather was showery and a late start was made, they managed to score 116 for four wickets before declaring (Mr. Ogden made 54 not out). The school started badly losing three wickets for 31 runs, but were steadied by a fine innings by Evans and Chandler who both scored 21 not out. At the close the school were 71 for four wickets and the match ended in a draw.

    In the Parents and Staff game the school again lost the toss and were put into the field. After an hour and a half the school were faced with a total of 138 of which Mr. Ogden made 37 not out and Mr. Andrews 51, Robertson taking 2 for 23 and Chandler 5 for 44. Again the school had a bad start losing 4 wickets for 23 runs, but Evans (30) and Chandler (45) left the school in with a chance of saving the game. However the rest of the wickets fell quickly and the school were all out for 109, thus losing by 29 runs.

    The final match of the Summer term against R.A.F., Siggiewi was perhaps a one-sided game. The R.A.F. batted first and before very long had scored 192 for 8 wickets and then declared, Robertson taking 4 for 64 and Chandler 4 for 50. Knowing this total to be out of the school's reach, they batted carefully, but very soon they were all out for 60. This total' might have been much less but for an innings of 25 by Robertson.

    During the Summer holidays three matches were played against Sliema C.C., the school winning one, losing one and drawing one.

    The School XI consisted of Campbell, Chandler, Evans, Kiggell (L), Love, Powell, Richer, Robertson, Stubbs and Trott. Chandler, Evans and Robertson won School Colours.

    Batting averages for School and House matches. (§ denotes not out.)


    Not out






































    for School

    and House Matches.




































    R.C. — 6G



    This year, for the first time, three School Cross Country races were held. The first, decided on 23rd February, was for 1st Year boys only. This was run on the regular course but considerably shortened. The youngsters had trained most conscientiously for the big day and when they lined up for the start all 48 of them felt confident of winning.

    After a good start from school away they went, closely packed, into the country. At the half-way point they had considerably thinned out but all plodding on with rugged determination.

    The last half mile was visible from the finish and we saw B. Turner draw away from B. Wilkinson and K. Oakley to win in convincing style. Several small groups arrived on to the sports field at the same time and fought it' out to the finishing tape. The final order was:—

    1. B. Turner. 2. B. Wilkinson. 3. K. Oakley. 4. A. O'Hagan. 5. R. Atkinson.

    6. J. Carroll. The winning House was Drake.

    The under 15 years' and over 15 years' races took place on 3rd March.

    Again, confidence was displayed at the start by the Junior runners who appeared not the least dismayed at the thought of the 24 miles that lay ahead.

    We only heard later from the lads posted round the course of the various battles that took place on the route. After what seemed a very short space of time, two figures came sprinting down the lane, running as though they had entered a 100 yards race. These two, Burch and O'Connor, staged a magnificent finish, with the former just winning at the tape. The final order was:—

    1. Burch. 2. O'Connor. 3. Taylor. 4. Bradbury. 5. Hoctor. 6. Akehurst. The winning House was White.

    The Senior runners were not quite so exuberant at the start as the others; most of them had competed last year and realized that to run 3i miles was very hard work indeed.

    At the 1 mile point Bailey was well out in front, having a lead of perhaps 200 yards, with Shawyer, Stubbs, Palmer, Bruce and several others bunched together. As they proceeded Palmer and Stubbs shortened the gap and finally passed Bailey half a mile from home. Again we saw a fine sprint finish with Stubbs just beating Palmer. The final order was.—

    1. Stubbs. 2. Palmer. 3. Bailey. 4. Bruce. 5. Robertson. 6. Shawyer. The Senior winning House was White.


    The Tenth Athletic Meeting of the Malta Secondary Schools Sports Association was held at St. Edward's Sports Ground on Wednesday, 21st May. Nine Schools were represented.

    The final placings were: —

    1. Royal Naval School (147 points). 2. St. Aloysius College (133 points).

    3. St. Edward's College (132 points).

    This fine result was achieved by excellent running, throwing and jumping by all members of the team.

    Gooch, running in the 11 - 12 years group, won the 220 yards and came 2nd in the 100 yards.

    In the 13 - 14 years group Hammond was 1st in the 220 yards, 2nd in the 440 yards and 3rd in the Long Jump, a very good effort indeed. Curtis won the High Jump and was 4th in the Discus. Wilson was 2nd in the Javelin, Stoney was 2nd in the 100 yards, Drew was 3rd in the Shot, Taylor was 3rd in the 880 yards and Hoctor was 4th in the Hurdles.

    In the 15 - 16 years group, Lawrence was 2nd in the 220 yards, Graham was 3rd in the 440 yards and Hoctor, although only 14 years old, ran the 880 yards in this group and came 4th.

    In the 17 - 18 years group, Stubbs ran magnificently. He won the Hurdles, 100 yards and 440 yards, setting up three new records. This athlete now holds six records for this meeting, has never been beaten in track competition, in Malta, and is the most outstanding boy athlete to have run on the Island. Palmer was 1st in the Mile and equalled the record, Chandler was 1st in the 220 yards, Hill was 1st in the High Jump, Robertson was 1st in the Discus and 3rd in the Long Jump, Eyett was 3rd in the Javelin and Bailey was 5th in the 880 yards.

    The Junior Relay Team, Gooch, Helsby, Stoney, Taylor, was 2nd and the Senior Relay Team, Chandler, Cane, Stubbs, Palmer, came 1st.

    This year's athletes have set a very high standard and we hope boys at school will try to do even better next year.




    NETBALL 1957-58

    On the whole Drake maintained its usual standard in Netball, as we lost the Shield to Nelson by only one goal, having drawn for points with them.

    The Senior team won all their matches, and although the Junior team had an excellent Shooter—Christine Collins, they managed to win only one match.

    This year it was proposed that there should be a 1st Form House Netball Championship, but unfortunately this never came off. However the 1st Form showed great enthusiasm.

    There was also a netball Shooting Competition in which Drake did not do very well.

    We are glad to welcome to the House Patricia Glover, who has shown great promise at Netball.

    This seasons teams were:—

    Senior:—Goal Defence Judith Williams; Defence Roberta Clarke; Centre Defence Jill Reynolds; Centre Wendy Scott; Centre Attack Francis McClure; Attack Sheila Grimwood; Shooter Kathleen Quinn.

    Junior: Goal Defence Susan Masters; Defence Jean Symons; Centre Defence Beverley Spencer; Centre Pamela Roberts; Centre Attack Jane Ashworth; Attack Christine Collins; Shooter Veronica Smith.

    HOCKEY 1957-58

    Drake were not very successful this season at Hockey, coming 4th in the House Championships. This was largely due to the lack of enthusiasm amongst the Seniors in the House, and the bad attendance at practices at Manoel Island on a Saturday morning.

    However we have some very promising players, in particular Jane Ashworth, Diana Strang, Christine Collins and Patricia Glover.

    We would like to congratulate Diana Strang and Wendy Scott on being chosen for the School 1st XI. Hockey Team 1957.

    Goal Keeper Carol Penwarne; Right Back Wendy Scott; Left Back Diane Bray; Right Half Beverley Spencer; Centre Half Roberta Clarke; Left Half Pamela Cross; Right Wing Veronica Smith; Right Inner Christine Collins; Centre Forward Diana Strang; Left Inner Jean Symons; Left Wing Jane Ashworth.


    This year we dropped well behind in athletics, which was again du,e to the lack of enthusiasm in the Senior half of the house, these individuals having to be forced to enter for events.

    We would however like to congratulate the relay teams, the 1st form Shuttle relay team, the 3rd form team and the 5th and 6th team all managed to come in first.

    We would also like to congratulate Leslie Pinnock on,winning three events; and in Christine Collins and Christine Moore we have two promising athletes. Two 1st Formers, Jennifer Moore and Rosalind Robertson should do well later.

    Drake House are depending too much on a few individuals.


    FOOTBALL 1957-58

    This season the House teams again won the Football Shield for the third consecutive season. The Senior team kept its unbeaten record and the scores were:—

    Drake v Nelson 4-0; 0-0.

    Drake v Stevenson 3-1; 3-0.

    Drake v White 3-2; 3-1.

    During the season we lost Harrison, Gibbon and Keech but with the luck of the draw we replaced these by Palmer and Graham. Top scorers were Slack, Palmer and Harrison.

    The 2nd and 3rd years team also came out top of their group thanks to some grand efforts by Turney the Captain and Eric Smith. The scores were:—

    Drake v Nelson 2-3; 4-3.

    Drake v Stevenson 1-0; 1-2.

    Drake v White 1-0; 2-2.

    The 1st form team was an excellent one and should provide some good players for the Intermediate team next season. The team was ably captained by Gilmore who was backed by Carroll, Jacob, Prince and Gaunter.

    Drake v Nelson 1-1; 3-3.

    Drake v Stevenson 4-2; 5-0.

    Drake v White 3-0; 2-0.

    Later in the season the Senior team won the Inter-House Six-a-Side Tournament.

    CRICKET 1957

    The Seniors played each of the other Houses once. We started the season with a win over Nelson thanks to some fine batting by Campbell and Love and good bowling by Campbell and Stubbs. In the second match we beat White but lost to Stevenson in the third. Thus in the Senior Competition we came second to Stevenson. The Junior team did not fare so well and ended at the bottom of the table.


    The Junior Cross Country team did very well and came 2nd. O'Hagaii, Gilmore, Oakly and Carroll were well placed.

    In the Intermediate race Burch ran very well to finish 1st but he was not backed up by his team-mates and we could only obtain 3rd place.

    In the Senior Race we had the first two runners home, Stubbs and Palmer but again we lost our advantage by them not ibeing backed up and we again filled the 3rd place.

    On the agregate however we just scraped into 1st place for the second year in succession.


    This year we lost our former supremacy and Drake again filled 3rd place. In the Juniors, Carroll, Hambley and Sims were prominent. In the Intermediates Smith, Drew, Curtis and Mullen showed great promise and should do very well if they are here next season. In the Seniors Campbell, Palmer and Stubbs did very well in their respective events.

    G. R. Stubbs — House Captain


    HOCKEY 1957-58

    During this season the attendance at Manoel Island on Saturday mornings was very poor. After we had to "borrow" players from other Houses. We did, however, manage to provide a team to represent the House in the Hockey Tournaments at the end of the Autumn and Spring terms. We won the Shield at the end of both terms, though at the end of the Autumn term we gained it only by having a higher goal average than White, the other top house.

    The Team for the Season was:—

    Goal Keeper Barbara Mortimer: §Left Back Joy Button; Right Back Marilyn Saunders; §Left Half Marigold Barrett; Centre Half Linda Tanner; Right Half Maureen McArthy; §Left Wing Wendy Blanchard; §Left Inner Valerie Bevins; Centre Forward Pat Cavell; Right Inner Valerie Gregory; Right Wing Jacqueline Chivers.

    § These people also play for the School XI. Credit must also go to Valerie Gregory who was very enthusiastic and helpful throughout the season.

    NETBALL 1957-58

    There were two Netball teams, a Senior one and a Junior one. Attendances at the Senior netball practices were not very good due to lack of enthusiasm. The Junior girls, however, were much more keen and it was difficult to choose a team for the 1st year girls but they proved themselves very willing to learn.

    Here again we won the Netball Shield. The Juniors are to be congratulated on their record of winning all their matches.

    The Teams were:—

    Senior: Goal Keeper Wendy Blanchard; Defence Barbara Mantle; Centre Defence Marigold Barrett; Centre Gillian How; Centre Attack Joy Sutton; Attack Valerie Bevins; Goal Shooter Patricia Wright.

    Junior: Goal Keeper Maureen McArthy; Defence Carol Knight; Centre Defence Marilyn Saunders; Center Christine Castor; Centre Attack Dora Mantle; Attack Linda Horwill; Goal Shooter Jane Mary Masters.

    These positions were sometimes changed round The match results were:— Seniors:

    Nelson v Drake — lost.

    Nelson v White — won.

    Nelson v Stevenson — lost. Juniors:

    Nelson v Drake — won.

    Nelson v White — won.

    Nelson v Stevenson — won.

    On points Nelson tied with Drake, but on goal average we beat them by one goal.


    This new competition was introduced during the Spring Term in order to try and improve the standard of the shooting throughout the School.

    The competition consisted of three matches held during the last few weeks of the term. One person was chosen to represent each year in the school.

    The Team:—

    1st Year Carol Tee; 2nd Year Maureen McArthy; 3rd Year Jane Mary Masters; 4th Year Patricia Wright; 5th Year Valerie Bevins; 6th Year Wendy Blanchard.

    In the three matches Nelson came last in the first one, first in the second and first in the third. The points gained in this competition were added to our marks in the tournament and helped to win the Netball Shield.

    Credit for good play during this season goes to Jane Mary Masters and Patricia Wright whose accurate shooting helped us to win the tournament matches and the Shooting Competition.

    ATHLETICS 1958

    Nelson had a fairly good athletics season and managed to obtain second place in the girls' total and in the aggregate for boys and girls.

    If the competitors had trained a little more we might have had even more success.

    The girls did well on the whole but unfortunately the boys were last in the boys' totals and this pulled our total down.

    The final aggregate was 444 points, second place to Stevenson who had 479.

    Marigold Barrett — House Captain


    The year that has passed since the last edition of the school magazine has been a fairly successful one for Nelson boys. We hold the Cricket Cup, more than played our part in reclaiming the Swimming Cup, were second in the Cross Country and Athletics and third in the Football Tournament.

    In all of these cases we owed our position to our first, second and third year boys, for although the seniors tried their hardest, a distressing lack of talent prevented them from giving the Juniors the backing they deserved. It can be said quite safely that if we possessed two or three talented seniors we could have taken the Cross Country and would probably have improved on our positions in the Athletics and Football Tournament.

    The extent of this shortcoming has been seen in the fact that no Nelson seniors represented the school in Athletics or Cross Country, and only one for Football.

    CRICKET 1957

    The way that the brunt of the house sports are borne by the lower forms was clearly demonstrated by last years House Cricket Tournament. The senior team did not win a single match but the juniors, who played two rounds won all theirs thus winning the Cricket Cup for the house.

    The 1st and 2nd year team was picked from:—

    Hammond, Currie, Sare, Bradbury, Gove, Mulcody, Walker, Lyne, Pugh, Laddington, Byrne, Addington, Loveridge, Irwin, Keech.

    The most successful players were Lare and Currie with both the bat and ball and Love, Pugh and Hammond with the bat.

    The Senior team was picked from:—

    Trott, Pomell, Kiggell, Pletts, Mathews, Harvey, Carwood, Gaines, Sales, Guart, Blander, Thomas, Barnard, Bunting, Smith, Strutt.

    Powell was the most successful bowler and Trott the highest scorer.

    Powell, Trott and Kiggell placed for the school team.

    SWIMMING 1957

    In the heats before the sports Nelson built up a good lead which we increased during the sports to win comfortably from Drake. Hammond was, as in most sports, the house's most successful competitor winning both his races and swimming well in the second year relay.

    In the relays the solid strength of the house's swimming ability was demonstrated by our finishing first in all but one of these events.

    FOOTBALL 1957-58

    At the halfway mark in the season the house looked fairly certain of finishing second to Drake but a sudden lapse by the second and third year team after the loss of Lare, their centre forward, dropped us to third place.

    The most successful of the house's three teams was the First year XI who finished second, winning 2, drawing 3 and losing 1.

    This team was picked from:—

    Aitkinson, Christison, Hayden, Hartnell, Milne, Lane, Fisher R., Weatherall, Spencer, Murphy, Morgan, Harris, Ludworth, Gould, Bratten.

    After the first round the second and third years seemed certain for finishing first in their section having won two and drawn one. In the second round they were without Lare and they lost all three of their matches, finishing at the bottom of the table with a record of Won 2, Drawn 1, Lost 3.

    The team was picked from:—

    Hammond, Lare, Currie, Mulcahy, Pugh, Abercrombie, Wilkinson, Owens, Findlay, Laddington, Loveridge, Poynter, Byrne, Carroll, Gardener, Ware, Rowberry, Crogan, Love.

    Though the senior team again finished at the bottom of the table they improved on last year's performance, having a record of Drawn 3, Lost 3.

    The team was picked from: —

    Kiggell, Powell, Mayler, Trott, Thomas, Matthews, Johnson, Sales, Harvey, Pletts, Blanden, McLaughlan, Smith, Blake.

    Powell played for the first XI.


    This last season proved to be one of the most successful for Nelson for several years, the house finishing second in the overall placing.

    The first years again proved to be the house's most successful team beating Drake by five points, White by 86 and Stevenson by 110, a performance which ensured Nelson of its final position.

    The team and their positions: —

    Aitkinson (5), Livingstone (7), Yorke (9), Fisher, R. (10), Lare (12), Weatherall (13), Nesbett (14), Wallice (19), Moore (20), Morris (22), Holness (28), Spencer (42).

    This year some of the under XV team were persuaded to take their training seriously with the result that the team came second to White by 12 points, 7 ahead of Drake, a vast improvement on last year's position of bottom.

    The team and positions:—

    Bradbury (4), Birt (8), Byrne (10), Abercrombie (12), Hammond (14), Carroll (19), Wilkinson (21), Wilson (24), Pugh (27), Young (37).

    Several members of the senior team really took their training seriously but unfortunately it proved no substitute for ability, the house finishing last. There was however an improvement on last year as fewer points were dropped.

    The team and positions: —

    Pletts (13), Trott (14), Blanden (18), Day (24), Sales (26), Powell (27), Hopkins (30), Waller (33), Downs (35), Guart (37).

    Bradbury and Birt ran for the school in the Inter-Schools' Cross Country.

    ATHLETICS 1958

    This year's sports were almost a copy of last year's as far as Nelson was concerned. Due to a weakness in the senior section the boys failed to back up the girls thus pulling the house down to second position. The only change was that last year Drake beat us and this year Stevenson did it. When the sports started Stevenson had a lead of 12 points from the field events which seemed to give the house a chance of catching up. Indeed at one time the gap was narrowed to seven points. As the sports went on however the weakness in the seniors told resulting in the gap increasing to fifty points at "the end of the day.

    Amongst the boys Hammond was again our most prolific medal winner with Challis running him a close second.

    Other firsts went to Ludworth, Pugh, Pletts, Wilson, Byrne and Bradbury.

    Good performances were also put up by Nesbett, Holmes, Currie, Findley, Johnson, Blanden and Ledshaw.

    This is my last term at school and consequently my last term as house captain so I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those in the house who have so often tried their hardest for Nelson. I have really enjoyed my year as captain even though at times the associate worries have come near to driving me up the wall and I hope my successor will obtain as much pleasure from his position as I have.

    Good luck Nelson.


    ATHLETICS 1957

    This years effort showed that although Stevenson boys are alright at running away with things, they are no good at throwing or jumping over them. On the actual Sports Day our competitors came out very well in all track events, especially Chandler in the sprints and Armstrong who is probably the best middle-distance runner the School has had since Peter Reynolds, also of Stevenson. In the 3 miles, Roddick put up a very good performance. As has been said the field events let us down. To a large extent these depend on the 2nd and 3rd years. The 4th, 5th and 6th winners can be fairly accurately worked out beforehand because competitors usually specialise in one particular event, but in the 2nd and 3rd, if you're a jack of all trades and good, you?re worth your weight in gold. Attendance at athletic practices was very consistent; nobody turned up during the whole term. You won't get anywhere without practice and if you want the satisfaction of beating the other houses, you've got to be prepared to work for it.

    CRICKET 1957

    The house was quite successful in this seasons cricket tournament. The Seniors played splendidly and had no trouble in walking over the other houses. Not much can be said for play except that the fielding was the best we've seen in House cricket for the past 3 seasons. The Juniors, however, were less fortunate, mainly due to lack of experience. To be good at cricket you must appreciate its finer points. For instance, the Juniors lost about 50 runs through bad throwing while fielding and about 50 runs through bad calling while batting. These little things will have to be brushed up next season. The fact that they forced a draw with White showed what they were capable of doing. There was a bit of unrest in the Juniors during the season and this gave Martin, the captain, a bit of trouble. You little chaps had better realise now that if your captain is right, you are all right and if he is wrong, it is your duty to back him up and not ridicule him in front of the other team. Leave your objections till the end of the game unless you want to lose all your matches. Of the team, Hodge as wicket-keeper played excellently and has shown himself as one of the most promising batsmen in the Junior school. Townsend should develop into a useful pace bowler if he can tidy up his bowling action. Martin as captain set a good example as both bowler and batsman if suffering slightly from lack of weight. He stuck to his decisions and didn't knuckle down in the face of opposition.

    SWIMMING 1957

    In view of our position at the start of the sports we did well otherwise our effort was putrid. We were in last place and about 14 points behind White at the beginning but climbed to 3rd place beating White by about 20 points. Congratulations to the competitors who managed to pull us up, notably Phillips and Fleming. This effort just showed up the main fault, as always, with the swimming sports, not enough entries in the heats. The idea of the heats is for healthy young lads to swim up and down a 30 yard strip inside an allotted time. If they do this they earn a point for the house, and consequently, the more people covering the distance inside the time, the more points we start the sports with. Not so Stevenson — you all had the idea that there was always somebody better than you so you didn't enter. We finished the Sports 20 points behind Drake, 20 points we could have had if there was a bit more determination in the House.


    Let it never be said that Stevenson does not come up to expectations, as is shown by this cross-country, we came well and truly last — by 79 points. The credit for our gaining this coveted position must go to the 1st Year and Under 15's who throughout the season, showed a complete lack of the necessary spirit or stamina to make a success of the course. There were exceptions of course, notably Wilkinson and Wotton, but it was the general lack of support which split the house apart. The Over 15's put up a very good show, although the Team was on the small side, physically, coming second by 1 point, but the loss of 36 points by the Under 15's and 23 points by the 1st Year completely floored us.

    This house, as it stands at the moment, is completely lacking in team spirit. We have nothing but a bunch of individuals with a few inter-form friendships here and there giving something adhesive. This probably accounts for the fact that our teams get torn apart in the face of opposition. What we want is some solid support from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd forms with everyone giving his best so that we know that any team we select will be the cream of the house.

    FOOTBALL 1957-58

    This was a fair season for Stevenson. The Seniors and 2nd and 3rd Year teams played well except for a lack of keeness in the 2nd and 3rd. There were at least three cases of players not turning up for the game and this considerably weakened a team which was not very strong to begin with. The net result was a pretty poor standard of play for the second half of the season and the team only just scraped into second place on goal average.

    The Seniors played well and slowed down Drake's runaway lead in two of the hardest matches of the season.

    Lower down the scale, the 1st Year team had a disappointing season. The strong team we had at the beginning of the season was soon whittled down by people leaving for U.K. and the team had to struggle on, only just keeping itself from heavy defeats. All credit to Wilkinson, Berkitt and others who did not take the defeatist attitude which is the general tend when the House team is pretty weak.

    The turnout for practices was pathetic, especially the 2nd and 3rd year. The only thing that can keep us in the House Championships is plenty of practice but some bright types seem to know it all, we will have to be content with second place everytime which is a, slur on the people who really want to help the house come out on top.




    Although enthusiasm was quite high in the senior part of the school, it was at a rather low ebb in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years, who were not so co-operative. We had an excellent Senior Team consisting of: Jillian Loveridge, Marilyn Williams, Sheila Waterworth, Brenda Little, Janet Mead, Anne James and Priscilla Spencer, who may be highly commended for the standard of play which they maintained. However, due to some absentees we lost to Drake having won by a high margin of goals from White (13.3) and Nelson (10.5).

    The Junior Team, although putting up a good fight, lost all their games, which was not really very surprising as they did not attend practices and also were considerably smaller than their opponents.


    Jillian Loveridge and Priscilla Spencer were outstanding shooters in this event. Unfortunately, other members of the house were not reliable, and Stevenson came 4th in this event.


    The team consisted of:—-

    Goal Keeper Caroline Boycott, 4 A.M.; Right Back Diana Dick, 6G.; Left Back Eileen Waterworth, 6G.; Left Half Geraldine Noller, 4 A.M.; Centre Half Janet Mead, 4 B.G.; Right Half Elizabeth Wilkinson, 6G.; Left Wing Jillian Loveridge, 4 E.G.; Left Inside Marilyn Williams, 4 A.G.; Centre Forward Gillian Shapcott, 4 B.G.; Right Inside Sheila Waterworth, 4AG.; Right Wing Maryanne Wheeler, 3 E.G.

    Reserves: Carol Muir, 5G.; Flora Connel, 5G.; Annette Noonan, 5G.; Valerie Lawrence, 3 A.G.

    Attendance for practices at Manoel Island on Saturday mornings was fairly good. Uniform was also good. Enthusiasm was of a high standard, especially where the 4th was concerned.


    We had several good athletes in the house this year and we had high hopes for Stevenson's chances in the Sports.

    We excelled ourselves in the field events, and we have to thank, amongst others, Gillian Shapcott, Janet Mead, Sheila Waterworth, Jillian Loveridge, Elizabeth Wilkinson and Priscilla Spencer, for their efforts.

    In the track events we must commend Flora Connel, Carol Muir, and others mentioned before. The juniors put up a good fight, and altogether we carried off many prizes including The Champion Girl's House Cup and the Champion House Cup.

    House Captain Vice-Captain

    Eileen Ena Waterworth Jill Wicken


    CRICKET 1957

    The two teams played reasonably well. Evans (school colours) and White-house played for the school team.

    The new idea of the three leagues should help the House considerably.

    FOOTBALL 1957-58

    The teams were average. There were certain good players but three or four players do not make a team. We need far more support for those who try. In the 2nd and 3rd year team Shaw was outstanding and was greatly aided by O'Connor and Falconer. Akehurst (left), Foreman (school colours), Ware, Whitehouse and Cavill played for the school team.


    The Senior and Under fifteen teams won, much to our astonishment and pleasure. Bailey (3rd) and Shawyer (6th) were the best of the Senior team and O'Conner (2nd), Taylor (3rd) and Hoctor (5th) were the best of the under fifteen team. The 1st year team supplied the race winner Turner but he had no support.

    In future we want all the House to try, not just a certain few.

    Sport is not everything; we come to school to work, so will the 'WHOLE' HOUSE work and let us see if we cannot win the Merit Shield?

    G. Whitehouse — House Captain


    HOCKEY 1957-58

    The house's prowess in the hockey field has improved. We tied with Nelson on points but were placed second on goal average. It is hoped that we will continue to better ourselves.

    Centre Half Gillian Shaw; Centre Forward Janet Ogden; Left Wing Pamela Jeffries; Right Wing Linda Preston; Left Inside Irene Ellis; Right Inside Rita Mays; Left Half Nancy Gemell; Right Half Dilys Cole; Left Back Kathryn Ogden; Right Back Anne Pace; Goal Keeper Elizabeth Noonan.

    NETBALL 1957-58

    Congratulations to the first seven of the Junior Team, who won two games out of three. The Senior team, however, needs to gain enthusiasm. Netball shooting is good.

    Junior Team: Centre Robina Halford; Centre Attack Kathryn Ogden; Centre Defence Philippa Marack; Goal Defence Sandra Wilson; Shooter Pauline Bentley; Attack Melody Pitman; Defence Susan Dixon.

    Senior Team: Centre Pamela Jeffries; Centre Attack Gillian Shaw; Centre Defence Pat Squire; Goal Defence Jacqueline Williams; Shooter Robina Wellard; Attack Rita Mays; Defence Hazel Burton.


    Janet Stead 1st Year; Sarah Mills 2nd Year; Pauline Bentley 3rd Year; Robina Wellard 4th Year; Pat Wittle 5th Year; Janet Ogden 6th Year.

    ATHLETICS 1957-58

    The house is unlucky in not having many outstanding athletes. Although enthusiasm is not lacking it is impossible to create athletic genii from mediocre performers. We are indebted to Pamela Jeffries, whom we are sorry to lose; Sheena Mackintosh, Pat Chadderton, Robina Halford, Linda Preston, Pat Southcott, Wendy Sturmey, Jean Mckinnon, Jaqueline Wicken and June Barker for their gallant attempts.

    Back to Top



    It is hard to believe that it is only a year since I was writing a similar article for the School Magazine. Since then we have had eighteen changes of staff and hundreds of changes of children.

    It is just a year since a Naval gentleman rang us up to say his fiancee was coming out to Malta to be married and that she would like to teach here. She had the sweet sounding name of Miss Honey which she changed for the much less picturesque name of Mrs. Steele who has been working happily with us now for a year. She is much a part of the school that it is hard to imagine that she was once "a new girl".

    Shortly after this Miss McMeeking came to Malta on holiday for a few weeks and liked the Naval School so much that she taught here till Christmas, and then went home. However Malta called so strongly that she has come back to us and this time we hope it is for three years.

    In July we suffered a great blow in the departure of Miss Lock after completing three years. We have never completely recovered from this loss as we have not yet found anyone to take over her lively Brownie pack. All of you who knew Miss Lock will be pleased to hear that she is happily settled in Sutton, Surrey, at a boys' prep, school.

    The new school year opened with such large numbers that more new classes had to we opened and we welcomed Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Barkaway and Mrs. Richards who settled very quickly into our school routine. We gave a special welcome to Miss Roberts who at one time was a pupil at Tal Handak. We ate very proud to think that she has begun her teaching career at Verdala and is the third Tal Handak pupil so to do.

    In October we were all very sad to lose Mrs. Holland and no one felt her departure more than Mrs. Holland herself, particularly as she was leaving her home and her husband behind. She is living in England looking after her son and daughter both of whom will soon be going to University and we wish them all good luck in their new lives.

    Mrs. Tribe left us after two and a half years and was also sorry to be going. Mrs. Badcock joined the staff before Christmas and has just completed one happy term before returning to U.K.

    At Christmas we were all very sorry to lose our three year trained Physical Education specialist, Mrs. McLeod. She was perhaps the best known teacher the school has ever had because she taught every class in the school at one time or another. Daily she bandaged wounds, frequently despatched children in the ambulance, coached for the Sports Days, the Swimming Sports and Netball Matches, taught P.E. to all the Upper School girls and most of the Lower School and last but not least made the Staff Tea. So it was with great regret in every quarter that we said farewell to Mrs. McLeod. She leaves the Island next month and we wish her and her family good luck in their new life in Wales. We were fortunate in finding Mrs. Rogers to replace Mrs. McLeod and she brings with her the first touch of the Royal Air Force into our Naval Establishment. The male members of the staff gave an especially warm welcome in January to Mr. Jenkins who makes a fourth man, helping to balance the preponderance of ladies on the staff.

    At Easter we were sorry to lose Miss Chadwick but we were pleased that she was going home to be married and our good wishes go with her to England.

    Mrs. Kendall has also left us though she does come up occasionally to see us. She and her family also take with her our good wishes when she flies home next week.

    This term we welcome Miss Horton and Miss G. Stideford and hope they
    will soon settle down happily among us. ,

    The school throughout the year has continued to grow and we were compelled to open more rooms in the Naval Barracks. These, however, are not ideal as classrooms and the Navy is reluctant to house us there longer than necessary so we hope to see a new Romney Hut completed this term. This should give us four new classrooms and at long last we hope to have an adequate library.

    We have had a very successful year in the library with more members and books than ever before. This is now in the capable hands of Mr. Ousbey and Miss Butlers who are tackling this new job with enthusiasm.

    During the year we have been able to start a separate room for Boys Handwork. This has the disadvantage of being at some distance from the school but it is large, well equipped with tables, 'benches and tools and many and various are the models turned out there. We now have room to move about and most types of Senior School Crafts are tackled with zest.

    During last Summer vacation, I was lucky enough to be accepted at Lough-borough Training College for a month's refresher course on Primary School work. Here I met and worked with teachers and head teachers from all kinds of junior schools from all parts of Britain and from various parts of the world. It was a fascinating experience and I came back to the Naval School realizing that our standards, compared with schools the world over, were high , that our teachers were of the best and that our children compared very favourably with all I saw.

    It is then with very mixed feelings that I say farewell to the Royal Naval School where I have been so intensely happy for almost eight years. During this time I have served under five most kindly and helpful Headmasters and with scores of co-operative and charming teachers, and thousands of Naval school children. I shall take to my new post in Kenya very many happy memories. I shall always be interested in the welfare of the Naval School. My address will be The Coast 'Teacher Training College, Box 1223, Mombasa, Kenya, and I shall be delighted to hear of you or from you at any time.

    I should like to take this, my last, opportunity of thanking Headmasters, teachers, parents and children for all their kindness, co-operation and loyalty shown to me and I wish the Royal Naval School every success in the future.


    The past year has been for the Infants Department a happy and quite eventful one. We were delighted that so many parents were able to visit the school on the Open Days held during the Summer and Autumn terms.

    During the year we have been pleased to welcome the staff and students from the Mater Amirabilis Training College at Rabat and one morning during the Autumn term a group of excited six and seven year old boys and girls drove out to the Training College where, under the expert guidance of Miss Instrell they gave a delightful demonstration of Movement to Music. The staff and students who watched the demonstration expressed great appreciation of the children's work. For the children, however, the highlight of the morning came after the demonstration when they had a picnic in the beautiful grounds of the College, and afterwards played games with some of the students who seemed to have endless patience. The children returned to Verdala, in time for afternoon school, laden with flowers and with memories of a very happy morning.

    We have also been pleased to welcome several teachers from the Army Schools who have visited Verdala.

    In a large school such as this changes in staff are inevitable, nevertheless, we are always very sorry when our friends leave us, so that it was with considerable regret that we said "Goodbye" to Mrs. Eaton at the end of the Summer term. Mrs. Eaton had been Head of the Infants Department for four and a half years. She was very much missed but we were all so happy to hear of the announcement of her marriage which took place in December, and even more delighted to learn that Mrs. Eaton was to become the wife of Mr. S. Vasey -Miss Vasey's cousin. We send our very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Vasey for their future happiness.

    During May we were pleased to welcome back Mrs. Harris who had been with us during the previous year. At the end of April we had said "Farewell" to Mrs. Duxbury who had been at Verdala for some time and in October everyone welcomed the good news of the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Duxbury's sturdy son, Simon.

    As the year goes on, the number of children on the roll in the Infants Department continues to increase until all available accommodation is filled to capacity. We were very pleased, therefore, to have the help of Mrs. Vine, Mrs. Tomlinson, Mrs. Maclean and Mrs. Thomas as more and more children were admitted. These teachers stayed with us until the end of the school year. Miss Holder, who had been at Verdala for some time, also left us in July.

    In September the Infants Department re-opened with nine classes, many new children, and several new members of staff. We were very pleased to welcome Miss V. North who came to take charge of the Infants Department. We hope she will enjoy her stay in Malta and offer our best wishes to her in her difficult task.

    Mrs. Davies came to take charge of 12, whilst Mrs. Birch and Mrs. Brown took charge of 14 and 18. At Christmas, however, Mrs. Brown and Miss Harris left us and Mrs. Beech and Mrs. Low joined the staff. Miss Harris returned to England to marry Lieutenant Hoggarth. Verdala staff sent greetings and good wishes for Lieutenant and Mrs. Hoggarth's future happiness. Unfortunately, owing to her mother's ill health, Mrs. Low had to return to England, so was only at school for three months. At the end of January when we started 110 Mrs, A. Wicks joined the staff and after the Easter holiday we welcomed Miss Towns-end from the R.N. School at Trincomalee and Mrs. Keane who recently arrived in Malta from Mombasa. During the year we have been so grateful to Mrs. Knight who has helped us by coming, sometimes at a moment's notice, to do "supply" teaching.

    It would appear from this that the whole school staff is perpetually changing but this is not so and we realise the stability the Infants Department has enjoyed his year is due, in no small measure, to the hard work carried on over a lengthy period by Miss Batty, Miss Burke, Miss Instrell, Miss Lee and Mrs. Smedley who are still with us with the exception of Mrs. Smedley who before she left us became Mrs. Marriott. We said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Marriott as they set off on their overland journey to England and we all wished them "Godspeed and much happiness".

    Just before Christmas children from various classes were seen practising in the hall during their lunch breaks and at the end of the term performed their Nativity play for the other children in the Infants Department and some of the children from the Junior Department. The play was performed, by these little children, with simplicity and reverence and helped to remind us all of the true purpose of the Christmas Festival.

    Christmas also brought much gaiety. The little children thoroughly enjoyed the very colourful pantomime performed by the Junior children and then came the Infants' parties which were held on two afternoons. Following fun and games in the hall the children feasted with true appreciation on the good things supplied by their very generous parents:

    During the Spring term the staff and students at Rabat began some research into the various types of drawing and painting executed by young children. In order to carry out this research the students collected hundreds of pictures done by children in England and Malta. The Infants' Department, to aid this research, sent a selection of some sixty children's interpretations of "Someone Picking Fruit".

    Also, during the Spring term several entries were sent from the Infants School to the Children's Art Exhibition held in Valletta. Twenty entries were exhibited. We were able to take some of the older children and all the children whose pictures were on show to Valletta. The children thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition and seemed very impressed with the skill displayed in the older children's (sent from the various schools on the Island) tout showed very little concern for their own efforts. It seems that whereas for the average adult producing an exhibition picture would be somewhat of an ordeal, for the very young painting a picture, pattern or portrait is just a small part of a day's work.

    At the concert, to be held at the close of the Schools' Music Festival, a group of seven year old children are performing a percussion band item. Already we are preparing for Sports .Day and so school life goes on

    However, Sports Days, Festivals, Art Exhibitions, though highlights, are only a very small part of the Infant child's very full school life. Incidentally, one of the most charming sights seen recently at Verdala was a group of five year olds returning from a nature walk each child carrying a brightly coloured posy of flowers — those beautiful wild flowers which grow so profusely in Malta and give so much pleasure to the young.

    Verdala School Sports

    This Summer term event was again timed to follow St. Edward's College Sports Day thus allowing us to use their very well prepared field. V/e were most grateful to the Rector and his staff for this privilege..

    The increase in the number of children at the school this year created a challenge in the organisation of the sports programme. We finally managed to arrange 52 events which we hoped to complete in the hour and a half allotted. Needless to say considerable time has been spent by the children both in P.E. periods and lunch breaks in practising for their various events and in competing in the heats.

    The meeting followed the usual form, each class entering a boys' and a girls' event made up of the two best runners of each of the four houses within the

    class. Those children who had not been selected to compete in these events arranged their own class novelty race. The third and fourth year children also competed in their usual inter-house relay races, the teams being made up from the fastest four boys and four girls of each house within the year. Other events which gave a certain variety to the afternoon were the parents' races, the Inter-Schools Relay and the inter-house Tug-of-war final.

    House points were awarded to the first four competitors in each race and these points were totalled and displayed throughout the meeting. The very keen competitive spirit seemed to spread from the children to the many parents who were cheering on their own particular house with great enthusiasm. Nelson house took the initial lead challenged only by Stevenson house until White house, gaining considerably, passed Stevenson, and drew almost level with Nelson. Drake house lagged behind, but gradually improved in points, passing Stevenson and White thus gaining second place to Nelson, which position they held until the close of the meeting. The final positions.and scores of the houses were 1st Nelson 151i points, 2nd Drake 138i points, 3rd White 118i points, and 4th Stevenson 89J points.

    Very good fields were forthcoming for both the mothers' and the fathers' races which were completed with a minimum of casualties. Mrs. Boyd proved to be the champion mother whilst Mr. Maryon romped home as the most athletic father of the meeting. The Inter-School relay created a tense few minutes as the champion runners of the Services' Schools stood at their take-over points awaiting the starters gun. The race itself was a most exciting event, with the final victory going to Verdala followed by R.A.F. School Luqa, Army School Tigne, Army School St. Andrews and R.N. School Tal Handak. The novelty races provided a humorous side to the afternoon. We enjoyed seeing all the old favourites again, the three-legged, pick-a-back, egg and spoon and sack races as well as a few original novelties devised by the competitors themselves. For the final event gathered the heavyweights for the Inter house tug-of-war which resulted in a victory for Drake over Stevenson.

    The meeting closed with the presentation of trophies and medallions by Countess of Roden. Here we were confronted with an unexpected predicament for three girls had tied lor the honour champion girl. S. Morriss, E. Raven, and A. Robson shared in the presentation of the cup and shortly afterwards two additional cups were purchased. John Beamish proved himself champion boy having gained most individual points with no near challengers. The House cup was presented to the Nelson House Captain amid the cheers of the house members. All other children first in their own particular events received medallions, those children in second and third places received certificates.

    We thank those friends of the school whose assistance helped to make the meeting a success. The election of the four Padres to act as judges proved a very sound scheme; not a single complaint regarding decisions was registered


    Athletic Sports May 1958

    This year's Athletic Sports was held on Monday, 19th May, at St. Edward's College Sports field adjoining the school. Once again we were indebted to the Rector for loaning to us the well prepared field, together with a considerable amount of props.

    Class heats and the selection of the Relay teams within each age group, together with Tug o' War semi-finals and High Jump finals, had been completed during games periods prior to Sports Day.

    We were caused a certain amount of anxiety on the morning of the meeting on account of the doubtful weather. The rain held off however and we were able to complete our eighty one events without interruption to the schedule.

    With the increased number of competitors we were obliged to make a prompt start at 1.15 with the earlier junior events and the Infants twenty races being run simultaneously. There was no delay in marshalling the competitors and the Rev. Scott-Currie our official starter was stock-piled with events awaiting starters orders. Each of the twenty two junior classes had entered a boys and a girls race and a great deal of excitement was aroused both from children and parents as these events got under way.

    We were again most grateful to our four Padre-Judges Holland, Street, Barker and Lavery who worked very hard throughout the afternoon. Their efficient judging is reflected by the fact that there were no official protests registered with the stewards. Well done and thank you gentlemen.

    On completion of the flat races the first and second year team races took place away from the track towards the centre of the field. These events were followed by the class Novelty races which provided a lighter side to the otherwise keen rivalry of the Houses which obviously existed throughout the afternoon. In these events were seen the traditional sack race and the popular obstacle event yet we were not lacking in originality and neither were the children in the shoe and caterpillar races.

    The enthusiasm of the whole school was aroused by the third and fourth year relay races, yet perhaps the highlight of the afternoon was the Inter-Service Schools Relay. Each of the four Service Junior schools had entered a team comprising of the fastest two boys and two girls of each school. This was a magnificent race with Verdala just overtaking Army School Tigne in the last few yards. Thus we retained the Inter-School Relay Challenge Cup.

    The final event, the Tug o' War final between Stevenson and White Houses was refereed by the Flag Officer, Malta, Admiral Sir Charles Madden. Here we witnessed a good tussle between the heavyweights of both houses. Stevenson House were the champions with two straight pulls.

    At the close of the meeting Lady Madden kindly consented to present the medallions which were awarded to the winners of each event. Trophies were awarded and received by Lorna Tierney and Michael Littlejohn the House Captains on behalf of all Stevenson House. Patricia Short having been declared champion girl was presented with a cup as were Rodney Brumpton and Michael Lawrence each having gained the same number of individual points.

    With our three rousing cheers in thanking Lady Madden we completed yet
    another successful Sports Day. The children departed to their buses and I am
    sure that a sigh came from those members of staff who had marshalled, ushered
    and recorded' all the afternoon and had done much to make the occasion a
    success. W.F.W.


    High Jump Girls Open

    1. P. Short. 2. L. Manning. 3. G. Boyd. 4. V. Jones.

    High Jump Boys, Open

  • 1. M. Littlejohn and C. Wyatt (4' 1"). 3. P. Parker 4. R. Chalmers.


  • 50 yds. 1D2 Girls. 1 D. Webb. 2 R. Livingstone. 3 E. Kochler.

  •                          Boys. 1 D. Epperson. 2 J. Knight. 3 D. Purfield.

  •                1D1 Girls. 1 J. Edney. 2 S. Petchey. 3 H. Aitchison                        

  •                         Boys. 1 C. Grant. 2 R. Wadge. 3 A. Smith.

  •                1C Girls.  1 D. Walker. 2 C. Batchelor. 3 S. Bryant

  •                      Boys.  1 S. Boyd. 2 P. Henning. 3 C. Tree.

  •                1B Girls. 1 D. West. 2 P. Gubb. 3 E. Forrester. 

  •                       Boys. 1 D. McDonald. 2 S. Brewster. 3 R. Gouch.

  •                1A Girls.1 J. Stevens. 2 S. Walsham. 3 E. Harvey & R. Gouder.

  •                       Boys.  1 D. Poynter. 2 I. Proctor. 3 I. Barratt.


    1 M. Trimboy. 2 S. Smith. 3 J. Hanson.

    1 J. Stimpson. 2 M. Harrington. 3 R. Light.

    1 W. Evans. 2 L. Livingstone. 3 D. Giles.

    1 J. Caley. 2 A. Buckett. 3 C. Hearst.

    1 H. Sharp & P. Curtis. 3 A. Bryant.

    1 J. McKinnon. 2 J. James. 3 K. Bramford.

    1 W. Lamport. 2 W. Walthe. 3 P. Arseneault.

    1 P. Greenaway. 2 D. D'Auriol. 3 D. Wilson.

    1 M. Ellis. 2 L. Coles. 3 P. Robson.

    1 P. Smith. 2 J. Andrew. 3 J. Plumridge & J. Marrack.

    1 C. Prior. 2 B, O'Hagan. 3 M. James. 1 B. Evans. 2 B. Winch. 3 D. Kitchen 1 E. Gower. 2 L. Holdsworth. 3 S. Anchor. 1 B. Jarnes. 2 A. Scutt. 3 P. Fuller. 1 P. Hurst. 2 B. Branford. 3 B. Rixson. 1 D. Ford. 2 R. Rayson. 3 P. Chase. 1 V. Jones. 2 B. Bakker. 3 T. Kirsh. 1 C.-Jones. 2 J. Hatrick. 3 G. Oakley. 1 L. Horwill. 2 S. Lewis. 3 D. Shipway. 1 C. Wyatt. 2 J. McDonald. 3 D. Shepherd. 1 R. Mclntyre. 2 H. Trestrail. 3 J. Mansell. 1 D. Palmer. 2 J. Shreeve. 3 R. Curtis.

    1 C. Simpson. 2 S. Mills. 3 J. Compton. 1 T. Walsh. 2. M. Daborn. 3 M. Gooder. 1 P. Short. 2 L. Dixon. 3 P. Fryer. 1 J. Lovell. 2 M. Farge. 3 T. Hatrick. 1 R. 'Elgie. 2 J. Gowers. 3 B. Hans-Hamilton. 1 M. Lawrence. 2 R. Brumpton. 3 R. Chalmers. 1 P. Hargreaves. 2 A. Scott. 3 J. Rixon. 1 S. Davis. 2 N. Tucker. 3 G. Robinson. 1 L. Haesler. 2 A. McDonald. 3 C. Grossman. 1 T. Allen. 2 M. Evans. 3 D. Coomber. 1 L. Manning. 2 G. Boyd. 3 J. Hustler & J. Jenkins. 1 J. Bond. 2 M. Littlejohn. 3 C. Waltho.



    Inter Service School Relay — Challenge Cup

    1. R.N. School, Verdala. 2. Army School, Tigrie. 3. Army School, St. Andrews. 4. R.A.F. School, Luqa. School Team: R. Brumpton, V. Jones, A. Scott, M. Lawrence.


    Winners: Stevenson House.

    Runners-Up: White House.


    Patricia Short,

    Stevenson House.


    Rodney Brumpton, Stevenson House and Michael Lawrence, White House.

      1. Stevenson House 19H Points.
      2. Nelson House 16H Points.
      3. White House 160 Points.
      4. Drake House 124 Points.


    In the House Football competition, played during the mornings of the Autumn term, Stevenson were once again convincing winners of the house trophy. These matches served as trial games for the selection of players for the "A" and "B" sides to take part in the Services Primary Schools' League and we hoped that Verdala would once again retain the Bowie Cup.

    The "A" team, captained again by Michael Littlejohn, began their fixtures with a good victory over St. Andrews. Unfortunately Glen Lewis, who scored four times in this match, returned to U.K. the following week and although the team continued to play attractive football there was a lack of power in front of goal.

    The home game against R.A.F. Luqa and the away match against Army School, Tigne were both skilful and exciting games. Tigne surprised us all by the quality of their football. Flaying with great determination they thoroughly deserved their 3-1 win. The Luqa team also defeated our "A" side and by taking 3 points out of 4 from Verdala made certain of the championship. Having dropped only one point all season they were very worthy champions and their final victory over the combined side confirmed our opinion of their skill* and ability.

    Though Verdala "B" failed to gain one point from eight matches they never gave up trying and, more important, never gave up enjoying their games. We gave as many boys as we could a chance of playing in an inter-school game for the "B" team, and the spirit and effort of all of them was good to see.

    Our supporters this year have been few but faithful. Mr. Hatrick has attended every game either as referee or cheer leader; Mr. Bond has given his car and his encouragement (the one when necessary, the other consistently) and Mrs, Bond, we feel, has almost qualified as Foster Mother to the "A" side.

    Other parents who came to watch we thank for their interest and extend the usual invitation for the coming season.


    We had excellent weather for our Fifth Annual Swimming Sports held at the Fleet Bathing Centre, Ricasoli, on the afternoon of 15th July.

    There were 24 events on the programme and these included Free Style and Backstroke Events for each age group, open diving events, a girls' and boys' relay and four Infant School events.


    The heats were run on the previous day and each child competing won a point for their house. In this way Drake House started the Sports Day with 88 points, Nelson with 84, White with 81 and Stevenson with 71 points.

    At the half-way stage White House had taken the lead closely followed by Drake. There were many close finishes but White House increased their lead and finished worthy winners.

    The final result was as follows: — White 149 points. Stevenson 136 points. Drake 131 points. Nelson 128 points.

    The Mothers' Race was won by Mrs. Horwill and the Fathers' Race by Mr. Christison.

    Mrs. O'Brien very kindly consented to present the prizes.

    We record our sincere thanks to the Staff of Ricasoli Lido and in particular P.T.I. Munnings, for their help in making this afternoon a success, and to P.T.I. Nettleton for his good work as Starter and Diving Judge.

    P. Ross.


    The aim of this group is the fostering of an interest in Life-Saving in general, and the gaining of the Royal Life-Saving Society's award, the Elementary Certificate, in particular.

    Twenty pupils were awarded the Elementary Certificate which is the only award children of this age can gain. I am sure that the standard of Life-Saving shown by these children was high enough to enable them to pass higher awards but, of course, this was not possible because of their age.

    We are indebted to P.T.I. Munnings of Ricasoli Lido for his help and encouragement received on our visits to the Lido for water work.

    P. Ross

    Royal Naval Drama Festival

    The Staff of Verdala gave a beautifully presented play, this year, called "Miss Tarzan", by Arnold English.

    A first production by Alma Batty, it was slick, well dressed, and very well acted indeed.

    May Smedley, as Mrs. Denton, gave an outstanding performance. Her vague feather-headedness was a delight to the audience, who were in continual chuckles throughout the play.

    She had an admirable foil in Mrs. Birch, who gave an equally good characterisation as Miss Clotilde-Ffolliot, one of the "Wide Open Spaces" types. A first performance, it was a master-piece of timing. She had good attack, handling her moves well. Miss Roberts, as the Lady Reporter, gave a very good characterisation of her part, and moved beautifully.

    Barbara Instrell was good as Mrs. Truly and, as she warmed to the part, gave dignity and the right note to balance Mrs. Denton. Also responsible for the decor, she is to be congratulated on her lovely set. Subdued, in modern style, it combined tabs and flats most effectively.

    Joan Watson played the part of the Headmistress, she was well made up and well costumed, a little more authority needed perhaps, but a good reading of the part.

    Pamela Lee, as the Miss Tarzan, romped through the part. A difficult one, but extremely well done.

    Effects were excellent, so were the props. The whole play a credit to the producer and deserving of better mention.

    This year saw the usual Christmas Pantomine, despite the many deprivations due to 'flu. We had an Eastern atmosphere this time, giving AH Baba and the Forty-Thieves, at least, they were forty to start with, until several went down with the prevailing colds, even the toughest of thieves can be attacked with Flu!

    There were many last minute changes in the cast due to this, and our thanks are due to Robert Skinner, Vivian Bricem, John Bond, Diana Seagar and Pauline Hargreaves, for stepping in to save the show.

    Jimmy Downes and Kenneth Bryant enjoyed themselves as a pair of shabby friends of All, the three of them making a riotous trio. What they did to the script was nobody's business, as they appeared to re-write it at every performance. However, they enjoyed it, as did everybody, so 'Not to Worry'.

    Cho-Cho, the GREATEST BANDIT in the East, was played very well by Rodney Brumpton. He always spoke clearly, and gave great authority to his part. His band of Thieves, too, had a great time, everyone supplied with daggers, scimitars and swords, which were often broken before the show started, as they would fight duels with them!

    A hilarious interlude was supplied by Mr. Willsher, Mr. Ouseby and Mr. Ross, who...er...HELPED the Thieves with their march. I think the audience will long remember Mr. Ross and his bagpipes, and Mr. Willsher's tartan umbrella.

    Diana Seagar and Pauline Hargreaves nobly stepped in from the Ballet to act the parts of the Princess and her maid, having some very quick; changing to get back into the Jewel Scene, in which they were dancing.

    Penelope Chivers did well in the part of Fatima, and managed to cope with All and his friends, quite admirably.

    Unfortunately, this year we had no Infants in the show, a pity, as they are always a tremendous success, but the Junior School is now so large that it is almost impossible to put on the stage all those who wish to perform. The Infants, however, gave a very beautiful little Nativity Play of their own, to which the Juniors were invited. It was most impressive and played with great sincerity. The Juniors who saw it came away quite thrilled.

    Our thanks are due to all those parents and the Staff, who sewed so many pair of Eastern trousers, and turbans, and other costumes. The Mothers of the Ballet too, did their share, as always, in helping out so nobly with the Pearl Costumes.

    Ballet Club

    Classes appear to grow larger and larger as time goes on! Despite the continual leaving for U.K. there is always a waiting list, and the Hall, where classes are held, is practically bursting at the seams!

    The girls have worked very hard during the past year, and the Senior Grade have shown some gratifying results in their Solo work.

    At the end of last Summer Term, we presented a Mimed Ballet of "Cinderella" which covered the entire range of work necessary in the training for R.A.D. syllabus.

    Suzanne Thriscutt danced Cinderella, while Roslyin Robinson, now in Tal Handak Senior School, made a great success of the Prince. She proved to be an outstanding Mime, and worked very well indeed. Two other soloists who scored a success were Gillian Boyd and Susan Oxford as the Ugly Sisters.

    Gillian is, indeed, turning out to be a fine Character Mime.

    During the Pantomine, the Club danced in the Jewel scene, where it was obvious that the Senior Grade, many of whom, alas, we lose this term, were developing into reliable soloists.


    Suzanne Thriscutt danced Cinderella, while Roslynn Robinson, now in Tal Cullen, Susan Mellor and Pamela White all danced solo's, proving that continual practice and hard work do achieve results.

    The Primary Grade, too. did well, and, in fact, so fired were they with zeal, that many of them have already passed first Grade.

    At the end of the Easter Term, the Seniors gave a display, as there were many of them returning to England.

    They danced a Romantic Waltz, then each gave a solo. Elizabeth Cullen, in the Bluebird, surprised everyone with her outstanding elevation. Maralyn Hawkins, dancing the "Sugar Plum Fairy" solo from the Nutcracker Suite, shows great promise, and leaves us to enter a Ballet School in England. Suzanne Thriscutt, too, is to enter the "Girl" Scholarship which is run by the Sadlers Wells Ballet school.

    Gillian Boyd and Pamela White were very gay and colourful in a Russian Marionette dance, while little Christine Baker scored an immense success with the Infants school as the "White Cat".

    Debby Davis, who joined the Club at Christmas time is doing well, as her lovely solo in Arabesques proved, while Linda Haeslar and Diana Purser were a great hit as two "Come-Uppity" young lady skaters. These two are rapidly coming to the fore and are proving most dependable members of the class.

    I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all the girls for their loyal service to the Club. It is their enthusiasm and hard work which has made it so popular.

    For those who are anxious to join, may I repeat, everyone is welcome, provided that they realise much hard work is necessary.

    Classes are held on Monday after school for Primary Grades and Beginners, and on Thursday for Second and Senior Grades.

    Practice costume, which is black tunic and pink leather ballet shoes must be worn. The work is within the R.A.D. syllabus, and, although we do perform in displays to the school, the primary aim is to develop good posture and coordinated movement.

    The classes are graded vide our own standards, but it is hoped to enter the children into the examinations of the R.A.D. when an examiner visits Malta. This is usually about July.

    Practice consists of Barre work, then exercises in Centre. The children usually learn simple enchainments of the practice steps.

    A late bus carries them within reach of home, making a round trip through Floriana, Pieta, Msida, into Sliema. May I point out that any child living in one of the outlying districts must be collected by parents.

    For those of our numbers who, at the age of eleven, go over to the Senior School at Tal Handak, there is a class on Saturday mornings at Verdala. Those attending the class will have to find their own way there and back. The class is for one to two hours and is must enthusiastically attended.


    I am pleased to say that the Club has thrived remarkably during the past year. Well over 100 children are now learning to play the recorder in one of five groups. Miss Stinton and I were very glad to welcome the assistance of Miss Roberts with these groups. Four treble recorders, which are school property, are on loan to members of the advanced Group, while three children have their own trebles.

    Miss Stinton is now running a Percussion Band which adds to the variety of music heard in Assembly.

    In the Inter-Service Schools Music Festival 1957, the choir gained the Trophy singing "Blow, Blow thou Winter Wind" and "Full Fathom Five"; first second and third places were gained by the recorder soloists, the Recorder

    Group gained a third place as also did one of the solo singers.

    The Choir and Recorder Group later performed at Prize Day and at the Christmas Carol Service.

    Preparation is now being made for the 1958 Music Festival. The extremely
    large number of children anxious to take part made it necessary to have our
    own 'mock festival' at the end of the Spring Term. All performances were of
    a very good standard and the choosing of the final competitors was conse-
    quentley very difficult. Thanks are due to Miss Candey and Mr. Jenkins for
    coaching the solo singers and Mrs. Van Dook for coaching the pianists during
    the lunch hours. B. Kernahan

    The Junior School Library

    The number of books in the library continues to increase and we now have over 1,600. Miss Vasey, who started the library at Verdala, must have been very gratified to watch its growth — one which has 'been not only in size but in popularity too. We thank her on your behalf for her enthusiasm and patience.

    One problem she leaves with us is that of space. The shelves are already packed and there are more books ordered. We are hoping, however, that we shall have the use of a modern library room in the new Romney Hut now being built.

    Those children already in the library know what a wide range of books we have. Lovers of adventure have a splendid choice. Biggies is involved in 25 different adventures in places as far apart as the Baltic and Borneo; Kemlo tackles Starmen, Martian Ghosts and a Crazy Planet; Jennings continues to amuse us and old favourites like Mowgli, Hornblower, Jim Hawkins and Dr. Doolittle are worth a second reading with their guarantee of pleasure and excitement.

    During the year we have had many additions to our various sections. In the animal story category are two beautifully written stories called "The Singing Forest", by H. Mortimer Batten, and "The Small Miracle", by Paul Galileo Mothers and fathers would like these too. Recent additions to the General Knowledge Section are the "I Spy" annuals and the big, gay and fascinating Wonder book series. These cover science, inventions, motors, aeroplanes, ships, the Navy, the R.A.F., railways, daring deeds and many other aspects of the world in which we live.

    Amongst the new books ordered and expected this year are the "Alison" books (for girls), Scandinavian folk-tales and Russian legends, the "Cormorant" series (in which the motor-cruiser Cormorant and her family crew have many hair-raising escapades;, more "Wells" books about the ballet, the French writer, Paul Berna's "A Hundred Million Francs" and another story of France and French fairies called "Blondine and the Bear Cub".

    These are just a few of the books in your library. If we haven't mentioned one book that appeals to you or one section in which you are interested why not come and try a book with a title like "Jingoo of the Jungle" or "Bed-Knob and Broomstick", or "The Scribbling Larks" (where a cart-horse wins the Derby) or even "The Little Banditta" (in which Pacita, a banditta, holds people to ransom for ten per centio, and is, in fact, simply terrrifico). It's a good bargain for sixpence a term. J. Ousbey. D. J. Butters



    "NATIONAL VELVET". National Velvet is the story of a butcher's daughter called Velvet Brown, she has three sisters Molly, Edweana and Meredith. Velvet wins a piebald horse, which is supposed to be mad, at a raffle. She is also left five horses in a will.

    The piebald is an unusual horse. He has one white eye and one blue one. Velvet trains the piebald and disguising herself as a man rides in the Grand National. The piebald wins but as Velvet goes past the winning post she faints. Just as the stretcher takes her off she recovers and calls out to Michael Taylor who has brought her to the race and has arranged it all and her voice gives her away.

    After this amazing thing she is mentioned in all the papers and is sent flowers, sweets and letters from admirers.

    This is an exciting story by Enid Ragnold and is in the Verdala School
    library. Gillian Boyd — Form 4AJ

    "DANCING STAR". This book is the true life story of Anna Pavlova the world famous ballerina who was born in 1882.

    One Christmas as a special treat her mother took her to see the pantomime "Sleeping Beauty". From that day Anna Pavlova decided she would like to learn ballet. Later on she became a famous ballerina in Russia. One of her most famous ballets was "The Swan Lake". This book can be obtained at Verdala School Library, it is by Gladys Malvern. Get it quickly!

    Rae Archer — Form 4AJ

    "Jennings and Derbyshire in Form Three Times''. This book is a volume full of fun and laughter. For his birthday, Jennings receives a printing outfit, this leads to an ambitious project, the "Form Three Times". In it they decide to have a handwriting contest, the prize being a three-decker sponge cake. The main cause of the trouble was that Jennings forgot to post the letter to his Aunt asking for the cake. In this case they go to Dunhambury, the county village without permission. This of course leads to more trouble, in the shape of Mr. Carter the schoolmaster. Jennings in himself is a character full of liveliness and fun, also this book is well worth reading (it is in the school library) and is written by Anthony Buckeridge.

    I know that you will enjoy reading it. Richard White — Form 4AJ

    "ENEMY IN SIGHT". "Enemy in Sight" is a good book for boys. Its author is Andrew Wood. It is printed by the Children's Press. The main people in the story are Meshach McKellar, nicknamed "McKiller", Jim Bowles, later Lieutenant Jim Bowles, Pompey, a black man, Half Nelson Jones, the Sardinian Duke and his very evil Captain, Mrs. Nubbles, and the Master Gunner called Mr. Gresty.

    The adventures stretch from the Caribbean Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. They have a fight with the French, the Sardinian Duke pirates, and some priests.

    Pompey is good at making songs up on the spur of the moment.

    I think it is a very exciting book. Brian Marsh — Form 4AJ

    "REX MILLIGAN'S BUSY TERM". This is a story of a boy who goes to Sheldrake Grammar School. On the first day of the Christmas Term there are rumours that the football fields are going to be taken from them. One of their teachers has an old crock of a car.

    One day Rex Milligan and his friend take the car to the garage of the man

  • who was taking their football "fields. They see a new coupe with a number
    several years old. The teachers old crock is sold and the boys find it in a ditch
    with all the parts, except the number plates. The garage owner had a lease
    to prove the football fields were his, but the boys found a lease to prove they
    belonged to the school. Bead this book and see how the boys got their foot
    ball fields back Maurice Dowling — Form 4B1J

  • "THE TREASURE HUNTERS". "The Treasure Hunters" are three children named Susan, John and Geoffrey Greyling who go to stay at Greylings Manor with their grandparents.

  • One day Susan overheard that if the family treasure was not found the grandparents would lose their home. The children decided to do something about it.

  • This is a very exciting book by Enid Blyton which is available at the Verdala
    School Library. Denise Pleass — Form 4AJ

  • "JUDY — PATROL LEADER" This is a book about a girl who finds some family diamonds, which should belong to her uncle, who is a teacher. This book was written by Dorothea Moore. It is a very exciting book and I'm sure that you would enjoy it if you read it. Rosemary Phillips — Form 4AJ

  • "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN". This book, written by Harriet Stowe, made people think that the end of slavery in America was long overdue.

  • It is the story of an unhappy family in Kentucky, who, forced by bankruptcy, have to sell two slaves. One, a trustworthy man by the name of Tom, and the other a small boy. Tom is known to all the family as Uncle Tom and is the one on whom the story is based.

  • This is a very sad book but there are a few happy episodes in it.

  • What becomes of the family, and how the book ends I will leave you to find
    out. Wendy Mortimer — Form 4AJ

  • "WIND IN THE WILLOWS". My favourite book is "Wind in the Willows" written by Kenneth Graham. In this book the main characters are Toad of Toad Hall, who likes playing pranks on other animals, also there is Water Rat and Mole, who are great friends with one another. Water Rat lives by the water side and Mole in the meadows. Otter and Badger are the two other main characters. Otter lives by the side of the wild wood and Badger in the heart of the wood. The author makes his characters live and the whole book is enjoyable reading and helps to make people realize how animals really live.

  • P Terry  — Form 4AJ


  • 'Twas a moonlight night and the light was pale, The dew drops settled on flowers so frail. A waterfall came tumbling down, Dressed in a sparkling, silver gown. No ruffling of leaves, no shuffling of feet, All was quiet, for all were asleep. The cockerel crowed at break of dawn. Pink rays of sunlight struck ripening corn. From under their wings the birds brought their heads. The children rose from their downy beds. The farmer hurried to fetch his plough.' And the milk-maid scurried to milk the cow. Such bustling and jostling and stamping of feet. When dawn has just risen and day takes her seat. Teresa Gleadowe — Form 3A1J

  • 79

    Selected Articles & Poems

    We had arrived. For three days we had travelled on board the "Dilwara". It had been a beautiful trip.

    The ship had left Malta on Friday at 5 o'clock. The trouble was that I never had a meal with the grown-ups. We always had the meal before them.

    At nights before I went to bed I went up on deck. What a glorious feeling. It was very cool after the day's heat and the water was shining like golden streaks coming and vanishing as the ship travelled swiftly through the sea.

    Now we had arrived and nearly all the party we were going with (ten people) were packed into one taxi.

    As we were travelling through the small but quaint little streets, a policeman stopped our taxi and the driver was charged for over-crowding.

    We reached our hotel and had a meal and the men went to hire three taxis for the tour we were going to have the following day.

    Next day we left Limasol and started towards the foothills of the Troodos Mountains. What a beautiful view there was; the sun shining on the sea, and a tanker came in view right away on the horizon.

    On the other side were the peaks of the higher mountains.

    We were stopped later on by the Military Police. They wanted our passes, so that we could go on.

    We passed a village where the occupants were raising their hands above their heads while the army searched. We found later on that two terrorists had been captured two hours later.

    We had dinner at Kyreneya and carried on past a stall where a very picturesque scene was going on. The stall was at the road-side. It was made out of old sackings and bamboo. A donkey was being laden with about twelve melons, and my father took a picture of Sus'an and I by the donkey.

    We had a swim near Limassol then came home for a very inviting meal.

    Next morning we rose early and went down to the harbour. On the way
    my brother and I bought some souvenirs. About half an hour later we were
    on the ship and heading for home. Lorna Tierney — Form 4AJ

    My Journey Home

    Wednesday had come at last — the day we were to start our homeward trip. We boarded the ship "Argentina" at 6-30 p.m. and sailed at 9 p.m. It was a thrill to be on a steamer and I was soon asleep with the rocking of the ship. When I awoke the ship was in Syracuse. We were ashore at 7, a.m. to catch the train to Naples. On the way we crossed the Messina Straits by ferry. We travelled next to Rome by coach. In Rome we visited St. Peter's Church and the Trevi Fountains. We also saw the Colosseum and the Pantheon. After Rome we went to Venice. There is no motor traffic in Venice because all the roadways are canals, and travelling is by Gondola. Hundreds of pigeons live around St. Mark's Square and are fed by visitors with packets of corn. The pigeons sat on my head and shoulders when I fed them.

    Next we stayed in Lucerne. I liked this place best because of the mountains and I would like to go there again. The highest mountain near Lucerne is Mount Pilatus. Later in the ye,ar people will ride to the top by overhead railway. In Paris, I went up on the second stage of Eiffel Tower. The streets were always full of traffic.

    We crossed the Channel by steamer and caught the Golden Arrow to London. The next day we travelled to Plymouth and I went to bed thinking what a wonderful time it had been. Roger Wood — Form 3AIJ


    The sun was setting on the hill,

    It was a wondrous sight, But soon it would have disappeared

    - For all the long, long night. It passed the mill upon the hill, It passed the flowers bright, It passed the sheep, all browsing there,

    And it passed the foal, and its mother the mare. Ah! It has gone all too soon,

    And here in its place is the bright new moon.

    Valerie Teague — Form 4AJ

    Our Trip Out to Malta

    Two years ago, we came out to Malta by troop-ship. Having left our home in Bath in the early morning, we arrived at Waterloo shortly after lunch. What a bustle and a scurry there was getting the whole family and all our luggage from our two taxis onto the troop-train, and how excited we all were as the train slowly drew out of the station. Tne country-side flew by, and soon the masts and funnels of the great liners in the docks of Southampton came in sight. Then we caught our first glimpse of S.S. Nevasa, the brand new troopship whose maiden voyage this was to be.

    After what seemed ages, we passed the Customs Officer and at last mounted the gangway of the ship. Everything was shiny and bright as we were led down to our cabin by the Lascar steward. We were just tyding up, when there was a long blast on the siren and we all rushed up to see the ship casting off and to wave goodbye to England. In the gathering darkness of evening we watched the quayside getting smaller and smaller, and finally went down to our cabin again. In spite of all the unfamiliar sounds of the ship such as the fans and the throbbing of the engines, we were so tired that we soon fell asleep.

    Early next morning we were woken up by the steward and after breakfast, we set out to explore the ship. Later on in the day we had life-boat; drill. At first we thought it rather fun blowing up our life-belts and putting them on, but we soon became very bored of sitting in the lounge, when we might have been outside.

    The next few days passed very quickly, as we played deck-quoits and hopscotch, and had races round the decks with all the new friends we had made. We had expected a very rough passage through the Bay of Biscay, but it was really quite calm luckily. We stopped at Gibraltar for half a day, and all the family piled onto a taxi to see round the town and visit the rock apes who made us laugh very much.

    Our next two days were very warm and sunny, and it was lovely cruising along the deep blue water. Then one morning the Captain announced that we would be getting into Malta earlier than expected that evening. There was a frantic rush to get everything ready, as in the afternoon there was going to be a farewell party for all the children. The party was great fun and we had a delicious tea. It was evening when we caught our first glimpse of Gozo and Malta. They looked very beautiful in the setting sun. We were very excited to see our father coming out to meet us in a barge, as we had not seen him for quite a long time. We steamed into grand harbour in the dusk and all the twinkling lights seemed to welcome us to Malta. There was another troopship in the harbour too and everyone cheered and waved at each other. It was several hours before we were finally through the Customs, and climbed down into the barge to go ashore. We were very pleased to have arrived, but sorry that our voyage was over as it had been such terrific fun, and so interesting.

    Susan Stewart — Form 3AIJ

    It was a rainy day,

    When I went out to play,

    I went to find Yvonne,

    And found that she had gone.

    It was a rainy day, When I went out to play, I went to find Marilyne, And found that she was in.

    It was a rainy day, When I went out to play, I went to find big Jane, But she was ill again

    It was a rainy day, When I went out to play, I went to find young Sue, And found she had the 'flu.

    Susan de Candole — Form 2AJ

    My Home in England

    It is a big house. We have got a cuckoo clock and a tortoise in the garden.

    We have got two back gardens and one front garden. We have got five bedrooms and two bathrooms. We have got four toilets.

    We had a friendly little robin and some squirrels. We do not know if they will come back. One day a squirrel came on the window sill when we were having breakfast. One day when Mummy was gardening the Robin came and sat on her knee. When Granny was in the garden, she went to sleep in one of the back gardens with her mouth open and Jon, that is my brother, kept on shouting, "Shut your mouth you will swallow a fly". Sometimes we have tea by the fire and we have crumpets for tea. Jonathan calls crumpets 'plumtits'. Now we are wondering what Sally Ann will call them. I want to go back home. I have got a big trunk to unpack with all my toys that we left behind. When we get home, if we have got enough money, we are saving up for a dog. Mummy said if I was good she would give me a dog for a birthday. I am saving up for a doll's pram. Daddy said if I paid half of the money he would pay the rest of the money and Mummy would make the rest of the clothes.

    Susan Leak — Form 1AJ


    Where do the fairies sleep? Behind the flowers where you peep, And to shelter from the dews, So they a crinkled Dock leaf use? For a tiny fairy's bed A shady purple Violets head, Do they have beds in the wood Just as all good fairies should? Perhaps one day, we shall know, Where the fairies really go. If we find one fast asleep We will take a tiny peep. Lindsey Phibbs — Form 2AJ

    Black Velvet

    Tawny Winters was nineteen and lived on her fathers farm in Tipperary. She was milking the cows one evening when her father came into the cowshed. "Tawny", he said, "Here is the chance you've been looking for, a horse called Black Velvet is up for auction tomorrow". Next day Tawny having got dressed in her breeches, boots and coat and with her money in her pocket set out for the auction in the nearby town of Clonmel.

    Black Velvet was one among many horses which were being auctioned that day. She was a beautiful mare and well named for her coat was as black as pitch and as smooth as velvet. Black Velvet's name was called out. Tawny's excitement was rising for she had but £50 in her pocket. The bidding was going up, £25 said someone, £30 called another and just as someone called £40, the auctioneer asked if there was any higher bidder. In her excitement Tawny heard herself call out £50. She could hardly believe her ears when she found that she was the owner of this beautiful mare. Tawny hired a horse-box o take Black Velvet home to the farm where her father was waiting.

  • The very next clay she tried out her new horse she found that she was well trained and was an extremely good jumper. Tawny from then on trained Slack Velvet in all her spare time. She told her father that she was going to the Hounds at the next Meet.

  • The great day had arrived and Tawny was up at 4 o'clock so as to be ready to groom Black Velvet and plait her mane and also leave the farm in time to arrive at the Meet cool and ready for anything. The Master said, "Good-morning". He said that he hoped that they would enjoy the hunt and then they were off. Tawny kept to the rear to begin with because she didn't know how Black Velvet would behave. After a while as Black Velvet was behaving well she got up to the front and her horse simply flew over the hedges and ditches with ease. After a few miles at such a speed the horses were sweating and the riders hot. They cornered the fox in a wood and soon got him out into the open after that it was a matter of seconds before the hounds were upon him.

  • The Master presented Tawny with the brush and she thanked him with
    delight. She rode slowly home thinking that Black Velvet had brought her
    luck and that she would soon be going in for the Hunter Classes in the local
    gymkhana. Gillian Boyd — Form 4AJ

  • BEDS

  • My brother has a little blue bed,

  • And pillows on which he rests his head;

    On it is painted a little elf,

    Who is stealing jam off the larder shelf.

    My sister has a little pink bed,

    And on it is painted an angel's head;

    She looks so nice when she's snuggled up tight,

    Ready for sleep through the long, long night.

    My mummy and daddy have got a great bed, Its colour is a browny light red; How they can sleep in it, I do not know, For it is so high, I"d prefer it low.

    I have got a very nice bed,

    And it is painted a very light red;

    Out of all the beds, I like it best,

    For it looks much cosier, than the rest.

    Jennifer Passmore — Form 3AIJ

    My Home in England

    My home in England was a big place. It had a big garden. I lived in Vigarage Gardens. Jane Simmons lived there too. Daddy had lots of things he wanted to plant, so we had a little bit of the garden by the tool shed. We dug a hole there so it would show up. At night we had to cover it up. Now lets go inside. P^irst you come to the trench doors. When you have gone through them, you come to the sitting-room. The room out from the left is the bathroom. The bath-room has transfers. It leads to the hall. At the top of the hall is my bedroom. Mummy's bedroom is the room next door. Round one of the corners is a table. One day a dog came to our house; He saw our hall table. He scratched it. Now there are marks.

    Pamela Rhodes — Form 1AJ


    Mother comes to have a peep, To see if I am fast asleep. Then away she goes to dine, And comes again at half past nine. She takes a book and reads till one, And then the day is really done. Good Night ! Anne Mintoff —Form 2AJ


    One evening as I looked out of my bedroom window I noticed that it was
    rather dull and overcast. Although it was early May, it was very cold and
    miserable, just the type of evening to sit beside a roaring fire with one of my
    favourite books. The black clouds floated lazily in the sky, and looked as
    though they were going to burst any minute. I was not at all surprised when
    it started to pour with rain. The lightning flashed, the thunder roared across
    the heavens and echoed through the clouds. This somewhat frightened me so I
    hurriedly closed the window and drew a chair up to the fire alongside my parents
    who appeared to be taking not the slightest notice of the storm. A moment
    later there was an extra loud clap of thunder which rattled the windows and
    shook the doors, so I decided to go to bed so that I should feel more comfortable
    and warm. Gillian Brown — Form 4AJ


    I had a little puppy his nose was rather pink, I took him to the river he tumbled in the brink, And as I pulled him out his nose was all aquiver, I asked him, "Is it cold in there", He answered with a shiver.

    Anne Pennington — Form 3A1J

    MY PET

    I have a little budgerigar

    It can run and walk.

    One day I thought that I would try

    To teach her how to talk.

    Anthony Nickson — Form 1AJ

    The Rescue

    The beach was full and here and there were boys climbing the cliff. It was in the heat of the day and most of the grown ups were sun bathing or fast asleep.

    Suddenly a piercing shriek rent the air, followed by a loud splash. Immediately there was movement but amidst the confusion there was a loud bark and a red cocker spaniel rushed down the beach.

    The dog swam strongly to where the boy fell in and in a few moments he was swimming back again with a small boy clinging to him. When they reached the shore the dog shook himself and trotted off as if nothing had happened at all.

    Penelope A. Fenn-Clark — Form 4AJ

    MY PET

    I have a little budgie who does the strangest things,

    He sleeps perched in a corner with his head beneath his wings,

    Sometimes we try to tame him and let him fly around.

    But when we try to catch him, he is nowhere to be found.

    Up among the paper chains or in the Xmas tree,

    I feel rather sorry, for he isn't free like me.

    Lenna Horwill — Form 3A2J



    I have a dog and his name in Sandy,

    I like him even though his legs are bandy,

    He likes to play with a ball,

    Although he's not very tall.

    He can play cricket,

    He hits the wicket,

    He goes out at seven o'clock,

    And when he comes back he gives a small hop.

    Sometimes when I come home from school,

    He goes and sits up on a stool,

    Sometimes when I've gone to toed,

    He comes in to lick my head.

    Sometimes when we have a fire,

    He wants it to go much higher,

    Sometimes when we go for a walk,

    He sometimes wants to stop and talk.

    Penelope Mortimer — Form 3A1J

    If I had a ship, I'd go sailing out to sea, Where the dolphins gambol, And fishes are free.


    If I had a ship,

    I'd go for a merry trip,

    To the Sunset Isles,

    And sail for miles.

    Michael Richards — Form 3A1J


    We have a little kitten,

    It's coat is sleek and black, It ran off with my mitten,

    And never brought it back. The kitten's name is Tippy,

    And she is very nice, She often wants her food,

    And that is sometimes rice. Sometimes upon the piano,

    She plays a little tune And everyone who's sitting near,

    Thinks she's a little coon.

    Susan Stewart — Form 3A1J

    Little ships ride on the waves, Past the rocks and past the caves, Past the lighthouse on the shore, On and on for ever more.


    Where they go to no one knows,

    By the coast with little coves.

    Out they go into the black,

    No one knows when they'll come back.

    David Palmer — Form 3A1J


    My daddy is a sailor,

    And sails upon the sea.

    And every time that he comes home,

    He brings a present for me.

    It's a shame his leaves goes quickly toy,

    And once more he must roam.

    I wish he were like other dads,

    And always stayed at home.

    Anna McDonald — Form 4B1J


    Leaving behind us the town of Kowloon standing opposite Hong Kong harbour, with the narrow streets of neon lighting and numerous bazaars we journeyed endlessly through high hills penetrating into South China. We passed a small wooden bus containing yellow-skinned Chinese country folk; on, past a shimmering reservoir, and after one and a half hours, we drew up beside a railway track lying in front of the tiny station of Sha-Tin on the Canton-Kowloon line.

    Our bags were lowered to the ground by the Chinese driver, the same one who was to take us to school in Kowloon, and he told us he would fetch Chinese coolies from the village behind the station. Meanwhile it seemed we were the only Europeans in the vicinity. The women were carrying their tiny children on their backs in large shawls while the men had large baskets on poles, which lay on their shoulders, and which carried anything from fruit to tiny piglets. The coolies came, and we started walking.

    After crossing the railway track, we stepped down from the bank and walked along a tiny path, not more than two feet wide, made entirely of soil. On each sides of this were the paddy fields, sparkling with bright green rice plants in the shallow water. Big, brown buffaloes trailing wooden ploughs behind them trudged along with the occasional shout from a boy. We passed a cafe, accessible by a brightly decorated bridge; it was new and the small population were proud of it. Underneath the bridge were about seven hundred small ducks, with a young boy in charge of them. He called out a command and immediately they all went to one side and started to climb the bank. It was amazing how he could control them.

    We left the paddy fields behind us and started to walk slowly uphill. We were tired by now but the coolies did not stop for rest. The bamboos rose high above us, affording a little shade. We climbed higher and to our surprise glimpsed on one side a large blue pool completely still under the green leaves of the trees. (A week later we swam there). We now climbed five hundred and seventy steep steps and, quite exhausted, we arrived at the house.

    It had been prepared, for us and we were met by two charming Chinese girls, each with long black plaits down to her knees. They were immaculately dressed in black and white and made us a cup of tea. As soon as possible I
    climbed up to the roof and was absolutely astounded. On the horizon were sharp pointed hills, a dull purple with splashes of red. Nearer yet and far below were the paddy fields, as sharp squares of green divided by brown lines.
    We could see the station and the Chinese village, a shallow river surrounded by sands and scattered farms. I was touched on the shoulder and a long ice cream soda was put into my hand and I sipped it watching the flaming sun
    vanish behind the purple silhouettes.  Vivian Paynter 5G


    The dusty lane,

    The village inn, The white-washed cottage

    With warmth within. The cobbled streets

    Through which I roam Make up the place which I call

    "home". A walk on the hill

    With heather growing, And past the mills

    With water flowing, The village church

    With ancient dome, These make up the place which I call "home". John Marsh 2AG

    My Favourite Hobby

    My favourite hobby is Stamp Collecting. I started collecting two years ago, when I was given an album for Xmas. At that time, however, I did not realise that Stamp Collecting could be such an interesting hobby.

    As my collection grew I learnt more and more about stamps: such as stamps that look the same can have different watermarks or perforations. Also I learnt that there were thousands and thousands of stamps in the world and I couldn't possibly collect them all. So I decided to concentrate on the British Empire. Here I found that some countries show things that I had not noticed before in their sets. Singapore has ships and yachts. Lots of countries show their industries and scenes of their country.

    I was given a catalogue and a new loose leaf album this Xmas. I have
    started putting my stamps in methodically and in sets where I have found I
    had many gaps. I am trying to nil them up now as I expect many other
    children are. P. Greenaway — Form 4AJ


    Three ships came in one day,

    On the ships the children played,

    And there I saw a lovely bay,

    Where everyone looked happy and gay.

    They lowered the boats,

    And rowed ashore,

    With shouts of laughter and jokes galore,

    The children scrambled onto the beach,

    With buckets and spades and lots to eat,

    A lovely time was had by all,

    And then the dusk began to fall.

    They entered the boats,

    And rode away,

    And everyone said

    What a lovely day.

    Margaret Stead — Form 3A2J


    We have our presents in the sitting room. I had a car which really moved
    by itself and I had a lovely fort with some soldiers to go with it. The fort had a
    drawbridge. I had a kite and I had a lovely horse with a man on the horse
    and I had a helicopter. David Caster — Infants 1

    When I Grow Up

    When I grow up I am going to be a Red Indian and shoot the birds, and buffalos with bows and arrows. My name will be Strong Buffalo and I will live in a wigwam and shoot at the trees.

    John Gavaghan — Infants 1

    A Cold Day

    Once upon a time on a very cold day when the snow lay deep, a little girl was looking for shelter when she saw a shack. The girl's name was Rose. Rose went into the shack for the night. It was cold in the shack but she made a fire to keep herself warm. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and a man was there. He said, "Will you marry me?" "Yes", said Rose. They lived happily ever after.

    Cecilia Gleadowe — Infants 1


    Once upon a time there were six rabbits. Three had red tails. One day they went for a walk and on the way they met a cat. He said "Come to tea." They said they would. So they went to his house and Mr. Cat ate the six rabbits.

    Paul Lane — Infants 1


    An Adventure

    Once upon a time there lived a robber. He was ever so rich because he had stolen lots of gold and money. One day he went off to steal some money and a copper saw him. The copper had a gun and he shot at the robber and wounded him. . He took him to gaol and the copper lived happily ever after.

    David Clark — Infants 1

    My Home in another Land

    I lived in England. I lived in a big house that was like an hotel. It had four rooms, and I was in number one, the top one. I had a garden that had bushes and on the bushes were some red flowers.

    I used to go to the park, while my brother and sister went to school. The school was called St. Swithens.

    On Sundays I used to go to Sunday school.

    We had two cats, one called 'Smokey' and one called 'Jessy'.

    Patricia Moore — Infants 1

    If I Could Choose

    If I could choose, I would be a Red Indian, and I would have a friend, his name would be Silver Arrow. I would live in a wig-warn and I would play in the fields with my friends. My name would be green arrow. I would have two friends..

    I would ride a cow in the fields to catch the bees, then I would go to my wigwam. We would have our food. In the afternoons my friends would come to play.

    I would go to bed, the next day I would go out to play with my bow and
    arrow. Nicholas Morriss — Infants 1


    Once upon a time there lived a pirate gang. One day they set sail to Africa
    to hide treasure. When they got there, two native boys of Africa saw the pirates
    coming. They climbed a tree and watched them hide the treasure in a cave.
    They slipped down the tree on the other side and ran for the police and native
    tribe. The came running down to the beach. They captured the pirates and
    threw them into jail. Richard Thomas — Infants 1


    On the night of Christmas Eve, when Father Christmas comes, we went out to my Daddy's friend. He gave my brother and I a drink. We said to Daddy "When are we going home?" He said, "In a minute." We said "Okay and we will tell you when we want to go."

    A few minutes later Daddy said, "We must be going now." We said "Bye-bye" to the children, "and good luck-to you all."

    Mummy said "Good-bye" and soon we were all in bed.

    Then Father Christmas came.

    When I woke up I said to my brother "Are you awake?" He said, "Yes, shall we ask Mummy if we can go and see our toys?" I shouted to Mummy. "Can I go and see my toys," and Mummy said, "Yes."

    My brother and I came charging into the room and we were saying "Look, Mummy, look." "Look what I've got." "Look I've got a real watch — look my doll's house has got a garage, and in the garage there is a car. Now John and I will be able to play Mummies and Daddies. Yes, and I will be able to make cakes with my pastry set, that will be fun."

    My brother said, "I will borrow your 'car to go to work in."

    "Yes and I will get the dinner ready," I said.

    "I'm off now," said John.

    "And I'm cooking the dinner, Goodbye."

    Carol Lockhart — Infants 1

    An Adventure By Sea

    Once some children went to the beach. One of the boys said, "The sea is not safe to swim in. Shall we explore the beach Malcolm?"

    "Yes," said Malcolm, "we will explore the beach. I say, Pauline, look behind you." Pauline quickly looked behind her. The children saw a great big cave and they ran straight to the cave and they saw a chest full of treasure. Quickly they ran out of the cave.. They ran to the nearest policeman they could see and they told their tale. When the policeman saw what they had found, he gave the children a big reward for it. They ran home with ten shillings.

    David Clark — Infants 1

    When I Grow Up

    I am going to be a headmaster and I will get married. I will have thirteen children. At school I will be a good headmaster. I will ring the bell.

    Phillip Gilbody — Infants 1

    Class One's very first joint effort at Poetry

    Here's a little Easter Bunny With this Easter card you see

    Don't you think that he looks funny? Loving greetings to you from me
    He is wrinkling up his nose, And I wish you a happy day

    And dancing on the tips of his toes. As you go upon your way.

    Individual efforts by Infants 1

    I wish I had a railway train, Steaming through the thunderstorm rain,

    As the night mail rushes past On goes the train jolly fast.

    Richard Thomas

    I wish I were a fairy,

    And I'd be called Golden Mary, I'd see so many lovely things 'Cos I could fly with my wings.

    Kathleen Hodge

    I wish I had a baby doll, I'd put her with my black faced Goll

    I'd put her to bed every night

    She'd sit up very still, all right,

    Patricia Wingate

    I wish I had a dolly, And I would call her Polly.

    I would teach her every day, Not to ever run away.

    Elizabeth Chisholm

    I wish I had a ball

    Very, very small.

    I would bounce it very high

    Right up in the blue, blue sky.

    Richard Bradbury

    I wish I were a fairy queen,

    All dressed in white and lovely green,

    Flying in the sky so high Like a diamond in the sky.

    Lynn Hatherley

    I wish I were a little fish A wriggling in the sea

    And then my Mummy would not say "Oh do stop wriggling dear" to me.

    Rosemary Kendall

    I wish I had a little doll

    I would call her baby Poll.

    And in her pram she'd have a ride,

    all around the countryside.

    Cecilia Gleadowe

    Seven year old's definition of the word 'beautiful' — MEN, VERY NICE!


    I went into the barbers. He cut off all my hair. When I came out I had a doubt because I had no hair. I went home to my Mother and she said I was not me. Oh, what a funny barber it must have been.

    I never, never, never went to him again, never, never, never went to him
    again, O not me. Malcolm Phillips — Infants 2


    The teacher particularly requested that they should .not be corrected,
    is felt to correct them spoils them. VN.


    I LIKE BANANAS VERY MUCH. Christopher Bentley — Infants 5


    David Caley — Infants 5



    ONE DAY IT WENT OUT. IT IS David Horlock — Infants 5

    A NICE GUITAR. Colin Headsworth — Infants 5

    YOU WHEN YOU TAKE YOR DOLLY. Pamela Swain — Infants 5

    My Trip on a Tug

    During my Summer holidays, 1957, I was delighted when Daddy came home one day and said that we could go with him on the Dockyard tug "Sea Giant" the next day, because he had to take the Battle Practice Target out for the ships of the fleet to fire at.

    At 5 o'clock that morning we were awakened as the "Sea Giant" was proceeding at 6 a.m. When we arrived at the Target Centre we were soon in the power boat and heading for Bighi Bay where the targets are moored. The Tanac towed the target to the "Sea Giant", who was waiting in the fairway. When the tow was connected to the "Sea Giant", the Target Marking Party and ourselves were transferred from the power boat to the "Sea Giant" which then proceeded to rendezvous with the firing ships.

    When it was H.M.S. Defender's turn to fire her first salvo of four rounds, three were very near the target but the other one fell 25 yards short of the tug's starboard quarter and the riccochet whizzed over the tug, and we all ducked.

    The other ships that fired found the target, and after their shoot was completed we made for home which took about three hours. On the way we ran into a shoal of porpoise. We all ran to the bow to watch them leaping and diving across the bow wave. It was a lovely sight and the first time I had been so close to a porpoise. We arrived back home hungry, very tired but happy, and after a good meal we were soon in bed and asleep.

    ,T. Lockhart — Form 4AJ

    Fuelling at Sea

    Last Summer I was lucky enough to spend a day at sea in a Royal Fleet Auxiliary tanker whose job is fuelling warships at sea.

    "Tiderace" is the Navy's latest and biggest oiler. It can fuel four ships at once, two on either side. She carries about 15,000 tons of oil and has a crew of! over a hundred.

    We left Grand Harbour on a bright, sunny morning and steamed South for about two hours until we saw an aircraft carrier approaching at high speed. It was H.M.S. "Eagle".

    As we kept a steady course at 11 knots the great carrier swept past and turned to "take station" only 120 feet from our port side.

    Lines were shot across between the two ships and in a few minutes three great hoses, hanging from special derricks, were "buttoned up" and oil began to flow into the carrier's tanks. It was a wonderful sight seeing H.M.S. "Eagle" so close to us. The distance is kept by measuring lines and the ships speak to each other by telephone.

    At last the signal comes to stop pumping, the hoses are quickly disconnected and drawn back on board the tanker, the "Eagle" Increases' speed and draws away and ahead and is soon disappearing at full speed. The Captain told me that it is sometimes done at night and in bad weather and is not always so easy.

    As there were no more ships to fuel that day we returned to Grand Harbour and tied up to our buoy with the help of two tugs.

    Culum Campbell — Form 4AJ

    Going on a Submarine

    It was to my delight one day that mummy said that daddy, my sister and I would be allowed to go, at 3 p.m., on board H.M.S. Tudor.

    At 3 p.m. we were walking along the "walk-ashore" towards H.M.S. Tudor.

    We were greeted by our friend and the duty officer. Then we went down the hatch, into the submarine, where they were hanging up Christmas decorations. Our friend then showed us at the side of the submarine the torpedoes and gun-lever. We then went through some corridors to the main part of the submarine, the engine room. A round the side of the walls were handles, levers, charts and depth-gauges. In the middle of the space was the periscope. At the left-hand side corner was a big compass, used to show which way they were going. Beside that there was a seat, which a sailor sat on and steered by the use of the compass.

    At the end of the submarine there was a lot of machinery for making it submerge but I could not understand it.

    Then we made our way home, and that was the end of a glorious afternoon
    on a submarine. Richard Hodge — Form 4AJ

    The Fairies

    One night the fairies came out to play. The moon was shining in the sky. The fairies were sitting under the trees and on the green grass. The fairies were pretty. They had white wings. Graham Coverdale —Form ED2J


    One night a witch flew into my bedroom window. She was a kind witch,
    with a big black cat. She told me all about fairyland and how pixies made
    their houses in mushrooms, and all sorts of different things. I said to her,
    "May I come back with you." "Of course you can, jump on my broomstick."
    So on I jumped. The witch said some magic word and off we went. The
    moon was shining brightly and the stars were twinkling. It took so long to'get
    there, I thought the journey would never end. At last the witch said some
    more magic words.' BUMP! We landed on some smooth grass not far away
    from Pixie Village. Yvonne Arrow — Form 2B.

    The Fairy Slave

    Once upon a time there lived the King and Queen of Fairyland. They had four children, two Princes and two Princesses. Now they had a lot of slaves, all insects, but once a beautiful fairy came and they took her as a| slave.

    She loved working for them. Now she fell in love with one of the Princes named John. She knew a lot of magic but only with the aid of her wand. So that night she crept out of the palace to the hedge where her wand lay. Then she crept to John's bed and he rose at the touch of her wand. They went in to a shop and John bought her some beads. Then suddenly a gnome came from nowhere and stole the beads. They were both angry and sad. Soon a butterfly came and chased the gnome and got the 'beads back.

    June Collins — Form 1AJ


    Her hair will shine like beaten gold She'll be so sweet and neat to hold When standing on the Malta shore I wonder what life has for her in store.

     John Shreeve — Form 3A1J

    The Wee Folk of the Garden

    At night there shines a big white moon and in the garden very soon the wee folk will have gathered. They come and dance in a ring. They are wearing little dresses of silk. They put their babies in flower-heads and rock them to sleep. Then out of the night come the wicked goblins to steal the fairy babies. But the babies start to cry and the fairies hear them;. They fly after the goblins to catch their babies. They fly on and on till they come to .fairyland. There they see the goblins hiding with the fairy babies. A witch comes to frighten the goblins. That makes them drop the babies so that the fairies get their babies back. You can see them playing in the garden.

    Josephine Phelps — Form 1AJ

    A Visit to H.M.S. Ark Royal

    After lunch on Sunday, my father took me with my brother and sister to
    Valletta by car. We arrived at Customs House steps and after parking the car
    we waited with lots of other people for a motor boat to take us out to the air
    craft carrier. When the boat came it could not take us straight there. We
    went to the Marsa first and then back to Customs House steps. When' we got
    to the Ark Royal, daddy's friend met us and started showing us around the
    ship. We went into the hangar and saw aircraft with their wings folded and
    then into the galley where we saw cook getting the sailors' supper ready. After
    that we went up to the bridge where the Captain steers the ship and also
    where we could look onto the flight deck. Whilst we were up there, we were
    lucky enough to see a ship enter Grand Harbour. We then went down to a
    cabin where we had tea and cakes before leaving to come back by the same
    motor boat. Janet Burch — Form 2AJ

    The Story of Chaucer

    Many years ago, about 1360, Geoffrey Chaucer lived with his mother and father in a large house on the Thames embankment. His father was a wealthy wine merchant who traded with many foreign countries. As a boy Geoffrey had a tutor who taught him many different languages. By talking to people who worked for his father, he acquired new languages and learnt some foreign habits also.

    When Geoffrey was about 14, he left his parent's home and went to work as a page in the rich home of the Duchess of Ulster and Lionel, Duke of Clarence. He wore bright red and black trousers, black shoes, and a red cloak and a black hat with a feather. His work was to be a private servant to the Duke and to attend royal festivities that his master attended.

    After working as a page for some time, Geoffrey left the Royal household and went to fight in France. Geoffrey had been very well educated and was soon popular with the King. The French people captured Geoffrey and demanded a ransom for his return. The King, who was very fond of him, gave the French a bag of gold and Geoffrey was returned unharmed. A little time later Geoffrey was appointed King's messenger and travelled to many different places.

    Geoffrey left his job as King's messenger and went to London as a Customs Officer. While he had this job Geoffrey met many people and he decided to write a book. He wrote one called "Canterbury Tales" which is now very well known.

    After a wonderful life Geoffrey died in his house in London at the age of 60. As he lay on his death bed near an Abbey he heard the monks singing. His last words were "Look up on high and thanke God of all."

    Lynn Westacott — Form 4BIJ


    I have two little brothers, They're as naughty as can be. And everywhere I find them. They're jumping up on me.

    Geraldine Pocock — Form 3AIJ


    Our hut is like a hangar Its roof is made of tin There are 8 and 20 children Who sit and learn within.

    Virginia Jones — Form 3BIJ

    The Story of William Shakespeare

    Born on St. George's Day in 1564 one of England's most famous men was christened in the Holy Church at Stratford-on-Avon. His father was a prosperous merchant and sent him to the local Grammar School for he had a quick mind and a good memory. He did not have outstanding success but turned out to be a thriving country "boy. He was married, at 18, to Anne Hathaway. Two years later he went to London because he wanted to avoid trouble for poaching on Sir Thomas Lucy's land. Poaching in those days was considered a serious offence. The only way to London then was by foot or by stage coach. Being almost penniless he could not afford to travel by stage coach so he joined a band of wandering minstrels. It was then that he first wrote plays. When they reached London he went into business as a playwright, acting small parts in his plays. At night when ladies and gentlemen came to visit the theatre he found a job holding horses while the groom opened the door of the coach. One of the many plays he wrote had a character called Justice Shallow which was a caricature of Sir Thomas Lucy.

    He died on his birthday, 23rd April, 1616. His last years were spent in
    Stratford. It seems amazing that he left Stratford poor and came back rich.
    The people of Stratford buried him in their church graveyard and you can still
    see his tomb and bust. S. Trelawny — Form 4BIJ


    Who has a namesake who lived for 169 years? I have. His name was Henry, and a monument at Bolton-on-Swale in Yorkshire says that he was born in 1501 and lived until 1670. The church register there confirms the latter date. Look at all the kings and queens whose subject he was! Henry VII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, James I and the two Charles'. And do not forget Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads.

    Old Henry Jenkins claimed to have delivered a cartload of arrows for the armies at the Battle of Northallerton when he was a boy of 12, in 1513; and he also remembered the English army marching for the Battle of Plodden in the same year.

    The cottage where he lived is still occupied. I am a Jenkins too, and only hope I may live such a truly memorable life as old Henry.

    Henry Jenkins — Form ?


    I love the flowers, the flowers so gay That grow and bloom by night and day. They brighten our homes and gladden each heart,

    How little they know they act such a part.

    In every season of the year Something comes then disappears. In Spring the bulbs pierce through the

    ground, And all the blooms will soon be found.

    In Summer the roses so bright and gay Mix and mingle with the smell of hay. Honeysuckle, Pansy and Marigold Are such a pleasure to see and behold.


    In Autumn the heather on top of the moors Attract the people who go on their tours.

    The fields are covered with a bright golden crop,

    The leaves on the trees soon wither and drop.

    Then Winter conies bringing snow and frost.

    Nipping all the flowers that haven't yet dropped. Mistletoe and Holly with bright red berry,

    Welcome to Christmas — a time to be merry

    . Elizabeth Cullen — Form 4BIJ


    The seasons are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

    In Spring the flowers open out and the tree buds begin to open. All the animals that were asleep wake up and babies are born.

    In Summer it is hot and we go to the beaches. In Summer in Malta there is no rain and the plants begin to die. Then the ground begins to get dry.

    In Autumn the leaves change colour and when the wind blows the leaves fall.

    Winter is cold and we have snow. Then we can have Winter sports. We have fun making snowmen. The season I like is Winter because you can have fun in the snow making snowmen or skating.

    Julie Stevens — Form 1AJ


    The wind flies high and low, Through the rushes swinging to and fro.

    In the night the wind dies low As branches swing high and low. In the morning the wind flies high Like a bird up in the sky.

    Nicoll Adamson — Form 3BIJ



    When the grass is green as green can be, And all the flowers are out, And all the birds sing in the trees, I love to run and shout.

    When the earth is white as white can be, And the snow is thick and deep, And snowflakes fall so quietly, I love to run and leap.

    Miranda Swann — Form 3AIJ



    On a Midsummers day The horses in the fields at play
    When all the mice had come Were galloping to and fro.

    To join the fun of the birds at play Some wanted to watch them all the day
    In the Summer sun. But soon they had to go.

    Soon the sun was setting,

    With quite a bit of sorrow. But everyone was hoping

    It would be fine tomorrow.

    Nigel de Candole — Form 4AJ


    In Autumn the leaves fall off the trees. They are a beautiful sight to see. Some of them are brown, green and red, And on the carpet of leaves we tread.

    Mary Poulton — Form 4CJ

    The Great Escape

    It was a sunny afternoon, but not very sunny for Jasper and Conrad.

    They were 'being pursued by a baron's patrol. This was during the French Revolution. All they had to defend themselves was a pitchfork and a scythe.

    "They are gaining on us," panted Conrad.

    "Yes, I know that," replied Jasper.

    Too true, every second they were gaining. Jasper noticed that their mounts were slowing down for the pace was too hot for them. Besides, they were only farm horses, and not trained to ride great distances.

    Without warning the horses faultered and fell. In a trice the patrol was on them and had trussed them up like chickens.

    "Ho, Ho. Ha, Ha, English pigs, you failed this time!" The leader sneered at them.

    Conrad began to struggle furiously to get away.

    "Silence him!" roared the captain. A club flashed down and struck him on his head. Suddenly all went black for Conrad.

    When he came to, he got a terrible shock. He could not see.

    "I am blind!" But he was not. It was dark. A panel in the wall opened to reveal a jailer's face. Now he realised he was in a cell.

    "So our little hen is awake, is he?" jeered the jailer.

    "Get me out of here," stormed Conrad. His answer was to be in darkness once more.

    Where was Jasper? What had happened to him? Was he all right? This was a problem.

    Conrad racked his brains for some plan to escape from the cell. He suddenly thought of one, but it did not work,

    Quite suddenly Conrad heard voices on the ramparts above. " but

    your Lordship what if you fail."

    "Don't you worry," said the baron's cold voice, "I'll deal with him, he won't arrest me. You see, he is on a hunting trip. A patrol has laid a, trail of aniseed to a ravine, where a heavy force of mine is waiting to attack,' the king's hunting party!"

    Conrad guessed the hounds would follow the trail of aniseed in to the trap. He MUST warn the king before dawn!

    Meanwhile Jasper had been very, very busy indeed. He had unwoven the rope mattress of his cell bed, tied it to a piece of iron by knotting it. Already he had knocked the cement away and wrenched the bars out.


    Now he was swinging it sibove the rampart. He let go and it fell neatly between two battlements. Jasper tested the weight. It would hold him.

    Climbing out of the tiny window he clambered up to the battlements and peered over cautiously. There was no sentry. They were all in the guard room.

    "Grown over-confident with themselves," he mused.

    As quietly as he could he crept over the roof of the castle, and down to the jailer's locker amongst the maze of dungeons. As he approached the half-open door he could hear deep snoring. Obviously the jailer was in a drunken sleep.

    Jasper crept up to the Jailer. He stirred in his sleep, as a hand reached for a great ring of keys which hung on the jailer's belt. Jasper's hand withdrew with the ring of keys.

    Jasper sped back to his comrade's cell.

    In his cell Conrad had given up all hope of being rescued, when a key rattled in the lock. The door opened and there stood Jasper.

    "Well done Jassy," cried Conrad. "The king is to be trapped at dawn, so let's get out of here."

    As quick as the king's hounds themselves they sped down the spiral staircase. In the distance they could hear the horns and baying of hounds.

    "Faster!" cried Conrad, and faster they went.

    When they arrived at the scene, there was a terrific battle going on.

    Each of them managed to get a battleaxe and a shield. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye Conrad saw the crooked baron striking a tall bearded man, in rich purple clothes.

    At once he knew it must be the king. Like mad he tore through the baron's men over to the king. Once, twice, he struck at the baron's helmet. The baron fell senseless to the ground.

    Meanwhile, Conrad had been reducing the other soldiers with swings of a spiked mace on a chain.

    "Guard the king, I will ride to fetch help." Like the wind he rode; up hill, down dale. At last he found what he sought — the king's castle.

    A blare of trumpets and three guards greeted him. "Quick, the king's life is in peril!" No sooner had he spoken than 50 men-at-arms galloped along the drawbridge.

    When they arrived, they saw a tangled mass of men. "Cha-a-arge!" boomed the captain of the guards. And charge they did. The baron's men had heard the command and fled in a headlong retreat.

    "My friends," said a gentle voice behind them. Conrad and Jasper spun round. "To-day you saved my life. What may your reward be?" They answered.

    "Sire, we are but farm lads and wish to be naught else."

    "Come with me, I will give you a reward," said the king.

    With the king they rode back to the castle, where they had a great feast and the king gave them some fine clothes.

    When they departed, the king gave them two magnificient horses.

    "Goodbye and good luck," said the king.

    "Not for long, your Majesty," replied Conrad.

    "I thought all was not going to turn out as well as it did though," said Jasper.

    "I didn't either," replied Conrad with a grin.

    So back to their farm they went with the king's wishes, to tell of their adventure. Back went Conrad the Contemptuous and Jasper the Jasspot.

    Michael Austen — Form 4BIJ


    Oh no, no, not school again, Down goes breakfast quick, quick, quick,

    I'm fed up with it that's quite plain. If I go much faster I'm sure to be sick. We've had enough of our old school bus, Up the hill I run very fast, And the driver is just as sick of us. I'm so glad I am not the last.

    Heather Trestrail — Form 3AIJ

    Bumpy's Adventure in Malta

    Flying high on an eagle's back was Bumpy the monkey. The eagle was ' going fast, knowing a storm was approaching, and was gliding down to see if there was any land where they could rest and get something to eat.

    Bumpy spotted some land in the distance and told the eagle to go there. When the eagle was going to land, Bumpy was so excited that he fell off the eagle's back, and fell on his elbow. When he recovered he found he had a nasty bruise.

    The eagle was so tired that he went in a shady spot and fell asleep.

    Meanwhile, Bumpy had gone to get something to eat, and not knowing he was in Malta went to look for co'conuts.

    All he found was a banana skin which gave him an idea that there must be bananas around somewhere. So he went on further and saw a tree. It was a palm tree, which he thought had coconuts on but instead it had a small bunch of bananas. Bumpy jumped up the tree and pulled the bananas off and started going back to the eagle. He said to himself, "I think I ought to have one now because I found them." So he did.

    He eventually got back and saw the eagle just waking up and ran up to him and said, "Guess what I've found?" The eagle turned round and said sleepily "What have you brought me?" Bumpy said, "A bunch of bananas to share."

    After eating they set off to climb the highest hill from which they could
    see the whole island. They saw the rocky hills and fertile valleys with a few
    clumps of trees here and there. They climbed even higher and beneath them
    in the sea were two islands, Comino and Gozo. They decided to explore them
    another day. Suzanne Thriscutt — Form 4BIJ


    The bus arrives at half-past eight if I don't hurry I'll be late. I wonder if I have my book, I haven't time to have a look. My shoes aren't cleaned, my tie's not straight.

    Oh dear that wretched bus won't wait. I have not fed my budgerigar. Oh will you feed him Grandmama? Oh will I ever get to school? Now our dog has made a pool! Hurray! Hurray! I've got a spot, I need not go it's chickenpox.



    Early one fine morning on a Summer's day,

    *A pretty girl came out to play, She had a ball under her arm, Diddly, dum, day.

    Her friends came out that very same day,

    And one did call "Oh let us play," And so they played with the pretty

    girl's ball, Diddly, dum, day.

    Pamela Rhodes — Form 1AJ

    Judy Mills

    Form 3AIJ

    My Trip to Malta Overland

    One day my father heard that we were to come to Malta for one and a half years. We thought it would be lovely to motor overland to Malta through France and Italy. We only had a fortnight to pack up the house and all our 'baggage; so it was a great rush.

    A fortnight later we found ourselves leaving Dover, all aboard the Channel steamer for Boulogne in France. Having left the ship my job was to translate the international roadsigns for my father while he concentrated on keeping to the right hand side of the road. We travelled nearly 150 miles a day.


    We also went through a big town called Dijon.

    One day we passed a French Nougat factory. That same day we saw the French Alps with snow on top.

    A lot of the way down to the coast we drove by the River Rhone, also we went over the famous bridge of Avignon. At a place called Orange, we saw the largest monument in France.

    After five days we came to the Riviera and we stayed at an hotel by the sea. When I was paddling I saw two fresh water ducks in salt water. A man said it was a sight I would never see again. For the first time we stopped at an hotel

    Four days later we found ourselves crossing into Italy by the frontier. We saw the Italian Alps too. We also went through Genoa, the biggest sea-port in Italy where we got mixed up in the docks. We saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa when we went through.

    As we did not have time, unfortunately we had to by-pass Rome. Our last night was in Amalfi (a little way after Naples). We stayed in an old monastery. The scenery was very beautiful indeed and it seemed that we drove for miles round the endless twists and turns with a sheer drop down to the sea on one side.

    The next day we went back to Naples where we had fun watching the car being hoisted up on to the deck and watching Daddy's anxious face.

    After some time we boarded the Argentina to sail to Malta. On the way we went through the Straits of Messina. In the distance in Sicily, we saw Mount Etna errupting. We stopped at Syracuse while we did a spot of sightseeing in a cart.

    It took about 12 days to get from England to Malta. We arrived in Malta
    the next morning at seven o'clock all wishing that our lovely trip had not come to
    an end. Susan Morris — Form 4AJ

    Hey! Ho! TABLES

    Hey Ho! And it's off to school we go. Tables, Tables, every day,

    Any more I'll fade away. Tables, Tables, two and four. Pardon me, Oh shut that door! Tables, Tables, four and six, Goodness! Am I in a fix. Tables, Tables, eight and ten, I can't hear! Listen then! Tables, Tables, ten and twelve, I would rather dig or delve.

    Michael Street — Form 2AJ


    My Trip to Sicily

    Last Summer my Father arranged to hire a 30 Square meter yacht for his leave. She was an excellent German boat called Angela after the name of the Naval establishment to which she belonged, H.M.S. St. Angelo.

    The crew, as shown on the ship's papers which we had to have for going to Sicily was as follows:— Commander Gleadowe (Daddy) Captain; Mrs. Gleadowe (Mummy) Mate; Teresa (Me) Deckhand; Cecilia (Bubsy) Cabingirl.

    We got up at the crack, well, more or less, of dawn, and loaded the car which we had left facing down hill as it was a bit unreliable. When we reached St. Angelo we found Angela all ready for us and immediately started stowing our gear.

    When we got outside Grand Harbour we saw the eight ships of Daddy's old Squadron the 104th steaming off towards the horizon and we hove to to take some photos. There was hardly any wind and we did not make much progress till about 10 o'clock when a reasonable wind rose up. That night we went to our bunks after seeing our first glimpse of Sicily -- a winking light and a bunch of what looked like clouds but was really land. In the morning we had an even greater thrill for there looming up above us was Mount Etna.

    We had scrambled eggs and cream crackers for breakfast and then I went up onto the bows to sunbathe. The sails were full and Angela was going at quite a speed. We could see the houses of Syracuse in front of us and every now and again little fishing boats passed us. Syracuse is a grand place with a fair on the promenade and every evening the Sicilians go and listen to the band and singing. We tidied up the cabin and then rowed ashore in the dinghy. Daddy took us up a road and we arrived at a big market place originally built by the Romans but still used by the people of Syracuse. Then we went to the square and hired a car from a shop that the British Consul had recommended to us. The next couple of days we spent exploring the country around Syracuse, where there are a number of amphitheatres both Roman and Greek. For the next week or so we sailed up and down the coast of Sicily visiting a large number of ports and havens large and small. I think the most fascinating of these was Bruccoli, a small deep creek in the cliffs north of Augusta. It was very thrilling sailing into the twisting creek as we could not see any significant inlet but knew there must be one as we had seen several gay fishing boats motoring into what appeared to be the cliff.

    A few days before our holiday was due to end and because the wind was
    suitable we set course for Gozo where we spent the last few days of our holiday,
    but that is another story. Teresa Gleadowe — Form 3AIJ

    SAMMY THE SNAIL In our garden we've a snail, Who lives beside a rusty pail. One day he came up to the house, And he "made friends with our pet mouse.

    Once, while he was in the grass; (And I was in a third year class;) He came upon an ugly slug, Who lived inside an old tin mug.

    But now our Sammy he has died, . After eating sausages fried! A bird made sure that he was dead; And then on him, that bad bird fed. V. Brice — Form 4AJ


    I wonder what will happen

    When I am ninety-one. I may go for a holiday

    Cruising round the sun.

    I wonder what will happen

    When I am ninety-five. That is of course assuming,

    That I am still alive. The earth may be invaded by warriors

    from Mars, And the heavens may be filled

    With artificial stars.

    I wonder what will happen, When I am ninety-seven.

    Perhaps there'll be a rocket boat To take me up to heaven! Marilyn Ovenden — Form 4AJ



    The monkey swings upon a tree, And now he says "I've caught a flea". Then he's strutting round quite grand. With the flea still in his hand. "I do not think I like you flea So I will kill you now," said he. "Yes I will persecute you fleas And I will laugh, he-he he-he!" D. Coomber — Form 4BIJ


    I saw a little mosquito, Jump upon my bed, I tried to hit it with my book, But instead I hit my head. Just wait" till I catch him, I'll catch him by his wings, He has already bitten me, And it jolly well stings.

    My Daddy came in with a fly swat, "What's all this going on?" "Daddy, there is a mosquito, Oh! where has that little thing gone."

    "Daddy there is the mosquito, Climbing up the wall." Daddy got the fly swat, And came in from the hall.

    Squash! "That's the end of him," Said Daddy closing the door, "Don't worry my little darling, There won't be any more."

    Joy Mansell — Form 3AIJ

    The Highwayman

    In the mist of the night when all was quiet and still, when the yellow moon was floating on the grey and misty sea of heaven and the wind was in the yew trees and bushes, the highwayman came riding over the cobble stones. The noise of the horse's shoes went clippety-clop over the moors and downs.

    He wore a grape-coloured coat with frilly lace at the neck, with warm fitted breeches made of animal skin, and boots of leather with a brimmed cocked hat.

    He came riding to the door of the Inn. He knocked at the window and then, whistled and the landlord's black-eyed daughter came plaiting a love-knot in her long, black, shiny hair. Tim the mad ostler, with his sharp ears overheard the plan to meet again at moonlight. He, hearing of this, went white with rage and thought of King George's men.

    King George's men came and tied Bess the landlord's daughter; tied her to her long narrow bed with her hands tied up. She struggled and she sweat moisture and blood. She thought of a way to keep him away but, King George's troops were too clever for her plan. She sighed and thought of these things, and the last words. There was only one thing for it, and that was to release one finger and pull the trigger. So when he heard that clippety-clop over the cobble stones she pulled the trigger and gave the warning. The highwayman turned to the West.

    Next day he heard about his true one's death and how she saved his life and he being full of rage went back to the inn and King George's men were waiting and they shot him down like a dog. (From the poem by Alfred Noyes.)

    Anna McDonald — Form 4BIJ

    The Magic Pancake

    One day Mrs. Jones said it was the day for pancakes. Mr. Jones came home. He had heard that it was Shrove Tuesday and he had got the day off. When he got home he saw his wife eating pancakes. He ran inside quickly. Mr. Jones sat down at the table. Mrs. Jones began to toss pancakes. When she brought the pancakes in there were 31. They had some each but most were eaten by the baby. Daddy had seven and Mrs. Jones had six. Mrs. Jones made the last one, a little one. She tossed it up and it did not come down. They all looked up with open mouths. It went right through the open window and down the street. It knocked the Mayor over the gate of the palace. The guards looked up in surprise. The butcher's boy jumped off his bike and the people in the cars put the speed on. The policeman jumped out of his suit and the buses crashed into lamp-posts. Soon it was in the country and was flying high from land. Suddenly a flock of birds tried to catch him, one of the birds pecked a hole in him and he fell slowly down to the ground.

    He found himself in a field where a cow was so surprised that the pancake managed to get away. But the farmers dog saw him and ate him up for his dinner. So that was the end of the Magic Pancake.

    Stephen Brewster — Form 1BJ

    An Icy Tale

    One day when Mr. Kingfisher got up he felt rather cold and hungry so he thought he would have some breakfast. He went down to the river. He must have been very sleepy because he did not notice the ice was frozen. BUMP! His beak landed right on the ice. Then he flew round to the other side of the river. The sun was shining there and there was a patch of thin ice. He managed o cut out a hole from which he could get some breakfast. Soon came two three or four big fish and popped their heads out and Mr. Kingfisher ate them up.

    Anne Southcott — Form 1BJ


    Our marble time is here again, We play this game in sun and rain, On hands and knees we take our aim, Goodness me! One's down the drain.

    Both boys and girls play this game, Till Mother calls for tea again. Wash hands and face always the same, But don't eat fast — you'll get a pain. Susan Willsher — Form 2AJ



    Animals at the Zoo!

    Animals at the Zoo!

    Elephants, tigers, and kangaroo

    Peacocks and pelicans by the score,

    Lions and monkeys, and camels galore,

    Donkeys with carrots,

    Puffins and parrots, •

    Panda and bear,

    I've seen them all there.

    Timothy Kendall — Form 3AIJ


    Through my window I can see, The stars above, the stars below,

    Bright little stars a looking at me. The stars of every type do show, They are stars that brightly shine, The stars of night send every light , The way they look I think they're mine. And fill the sky with beauty bright.

    Rhona Johnson — Form 4BIJ

    My Visit to H.M.S. Ark Royal

    In February we went aboard the Ark Royal. We started from home early as we thought that there would be quite a crowd waiting to go on board.

    My father managed to hire a dghajsa and we rowed out to this big British aircraft carrier which was berthed in Grand Harbour.

    We arrived at the gangway leading up to the ship where a sailor was waiting to help us aboard. At the top of the steps a Sub-Lieutenant welcomed us and showed us the door which led to the hangar 'below the deck.

    The hangar was a huge place, propellers, wings, tailplanes and wheels lined the walls and many aircraft were inside. Walking through was just like going through a large iron floored house, there was never a swing or rock at all. The ship was completely steady.

    We then went up the aircraft lift and on to the deck where there were Seahawk and Gannet aircraft lined up on the edge, some of them looking as if they would fall off any second. While we were walking along the flight deck a naval officer walked up to us and asked if we would like to go up into the island. We said we would and he took us through the door and along a passage which led to the Captain's bridge where there was a compass and many other instruments which were used for navigation and so on.

    We then went into the briefing room where there were rows of adjustable seats and a blackboard for displaying orders for aircrews.

    After that we returned to the flight deck and from there we embarked in
    a dghajsa for the shore and landed at Customs House steps after a very exciting
    afternoon. Richard Curtis — Form 3AIJ

    H.M.S. TOTEM

    When I went on board H.M.S/M Totem, I saw the escape apparatus which comes into use when the submarine is on the sea-bed and cannot rise to the surface.

    Next I saw the galley and the crew's quarters. We then went into the engine room.

    On the surface the Totem uses diesel engines but when submerged she uses electric motors. I saw the chart and control room, and I was allowed to look through one of the periscopes.

    I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. It was most interesting.

    G. Rhodes — Form 3AIJ


    Once there lived a baker,

    A jolly one was he.

    He laughed or cried while baking pies,

    As merry as could be

    He never listened to gabble,

    Or things that were untrue.

    But always talked of baking pies,

    Like bakers always do.

    Wendy Walker — Form 2AJ


    Sharkey, Sharkey in the sea, Come and show yourself to me. If you're there I will not swim, For I don't want to lose a limb.

    Barbara Bakker — Form 3BIJ


    If I were a mouse, and wanted a house, 1 think I would choose my new red shoes Furry edges, fur inside, What a lovely place to hide. I'd not travel, I'd not roam, Just sit inside my furry home.

    Ruth Nelson — Form 3A2J


    There was an old man with a fork, He thought he would make it talk, But when he asked it to speak It just gave a squeak That silly old man with a fork.

    G. Edgell — Form 3AIJ

    My Pony Club Camp

    Last Summer before the holidays ended I went to Pony Club Camp at Verdala Palace. We went on a Monday and came back on a Saturday. I rode a lovely horse called Brandy who is five years old. He is a lovely dark brown, and has a long mane and tail. We left the Marsa stables at 10 a.m. on horseback and arrived for supper at 6 p.m. After supper we could read or play till 9 p.m. Next morning we had to get up at 6 a.m. to saddle-up for a ride. After the ride we had breakfast and after that we had to groom our horses. At 11 a.m. a truck came to take us to Ghajn Tuffleha for a swim. After lunch we had a short lecture about horses then we had to wash our saddles and bridles. It was then time for tea, after which we played till 9 p.m. We had this programme for five days and then we went home.

    I enjoyed my Pony Club Camp and I hope I can go again this year.

    K. Simmonds — Form 3AIJ

    A Nice Surprise

    It was near Christmas and the children of the Brown family were very excited for daddy said he would get Joan and Betty a lovely surprise for Christmas.

    One day mummy said, "I want you to go into the wood and gather some sticks for the fire." So off went the two children.

    Whilst they were gathering sticks they came across a bottle hidden in the leaves and on it was written DO NOT OPEN TILL CHRISTMAS. They were puzzled. What could it mean?

    When they got home they showed mummy. Mummy said, "Well, if I were you I'd wait and see what happens."

    Christmas came at last. The children were awake very early

    "Let's go and open the bottle," said Betty.

    "Me come too," said John their brother.

    "Allright," said Joan.

    "Yes," answered Betty.

    They opened the bottle and out fell a, ten shilling note. Just then daddy came in. "So you've opened the bottle," said daddy

    "Yes," said Betty.

    "Well here are your presents, one big one for Joan, one big one for Betty and a small one for John," said daddy.

    "Oh! I've got a doll," said Joan.

    "Me too," said Betty.

    "I got a choo-choo," said John.

    Heather Ellsey — Form 2AJ




    One dark and stormy night the smugglers boat slid quietly through the still waters. The captain paced impatiently up and down the deck and by his side was the bosun, one-eyed Charlie. He held the wheel and steered to the cave. Blackheart the vicious captain, yelled, "Unload the goods. We don't want the cutter to find us with them."

    As they got through the channel, the cutter bore down upon them and arrested the rough bunch. The smugglers put up a gallant fight but were soon routed and taken to the gallows to be hanged.

    Keith Granger — Form 3BIJ


    The daffodil is a pretty flower Its colour bright and yellow. It blooms with April showers And is loved by every fellow. It dances in the breeze So merry, bright and gay. And also dances just as bright, When it's a rainy day.

    Patricia Collis — Form SALT



    I like Malta, it is such fun Especially in the Summer sun. Swimming in the clear blue sea, I think that it agrees with me. Lying lazily on the beach, Sucking a sweet and juicy peach. But now the very time has come, I must get dressed and go off home. S. Mellor — Form 4BIJ


    I saw a lady walking,

    A-walking on the green

    And she was saying to the apple tree

    Please throw some apples down for me,

    They are the rosiest I have seen.

    Denise Woodthorpe — Form 1AJ

    An Icy Taie

    One day near Christmas in England, Mr. Kingfisher woke up and flew out
    in open air. As soon as he got out of the shelter of the tree, what do you think
    happened to him? He started shivering and he shivered so much that he shook
    nearly all his feathers off. After that he felt hungry. He went to the pond
    but to his dismay it was all ice. You could not see water at all. Then he had
    an idea! He went up on the bank and found what he wanted, a stone. Now
    I will tell you what he wanted it for. He rolled it off the bank and it broke
    the ice and now he could get fist. Colin Brown — Form 1BJ


    There was a little Ginger cat, That hated fish and loved fat, One day that little Ginger cat, Found some fat in his master's hat. And that naughty little Ginger cat, Took his master's old top hat, And that's the tale of the Ginger cat, That found some fat in his master's hat.

    Albert Winterbottom — Form 3A2J



    If you make a din, Mum will come in,

    With the rolling pin.

    So don't make a noise,

    Then Mum won't come in with the

    rolling pin. Just play with your toys.

    Christopher Lane — Form 2AJ


    When I am building sandcastles,

    Down by the sea. I like to see the pretty shells

    All looking up at me.

    Gwendoline Palmer — Form 3AIJ




    One Saturday morning Janet, Joe and Jill Tweed thought they would go to the city's biggest library to look around.

    The library in the city of San Diego was a beautiful building. It was made of red brick and had a marble floor. The wails and ceiling were made of redwood.

    The librarian was a young lady, whom all the mothers adored but all the children did not like her at all.

    She always wore a grey skirt and blouse with yellow ruffles down to her waist. Black rimmed glasses adorned her face and she wore a pair of shoes that made her look like a witch.

    'Old Granny' as the children called her, was sitting at the high black desk checking books when the children entered. They tip-toed in and went straight to the crime fiction section and started looking through them.

    They got the books so out of order that a book that had another book to it would be so far apart no one would know where it was.

    As they were looking Jill saw 'Old Granny' coming. She said "Joe, Janet, hurry! 'Granny' is coming!" They scuttled out just in time. "We are just in time. I am not going there again, they said".

    Barbara Bakker — Form 3BIJ

    A Journey from England to Malta Overland

    One morning in September we left Victoria station by the boat train for Dover. When we arrived at Dover we boarded the boat to Calais crossing the English Channel. It was a very nice day and the crossing was very calm. When we arrived at Calais we had to hurry off the boat to catch the Rome Express which always goes as soon as possible after the boat arrives. We travelled in a sleeper. A sleeper is a carriage which is ordinary in the day but at night an attendant comes and turns the seats into beds.

    We went non-stop to Paris through beautiful country, lovely woods, rolling wooded hills and rivers running through the country. When we arrived at Paris, the sleeper was taken by a small engine from one station to another and was put on to another part of the Rome Express. The Rome Express was then a huge train with about 20 carriages and had an electric engine.

    The train started about 7.45 p.m. We travelled through the night extremely fast with lights of towns and stations flashing by.

    Next morning we were in Italy and were getting up for breakfast as we arrived, at Genoa. When we passed Genoa, we saw lovely views of the Mediterranean sparkling in the sun on the Italian Riviera coast as the train dashed in and out of tunnels. When we were having lunch in the dining car we stopped at Pisa where we saw a glimpse of the leaning tower. We enjoyed the Italian cheese and fat juicy peaches very much. When we left Pisa we went on to Rome where we got out of the "train and got on an electric train, the Rapido. The Rapido was a very fast and comfortable train. It was a very hot afternoon and I was exceedingly restless. On this train we went through two long tunnels.

    After we had been in the Rapido about two hours we reached Naples where we were going to spend a night. When we got off the train a taxi took us to the Orient! Hotel. Next morning we went up the funicular railway. When we got to the top we went to a cafe and I had an ice-cream and mummy and daddy had some coffee. From this cafe we had a lovely view of the bay and city and harbour. In the afternoon we went aboard the ship called Sardegna which took us back to Malta. While I was on the deck I saw a herd of Friesian cows being put on the ship. To get the cows on the people had a big box which they put the cows into. The box is then hooked on to the cranes which are on the ship and is lifted up on deck. Amongst the cows was a dear little calf which was only a -few days old. There was a Dutchman looking after them and he wore wooden clogs. In the evening the ship left Naples. It was a very calm night. When we were out of the harbour we saw lightning in the clouds behind Mount Vesuvius.

    Next morning we sailed down the coast of Sicily past Messina and Taormina. At about 9 a.m. we arrived at Catania and at 3 p.m. we left for Syracuse. We left Syracuse for Malta in the night. We arrived next morning at 7-30.
    We then went ashore by dghajsa. Miranda Swann — Form 3AIJ


    Never board a moving bus, tramcar or a train, Or else you won't be there to do such tricks again. Never sprinkle oil 011 any fire or flame,

    Or perhaps in school teacher won't be calling out your name. Never strike a light when there's a smell of gas. Never when you're bathing swim near weeds or reeds of grass. Never point a gun at folks, and don't think it is not loaded, You would think again if suddenly the wretched thing exploded. Never stand beneath a tree when storm and lightning rage. Look before you leap and you'll live to a ripe old age. Gerald Cadman — Form 3A1J


    Early one morning I was leaning over the rail watching the silvery flashes of dolphins and listening to my father telling the tale, when we heard a splash. I was sure that someone had fallen overboard but papa said, "Don't be silly it's only the bilges." One second later we both went cold with horror and fright for drifting rapidly away from the ship was a little flaxen-haired figure! in a blue skirt. The cry 'Man Overboard' was followed by the scream ofi the ship's siren and in the next instant we were almost crushed against the rail by the surge of panic-stricken passengers. The captain stopped the ship almost immediately but, by the time the lifeboat was in the water, the little girl had almost disappeared. Everyone on board was overcome with sadness. We had seen her often and the thought that she had been snatched from the security of the ship so suddenly was horrible. Twenty minutes later the lifeboat returned and I am sure that sueh a cry of delight has never been heard since when we saw the little girl smiling, waving and almost falling overboard again im her excitement. Why did she not drown? That was left to the rescuers to explain and what a simple explanation it was. She had hit her head in falling and her motionless figure had floated safely, with her blue skirt spread out upon the calm sea. Papa said afterwards that if she hadn't hit her head, if she had moved once, if the sea had not 'been calm, if the dolphins had hit her once, she would have certainly drowned. I think it must have been a miracle.

    Jacqueline Phillips — Form, 3AIJ


    When Jesus first came to this earth, That wonderful story of his birth; That marvellous story, oh so old That almost everyone has been told.

    As we know, He was born in a stable With only a manger for His cradle, The ox and ass before Him bow, And the cat uttered a small miaw. Three kings came with gifts so neat, Gold, frankincense and myrrh, To see the Virgin Mary sweet And the babe with her.


    Christ was a lovely little child, He helped His parents as should we, He meant a lot to His Mother mild, When they lived by the Sea of Gallilee.

    He helped His father, Joseph, too, In the carpenter's shop, He had no end of things to do -He hardly ever had time to stop.

    Jennifer Clarke Form 4A

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